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This is a repository to keep track of my problem solving practice. For now, It contains all the problems I have solved at
User Details (tourist)
"handle" : "tourist",
"organization" : "ITMO University",
"rank" : "legendary grandmaster",
"rating" : 3778,
"contribution" : 154,
"maxRank" : "legendary grandmaster",
"maxRating" : 3783,
"joined" : "2010",
# | Probelm | Catagory | Rating | Tags | Solution | Submission Time |
1501 | Strange Permutation | E | 3200 | binary search, combinatorics, data structures, dp, graphs, implementation, two pointers | GNU C++17 (64) | 05 January 2021 15:50:55 |
1500 | Strange Shuffle | C | 2500 | binary search, brute force, constructive algorithms, interactive | GNU C++17 (64) | 05 January 2021 15:21:51 |
1499 | Strange Housing | D | 2200 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graph matchings, graphs, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 05 January 2021 15:08:04 |
1498 | Strange Definition | B | 1900 | bitmasks, graphs, hashing, math, number theory | GNU C++17 (64) | 05 January 2021 14:54:50 |
1497 | Strange Birthday Party | A | 1300 | binary search, dp, greedy, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 (64) | 05 January 2021 14:41:31 |
1496 | Finding satisfactory solutions | H | 3300 | combinatorics, dp, graphs, greedy, math | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 16:22:39 |
1495 | Song of the Sirens | G | 2600 | combinatorics, divide and conquer, hashing, math, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 15:22:57 |
1494 | Euclid's nightmare | F | 2100 | bitmasks, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, greedy, math, sortings | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 14:54:48 |
1493 | Apollo versus Pan | E | 1800 | bitmasks, brute force, math | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 14:49:34 |
1492 | 13th Labour of Heracles | D | 1500 | data structures, greedy, sortings, trees | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 14:44:23 |
1491 | Canine poetry | C | 1300 | dp, greedy, strings | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 14:41:23 |
1490 | Last minute enhancements | B | 800 | dp, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 14:38:02 |
1489 | Bovine Dilemma | A | 800 | brute force, geometry, math | GNU C++17 (64) | 30 December 2020 14:36:16 |
1488 | Bakery | B | 2900 | data structures, dsu | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 14:46:15 |
1487 | Similar Sets | M | 2300 | data structures, graphs, implementation | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 14:14:28 |
1486 | Hobbits | G | 2500 | binary search, geometry | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 13:41:27 |
1485 | Prime Divisors Selection | L | 2700 | binary search, greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 13:26:49 |
1484 | Plane Tiling | I | 2500 | geometry, implementation, math | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 12:54:38 |
1483 | K and Medians | H | 2200 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 12:41:16 |
1482 | Road Reform | J | 1800 | dsu, graphs, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 12:22:10 |
1481 | LaIS | A | 2200 | data structures, dp, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 12:18:55 |
1480 | The Robot | K | 1600 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 12:08:58 |
1479 | Firecrackers | D | 1700 | binary search, sortings | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 12:03:13 |
1478 | Berpizza | C | 1400 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 11:53:21 |
1477 | Full Turn | F | 1700 | geometry, hashing, number theory | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 11:50:00 |
1476 | Waste Sorting | N | 900 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 11:47:40 |
1475 | Four Segments | E | 800 | greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 December 2020 11:45:17 |
1474 | No Game No Life | E | 2700 | bitmasks, dp, games, math, matrices, probabilities | GNU C++17 (64) | 20 December 2020 15:50:44 |
1473 | Poman Numbers | C | 2300 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, greedy, math | GNU C++17 (64) | 20 December 2020 15:32:09 |
1472 | Grime Zoo | B | 2100 | brute force, data structures, greedy, implementation, ternary search | GNU C++17 (64) | 20 December 2020 15:19:04 |
1471 | Peaceful Rooks | A | 1700 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++17 (64) | 20 December 2020 15:07:07 |
1470 | Latin Square | C | 2700 | math, matrices | GNU C++17 (64) | 19 December 2020 10:47:12 |
1469 | Flip and Reverse | D | 3100 | data structures, graphs, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 19 December 2020 10:25:32 |
1468 | Nim Shortcuts | E | 3100 | data structures, games | GNU C++17 (64) | 19 December 2020 10:13:51 |
1467 | Glass Half Spilled | B | 2000 | dp | GNU C++17 (64) | 19 December 2020 09:52:59 |
1466 | Row GCD | A | 1600 | math, number theory | GNU C++17 (64) | 19 December 2020 09:41:02 |
1465 | Communism | G | 3500 | bitmasks, dp, trees | GNU C++17 (64) | 06 December 2020 16:59:29 |
1464 | Multithreading (Easy Version) | H1 | 2900 | combinatorics, fft, math | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 15:35:10 |
1463 | Capitalism | E | 2700 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 15:21:28 |
1462 | The Struggling Contestant | F | 2400 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 15:10:04 |
1461 | Errich-Tac-Toe (Hard Version) | C2 | 2300 | constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 14:57:47 |
1460 | Errich-Tac-Toe (Easy Version) | C1 | 2100 | constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 14:57:28 |
1459 | Rating Compression | D | 1800 | binary search, data structures, greedy, implementation, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 14:47:21 |
1458 | Balls of Steel | B | 1000 | brute force, geometry, greedy | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 14:39:04 |
1457 | Avoid Trygub | A | 800 | constructive algorithms, sortings | GNU C++17 | 06 December 2020 14:35:38 |
1456 | World Cup | B | 1300 | binary search, math | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 17:58:16 |
1455 | Hit the Lottery | A | 800 | dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 17:56:20 |
1454 | Cowmpany Cowmpensation | F | 2700 | combinatorics, dp, math, trees | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 17:53:17 |
1453 | Leaving the Bar | C | 2300 | brute force, data structures, geometry, greedy, math, sortings | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 17:46:03 |
1452 | Game | A | 1700 | dfs and similar, greedy | Delphi | 30 July 2012 15:42:21 |
1451 | Number Clicker | E | 2700 | divide and conquer, graphs, meet-in-the-middle, number theory | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 17:22:47 |
1450 | Suit and Tie | B | 1400 | greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 16:54:19 |
1449 | Tesla | A | 2100 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2020 16:50:59 |
1448 | Cyclic Shifts | I | 2900 | *special, strings | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 16:27:01 |
1447 | Zero-XOR Array | J | 3400 | *special, dp | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 16:13:46 |
1446 | Rogue-like Game | H | 2600 | *special, brute force, greedy, two pointers | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 15:17:30 |
1445 | Number Deletion Game | G | 2100 | *special, dp, games, greedy | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 15:03:47 |
1444 | Neural Network Problem | F | 2100 | *special, binary search, greedy | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 14:57:01 |
1443 | Chess Match | E | 2000 | *special | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 14:49:59 |
1442 | Used Markers | D | 1500 | *special, greedy | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 14:46:15 |
1441 | Black Friday | C | 1600 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 14:40:24 |
1440 | Polycarp and the Language of Gods | B | 1400 | *special, implementation, two pointers | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 14:38:20 |
1439 | Selling Hamburgers | A | 800 | *special | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 14:36:08 |
1438 | Platforms Jumping | F | undefined | *special, greedy, implementation | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 12:29:19 |
1437 | Binary String Minimizing | E | undefined | *special, greedy | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 12:24:32 |
1436 | Construct the String | B | 900 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:36:47 |
1435 | Equalize Prices Again | C | undefined | *special, math | Kotlin | 12 November 2020 12:18:21 |
1434 | Candies and Two Sisters | A | 800 | math | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:37:14 |
1433 | A+B (Trial Problem) | A | 800 | *special | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 12:55:58 |
1432 | Differentiating Games | E | 3400 | games, interactive | GNU C++17 (64) | 01 November 2020 16:01:06 |
1431 | Identify the Operations | A | 1800 | combinatorics, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 01 November 2020 14:57:02 |
1430 | Black, White and Grey Tree | D | 3000 | GNU C++17 (64) | 01 November 2020 14:52:44 | |
1429 | Graph Transpositions | B | 2400 | graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++17 (64) | 01 November 2020 14:34:01 |
1428 | Sum | C | 2800 | divide and conquer, greedy | GNU C++17 (64) | 01 November 2020 14:18:23 |
1427 | A Convex Game | E | 3500 | dsu, games | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 October 2020 12:04:27 |
1426 | Solo mid Oracle | C | 2100 | binary search, greedy, math, ternary search | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 October 2020 11:26:04 |
1425 | Shurikens | B | 1700 | data structures, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 October 2020 11:15:04 |
1424 | Perform Easily | A | 1900 | binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, greedy, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 (64) | 25 October 2020 11:08:49 |
1423 | Bubble Cup hypothesis | J | 2400 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, math | GNU C++11 | 05 October 2020 14:27:22 |
1422 | Four Melodies | G | 2600 | flows, graphs | GNU C++17 | 13 October 2020 11:11:19 |
