- Release Signoff Checklist
- Summary
- Motivation
- Proposal
- Design Details
- GA
- Production Readiness Review Questionnaire
- Implementation History
- Drawbacks
- Alternatives
- Infrastructure Needed (Optional)
Items marked with (R) are required prior to targeting to a milestone / release.
- (R) Enhancement issue in release milestone, which links to KEP dir in kubernetes/enhancements (not the initial KEP PR)
- (R) KEP approvers have approved the KEP status as
- (R) Design details are appropriately documented
- (R) Test plan is in place, giving consideration to SIG Architecture and SIG Testing input (including test refactors)
- e2e Tests for all Beta API Operations (endpoints)
- (R) Ensure GA e2e tests meet requirements for Conformance Tests
- (R) Minimum Two Week Window for GA e2e tests to prove flake free
- (R) Graduation criteria is in place
- (R) all GA Endpoints must be hit by Conformance Tests
- (R) Production readiness review completed
- (R) Production readiness review approved
- "Implementation History" section is up-to-date for milestone
- User-facing documentation has been created in kubernetes/website, for publication to kubernetes.io
- Supporting documentation—e.g., additional design documents, links to mailing list discussions/SIG meetings, relevant PRs/issues, release notes
This KEP proposes adding field selector support to custom resources.
All Kubernetes APIs support field selection for metadata.name, metadata.namespace.
Additionally, built-in APIs support field selection on specific fields such as status.phase for Pods, but CustomResourceDefinitions lack equivalent functionality.
Without this enhancement, an extension author that wants to be be able to filter resources might choose to:
- Organize data into a label even though it should be a spec or status field.
- Double writing data both to a label and a spec or status field.
Both of these should be avoided. We should enable extension authors structure their APIs according to best practices, not based on data access patterns.
- Add an allow list of selectable fields to CustomResourceDefinitions.
- Performance and resource consumption characteristics are roughtly equivalent to label selectors.
- Arbitrary field selection.
- This proposal is to support field selection for a small allow list of
fields. Expanding support to include all fields is complicated by:
- Fields contained in, or nested under, lists or maps.
- The costs to apiserver of evaluating filters on objects or maintaining indices.
- Lack of direct support for filtering in etcd.
- This proposal is to support field selection for a small allow list of
fields. Expanding support to include all fields is complicated by:
- Support for conversions, casts or other transforms of field values beyond the automatic cast to string required for field selection.
- More sophisticated field selection logic. Possible approaches include: CEL based field selection, enhancements to field selection such as set based operators like provided for labels ("in", "not in"), OR clauses, pattern matching... See the "CEL as an accelerated predicate language" section "Future Work" for more details on what makes this challenging.
Add selectableFields
to the versions of CustomResourceDefinition:
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
name: selector.stable.example.com
group: stable.example.com
- name: v1
- jsonPath: .spec.color
- jsonPath: .spec.size
- jsonPath: .spec.color
name: Color
type: string
- jsonPath: .spec.size
name: Size
type: string
(Alternatively, selectableFields
could contain fieldPath: spec.color
align more closely with validationRules.fieldPath
. This will be discussed API
Clients may then use the field selector to filter resources:
$ kubectl get selector.stable.example.com
example1 blue S
example2 blue M
example3 green M
$ kubectl get selector.stable.example.com --field-selector spec.color=blue
example1 blue S
example2 blue M
$ kubectl get selector.stable.example.com --field-selector spec.color=green,spec.size=M
example2 blue M
Field selection is string equality based. Set-based operators are not supported (in, notin, exists). Field selectors may be "chained" (ANDed together).
