2017-04-11 -> 2021-06-28
A tool to cook your class: add/remove methods, properties, stuff like that.
This is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.ClassCooker
Using the uni command.
uni import Ling/ClassCooker
Or just download it and place it where you want otherwise.
- ClassCooker api (generated with DocTools)
- About ClassCooker
- FryingPan conception notes
ClassCooker methods are based on tokens rather than php built-in reflection.
Why? Because reflection doesn't handle dynamic file changes, whereas token based methods don't have this problem.
As a result, we can add/remove methods, properties, etc... multiple times during the same script execution.
1.16.6 -- 2021-06-28
- fix api wrong reference to Ling.Light_Logger
1.16.5 -- 2021-06-03
- removed az left overs
1.16.4 -- 2021-05-31
- Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
1.16.3 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.16.2 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
1.16.1 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.16.0 -- 2020-08-18
- update MethodIngredient->execute, now accepts the addAsComment option
1.15.0 -- 2020-08-18
- update FryingPan, add getFile method
1.14.0 -- 2020-08-18
- update ClassCooker->addMethod, add checkDuplicate option
1.13.0 -- 2020-07-30
- update ParentIngredient, now also add parent::__construct if necessary
1.12.0 -- 2020-07-28
- add ClassCooker->updateClassSignature and addParentClass methods
1.11.0 -- 2020-07-24
- add FryingPan class
1.10.0 -- 2020-07-23
- update ClassCooker methods to work with tokens instead of reflection
1.9.0 -- 2020-07-21
- add ClassCooker->addContent method
1.8.2 -- 2020-07-17
- fake test commit to test uni2 (2)
1.8.1 -- 2020-07-17
- fake test commit to test uni2
1.8.0 -- 2020-07-10
- add ClassCooker->updatePropertyComment methods and some other methods
1.7.0 -- 2018-03-25
- add ClassCookerHelper::createSectionComment method
1.6.0 -- 2018-03-25
- add ClassCookerHelper::getMethodsBoundaries method
1.5.0 -- 2018-03-25
- add ClassCookerHelper class
1.4.1 -- 2017-04-23
- fix getMethods returning commented methods
1.4.0 -- 2017-04-11
- add getMethodSignature method
1.3.0 -- 2017-04-11
- fix addMethod handles the case of an empty class
1.2.0 -- 2017-04-11
- fix ignore commented methods
1.1.0 -- 2017-04-11
- add includeWrap argument to getMethodContent
1.0.0 -- 2017-04-11
- initial commit