1421 | Xum | E | 2500 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, math, matrices, number theory | GNU C++17 | 10 October 2020 15:53:30 |
1420 | Unshuffling a Deck | D | 2000 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++17 | 10 October 2020 15:32:19 |
1419 | The Hard Work of Paparazzi | C | 2000 | dp | GNU C++17 | 10 October 2020 15:07:51 |
1418 | Chess Cheater | B | 1400 | greedy, implementation, sortings | GNU C++17 | 10 October 2020 14:59:57 |
1417 | Avoiding Zero | A | 900 | math, sortings | GNU C++17 | 10 October 2020 14:52:44 |
1416 | Dušan's Railway | C | 3500 | divide and conquer, graphs, trees | GNU C++17 | 05 October 2020 15:54:23 |
1415 | Lookup Tables | I | 3000 | bitmasks | GNU C++17 | 05 October 2020 15:26:57 |
1414 | Coins | F | 2700 | math | GNU C++17 | 05 October 2020 15:13:39 |
1413 | Virus | H | 2500 | data structures, divide and conquer, dsu, graphs | GNU C++17 | 05 October 2020 14:49:43 |
1412 | Light switches | L | 2600 | meet-in-the-middle | GNU C++11 | 05 October 2020 14:34:39 |
1411 | Valuable Paper | B | 1900 | binary search, flows, graph matchings, graphs | GNU C++11 | 05 October 2020 13:22:40 |
1410 | Lonely Numbers | K | 1600 | binary search, math, number theory, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 05 October 2020 13:19:31 |
1409 | Rainbow Triples | H | 3300 | binary search, data structures, flows, greedy | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 16:46:48 |
1408 | Bitwise Magic | I | 3200 | dp, math | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 16:13:26 |
1407 | Clusterization Counting | G | 2700 | combinatorics, dp, dsu, fft, graphs, trees | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 15:25:41 |
1406 | Avoid Rainbow Cycles | E | 2400 | data structures, dsu, graphs, greedy, sortings, trees | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 15:11:40 |
1405 | Two Different | F | 2300 | constructive algorithms, divide and conquer | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 15:06:46 |
1404 | Arrays Sum | B | 1400 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 14:55:57 |
1403 | Searchlights | D | 2000 | binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, implementation, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 14:51:01 |
1402 | Discrete Acceleration | C | 1500 | binary search, dp, implementation, math, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 14:46:00 |
1401 | Circle Coloring | A | 800 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++17 | 30 September 2020 14:36:36 |
1400 | Showing Off | F | 3300 | flows, graph matchings, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 27 September 2020 16:25:34 |
1399 | Graph and Queries | D | 2600 | data structures, dsu, graphs, implementation, trees | GNU C++17 | 27 September 2020 15:56:55 |
1398 | Split | E | 3200 | binary search, data structures, dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 27 September 2020 15:41:35 |
1397 | Make Them Equal | B | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 27 September 2020 15:19:09 |
1396 | XOR Inverse | C | 2000 | bitmasks, data structures, divide and conquer, dp, greedy, math, sortings, strings, trees | GNU C++17 | 27 September 2020 15:13:46 |
1395 | k-Amazing Numbers | A | 1500 | binary search, data structures, implementation, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 27 September 2020 15:08:48 |
1394 | Battle Lemmings | E | 2500 | dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 24 September 2020 18:39:06 |
1393 | Pokémon Army (hard version) | C2 | 2100 | data structures, divide and conquer, dp, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 24 September 2020 18:07:57 |
1392 | Pokémon Army (easy version) | C1 | 1300 | constructive algorithms, dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 24 September 2020 18:07:38 |
1391 | Rock and Lever | B | 1200 | bitmasks, math | GNU C++17 | 24 September 2020 18:07:29 |
1390 | Cubes Sorting | A | 900 | math, sortings | GNU C++17 | 24 September 2020 18:07:20 |
1389 | Rescue Nibel! | D | 1800 | combinatorics, data structures, sortings | GNU C++17 | 24 September 2020 18:07:03 |
1388 | Equal Product | F | 3000 | data structures, math, number theory, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 19:11:31 |
1387 | Three Occurrences | G | 2500 | data structures, divide and conquer, hashing, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 18:33:24 |
1386 | Expected Damage | E | 2400 | binary search, combinatorics, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 18:02:48 |
1385 | Trash Problem | D | 2100 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 17:48:09 |
1384 | Mortal Kombat Tower | C | 1500 | dp, graphs, greedy, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 17:25:55 |
1383 | Negative Prefixes | B | 1300 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 17:11:05 |
1382 | Buying Torches | A | 1000 | math | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2020 17:00:32 |
1381 | Egor in the Republic of Dagestan | E | 2500 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, greedy, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 09 September 2020 19:19:37 |
1380 | Discrete Centrifugal Jumps | D | 2200 | data structures, dp, graphs | GNU C++17 | 09 September 2020 19:03:27 |
1379 | Chocolate Bunny | C | 1600 | constructive algorithms, interactive, math, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 09 September 2020 18:39:13 |
1378 | Big Vova | B | 1300 | brute force, greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 09 September 2020 18:30:05 |
1377 | Ahahahahahahahaha | A | 1100 | constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++17 | 09 September 2020 18:22:04 |
1376 | Game of Pairs | D | 2800 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, interactive, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 06 September 2020 15:26:23 |
1375 | Fixed Point Removal | C | 2300 | binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 06 September 2020 14:54:35 |
1374 | Tree Tag | B | 1900 | dfs and similar, dp, games, trees | GNU C++17 | 06 September 2020 14:45:28 |
1373 | Balanced Bitstring | A | 1500 | implementation, strings | GNU C++17 | 06 September 2020 14:37:30 |
1372 | Distance Matching | E | 3200 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, trees | GNU C++17 | 30 August 2020 16:34:23 |
1371 | Rainbow Rectangles | D | 3300 | data structures, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 30 August 2020 15:34:50 |
1370 | Monster Invaders | C | 2300 | dp, greedy, implementation | GNU C++14 | 30 August 2020 15:07:20 |
1369 | Stoned Game | B | 1800 | brute force, constructive algorithms, games, greedy | GNU C++14 | 30 August 2020 14:43:45 |
1368 | Multiples of Length | A | 1600 | constructive algorithms, greedy, number theory | GNU C++17 | 30 August 2020 14:39:46 |
1367 | Omkar and Landslide | F | 2400 | binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 16:39:32 |
1366 | Omkar and Pies | G | 2900 | bitmasks, dfs and similar, dp, math, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 16:07:46 |
1365 | ZS Shuffles Cards | H | 3000 | combinatorics, dp, math, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 15:42:54 |
1364 | Omkar and Duck | E | 2100 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, interactive, math | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 14:47:28 |
1363 | Omkar and Bed Wars | D | 1700 | dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 14:42:40 |
1362 | Omkar and Waterslide | C | 1200 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 14:38:52 |
1361 | Omkar and Infinity Clock | B | 800 | implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 14:37:22 |
1360 | Omkar and Password | A | 800 | greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 16 August 2020 14:35:59 |
1359 | Boboniu and Jianghu | D | 2800 | dp, greedy, sortings, trees | GNU C++17 | 12 August 2020 15:35:11 |
1358 | Boboniu Walks on Graph | B | 2300 | brute force, dfs and similar, graphs, hashing | GNU C++17 | 12 August 2020 15:19:22 |
1357 | Boboniu Chats with Du | A | 1800 | dp, greedy, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 12 August 2020 14:40:13 |
1356 | Special Edges | F | 3200 | flows, graphs | GNU C++17 | 24 July 2020 16:02:18 |
1355 | String Transformation 2 | C | 3100 | bitmasks, dp, graphs, trees | GNU C++17 | 24 July 2020 15:40:59 |
1354 | Rearrange | D | 2800 | brute force, constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 24 July 2020 15:18:17 |
1353 | Strange Operation | E | 2800 | combinatorics, data structures, dp | GNU C++17 | 24 July 2020 14:59:50 |
1352 | GameGame | B | 1900 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, games, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 24 July 2020 14:43:55 |
1351 | String Transformation 1 | A | 1700 | dsu, graphs, greedy, sortings, strings, trees, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 24 July 2020 14:38:10 |
1350 | Set Merging | H | 3300 | constructive algorithms, divide and conquer | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 16:59:56 |
1349 | Tree Modification | G | 2800 | brute force, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graph matchings, graphs, trees | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 15:58:41 |
1348 | Inversion SwapSort | E | 2500 | constructive algorithms, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 15:36:43 |
1347 | Integer Game | F | 2600 | constructive algorithms, games, interactive, math | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 15:31:16 |
1346 | Replace by MEX | D | 1900 | brute force, constructive algorithms, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 15:11:06 |
1345 | Element Extermination | C | 1400 | constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 15:04:04 |
1344 | Neighbor Grid | B | 1200 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 14:48:27 |
1343 | Sign Flipping | A | 1100 | constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++17 | 04 July 2020 14:46:17 |
1342 | Breadboard Capacity (easy version) | H1 | 3300 | dp, flows, greedy | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 17:05:22 |
1341 | Lamps on a Circle | F | 2600 | games, implementation, interactive, math | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 16:33:39 |
1340 | Ski Accidents | E | 2500 | constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 16:17:36 |
