This document can serve as a reference for tools that need proper definition about the words: file name, base name, path.
absolute path | base name | file name | file extension |
/path/to/file.txt | file.txt | file | txt |
/path/to/thefile.tar.gz | thefile.tar.gz | thefile.tar | gz |
/path/to/.htaccess | .htaccess | .htaccess | <empty string> |
/path/to/.hidden.d | .hidden.d | .hidden | d |
/path/to/.hidden.d.gz | .hidden.d.gz | .hidden.d | gz |
A path can be either absolute or relative. A path uniquely identify a computer file on a file system.
hidden file
A hidden file is a file whose base name starts with a dot and has least one other non dot char.