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Custom Linux setup nicely integrating vim+tmux+i3+urxvt+zsh+athame


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klaxalk's Linux environment

20.04 Docker AMD64 Focal
20.04 AMD64 Docker


This repo contains settings of klaxalk's Linux work environment.

It could be summarized as follows:

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • i3 (i3gaps) tiling window manager with i3bar and vim-like controls
    • i3-layout-manager for saving and loading window layouts
  • urxvt terminal emulator with ability to show images (when using the ranger file manager)
  • tmux terminal multiplexer is running all the time
    • tmuxinator for automation of tmux session
    • vim-compatible key bindings for split switching
  • vim is everywhere
    • pluginized for smooth c++ and ROS development
    • youcompleteme
    • UltiSnips
    • shared clipboards between vim, tmux and OS
    • Ctrl+P
    • smooth latex development with vimtex and zathura
    • Tim Pope is the king
  • athame gives you vim in the terminal (zsh)
    • handfull of plugins in terminal: ultisnips, vim-surround, targets.vim, vim-exchange, etc.
  • zsh better shell for everyday use
  • ranger terminal file manager
  • profile_manager and epigen for switching between machine-specific configurations (profiles within dotfiles)
    • all-in-one configuration, no git branching, no more cherrypicking
    • sharing configs between multiple users
    • sharing configs between different machines
    • seamless switching of colorschemes

To clone and install everything run following code. BEWARE, running this will DELETE your current .i3, tmux, vim, etc. dotfiles.

cd /tmp
echo "mkdir -p ~/git
cd ~/git
sudo apt-get -y install git
git clone /~
cd linux-setup
./" > && source

Calling repeatedly will not cause acumulation of code in your .bashrc, so feel free to update your configuration by rerunning it.

How to? -> wiki

Refer to the project's wiki (work in progress).


I thank the following sources for inspiration:


It is possible and probable that after you update using git pull, something might not work anymore. This usually happens due to new programs, plugins, and dependencies that might not be satisfied anymore. I suggest re-running, after each update.


This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.