- Python3 ready, it will only work with Python >= 3, instead of soon to be deprecated (year 2020) python2.
- Unicode ready, it should handle correctly any kind of character that
can support without escaping. - Tabbed Window and Trayicon with Unicode Emoticons using Python3 Qt5.
- easy to use
- Set its own Process name and show up on Process lists, GUI Customization via CSS, Icon Customization.
- Can check for updates for itself, Sets Smooth CPU usage, Colored Logging, Single Instance via Sockets.
- On Mouse Hover Previews.
- HTML5 Entities, eg.
and Multiple characters Emoticons, eg.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
. - Alternating CamelCase for clipboard text, eg.
AlTeRnAtInG CaMeLcAsE FoR ClIpBoArD TeXt
. - Base64, ROT-13, URL Encode, and more.
PIP: (Recommended!)
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 ttf-ancient-fonts sni-qt
# sudo yum install python3-pyqt5 ttf-ancient-fonts
# sudo pacman -Syu python-pip python-pyqt5 ttf-ancient-fonts
# sudo yaourt -Sy emojione-color-font ttf-freefont noto-fonts-emoji
sudo pip3 install unicodemoticon
- I wanted a quick and simple Menu organized by categories to copy Emoticons for the whole desktop.
- Like a Color Picker but for Unicode Emoticons.
- Linux / Os X / MS Window
- Python 3.x (No Python2)
- PyQt 5.x (No Qt4)
- ttf-ancient-fonts (Linux Package with Fonts that support Emoji)
- noto-fonts-emoji: Another font with emoji (Linux Package with Fonts that support Emoji)
- ttf-symbola: Font with emoji (Linux Package with Fonts that support Emoji)
- noto-fonts: Fonts designed to cover a wide unicode range (Linux Package with Fonts that support Emoji)
- ttf-freefont: Another font covering a wide unicode range (Linux Package with Fonts that support Emoji)
- emojione-color-font: Full-Color Fonts specifically designed for Emoji (Linux Package with Fonts that support Emoji)
- QDarkStyleSheet (CSS base for Qt5)
sudo pip3 install qdarkstyle
Support is very limited by Windows itself for Unicode. Install all these fonts as admin and reboot the system:
- ttf-ancient-fonts:
- noto-fonts-emoji: /~
- Add in your
file this lines:
:set encoding=utf-8
:set termencoding=utf-8
- Lint, PEP-8, PEP-257, PyLama, iSort must Pass Ok.
pip install pep8 pep257 pylama isort
- If theres any kind of Tests, they must Pass Ok, if theres no Tests, its ok, if Tests provided, is even better.
- Please Star this Repo on Github !, it helps to show up faster on searchs.
- Help and more Help and Interactive Quick Git Tutorial.
- Please take special care of NOT breaking any existing emoji before sending a Pull Request.
- GNU GPL Latest Version AND GNU LGPL Latest Version AND any Licence YOU Request via Bug Report.
- This project is LGBTQQIAAP friendly.