1339 | Shifting Dominoes | G | 3200 | data structures, geometry, graphs, trees | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 16:10:55 |
1338 | AND, OR and square sum | D | 1700 | bitmasks, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 14:52:29 |
1337 | Even Picture | C | 1500 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 14:50:49 |
1336 | Codeforces Subsequences | B | 1500 | brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, math, strings | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 14:47:48 |
1335 | C+= | A | 800 | brute force, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 18 June 2020 14:46:00 |
1334 | Johnny and New Toy | F | 3300 | data structures, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 04 June 2020 16:23:58 |
1333 | Johnny and James | D | 2900 | greedy, implementation, math, trees | GNU C++17 | 04 June 2020 15:46:45 |
1332 | James and the Chase | E | 3000 | dfs and similar, graphs, probabilities, trees | GNU C++17 | 04 June 2020 15:23:59 |
1331 | Johnny and Megan's Necklace | C | 2500 | binary search, bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++17 | 04 June 2020 14:56:30 |
1330 | Johnny and Grandmaster | B | 1900 | greedy, implementation, math, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 June 2020 14:44:23 |
1329 | Johnny and Contribution | A | 1700 | constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 June 2020 14:38:10 |
1328 | Game with Segments | H | 2700 | *special, data structures, games | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 16:18:20 |
1327 | Pac-Man 2.0 | I | 2900 | *special, dp | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 16:04:12 |
1326 | Two IP Cameras | G | 2300 | *special, math, number theory | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 15:06:28 |
1325 | Dune II: Battle For Arrakis | F | 2000 | *special, data structures, greedy, math | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 14:56:05 |
1324 | Magic Tricks | E | 1700 | *special, dp, graphs | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 14:47:20 |
1323 | Constructing the Dungeon | D | 1600 | *special, graphs, greedy | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 14:44:27 |
1322 | Spring Cleaning | C | 1600 | *special, greedy, sortings | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 14:41:30 |
1321 | Boot Camp | B | 1400 | *special, greedy | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 14:38:19 |
1320 | Color Revolution | A | 1000 | *special, math | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 14:35:58 |
1319 | Special Permutation | E | 1600 | *special, constructive algorithms | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 13:14:30 |
1318 | Alice, Bob and Candies | D | 1300 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 13:07:33 |
1317 | Sum of Round Numbers | C | 800 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 13:04:14 |
1316 | Square? | B | 900 | *special, implementation, math | Kotlin | 29 May 2020 13:00:48 |
1315 | Train Tracks | E | 3100 | data structures, trees | GNU C++17 | 06 May 2020 22:36:42 |
1314 | Orac and Medians | B | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 12 May 2020 12:54:57 |
1313 | Orac and Game of Life | C | 2000 | dfs and similar, graphs, implementation, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 12 May 2020 12:47:50 |
1312 | Orac and LCM | A | 1600 | data structures, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 12 May 2020 12:38:52 |
1311 | Piet's Palette | F | 3200 | matrices | GNU C++17 | 06 May 2020 16:39:45 |
1310 | Résumé Review | D | 2700 | binary search, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 06 May 2020 15:10:32 |
1309 | Quantifier Question | C | 2600 | dfs and similar, dp, graphs, math | GNU C++17 | 06 May 2020 14:55:51 |
1308 | Monopole Magnets | B | 2000 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++17 | 06 May 2020 14:45:09 |
1307 | Hilbert's Hotel | A | 1600 | math, number theory, sortings | GNU C++17 | 06 May 2020 14:37:14 |
1306 | Nastya and Unexpected Guest | C | 2400 | dfs and similar, dp, graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 23 April 2020 15:33:47 |
1305 | Nastya and Time Machine | D | 2600 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, trees | GNU C++17 | 23 April 2020 15:26:18 |
1304 | Nastya and Strange Generator | A | 1500 | brute force, data structures, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 23 April 2020 14:54:02 |
1303 | Nastya and Scoreboard | B | 1700 | bitmasks, dp, graphs, greedy | GNU C++17 | 23 April 2020 14:49:29 |
1302 | Yui and Mahjong Set | D | 3200 | constructive algorithms, interactive | GNU C++17 | 15 April 2020 16:55:11 |
1301 | Kaavi and Magic Spell | C | 2200 | dp, strings | GNU C++17 | 15 April 2020 15:11:05 |
1300 | Xenia and Colorful Gems | B | 1700 | binary search, greedy, math, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 15 April 2020 14:42:40 |
1299 | Linova and Kingdom | A | 1600 | dfs and similar, dp, greedy, sortings, trees | GNU C++17 | 15 April 2020 14:38:24 |
1298 | Robots on a Grid | F | 2200 | data structures, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, greedy, matrices | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:57:33 |
1297 | Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version) | E2 | 1800 | brute force, data structures, dp, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:47:40 |
1296 | Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version) | E1 | 1700 | binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:46:46 |
1295 | Anti-Sudoku | D | 1300 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:41:48 |
1294 | Two Teams Composing | C | 1100 | binary search, greedy, implementation, sortings | GNU C++17 | 13 April 2020 14:38:49 |
1293 | JYPnation | E | 3500 | graphs | GNU C++17 | 12 April 2020 15:51:17 |
1292 | Nested Rubber Bands | D | 2700 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dp, math, trees | GNU C++17 | 12 April 2020 15:19:15 |
1291 | Perfect Triples | C | 2200 | bitmasks, brute force, constructive algorithms, divide and conquer, math | GNU C++17 | 12 April 2020 14:32:32 |
1290 | Edge Weight Assignment | B | 1800 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, greedy, math, trees | GNU C++17 | 12 April 2020 14:21:50 |
1289 | Powered Addition | A | 1500 | greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 12 April 2020 14:08:24 |
1288 | Dreamoon Likes Strings | D | 3100 | constructive algorithms, data structures | GNU C++17 | 03 April 2020 16:01:50 |
1287 | Drazil Likes Heap | C | 2400 | constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 03 April 2020 15:05:57 |
1286 | Dreamoon Likes Coloring | A | 1800 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 03 April 2020 14:43:03 |
1285 | Dreamoon Likes Sequences | B | 1700 | bitmasks, combinatorics, math | GNU C++17 | 03 April 2020 14:38:45 |
1284 | Limericks | B | undefined | math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 15:34:49 |
1283 | It's showtime | H | undefined | UnknownX | 01 April 2020 15:30:53 | |
1282 | Lingua Romana | G | undefined | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 15:11:46 | |
1281 | Jordan Smiley | E | undefined | dfs and similar, geometry, implementation | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 15:04:28 |
1280 | Again? | D | undefined | implementation | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 14:56:16 |
1279 | ...And after happily lived ever they | C | undefined | bitmasks | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 14:55:15 |
1278 | Elementary! | F | undefined | brute force, dp, strings | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 14:43:06 |
1277 | Is it rated? | A | undefined | GNU C++17 | 01 April 2020 14:38:10 | |
1276 | Wise Men (Hard Version) | F2 | 3200 | bitmasks, dp, math | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 15:51:52 |
1275 | Bombs | E | 2400 | data structures, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 15:17:37 |
1274 | Wise Men (Easy Version) | F1 | 2600 | bitmasks, brute force, dp, meet-in-the-middle | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 15:10:50 |
1273 | Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Easy version) | D1 | 1500 | hashing, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 14:51:50 |
1272 | Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Hard version) | D2 | 1800 | binary search, greedy, hashing, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 14:51:44 |
1271 | Permutation Partitions | C | 1300 | combinatorics, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 14:41:08 |
1270 | Maximums | B | 900 | implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 14:39:24 |
1269 | Bad Ugly Numbers | A | 1000 | constructive algorithms, number theory | GNU C++17 | 19 March 2020 14:37:32 |
1268 | Kuroni the Private Tutor | H | 3500 | binary search, greedy | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 16:16:03 |
1267 | Kuroni and the Punishment | F | 2500 | math, number theory, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 15:20:36 |
1266 | Kuroni and the Celebration | D | 1900 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, interactive, trees | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 15:05:07 |
1265 | Kuroni and the Score Distribution | E | 2200 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 15:00:38 |
1264 | Kuroni and Simple Strings | B | 1200 | constructive algorithms, greedy, strings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 14:42:23 |
1263 | Kuroni and Impossible Calculation | C | 1600 | brute force, combinatorics, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 14:40:03 |
1262 | Kuroni and the Gifts | A | 800 | brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 03 March 2020 14:36:19 |
1261 | Falling Blocks | I | undefined | *special, data structures | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 15:50:45 |
1260 | M-numbers | G | undefined | *special, dp, math | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 14:48:43 |
1259 | Paint the String | H | undefined | *special, dp, strings | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 14:34:10 |
1258 | Modernization of Treeland | E | undefined | *special, dfs and similar, trees | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 14:18:33 |
