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Lizard - A C# chess engine

Creating this in my spare time, mainly using it to learn more about optimization and computer games. I'm uploading it here so I can keep backups of it and not lose it when my laptop finally dies.


Version Released CCRL 40/15 CCRL Blitz CCRL FRC Notes
10.0 Jan. 4 2024 3368 3409 - First non-Stockfish NNUE
10.1 Jan. 13 2024 3430 - - Various improvements to search
10.2 Feb. 9 2024 3499 3587 - Larger network, more tunes
10.3 Mar. 8 2024 3513 - 3600 Significant speedups, FRC support
10.4 Jun. 2 2024 3548 3635 3612 Larger network, better time management
10.5 Jul. 13 2024 3556 3665 3685 Significant speedups, DFRC data
11.0 Sep. 26 2024 3555 3664 3810 More heuristics, Selfplay data
11.1 Nov. 10 2024 3563 3682 3914 QOL/bugfixes, more DFRC data
11.2 Jan. 8 2025 TBD TBD TBD Larger network, speedups


NNUE Evaluation:

Version 11.2 uses a (768x14 -> 2048)x2 -> (16 -> 32 -> 1)x8 network with ~6.6 billion positions.

Version 11.1 used a (768x16 -> 2048)x2 -> 8 network with ~4.5 billion positions.

Version 10.5 used a (768x5 -> 1536)x2 -> 8 network, and used ~8 billion positions from a collection of Lc0 datasets.

All networks are trained using Bullet. Networks after 10.5 use incremental self-play data starting with the network from version 10.5.


Using make is the easiest way, as this calls dotnet publish with the proper parameters. If your processor supports Avx512, you can also use make 512 to compile a binary that fully uses those instructions during NNUE inference.


Building Lizard requires at least .NET 8.0 or higher.


Building the optional bindings requires a g++ version supporting C++20.


NNUE networks are served in a separate repository to keep the size of this main repository small. The makefile will automatically take care of this by retrieving the network specified in the network.txt file in the repo root, but note that compiling directly via dotnet publish/build will fail unless you manually download the corresponding network file and place it in the directory (or have previously used the makefile).

Some spotty history:

Version 9.3:

Uses its own NNUE evaluation, and began proper parameter testing with SPRT. 9.3.1 was the last version to be named "LTChess".

Version 9.1:

Some major speed improvements to both searches and move generation. It was rated a bit above 2500 bullet/blitz on Lichess.

Version 8.4:

A decent rating increase, and a lot fewer "dumb" moves. Many of the commits between 8.0 and 8.4 improved some of the early architectural decisions, and it is now far easier to debug and improve the code. It was rated a bit above 2400 bullet/blitz on Lichess.

Version 7.0:

A large rating increase (around 250) and was far more polished. It was rated a bit above 2000 bullet on Lichess.


If you have any ideas or comments, feel free to create an issue or pull request!