2019-03-13 -> 2021-12-02
Personal tools put in this public repo to help fighting memory loss, and for convenience.
This is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.LingTalfi
Using the uni command.
uni import Ling/LingTalfi
Or just download it and place it where you want otherwise.
1.25.8 -- 2021-12-02
- removed -v flag while pushing to github
1.25.7 -- 2021-12-02
- test commit
1.25.6 -- 2021-12-02
- fix PackAndPushUniToolCommand still having the git prompt password problem
1.25.5 -- 2021-08-02
- update PushCommand, now accepts hosting_app kaos option
1.25.4 -- 2021-06-25
- update api, generated README now starts with version 0.0.1 (instead of 1.0.0)
- add .git detection in kpp command
1.25.3 -- 2021-06-04
- fix InitializePlanetCommand not writing service section correctly in the README
1.25.2 -- 2021-05-31
- Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
1.25.1 -- 2021-05-31
- update bigbang.php file (in light app boilerplate asset)
- update boilerplate, now depends on Uni2
- removed updsd command
1.25.0 -- 2021-05-11
- Update CommitWizard, add commitListFromFile method, commit's increment option now defaults to true
1.24.2 -- 2021-05-03
- Update dependencies to Ling.Light_PluginInstaller (pushed by SubscribersUtil)
1.24.1 -- 2021-05-03
- add force option to updsd command
1.24.0 -- 2021-05-03
- Fix SubscribersUtil removing light assets (drastic error)
1.23.21 -- 2021-05-03
- Update dependencies to Ling.Light_PluginInstaller (pushed by SubscribersUtil)
1.23.20 -- 2021-03-22
- remove PackLightPluginCommand packing path for packing Ling.Light_Events open events
1.23.19 -- 2021-03-18
- fix PackLightPluginCommand not packing Ling.Light_Events open events correctly
1.23.18 -- 2021-03-18
- update PackLightPluginCommand, change some eco-structure's planetNames to dotNames
1.23.17 -- 2021-03-08
- update PackLightPluginCommand, now copies the Light_Kit_Admin/lke pages if any in the assets/map
1.23.16 -- 2021-03-08
- update InitializePlanetCommand command, now use new README.md template, with lt install snippet
1.23.15 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.23.14 -- 2021-02-25
- update AppBoilerplateUtl, now adds the .htaccess file
1.23.13 -- 2021-02-25
- update AppBoilerplateUtl, now only puts updated planet into zip
1.23.12 -- 2021-02-23
- update SubscribersUtil->updateSubscribersDependenciesAndCommit, now indicates the name of the planet on which it depends in the commit message
1.23.11 -- 2021-02-23
- add UpdateSubscriberDependenciesCommand command
1.23.10 -- 2021-02-23
- Update dependencies (pushed by SubscribersUtil)
1.23.9 -- 2021-02-23
- Update dependencies
1.23.8 -- 2021-02-22
- adapt to new Light_PlanetInstaller api
- push command now removes assets/map before recreating it
1.23.7 -- 2021-02-19
- fix KwinToLightCliCommandCodeUtil not generating alias section correctly
1.23.6 -- 2021-02-19
- add kwin related utils
1.23.5 -- 2021-02-16
- add GranularDependencyUtil and AppBoilerPlateUtil class, update ReadmeUtil, move some methods to UniverseTools
1.23.4 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort
1.23.3 -- 2020-12-08
- fix ReadmeUtil->getAllVersionNumbers not returning natsort ordered items
1.23.2 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.23.1 -- 2020-12-03
- update PackLightPluginCommand, now also packs from scripts/$galaxy/$planet
1.23.0 -- 2020-09-11
- update docbuilder template, now has the conception variable
1.22.0 -- 2020-08-31
- update PackLightPluginCommand, now also packs from www/libs/universe/$galaxyName/$planetName
1.21.0 -- 2020-08-18
- update PackLightPluginCommand, now also packs from config/dynamic
1.20.0 -- 2020-08-14
- update PackLightPluginCommand, now also packs from templates/Light_Mailer
1.19.0 -- 2020-06-29
- add docToolExtraLoaders kaos preferences for pushing command
1.18.0 -- 2020-06-01
- add "kaos preferences" concept
1.17.0 -- 2020-04-15
- add PhpStormMetaHelper class
1.16.0 -- 2020-04-13
- update InitializePlanetCommand, now creates a DocBuilder with conception notes link ready
1.15.0 -- 2020-04-13
- update InitializePlanetCommand, now creates a light adapted README.md when relevant
1.14.1 -- 2019-10-25
- update DocBuilder model, now uses LingTalfiDocToolsHelper::generateCrumbs
1.14.0 -- 2019-10-25
- add LingTalfiDocToolsHelper class
1.13.1 -- 2019-09-26
- fix PushCommand having htmlMode to true instead of false
1.13.0 -- 2019-09-25
- updated DocBuilder, now default htmlMode is true
1.12.0 -- 2019-09-24
- update PushCommand, now automatically imports universe assets found in the application into the map assets dir
1.11.5 -- 2019-08-14
- fix typo
1.11.4 -- 2019-08-14
- update PackLightPluginCommand to update new light app recommended structure's philosophy
1.11.3 -- 2019-07-18
- update docTools documentation, add links to source code for classes and methods
1.11.2 -- 2019-07-18
- fix classes for new DocBuilder class model
1.11.1 -- 2019-07-18
- update classes for new DocBuilder class model
1.11.0 -- 2019-05-03
- update Kaos push command now automatically repatriating asset map for light plugins
1.10.0 -- 2019-05-02
- update Kaos push command, now automatically calls packlightmap for Light plugins
1.9.0 -- 2019-04-26
- update Kaos packlightmap command, now repatriates config/Ling.Light_Kit/pages/$LightPlugin directory
1.8.0 -- 2019-04-25
- update Kaos push command, now automatically adds the map post_install directive to the dependency file if the assets/map dir exists
1.7.0 -- 2019-04-03
- update "Kaos init -d command", now includes pages and inserts links in the README.md file.
1.6.0 -- 2019-03-18
- add ProjectInfoDocBuilder
1.5.0 -- 2019-03-18
- add HelpCommand
1.4.0 -- 2019-03-18
- update PackAndPushUniToolCommand now creates links to planets if they come from Ling galaxy
1.3.3 -- 2019-03-18
- fix PushCommand stops if no DocBuilder is found
- fix PackAndPushUniToolCommand stops if errors are found by DependencyMasterBuilderUtil
1.3.2 -- 2019-03-14
- update DocBuilders new insert dir is now personal/mydoc/inserts
1.3.1 -- 2019-03-14
- update PushCommand now displays the sitemap ping google response inline
1.3.0 -- 2019-03-14
- add InitializePlanetCommand
- update PushCommand now creates a sitemap and ask google to crawl it
1.2.0 -- 2019-03-14
- add PushUniverseSnapshotCommand
1.1.1 -- 2019-03-14
- fix PushCommand git command potentially not being executed from the right directory
1.1.0 -- 2019-03-14
- add PackAndPushUniToolCommand
1.0.0 -- 2019-03-13
- initial commit