1257 | Movie Fan | F | undefined | *special, data structures, greedy, implementation, sortings | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 14:17:30 |
1256 | Bonus Distribution | D | undefined | *special, binary search, greedy, sortings | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 13:59:38 |
1255 | Dream Team | C | undefined | *special, greedy | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 13:46:52 |
1254 | Cartoons | B | undefined | *special, implementation, sortings | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 13:43:03 |
1253 | Likes Display | A | undefined | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 27 February 2020 13:40:10 |
1252 | Double Elimination | B | 2500 | dp, implementation | GNU C++17 | 24 February 2020 13:26:04 |
1251 | Tourism | D | 2300 | dp, graphs, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 23 February 2020 16:35:56 |
1250 | Median on Segments (Permutations Edition) | F1 | undefined | *special, sortings | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 11:42:41 |
1249 | Median on Segments (General Case Edition) | F2 | undefined | *special, sortings | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 11:41:53 |
1248 | Mentors | E | undefined | *special, data structures, implementation | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 11:11:16 |
1247 | Bus Video System | D | undefined | *special, combinatorics, math | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 11:01:36 |
1246 | File Name | C | undefined | *special, strings | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 10:54:57 |
1245 | Remove Duplicates | B | undefined | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 10:47:23 |
1244 | Restoring Three Numbers | A | undefined | *special, math | Kotlin | 24 February 2020 10:43:17 |
1243 | Bad Cryptography | F | 3400 | math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 23 February 2020 18:33:38 |
1242 | Au Pont Rouge | C | 2800 | binary search, dp, strings | GNU C++17 | 23 February 2020 17:28:54 |
1241 | Strange Function | E | 2900 | dp | GNU C++17 | 23 February 2020 16:28:27 |
1240 | Recommendations | A | 1700 | data structures, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 23 February 2020 16:09:00 |
1239 | Cow and Treats | E | 2500 | binary search, combinatorics, dp, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 17 February 2020 16:10:56 |
1238 | Cow and Fields | D | 1900 | binary search, data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, greedy, shortest paths, sortings | GNU C++17 | 17 February 2020 15:53:34 |
1237 | Cow and Message | C | 1500 | brute force, dp, math, strings | GNU C++17 | 17 February 2020 15:40:57 |
1236 | Cow and Friend | B | 1300 | geometry, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 17 February 2020 15:37:41 |
1235 | Cow and Haybales | A | 800 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 17 February 2020 15:35:54 |
1234 | Keep talking and nobody explodes -- hard | J | undefined | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 19:02:08 | |
1233 | Keep talking and nobody explodes -- easy | F | undefined | bitmasks, brute force, expression parsing | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 18:41:52 |
1232 | Who needs suffix structures? | H | undefined | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 18:36:28 | |
1231 | Amazing bitset | E | undefined | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 18:16:26 | |
1230 | Dijkstra | D | undefined | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 18:10:04 | |
1229 | DAG | B | undefined | constructive algorithms | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 17:39:15 |
1228 | Segment tree or Fenwick? | C | undefined | data structures | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 16:59:15 |
1227 | Nash equilibrium | A | undefined | GNU C++17 | 03 February 2020 16:40:16 | |
1226 | Prefix Enlightenment | C | 2400 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++17 | 02 February 2020 15:17:41 |
1225 | Coffee Varieties (hard version) | D | 3000 | constructive algorithms, graphs, interactive | GNU C++17 | 02 February 2020 15:40:38 |
1224 | Making Shapes | F | 3500 | dp | GNU C++17 | 02 February 2020 15:02:09 |
1223 | Mind Control | A | 1600 | brute force, data structures, implementation | GNU C++17 | 02 February 2020 14:20:30 |
1222 | Irreducible Anagrams | B | 1800 | binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, strings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 02 February 2020 14:15:40 |
1221 | Rin and The Unknown Flower | E | 3500 | constructive algorithms, greedy, interactive, math | GNU C++17 | 19 January 2020 15:32:49 |
1220 | Xenon's Attack on the Gangs | C | 2300 | combinatorics, dfs and similar, dp, greedy, trees | GNU C++17 | 19 January 2020 14:10:14 |
1219 | Chaotic V. | D | 2700 | dp, graphs, greedy, math, number theory, trees | GNU C++17 | 19 January 2020 14:04:03 |
1218 | Aroma's Search | B | 1700 | brute force, constructive algorithms, geometry, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 19 January 2020 13:41:21 |
1217 | NEKO's Maze Game | A | 1400 | data structures, dsu, implementation | GNU C++17 | 19 January 2020 13:37:19 |
1216 | New Year and Social Network | F | 3200 | data structures, graph matchings, graphs, math, trees | GNU C++17 | 04 January 2020 13:15:51 |
1215 | New Year and Castle Construction | E | 2500 | combinatorics, geometry, math, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 January 2020 12:43:21 |
1214 | New Year and Conference | D | 2100 | binary search, data structures, hashing, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 January 2020 12:35:36 |
1213 | New Year and Naming | A | 800 | implementation, strings | GNU C++17 | 04 January 2020 12:12:33 |
1212 | New Year and Permutation | C | 1600 | combinatorics, math | GNU C++17 | 04 January 2020 12:11:09 |
1211 | New Year and Ascent Sequence | B | 1400 | binary search, combinatorics, data structures, dp, implementation, sortings | GNU C++17 | 04 January 2020 12:09:02 |
1210 | Strange Device | D | 1900 | constructive algorithms, interactive, math, sortings | GNU C++17 | 29 December 2019 15:13:00 |
1209 | Awesome Substrings | F | 2600 | math, strings | GNU C++17 | 29 December 2019 14:35:37 |
1208 | Make Good | C | 1400 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++17 | 29 December 2019 14:17:59 |
1207 | Divide Points | E | 2300 | constructive algorithms, geometry, math | GNU C++17 | 29 December 2019 14:12:55 |
1206 | Interesting Subarray | B | 1200 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 29 December 2019 14:07:46 |
1205 | Card Game | A | 1000 | implementation | Delphi | 19 August 2011 15:30:39 |
1204 | Happy Cactus | E | 3400 | dp | GNU C++17 | 21 December 2019 12:39:54 |
1203 | Invertation in Tournament | D | 3200 | brute force, divide and conquer, graphs, math | GNU C++17 | 21 December 2019 11:54:23 |
1202 | K Integers | C | 2300 | binary search, data structures | GNU C++17 | 21 December 2019 11:23:56 |
1201 | Domino for Young | B | 2000 | dp, greedy, math | GNU C++17 | 21 December 2019 11:09:38 |
1200 | Long Beautiful Integer | A | 1700 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, strings | GNU C++17 | 21 December 2019 11:06:50 |
1199 | Almost Same Distance | F | 2900 | dfs and similar, graphs | GNU C++17 | 17 December 2019 16:10:44 |
1198 | Spaceship Solitaire | E | 2100 | data structures, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 17 December 2019 15:32:58 |
1197 | Decreasing Debts | D | 2000 | constructive algorithms, data structures, graphs, greedy, implementation, math, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 17 December 2019 15:23:07 |
1196 | Diverse Matrix | C | 1400 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 17 December 2019 15:17:16 |
1195 | Dice Tower | A | 1100 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++ | 19 September 2012 16:02:23 |
1194 | Competitive Programmer | A | 1000 | chinese remainder theorem, math | GNU C++17 | 17 December 2019 15:06:59 |
1193 | Контрольная сумма | E1 | undefined | *special | GNU C++17 | 11 December 2019 06:41:20 |
1192 | Storage2 | D | undefined | *special | GNU C++17 | 11 December 2019 05:59:44 |
1191 | Code Review | B | undefined | *special | GNU C++17 | 11 December 2019 05:45:20 |
1190 | Скрытый друг | A | undefined | *special | GNU C++17 | 11 December 2019 05:41:49 |
1189 | #define Задача B ... | C | undefined | *special | GNU C++17 | 11 December 2019 05:39:29 |
1188 | Шардирование постов | F | undefined | *special, binary search, interactive | GNU C++17 | 11 December 2019 05:36:10 |
1187 | Beautiful League | E | 2700 | constructive algorithms, flows, graph matchings | GNU C++17 | 05 December 2019 15:21:38 |
1186 | Beautiful Bracket Sequence (hard version) | D2 | 2900 | combinatorics, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 05 December 2019 15:13:29 |
1185 | Beautiful Bracket Sequence (easy version) | D1 | 2600 | combinatorics, dp, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 05 December 2019 15:10:52 |
1184 | Beautiful Mirrors with queries | C | 2400 | data structures, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 05 December 2019 14:58:09 |
1183 | Beautiful Regional Contest | A | 1500 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 05 December 2019 14:44:16 |
1182 | Beautiful Sequence | B | 1900 | brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++17 | 05 December 2019 14:41:02 |
1181 | Xor-Set | F | 3100 | bitmasks, divide and conquer, math | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 09:50:43 |
1180 | Arson In Berland Forest | C | 2200 | binary search, brute force, data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, greedy, shortest paths | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 09:03:27 |
1179 | Not Same | E | 2600 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 08:40:39 |
1178 | Wrong Answer on test 233 (Easy Version) | D1 | 2200 | combinatorics, dp | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 08:29:07 |
1177 | Wrong Answer on test 233 (Hard Version) | D2 | 2400 | combinatorics, fft, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 08:28:52 |
1176 | Optimal Subsequences (Easy Version) | B1 | 1600 | data structures, dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 08:12:19 |
1175 | Optimal Subsequences (Hard Version) | B2 | 1800 | binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 08:12:09 |