All resources have two field selectors available for metadata:
Kind | Field | Field type | field selector | Conversions/Notes |
* | metadata.name | string | metadata.name | |
* | metadata.namespace | string | metadata.namespace | Absent on cluster scoped resources |
Some resources have additional field selectors:
Kind | Field | Field type | field selector | Conversions/Notes |
ReplicaSet / RC | status.replicas | int | status.replicas | itoa(int) |
Job | status.succeeded | int | status.successful | itoa(int), field selector/name mismatch |
CertificateSigningRequest | spec.signerName | string | spec.signerName | - |
Event | involvedObject.kind | string | involvedObject.kind | - |
Event | involvedObject.namespace | string | involvedObject.namespace | - |
Event | involvedObject.name | string | involvedObject.name | - |
Event | involvedObject.uid | UID | involvedObject.uid | string(UID) |
Event | involvedObject.apiVersion | string | involvedObject.apiVersion | - |
Event | involvedObject.resourceVersion | string | involvedObject.resourceVersion | - |
Event | involvedObject.fieldPath | string | involvedObject.fieldPath | - |
Event | reason | string | reason | - |
Event | reportingComponent | string | reportingComponent | - |
Event | source.component | string | source | Set to reportingController if field omitted, field selector/name mismatch |
Event | type | string | type | - |
Namespace/PV/PVC | metadata.name 1 | string | name 1 | field selector/name mismatch, metadata.name already selectable |
Namespace | phase | string | status.phase | - |
Node | spec.unschedulable | boolean | spec.unschedulable | fmt.Sprint(bool) |
Pod | spec.nodeName | string | spec.nodeName | - |
Pod | spec.restartPolicy | enum | spec.restartPolicy | string(enum) |
Pod | spec.schedulerName | enum | spec.schedulerName | string(enum) |
Pod | spec.serviceAccountName | enum | spec.serviceAccountName | string(enum) |
Pod | spec.securityContext.hostNetwork | optional boolean | spec.hostNetwork | strconv.FormatBool(bool) Set to "false" if field is omitted |
Pod | status.phase | string | phase | field selector/name mismatch |
Pod | status.podIP | slice | status.podIPs | Set to "" if field is omitted |
Pod | status.nominatedNodeName | string | status.nominatedNodeName | |
Secret | type | enum | type | string(enum) |
Note that:
- Resources always provide a value for a selectable field. Notice that in the above table, all field selectors for optional fields provide a fallback if the field is omitted.
- Field selectors only exist for strings, enums, integers and booleans.
- Field selectors for name and namespace are provided automatically.
- Field selectors that do not match the path name of the actual field do exist, for historical reasons, but the best practice is for field selectors to match the exact path name of the field.
Also note that we do not currently publish any field selector information into
OpenAPIv3, and we do not document in APIs or on the Kubernetes website which
fields may be selected. Because of this, finding the field selectors available for built-in types, to construct the above table, required
locating GetAttrs/*ToSelectableFields
functions in the Kubernetes source code.
type CustomResourceDefinitionVersion struct {
// selectableFields specifies paths to fields that may be used as field selectors.
// TODO: A max limit will be decided during API review
// See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/field-selectors
SelectableFields []SelectableField `json:"selectableFields,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,9,rep,name=selectableFields"`
// SelectableField specifies the JSON path of a field that may be used with field selectors.
type SelectableField struct {
// jsonPath is a simple JSON path which is evaluated against each custom resource to produce a
// field selector value.
// Only JSON paths without the array notation are allowed.
// Must point to a field of type string, boolean or integer. Types with enum values
// and strings with formats are allowed.
// If jsonPath refers to absent field in a resource, the jsonPath evaluates to an empty string.
// Must not point to metdata fields.
JSONPath string `json:"jsonPath" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=jsonPath"`
If a default value is need, the CustomResouceDefiniton author is recommended to set the default on the field in the OpenAPI schema that the jsonPath refers to.
If the jsonPath refers to an absent field that is absent in a resource and does not have a default, the selectable field value will be an empty string.
must be a "simple path" (similar toadditionalPrinterColumns[].jsonPath
except validated properly). I.e. property names separated by '.', e.g..spec.x.y
(The path may not contain map or array indexing)- The schema type referenced by
must be one of: string, integer, boolean (enums and fields with string formats are allowed). - There is a limit on the maximum
per CRD version that are allowed. selectableFields
may not refer to metadata fields.selectableFields
may not contain duplicates.
We will add discovery details in to OpenAPIv3. For example:
"org.example.v1.CustomResource": {
"type": "object",
"x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ ... ],
"x-kubernetes-selectable-fields": [
{ "fieldPath": "metadata.name"},
{ "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.myField"},
Because generic.StoreOptions
consumes selectors from built-in and CRDs in the
same way, we would extend the GetAttrs
of CRDs to offer fields for selection.
/~https://github.com/jpbetz/kubernetes/tree/crd-object-filters contains a working
We would leverage the fieldPath validation supported added for CRD Validation Rules to validate paths.
