Aerial Detection Toolbox based on MMDetection and MMRotate.
Mainly for my own convenience, no need to modify code in mmdet and mmrotate.
English | 简体中文
Dataset | HBB Det | OBB Det | Instance Segm |
DOTA | × | ✓ * | - |
HRSC2016 | × | ✓ * | - |
DIOR | ✓ | ✓ | - |
VHR-10 | ✓ | × | ✓ |
MAR20 | ✓ | ✓ | - |
are officially support by MMRotate.- All configs still need test and benchmark.
Please use the mmrotate in /~ before yolox merged into master.
- Rotated YOLOX (Will be merged into MMRotate! Pr is in progress open-mmlab/mmrotate#409)
- Models in MMdetection and MMRotate.