1174 | Messy | A | 1700 | brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 24 November 2019 08:08:13 |
1173 | Cursor Distance | F | 3500 | GNU C++17 | 26 October 2019 12:51:37 | |
1172 | Tree Factory | D | 2500 | constructive algorithms, divide and conquer, greedy, trees | GNU C++17 | 26 October 2019 11:40:18 |
1171 | Rock Is Push | C | 2200 | data structures, dp | GNU C++17 | 26 October 2019 11:28:01 |
1170 | p-binary | A | 1600 | bitmasks, brute force, math | GNU C++17 | 26 October 2019 11:13:50 |
1169 | Power Products | B | 1800 | hashing, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 26 October 2019 11:11:00 |
1168 | Party | B | 1600 | constructive algorithms, graphs, math | Delphi | 09 July 2010 15:05:50 |
1167 | Koala and Notebook | F | 2600 | data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, shortest paths, strings, trees | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:53:25 |
1166 | Into Blocks (easy version) | G1 | 2000 | data structures, dsu, greedy, implementation, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:33:29 |
1165 | Rotate Columns (hard version) | E2 | 2500 | bitmasks, dp, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:26:54 |
1164 | Rotate Columns (easy version) | E1 | 2000 | bitmasks, brute force, dp, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:26:14 |
1163 | Cow and Snacks | D | 1700 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:18:23 |
1162 | Paint the Digits | C | 1500 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:16:06 |
1161 | Koala and Lights | B | 1300 | implementation, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:08:39 |
1160 | Paint the Numbers | A | 800 | greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 14 September 2019 13:06:24 |
1159 | Unusual Graph | I | 3000 | *special, graphs | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 16:01:33 |
1158 | Road Repair in Treeland | H | 3100 | *special, binary search, dp, trees | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 15:52:36 |
1157 | King's Path | G | 2500 | *special, math, trees | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 15:23:56 |
1156 | kotlinkotlinkotlinkotlin... | F | 2300 | *special, graphs, implementation, strings | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 14:59:28 |
1155 | Double Permutation Inc. | E | 2000 | *special, binary search, greedy | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 14:54:26 |
1154 | Teams | D | 2000 | *special, binary search, greedy, math | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 14:47:03 |
1153 | Ice Cream | C | 1700 | *special, greedy, sortings | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 14:43:17 |
1152 | Traveling Around the Golden Ring of Berland | B | 1500 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 14:39:14 |
1151 | Three Problems | A | 1000 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 14:37:01 |
1150 | Berland Federalization | H | 2200 | *special, dp, trees | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 12:38:24 |
1149 | One-Based Arithmetic | F | 1800 | *special, brute force | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 12:14:25 |
1148 | Hiking | H | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 12:13:35 | |
1147 | Two-gram | B | 900 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 03:26:10 |
1146 | Booking System | E | 1600 | *special, greedy | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 11:45:50 |
1145 | Divide by three, multiply by two | D | 1400 | *special, math | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 03:38:52 |
1144 | Less or Equal | C | 1200 | *special, sortings | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 03:30:06 |
1143 | Wrong Subtraction | A | 800 | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 07 September 2019 03:17:41 |
1142 | Red Blue Tree | H | 3500 | data structures, implementation, trees | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 16:38:36 |
1141 | Polygons | G | 2800 | greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 15:16:03 |
1140 | Bits And Pieces | F | 2600 | bitmasks, dfs and similar, dp, greedy | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 15:10:49 |
1139 | Let Them Slide | E | 2200 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 14:55:49 |
1138 | Magic Grid | C | 1800 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 14:45:27 |
1137 | Restore Permutation | D | 1900 | binary search, data structures, greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 14:43:44 |
1136 | Uniqueness | B | 1500 | binary search, brute force, implementation, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 14:40:04 |
1135 | XORinacci | A | 900 | math | GNU C++17 | 25 August 2019 14:35:52 |
1134 | Mysterious Crime | D | 1700 | brute force, combinatorics, math, meet-in-the-middle, two pointers | GNU C++14 | 28 October 2018 20:50:12 |
1133 | GCD Groups 2 | F | 2900 | greedy, number theory, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 30 July 2019 15:52:53 |
1132 | Rectangle Painting 1 | D | 2300 | dp | GNU C++17 | 30 July 2019 15:13:25 |
1131 | Rectangle Painting 2 | E | 2500 | flows, graph matchings, graphs | GNU C++17 | 30 July 2019 15:08:22 |
1130 | Welfare State | B | 1600 | binary search, brute force, data structures, sortings | GNU C++17 | 30 July 2019 15:02:31 |
1129 | Matching vs Independent Set | C | 2000 | constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 30 July 2019 14:46:49 |
1128 | MP3 | A | 1600 | sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 30 July 2019 14:41:56 |
1127 | Gold Experience | G | 3300 | constructive algorithms, graphs, math, number theory, probabilities | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 16:13:50 |
1126 | Earth Wind and Fire | E | 2300 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 15:30:39 |
1125 | Foo Fighters | F | 2700 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 15:17:51 |
1124 | Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap | D | 1800 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 15:05:34 |
1123 | Born This Way | B | 1600 | binary search, brute force, two pointers | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 14:53:44 |
1122 | Crazy Diamond | C | 1700 | constructive algorithms, sortings | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 14:45:18 |
1121 | Another One Bites The Dust | A | 800 | greedy | GNU C++17 | 01 June 2019 14:41:41 |
1120 | Good Subsets | I | undefined | *special, dp | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 16:59:50 |
1119 | Graph Decomposition | G | undefined | *special, graphs | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 16:13:36 |
1118 | Longest Saw | H | undefined | *special, constructive algorithms | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 15:40:57 |
1117 | Sliding Doors | E | undefined | *special, binary search | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 15:23:50 |
1116 | Wheels | F | undefined | *special, binary search, greedy | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 15:16:26 |
1115 | Decoding of Integer Sequences | D | undefined | *special, data structures, implementation | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 15:09:12 |
1114 | Minus and Minus Give Plus | C | undefined | *special, implementation, strings | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 14:44:58 |
1113 | Bad Days | B | undefined | *special, implementation | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 14:41:47 |
1112 | Three Integers Again | A | undefined | *special, math | Kotlin | 28 May 2019 14:40:21 |
1111 | The Greatest Possible Value (3 points) | U | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 10:03:50 | |
1110 | Compute the Product (3 points) | T | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:47:23 | |
1109 | Queens (2 points) | L | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:40:07 | |
1108 | Maximum Value (2 points) | I | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:28:23 | |
1107 | Regular Polygon (1 point) | F | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:22:40 | |
1106 | Seven Digit Number (2 points) | M | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:12:57 | |
1105 | Triangle Area (1 point) | B | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:10:23 | |
1104 | Multiple of 29 (1 point) | D | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:07:27 | |
1103 | 7-digit Number (1 point) | C | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:03:58 | |
1102 | Find Distance (3 points) | S | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 09:01:51 | |
1101 | Circle Radius (2 points) | H | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:50:57 | |
1100 | Divisible by 83 (3 points) | R | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:46:14 | |
1099 | Surjective Functions (3 points) | Q | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:45:55 | |
1098 | Equilateral Triangles (2 points) | P | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:45:44 | |
1097 | Greatest Prime Divisor (2 points) | O | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:45:38 | |
1096 | All Streets (2 points) | N | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:45:33 | |
1095 | Eleven Segments (2 points) | J | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:44:19 | |
1094 | Find Number (1 point) | G | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:43:42 | |
1093 | Least Possible Difference (1 point) | E | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:43:36 | |
1092 | Three Friends (1 point) | A | undefined | math | 05 May 2019 08:43:02 | |
1091 | Satanic Panic | H | 2900 | dp, geometry | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 19:09:55 |
1090 | Leaf Partition | F | 2500 | dp, trees | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:52:55 |
1089 | Zoning Restrictions | G | 2700 | dp, flows, graphs | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:45:33 |
1088 | Hot is Cold | E | 2400 | bitmasks, data structures, divide and conquer, implementation | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:32:19 |
1087 | Frog Jumping | D | 2100 | dfs and similar, math, number theory | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:17:53 |
1086 | Tree Diameter | C | 1700 | bitmasks, graphs, interactive | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:10:09 |