We would leverage the jsonpath library in the same way as used by additionalPrinterColumns to retrieve values from custom resources using jsonpaths.
The majority of the remaining work will be to update the API to add the field and to validate it.
- CustomResourceDefinition author wishes to provide filtered access by a field
- Author adds the field to an allow list in the CustomResourceDefinition
- User uses
in kubectl to filter a list response.- User first needs to know what field selectors are available and what values the selectable fields might have.
- Places user might look: discovery, CRD resource.
- User filter by:
- a single field
- multiple fields
- both fields and labels
- User first needs to know what field selectors are available and what values the selectable fields might have.
- Controller watches custom resources while filtering with field selectors.
- Controller provides a FieldSelector string in ListOptions
Discussions about limitations of field selectors:
Problems with escaping:
There are two aspects of this:
- built-in selectableFields converted to declarative go tags
- built-in selectableFields included in OpenAPIv3
To make it easier and safer to add field selector definitions for built-in types in the future. We will support defining field selectors on API types using go struct tags.
type PodSpec struct {
// NodeName ...
// +selectableField
NodeName string `json:...`
// Host networking ...
// +k8s:schema:selectableField:fieldPath="spec.hostNetwork",
// +k8s:schema:selectableField:default="false"
// +k8s:schema:selectableField:description="Set to the value of the spec.securityContext.hostNetwork field"
// +optional
HostNetwork bool `json:...`
String, bool and integer typed fields, and typerefs to these types will be supported and automatically cast to string.
is needed to handle some of the existing builtin cases that provide
a value that is not an empty string if the field is unset.
should only be set for legacy cases where the field selector
name does not match the field path. When set, a description will be required.
is provided for the legacy cases that use fieldSelector
require further clarification. For all other cases, it should not be needed.
is a special legacy case. We will handle it in code. We
may need to add special go tag part to allow us to include declarative
information in the go struct for discovery purposes while handling the
implementation imperatively.
The OpenAPI would also include descriptions for built-in types. This is needed to explain some of the legacy field selectors that have surprising behavior.
"io.k8s.api.core.v1.Pod": {
"description": "Pod is a collection of containers that can run on a host. This resource is created by clients and scheduled onto hosts.",
"properties": { ... },
"type": "object",
"x-kubernetes-group-version-kind": [ ... ],
"x-kubernetes-selectable-fields": [
{ "fieldPath": "metadata.name"},
{ "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.nodeName"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.restartPolicy"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.schedulerName"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.serviceAccountName"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.hostNetwork", "default": "false", "description": "Set to the value of the spec.securityContext.hostNetwork field"},
{ "fieldPath": "status.phase"},
{ "fieldPath": "status.podIP", "default": "", "description": "Set to the value of status.podIPs[0]"},
{ "fieldPath": "status.nominatedNodeName"},
Label and field selectors may be accelerated in the future. Possible approaches:
- etcd adds filter/index/symlink support in the future and Kubernetes leverages it
- the watch cache is updated to index labels and field selectors
I had drafted a CEL based field selection proposal in the past and discussed it in a larger thread about field selection.
One of the biggest problems is that there is a real possibility that label and field selectors will indexed in the future (as described above), and the community would like to avoid introducing changes to label or field selectors that prevent this from happening. The naive use of CEL--evaluate objects one-by-one in a full scan--would be very expensive in comparison to indexed selectors.
But there is a way CEL expressions could be accelerated, so long as the expressions only contain references to indexed fields.
Imagine a CEL expression like spec.x == 'a' && spec.y == 'b'
This expression is conceptually very similar to a AND WHERE clause in SQL, which can be optimized SQL query engine so long as the ANDed fields are indexed.
With CEL, an expression's AST could be inspected and evaluated using an approach
similar to those used by query engines. For example, for spec.x == 'a' &&spec.y == 'b'
the field index for spec.x
and spec.y
could be inner joined to evaluate
the expression.
For cases where this acceleration technique works:
- filtered lists can be served w/o a full scan
- filtered watches be optimized using content-based subscription approaches
Operations that canot be accelerated this could be assigned high costs, restricting the use of the CEL expressions entirely, or limiting their use.
