A library for testring Minecraft redstone logic's correctness with the help of cc:tweaked
and other mods in a creative world.
This is intended for technical peple who want to unit test their redstone creations with a simple but powerful API written in a general purpose programming language (Minecraft commands and levers be damned!).
See or16test.lua
for an example.
- Create a modpack with the bellow requirements fulfilled
- Make a creative world with cheats enabled
- Spawn a command computer in the game with the command
/give @a computercraft:computer_command
, and place it down. - Copy the included files to it. This can be done manually by
- running
mkdir a
on the computer (this step is important). - going to your world folder
- inside the
folder, there should be a folder (probably called0
) which contains thea
folder. Go into it - clone this repository into the folder, or download the zip folder of it and extract it into the folder
- verify that it worked on the command computer by using
to get to the redstonetestfolder and running./select_inputs
. Quit the program as directed by the message.
- running
- Place
redstone integrator
s in the world (from the plethora mod) - Join the redstone integrators to the computer with
Writed Modem
s andNetworking Cable
s - Run the included programs
to specify the redstone inputs and outputs in order, follow the directions they provide. - Create a test script,
is included as an example. It is important that thelibredstonetest
folder is in the same folder as your test script. - Run the program. Please contact me if you experience bugs or have any other difficultly, I intend to update this readme with detail when I receive questions.
This library assumes specific set of mods. The following are all the modifications I used and all thier dependencies. If you are inexpereinced, I suggest using multimc to manage modded minecraft instances to keep things organized and convienient. Hopefully, if you install all these the same way, it'll work without issue. Install fabric loader first.
- Minecraft 1.20.1
- fabric loader 0.15.10
- cc-tweaked-1.20.1-fabric-1.110.2-fabric.jar
- fabric-api-0.92.1+1.20.1-fabric.jar
- fabric-carpet-1.20-1.4.112+v230608-fabric.jar
- fabric-language-kotlin-1.10.19+kotlin.1.9.23.jar
- Plethora-Fabric-1.11.7.jar
- trinkets-3.7.2.jar
- worldedit-mod-7.2.15-fabricforge.jar