1085 | Hate "A" | B | 1100 | implementation, strings | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:07:37 |
1084 | Love "A" | A | 800 | implementation, strings | GNU C++17 | 20 April 2019 18:05:50 |
1083 | Niyaz and Small Degrees | F | 3400 | data structures, dp, trees | GNU C++17 | 06 April 2019 12:54:44 |
1082 | Pavel and Triangles | E | 1900 | brute force, dp, fft, greedy, ternary search | GNU C++17 | 06 April 2019 11:48:00 |
1081 | Frets On Fire | D | 1800 | binary search, sortings | GNU C++17 | 06 April 2019 11:44:30 |
1080 | Ramesses and Corner Inversion | C | 1500 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++17 | 06 April 2019 11:40:48 |
1079 | Alyona and a Narrow Fridge | B | 1300 | binary search, flows, greedy, sortings | GNU C++17 | 06 April 2019 11:38:14 |
1078 | Ilya and a Colorful Walk | A | 1100 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++17 | 06 April 2019 11:36:35 |
1077 | Creeper | D5 | undefined | Q# | 02 March 2019 00:44:00 | |
1076 | TIE fighter | D4 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 22:43:29 | |
1075 | Distinguish three-qubit states | B1 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 23:33:45 | |
1074 | Generate state |00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩ | A1 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 19:16:45 | |
1073 | X-wing fighter | D3 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 22:27:51 | |
1072 | Generate equal superposition of four basis states | A2 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 21:48:39 | |
1071 | Pattern of increasing blocks | D2 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 19:32:03 | |
1070 | ``Is the number of ones divisible by 3?'' oracle | C3 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 18:09:05 | |
1069 | ``Is the bit string periodic?'' oracle | C2 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 17:54:15 | |
1068 | Alternating bits oracle | C1 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 17:33:53 | |
1067 | Block diagonal matrix | D1 | undefined | Q# | 01 March 2019 17:22:55 | |
1066 | Nearest Leaf | F | 2600 | data structures, trees | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 14:56:46 |
1065 | Tree-Tac-Toe | G | 3100 | constructive algorithms, games, trees | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 14:37:59 |
1064 | Jongmah | D | 2200 | dp | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 14:01:24 |
1063 | Magic Stones | E | 2200 | constructive algorithms, math, sortings | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 13:54:41 |
1062 | Meaningless Operations | C | 1500 | constructive algorithms, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 13:42:22 |
1061 | Tape | B | 1400 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 13:38:46 |
1060 | Parity | A | 900 | math | GNU C++14 | 07 February 2019 13:36:22 |
1059 | Epic Convolution | H | 3500 | chinese remainder theorem, fft, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 07 January 2019 22:48:26 |
1058 | The Child and Binary Tree | E | 3100 | combinatorics, divide and conquer, fft, number theory | GNU C++14 | 06 January 2019 23:02:04 |
1057 | Flowers and Chocolate | G | 3300 | math | GNU C++14 | 06 January 2019 20:36:24 |
1056 | Mateusz and an Infinite Sequence | H | 3400 | bitmasks, brute force, dp, strings | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 23:31:13 |
1055 | Vladislav and a Great Legend | G | 3000 | combinatorics, dp, trees | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 16:14:01 |
1054 | Egor and an RPG game | E | 3400 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 17:23:05 |
1053 | Alex and a TV Show | F | 2500 | bitmasks, combinatorics, number theory | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 15:17:51 |
1052 | Makoto and a Blackboard | D | 2200 | dp, math, number theory, probabilities | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 14:58:08 |
1051 | Yuhao and a Parenthesis | C | 1400 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 14:51:28 |
1050 | Petr and a Combination Lock | B | 1200 | bitmasks, brute force, dp | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 14:47:16 |
1049 | Gennady and a Card Game | A | 800 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++14 | 04 January 2019 14:45:55 |
1048 | Long number | F | 3400 | expression parsing, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 22 January 2017 21:14:24 |
1047 | New Year and the Tricolore Recreation | H | 3200 | games | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 16:29:18 |
1046 | New Year and the Factorisation Collaboration | G | 3200 | interactive, math, number theory | Java 8 | 30 December 2018 15:55:39 |
1045 | New Year and the Mallard Expedition | F | 2600 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 15:30:19 |
1044 | New Year and the Acquaintance Estimation | E | 2400 | binary search, data structures, graphs, greedy, implementation, math, sortings | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 14:59:34 |
1043 | New Year and the Permutation Concatenation | D | 1700 | combinatorics, dp, math | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 14:46:48 |
1042 | New Year and the Sphere Transmission | C | 1400 | math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 14:40:02 |
1041 | New Year and the Treasure Geolocation | B | 1200 | brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 14:37:32 |
1040 | New Year and the Christmas Ornament | A | 800 | brute force, implementation, math | GNU C++14 | 30 December 2018 14:35:48 |
1039 | Mergesort Strikes Back | G | 3200 | math, probabilities | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 16:23:51 |
1038 | Tricky Interactor | F | 2600 | constructive algorithms, implementation, interactive | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 15:26:48 |
1037 | Missing Numbers | E | 1900 | binary search, constructive algorithms, greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 14:58:41 |
1036 | Farewell Party | B | 1500 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 14:47:31 |
1035 | Maximum Distance | D | 1800 | dsu, graphs, shortest paths, sortings | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 14:44:03 |
1034 | Colorful Bricks | C | 1500 | combinatorics, dp, math | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 14:39:34 |
1033 | Definite Game | A | 800 | constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++14 | 16 December 2018 14:35:48 |
1032 | Refactoring | D | 2400 | greedy, implementation, strings | GNU C++14 | 10 November 2018 15:52:17 |
1031 | Tree and XOR | F | 2900 | strings, trees | GNU C++14 | 10 November 2018 15:34:28 |
1030 | Segments on the Line | E | 2500 | binary search, dp | GNU C++14 | 10 November 2018 15:15:04 |
1029 | Lucky Days | C | 1900 | math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 10 November 2018 14:54:20 |
1028 | Alice and Hairdresser | B | 1300 | dsu, implementation | GNU C++14 | 10 November 2018 14:47:05 |
1027 | Metro | A | 900 | graphs | GNU C++14 | 10 November 2018 14:41:21 |
1026 | Grid Sort | E | 3100 | implementation | GNU C++14 | 04 November 2018 19:46:53 |
1025 | DFS | F | 2700 | data structures | GNU C++14 | 04 November 2018 19:05:07 |
1024 | Intersecting Subtrees | B | 1900 | dfs and similar, interactive, trees | GNU C++14 | 04 November 2018 18:50:42 |
1023 | Deduction Queries | D | 2400 | data structures, dsu | GNU C++14 | 04 November 2018 18:42:41 |
1022 | Optimal Polygon Perimeter | C | 2100 | dp, geometry | GNU C++14 | 04 November 2018 18:26:59 |
1021 | The Tower is Going Home | A | 1700 | binary search, two pointers | GNU C++14 | 04 November 2018 18:19:25 |
1020 | Speckled Band | G | 3500 | data structures, divide and conquer, hashing, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++14 | 31 October 2018 18:54:00 |
1019 | Make It One | F | 2500 | bitmasks, combinatorics, dp, math, number theory, shortest paths | GNU C++11 | 28 October 2018 16:12:37 |
1018 | Train Hard, Win Easy | E | 1900 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math, sortings | GNU C++14 | 28 October 2018 15:56:05 |
1017 | Smallest Word | C | 1500 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | GNU C++14 | 28 October 2018 15:46:24 |
1016 | Lost Array | B | 1200 | implementation | GNU C++14 | 28 October 2018 15:38:58 |
1015 | Elections | C | 2100 | data structures, ternary search | GNU C++ | 10 August 2014 17:40:52 |
1014 | Letters Removing | F | 2100 | data structures, strings | GNU C++11 | 17 October 2018 22:47:50 |
1013 | Dog Show | D | 2200 | data structures, greedy | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 14:44:15 |
1012 | Yet Another Array Queries Problem | D | 1800 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++14 | 17 October 2018 21:47:03 |
1011 | Radio stations | E | 2200 | binary search, data structures | GNU C++14 | 17 October 2018 21:33:01 |
1010 | Envy | E | 2300 | graphs | GNU C++14 | 17 October 2018 14:18:09 |
1009 | Hidden Bipartite Graph | E | 2800 | binary search, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, interactive | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 18:58:22 |
1008 | Chip Game | G | 3500 | games | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 18:36:57 |
1007 | Boolean Computer | F | 2800 | bitmasks, brute force, fft, math | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 18:09:15 |
1006 | Divisors | D | 2000 | interactive, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 17:29:30 |
1005 | Permutation Game | C | 1600 | brute force, dp, games | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 17:12:44 |
1004 | Square Difference | B | 1100 | math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 17:08:29 |
1003 | King Escape | A | 1000 | dfs and similar, graphs, implementation | GNU C++14 | 07 October 2018 17:06:59 |
1002 | A Game on Strings | G | 3200 | games | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 16:32:48 |
1001 | Security | H | 3200 | data structures, string suffix structures | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 15:47:19 |
1000 | Trips | E | 2200 | graphs | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 15:20:43 |
999 | Maximum Reduction | F | 2500 | combinatorics, data structures, math | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 15:14:05 |
998 | Valid BFS? | D | 1700 | dfs and similar, graphs, shortest paths, trees | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 14:44:47 |