CEL operations that could potentially be accelerated might include:
- boolean logic:
- set operations:
- some string operations:
(requires more advanced prefix matching indices)
I do realize this implies the introduction of a CEL query engine for Kubernetes. But not all query engines are large or complex. If indexed, label selectors would require a small query engine that supports AND, NOT and IN. A simple CEL query engine might introduce OR and some other operations, but could be kept small and lean and still offer a substantial boost to the query options available today. A major benefit of CEL is that it provides a stable grammar that is already used elsewhere in Kubernetes.
At first glance, the resource utilization cost to the watch cache will be roughly equivalent to the cost of using labels, suggesting that this enhancement doesn't introduce any fudamentally new risks.
But there is still a potential problem. CustomResourceDefinition authors might
choose to add a large number of fields to selectableFields
. This is plausible
because it is so easy to add fields to selectableFields
. For comparison,
double writing data both to labels and to spec or status fields is significantly
significantly more complicated and error prone. (Note, however, that once
MutatingAdmissionPolicy is available writing data to labels for selector
purposes will become easier and safer, so it might be good to get this
enhancement in sooner than later).
- Limit
per CustomResourceDefinition to a small number (e.g. 8). We will pick the exact limit emperically after measuring the change in resource utilization. - Clearly document that each selectable field has associated resource costs.
[x] I/we understand the owners of the involved components may require updates to existing tests to make this code solid enough prior to committing the changes necessary to implement this enhancement.
- duplicate selectableFields not allowed
- invalid path not allowed
- path to invalid type not allowed
- too many selectableFields not allowed
- empty string is set if field may be absent
- ensure field paths are not dereferenced if not used, or make it fast and benchmark it
- all possible type cases, including string format cases with special type bindings (duration, intOrString)
- all drop field cases
-<test coverage>
For Alpha:
- test/integration/controlplane/crd_test.go
- selectableFields cannot be written feature gate disabled
- feature disablement testing
- Test list selectable field {with, without default}, {with single field, with multiple fields, with combined use of label selectors} for {list, watch}
- Use of a field selector that does not exist
- test with multiple versions where the field moves from field path 1 to field path 2 across serializations and the REST request does not match the serialization stored in etcd
- Test watch selectable field
- Only field selected resources are observed
- When a watched item changes values for its selection. Does a delete get issued to the watch?
- Use of a field selector that does not exist
- Test DeleteCollection with a field selector
- Test reading selectableField data from OpenAPI v2 and v3
For Beta:
- TODO: Test selectable fields with combined multiple fields and combined with label selectors for {list, watch}
- CRD selectableFields implemented
- CRD selectableField data available in OpenAPI discovery
- Feature implemented behind a feature flag
- integration tests completed and enabled
- Optimize GetAttrs to only incur JSONPath lookup cost for selectableFields when actually used for field selection
- e2e tests completed and enabled
- Add test coverage for informers
- Promote e2e tests to conformance
- Feature gate (also fill in values in
)- Feature gate name: CustomResourceFieldSelectors
- Components depending on the feature gate: kube-apiserver
The enhancement's field selection will become unavailable on CRDs when disabled.
When this happens, any clients depending on the new field selectors will receive
an HTTP 400 Bad Request
response with a message like:
"Unable to find \"stable.example.com/v1, Resource=selector\" that match label selector \"\", field selector \"spec.colorx=blue\": field label not supported: spec.colorx"
This is idential to the behavior before the enhancement is enabled.
selectableFields are removed from write requests to CRDs that do not already have selectableFields.
No other system behavior is impacted.
Any selectableFields already written to CRDs are reactivated and requests to select by the fields will be filtered correctly.
selectableFields can be added to CRDs again.
Unit tests: staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/registry/customresourcedefinition/strategy_test.go:
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_create,_FG_disabled,_SelectableFields_in_update,_dropped
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_create,_FG_enabled,_no_SelectableFields_in_update,_no_drop
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_create,_FG_enabled,_SelectableFields_in_update,_no_drop
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_update,_FG_disabled,_oldCRD_has_SelectableFields,_SelectableFields_in_update,_no_drop
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_update,_FG_disabled,_oldCRD_does_not_have_SelectableFields,_no_SelectableFields_in_update,_no_drop
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_update,_FG_disabled,_oldCRD_does_not_have_SelectableFields,_SelectableFields_in_update,_dropped
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_update,_FG_enabled,_oldCRD_has_SelectableFields,_SelectableFields_in_update,_no_drop
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/SelectableFields,_For_update,_FG_enabled,_oldCRD_does_not_have_SelectableFields,_SelectableFields_in_update,_no_drop
=== RUN TestDropDisabledFields/pre-version_SelectableFields,_For_update,_FG_disabled,_oldCRD_does_not_have_SelectableFields,_SelectableFields_in_update,_dropped
Integration tests: staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/test/integration/fieldselector_test.go
=== RUN TestFieldSelectorDropFields
This feature can only be used when enabled and does not persist any state.
