2016-12-28 -> 2021-03-05
A helper class to manage assets in your website.
AssetsList is part of the universe framework.
Using the planet installer via light-cli
lt install Ling.AssetsList
Using the uni tool
uni import Ling/AssetsList
There are two phases:
- registering the calls
- displaying the assets
To register a call, you call the js or the css method.
AssetsList is a static class with static methods, so you can call an asset from anywhere.
If it's a library that should only be called once, pass the name of the library as the second argument. Every subsequent call to the same library will be ignored.
AssetsList::js("/libs/jquery/jquery.min.js", "jquery");
When you are done collecting the assets, you need to display them.
Inside your html head, call the displayList method.
1.0.3 -- 2021-03-05
- update README.md, add install alternative
1.0.2 -- 2020-12-08
- Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
1.0.1 -- 2020-12-04
- Add lpi-deps.byml file
1.0.0 -- 2016-12-28
- initial commit