997 | Equalize | C | 1300 | dp, greedy, strings | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 14:39:51 |
996 | Reach Median | B | 1300 | greedy | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 14:37:31 |
995 | Packets | A | 1300 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math | GNU C++11 | 02 September 2018 14:36:25 |
994 | Perfect Encoding | D | 3100 | fft, math | GNU C++14 | 29 May 2018 16:08:39 |
993 | Distinguish zero state and plus state without errors | C2 | 1800 | Q# | 07 July 2018 00:46:01 | |
992 | Generate W state | A4 | 1900 | Q# | 06 July 2018 23:07:06 | |
991 | Oracle for majority function | D3 | 1600 | Q# | 06 July 2018 18:33:36 | |
990 | Distinguish zero state and plus state with minimum error | C1 | 1700 | Q# | 06 July 2018 18:24:44 | |
989 | Another array reconstruction algorithm | E2 | 1900 | Q# | 06 July 2018 17:45:55 | |
988 | Distinguish four 2-qubit states - 2 | B4 | 1700 | Q# | 06 July 2018 17:23:38 | |
987 | Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm | E1 | 1500 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:27:07 | |
986 | Distinguish four 2-qubit states | B3 | 1600 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:22:07 | |
985 | Oracle for f(x) = b * x + (1 - b) * (1 - x) mod 2 | D2 | 1300 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:18:32 | |
984 | Oracle for f(x) = b * x mod 2 | D1 | 1200 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:15:26 | |
983 | Distinguish GHZ state and W state | B2 | 1600 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:13:32 | |
982 | Distinguish zero state and W state | B1 | 1300 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:12:51 | |
981 | Generate superposition of two basis states | A3 | 1500 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:10:27 | |
980 | Generate superposition of zero state and a basis state | A2 | 1300 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:06:19 | |
979 | Generate superposition of all basis states | A1 | 800 | Q# | 06 July 2018 16:01:53 | |
978 | Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm | I | 1700 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:58:44 |
977 | Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in x | H | 1200 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:48:26 |
976 | Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of x | G | 1400 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:46:47 |
975 | Distinguish multi-qubit basis states | F | 1300 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:45:31 |
974 | Distinguish Bell states | E | 1600 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:40:53 |
973 | Distinguish plus state and minus state | D | 1400 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:36:29 |
972 | Generate GHZ state | C | 1400 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:34:49 |
971 | Generate Bell state | B | 1400 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 15:28:24 |
970 | Generate plus state or minus state | A | 1100 | *special | Q# | 02 July 2018 14:12:55 |
969 | Prince's Problem | E | 2800 | brute force, data structures, math, number theory, trees | GNU C++14 | 29 May 2018 17:12:00 |
968 | Oppa Funcan Style Remastered | F | 3300 | graphs, math, number theory, shortest paths | GNU C++14 | 29 May 2018 16:53:52 |
967 | AND Graph | C | 2500 | bitmasks, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++14 | 29 May 2018 16:19:22 |
966 | Petr and Permutations | B | 1800 | combinatorics, math | GNU C++14 | 29 May 2018 15:49:24 |
965 | Fair | A | 1600 | graphs, greedy, number theory, shortest paths | GNU C++14 | 29 May 2018 15:39:21 |
964 | K Paths | H | 3100 | combinatorics, data structures, dp, fft, math | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 16:53:47 |
963 | Magic multisets | G | 2500 | data structures | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 15:52:54 |
962 | Round Marriage | F | 2500 | binary search, graph matchings, greedy | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 15:34:53 |
961 | Addition on Segments | E | 2200 | bitmasks, data structures, divide and conquer, dp | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 15:14:03 |
960 | Bookshelves | D | 1900 | bitmasks, dp, greedy | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 15:02:45 |
959 | Useful Decomposition | C | 1400 | implementation, trees | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 14:58:51 |
958 | Businessmen Problems | B | 1000 | sortings | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 14:54:15 |
957 | Antipalindrome | A | 900 | brute force, implementation, strings | GNU C++14 | 27 May 2018 14:51:29 |
956 | Big Secret | C | 2200 | constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, math | GNU C++14 | 29 April 2018 15:04:31 |
955 | May Holidays | E | 2900 | data structures, trees | GNU C++14 | 29 April 2018 14:48:01 |
954 | Aztec Catacombs | D | 2600 | constructive algorithms, graphs | GNU C++14 | 29 April 2018 14:41:49 |
953 | Stairs and Elevators | A | 1600 | binary search, data structures, greedy | GNU C++14 | 29 April 2018 13:33:59 |
952 | Resource Distribution | B | 1700 | binary search, data structures, greedy, two pointers | GNU C++14 | 29 April 2018 13:29:35 |
951 | Primal Sport | A | 1700 | brute force, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 10 March 2018 16:19:15 |
950 | Perfect Security | C | 1800 | data structures, greedy, strings, trees | GNU C++14 | 10 March 2018 16:11:49 |
949 | Producing Snow | B | 1600 | binary search, data structures, implementation | GNU C++14 | 10 March 2018 16:05:53 |
948 | Knightsbridge Rises | K | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 12:36:27 | |
947 | Gentlebots | G | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 12:23:54 | |
946 | Lizard Lounge | L | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:56:58 | |
945 | Education | E | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:52:18 | |
944 | Breaking Biscuits | B | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:48:50 | |
943 | I Work All Day | I | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:40:28 | |
942 | Flipping Coins | F | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:39:20 | |
941 | Deranging Hat | D | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:36:06 | |
940 | Cued In | C | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:33:10 | |
939 | Just A Minim | J | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:28:04 | |
938 | Alien Sunset | A | undefined | GNU C++14 | 14 November 2017 11:26:25 | |
937 | One-Way Reform | E | 2200 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, flows, graphs, greedy | GNU C++14 | 11 November 2017 22:09:17 |
936 | Tanya and Password | D | 2500 | dfs and similar, graphs | GNU C++14 | 11 November 2017 19:10:22 |
935 | Team Rocket Rises Again | F | 2800 | data structures, graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++11 | 12 January 2017 17:34:49 |
934 | Arkady and a Nobody-men | E | 2700 | data structures, dfs and similar, trees | GNU C++14 | 09 November 2017 10:45:38 |
933 | Palisection | E | 2900 | strings | GNU C++14 | 18 October 2017 09:45:27 |
932 | Delivery Club | E | 2600 | binary search, data structures, dp | GNU C++14 | 17 October 2017 22:59:06 |
931 | Pumping Stations | E | 2900 | brute force, dfs and similar, divide and conquer, flows, graphs, greedy, trees | GNU C++ | 14 September 2013 17:35:31 |
930 | Buy Low Sell High | D | 2400 | data structures, greedy, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 30 September 2017 17:53:26 |
929 | Egg Roulette | F | 3300 | combinatorics, meet-in-the-middle | GNU C++11 | 30 September 2017 19:43:24 |
928 | Gotta Go Fast | C | 2400 | binary search, dp, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 30 September 2017 17:24:50 |
927 | Ordering Pizza | B | 1900 | greedy, implementation, sortings | GNU C++11 | 30 September 2017 17:13:51 |
926 | Save the problem! | A | 1400 | combinatorics, constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++11 | 30 September 2017 17:06:51 |
925 | Desk Disorder | E | 2100 | combinatorics, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, trees | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 19:26:20 |
924 | Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem | D | 2500 | trees | GNU C++11 | 24 September 2017 16:52:32 |
923 | Nagini | F | 3100 | binary search, data structures | GNU C++11 | 24 September 2017 16:36:56 |
922 | Helga Hufflepuff's Cup | C | 2000 | dp, trees | GNU C++11 | 24 September 2017 15:02:46 |
921 | Salazar Slytherin's Locket | E | 2200 | bitmasks, dp | GNU C++14 | 24 September 2017 14:54:58 |
920 | Marvolo Gaunt's Ring | B | 1500 | brute force, data structures, dp | GNU C++11 | 24 September 2017 14:38:13 |
919 | Tom Riddle's Diary | A | 800 | brute force, implementation, strings | GNU C++11 | 24 September 2017 14:35:52 |
918 | Students Initiation | J | 2400 | binary search, flows, graphs | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 14:32:49 |
917 | Travel Cards | K | 1800 | greedy, implementation, sortings | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 14:15:34 |
916 | Berland SU Computer Network | L | 2400 | dfs and similar, hashing, trees | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 14:11:28 |
915 | Berland Elections | F | 2100 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:56:27 |
914 | Noise Level | I | 1900 | dfs and similar, implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:40:46 |
913 | Sum of Nestings | C | 1800 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:34:52 |
912 | Load Testing | H | 1600 | greedy | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:26:45 |
911 | Preparing for Merge Sort | B | 1600 | binary search, data structures | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:21:43 |
910 | Union of Doubly Linked Lists | A | 1500 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:16:01 |
909 | Weather Tomorrow | M | 1000 | implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:11:43 |
908 | University Classes | G | 900 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:10:17 |
907 | Packmen | E | 1800 | binary search, dp | GNU C++11 | 18 September 2017 13:09:05 |
906 | Ordering T-Shirts | F | 2800 | greedy | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 19:20:36 |
905 | Circle of Numbers | G | 3000 | math | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 19:11:40 |
