Work in progress...
A light kit admin gui for the Light_Kit_Editor planet.
This is a Light plugin.
This is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.Light_Kit_Admin_Kit_Editor
Using the uni command.
uni import Ling/Light_Kit_Admin_Kit_Editor
Or just download it and place it where you want otherwise.
- Light_Kit_Admin_Kit_Editor api (generated with DocTools)
- Services
- Pages
Here is an example of the service configuration:
instance: Ling\Light_Kit_Admin_Kit_Editor\Service\LightKitAdminKitEditorService
container: @container()
0.0.2 -- 2021-06-18
- Update api to work with Ling.Light_Kit_Admin:0.13.3
0.0.1 -- 2021-06-18
- initial commit