lidar_lane_detector is an open source ROS package for detecting road lines from raw 3D-LiDAR Sensor data.
- Extracting drivable area by using azimuth and channel.
- Distinguish lines from road markings.
- Detecting not only nearest lines but also other lines.
lidar_lane_detector consists of only one node.
- lidar_lane_detector_node
lidar_lane_detector requires following arguments.
- pcl_ros
- pcl_conversions
- Parsing raw 3D-LiDAR data by azimuth and channel (using OS1-64 LiDAR Sensor as default in this package)
- If you are using Velodyne LiDAR Sensor, you can parsing raw 3D-LiDAR data by including lidar_lane_detector/include/lidar_lane_detector/point_xyzir.h and editing some code lines.
- Subscribed Topics
- /points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
- Published Topics
- /filtered_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
- Point cloud data representing drivable area.
- /road_line (visualization_msgs/Marker)
- /filtered_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
- channel_thresholds
- Range of interesting channel.
- angle_thresholds
- Thresholds for classifying ground and non-ground obstacles.
- intensity_thresholds
- Thresholds for classifying asphalt and road markings, lines.
- lane_candidate
- Number of lanes.
- lane_width
- Width of each lane in meter
- x_std_dev_threshold
- y_std_dev_threshold
- Jiyoung Jung, Sung-Ho Bae, Real-Time Road Lane Detection in Urban Areas Using LiDAR Data, Electronics, 2018 [link]