Rollout could only fail if a defect in the implementation were to somehow impact list/watch code paths not using this feature.
Once rolled out, rollback would only impact clients using the feature.
request_total. This metric can be monitored for non-200 response codes.
Yes. Note however, that a upgrade after a downgrade does not matter for this feature since it does not persist any state.
Is the rollout accompanied by any deprecations and/or removals of features, APIs, fields of API types, flags, etc.?
Check if the "has_field_selector" label (plan is to add this for beta) on request_total is used on any CRDs.
- Events
- Event Reason:
- API .status
- Condition name:
- Other field:
- Other (treat as last resort)
- Details: Use the feature to filter when listing CRDs.
This feature reduces the expected sizes of list responses, and so falls under the SLOs for read responses.
What are the SLIs (Service Level Indicators) an operator can use to determine the health of the service?
- Metrics
- Metric name:
Elevated HTTP 400 response codes in request_total
for list and watch is a SLI for potential problems
with requests using label selectors.
High request_duration_seconds
for list requests may indicate a performance problem with label selectors.
Are there any missing metrics that would be useful to have to improve observability of this feature?
Yes, we will add "has_label_selector" and "has_field_selector" labels to the request_total and request_duration_seconds. We intend to keep it simple (for low cardinality) and only use a true/false label value.
No -->
Will enabling / using this feature result in increasing time taken by any operations covered by existing SLIs/SLOs?
Note that this feature does not fundamentally enable capabilities not already available. Today, users add labels to resources to enable filtering. This feature merely eliminates the need to "labelize" resources in this way.
Will enabling / using this feature result in non-negligible increase of resource usage (CPU, RAM, disk, IO, ...) in any components?
Can enabling / using this feature result in resource exhaustion of some node resources (PIDs, sockets, inodes, etc.)?
The feature is provided by the API server and is unavailable if the API server is unavailable.
Requests served by etcd are also unavailable when etcd is unavailable. (Watch cache served requests remain available).
Check the request_duration_seconds metric where 'has_field_selector=true' on CRD types to identify if filtered list requests exceed the SLO. Further narrow the SLO down to a specific 'component' or inspect apiserver logs to identify the exact requests exceeding the SLO.
Path parameters for fieldSelector
are arguably the correct place in OpenAPI to
document selectable fields.
We decided against this option because, pragmatically, it is less convenient for clients to leverage since clients have significant tooling to process and interpret OpenAPI schemas but have very little tooling for parameters.
"/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods": {
"parameters": [
"description": "A selector to restrict the list of returned objects by their fields. Defaults to everything.",
"in": "query",
"name": "fieldSelector",
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"uniqueItems": true,
"x-kubernetes-selectable-fields": [
{ "fieldPath": "metadata.name"},
{ "fieldPath": "metadata.namespace"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.nodeName"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.restartPolicy"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.schedulerName"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.serviceAccountName"},
{ "fieldPath": "spec.hostNetwork", "default": "false", "description": "Set to the value of the spec.securityContext.hostNetwork field"},
{ "fieldPath": "status.phase"},
{ "fieldPath": "status.podIP", "default": "", "description": "Set to the value of status.podIPs[0]"},
{ "fieldPath": "status.nominatedNodeName"},
"hostNetwork": {
"description": "...",
"type": "boolean",
"x-kubernetes-selectable": {
"default": "false",
Problem swith this approach:
- Field selection is a property of an API, not a field. Some types are composed into multiple APIs and if we were to put field selection onto fields, then anywhere the type is resused, field selection would be enabled, which is not what we want.
- For legacy reasons, not all selectable fields use an identifier that has a
corresponding field in the schema. For example, but pods don't have a
field. Pods have astatus.podIPs
which is almost the same, but not quite. There are 6+ fields like this, see the table in the proposal section for full field selectors for more detail.