904 | Third Month Insanity | D | 2100 | dp, probabilities, trees | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 17:51:07 |
903 | Pie Rules | C | 1500 | dp, games | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 17:42:27 |
902 | Declined Finalists | A | 800 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 17:37:33 |
901 | Lazy Security Guard | B | 1000 | brute force, geometry, math | GNU C++14 | 16 September 2017 17:36:15 |
900 | Rusty String | E | 2700 | fft, math, strings | GNU C++14 | 14 September 2017 12:01:55 |
899 | To Play or not to Play | F | 3000 | greedy | GNU C++14 | 11 September 2017 16:27:33 |
898 | Bob and stages | H | 3000 | dp, geometry | Java 8 | 03 September 2017 12:10:16 |
897 | Digits | A | 2500 | brute force, implementation, math | GNU C++14 | 03 September 2017 11:54:01 |
896 | Dating | I | 2300 | brute force, dfs and similar, graphs, trees | GNU C++14 | 03 September 2017 11:02:44 |
895 | Exploration plan | D | 2100 | binary search, flows, graph matchings, shortest paths | GNU C++14 | 03 September 2017 10:46:58 |
894 | Property | C | 2100 | greedy, sortings | Java 8 | 03 September 2017 10:42:43 |
893 | Bathroom terminal | G | 1700 | implementation | GNU C++14 | 03 September 2017 10:29:51 |
892 | Casinos and travel | E | 2100 | dp | GNU C++14 | 03 September 2017 10:28:59 |
891 | Product transformation | F | 2200 | combinatorics, math, number theory | Java 8 | 03 September 2017 10:26:02 |
890 | Neural Network country | B | 2000 | dp, matrices | GNU C++14 | 03 September 2017 10:10:29 |
889 | Maximum Flow | E | 3000 | flows, graphs | GNU C++11 | 24 August 2017 21:56:46 |
888 | Upgrading Tree | C | 2600 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, math, trees | GNU C++11 | 24 August 2017 17:32:35 |
887 | Interactive LowerBound | B | 2000 | brute force, interactive, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 24 August 2017 16:49:47 |
886 | Sorting by Subsequences | A | 1400 | dfs and similar, dsu, implementation, math, sortings | GNU C++11 | 24 August 2017 16:38:37 |
885 | Aquarium decoration | E | 2500 | data structures, greedy, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 12 May 2017 14:59:29 |
884 | Cut the pie | G | 3500 | binary search, data structures, geometry | GNU C++11 | 11 May 2017 17:32:57 |
883 | Beautiful fountains rows | F | 3500 | data structures | GNU C++11 | 11 May 2017 16:56:31 |
882 | Field expansion | D | 2100 | brute force, dp, meet-in-the-middle | GNU C++11 | 11 May 2017 16:12:20 |
881 | T-shirt buying | B | 1400 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++11 | 11 May 2017 15:54:05 |
880 | Fountains | C | 1800 | binary search, data structures, implementation | GNU C++11 | 11 May 2017 15:51:19 |
879 | Carrot Cakes | A | 1100 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++11 | 11 May 2017 15:48:54 |
878 | Sherlock's bet to Moriarty | F | 2800 | constructive algorithms, data structures, divide and conquer, geometry, graphs, implementation, trees | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 16:48:09 |
877 | Sherlock and the Encrypted Data | G | 2900 | bitmasks, combinatorics, dp | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 15:49:18 |
876 | The Door Problem | D | 2000 | 2-sat, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 15:14:00 |
875 | Molly's Chemicals | C | 1800 | binary search, brute force, data structures, implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 15:06:45 |
874 | The Holmes Children | E | 2100 | math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 15:01:11 |
873 | Sherlock and his girlfriend | B | 1200 | constructive algorithms, number theory | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 14:52:26 |
872 | A Serial Killer | A | 900 | brute force, implementation, strings | GNU C++11 | 23 February 2017 14:51:02 |
871 | Bacterial Melee | D | 2400 | brute force, combinatorics, dp, string suffix structures | GNU C++14 | 22 January 2017 18:34:47 |
870 | Nikita and stack | C | 2200 | data structures | GNU C++14 | 22 January 2017 18:47:01 |
869 | Pavel and barbecue | A | 1700 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar | GNU C++14 | 22 January 2017 18:24:57 |
868 | Travel Card | B | 1600 | binary search, dp | GNU C++14 | 22 January 2017 18:19:44 |
867 | PolandBall and Many Other Balls | G | 3200 | combinatorics, divide and conquer, dp, fft, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 18:59:46 |
866 | PolandBall and White-Red graph | E | 2400 | constructive algorithms, graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 17:45:29 |
865 | PolandBall and Gifts | F | 2600 | bitmasks, dp, greedy | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 17:35:26 |
864 | PolandBall and Forest | C | 1300 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, interactive, trees | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 17:27:09 |
863 | PolandBall and Polygon | D | 2000 | data structures | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 17:18:03 |
862 | PolandBall and Game | B | 1100 | binary search, data structures, games, greedy, sortings, strings | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 17:10:18 |
861 | PolandBall and Hypothesis | A | 800 | brute force, graphs, math, number theory | GNU C++14 | 15 January 2017 17:07:52 |
860 | Can Bash Save the Day? | G | 3400 | data structures, divide and conquer, graphs, trees | GNU C++14 | 13 January 2017 10:31:09 |
859 | Felicity's Big Secret Revealed | D | 2200 | bitmasks, dp | GNU C++11 | 12 January 2017 16:09:46 |
858 | Felicity is Coming! | C | 1900 | data structures, hashing, sortings, strings | GNU C++11 | 12 January 2017 16:00:11 |
857 | Bash Plays with Functions | E | 2500 | brute force, combinatorics, dp, number theory | GNU C++11 | 12 January 2017 15:56:56 |
856 | Bash's Big Day | B | 1400 | greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 12 January 2017 15:40:35 |
855 | Gotta Catch Em' All! | A | 1000 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 12 January 2017 15:39:56 |
854 | New Year and Finding Roots | F | 2800 | constructive algorithms, implementation, interactive, trees | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2016 16:19:45 |
853 | New Year and Binary Tree Paths | G | 3200 | bitmasks, brute force, combinatorics, dp | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2016 15:27:25 |
852 | New Year and Fireworks | D | 1900 | brute force, data structures, dfs and similar, dp, implementation | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2016 14:41:20 |
851 | New Year and North Pole | B | 1300 | geometry, implementation | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2016 14:23:33 |
850 | New Year and Rating | C | 1600 | binary search, greedy, math | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2016 14:20:37 |
849 | New Year and Hurry | A | 800 | binary search, brute force, implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2016 14:16:27 |
848 | Hongcow Draws a Circle | D | 3200 | geometry | GNU C++11 | 18 December 2016 12:42:24 |
847 | Hongcow's Game | B | 1900 | bitmasks, divide and conquer, interactive | GNU C++11 | 17 December 2016 16:49:10 |
846 | Hongcow Buys a Deck of Cards | C | 2400 | bitmasks, brute force, dp | GNU C++11 | 17 December 2016 17:00:13 |
845 | Hongcow Masters the Cyclic Shift | E | 3200 | strings, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 17 December 2016 17:39:11 |
844 | Hongcow Builds A Nation | A | 1500 | dfs and similar, graphs | GNU C++11 | 17 December 2016 16:39:42 |
843 | Cowboy Beblop at his computer | I | 2800 | geometry | Java 8 | 11 September 2016 13:39:52 |
842 | Festival Organization | A | 2900 | math, number theory | Java 8 | 11 September 2016 11:57:19 |
841 | Underfail | G | 2400 | flows | GNU C++11 | 11 September 2016 11:24:38 |
840 | Pokermon League challenge | H | 2400 | math, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 11 September 2016 10:52:51 |
839 | R3D3’s Summer Adventure | B | 2700 | dp, greedy | Java 8 | 11 September 2016 10:48:21 |
838 | Heroes of Making Magic III | F | 2600 | data structures | GNU C++11 | 11 September 2016 10:44:06 |
837 | Paint it really, really dark gray | E | 1900 | dfs and similar | GNU C++11 | 11 September 2016 09:24:12 |
836 | Potions Homework | C | 1200 | implementation, sortings | GNU C++11 | 11 September 2016 09:15:57 |
835 | Dexterina’s Lab | D | 1900 | games, matrices, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 11 September 2016 09:15:42 |
834 | Two Arithmetic Progressions | D | 2500 | math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 24 August 2016 09:36:58 |
833 | String Set Queries | F | 2400 | brute force, data structures, hashing, interactive, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++11 | 22 August 2016 15:09:21 |
832 | Magic Odd Square | C | 1500 | constructive algorithms, math | GNU C++11 | 22 August 2016 14:54:25 |
831 | Generate a String | E | 2000 | dfs and similar, dp | GNU C++11 | 22 August 2016 14:22:26 |
830 | Optimal Point on a Line | B | 1400 | brute force, sortings | GNU C++11 | 22 August 2016 14:12:57 |
829 | King Moves | A | 800 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 22 August 2016 14:11:06 |
828 | Limak and Shooting Points | C | 2600 | geometry, math | GNU C++11 | 03 July 2016 11:40:03 |
827 | Coprime Permutation | F | 3000 | combinatorics, number theory | GNU C++11 | 03 July 2016 11:25:39 |
826 | Huffman Coding on Segment | E | 3100 | data structures | GNU C++11 | 03 July 2016 10:04:54 |
825 | Cron | D | 2800 | GNU C++11 | 03 July 2016 09:39:58 | |
824 | Break Up | B | 2600 | graphs | GNU C++11 | 03 July 2016 08:58:55 |
823 | LRU | A | 2400 | bitmasks, dp, math, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 03 July 2016 08:54:14 |
822 | Travelling Through the Snow Queen's Kingdom | E | 2800 | bitmasks, brute force, divide and conquer, graphs | GNU C++11 | 01 July 2016 10:53:08 |
821 | Kay and Eternity | D | 2600 | brute force, implementation, sortings | GNU C++11 | 01 July 2016 10:11:45 |
820 | Optimal Point | C | 2900 | binary search, math | GNU C++11 | 01 July 2016 10:00:09 |
819 | Kay and Snowflake | B | 1900 | data structures, dfs and similar, dp, trees | GNU C++11 | 01 July 2016 09:21:48 |
818 | Robbers' watch | A | 1700 | brute force, combinatorics, dp, math | GNU C++11 | 01 July 2016 09:11:58 |
817 | TOF | E | 2900 | dfs and similar, graphs | GNU C++11 | 29 June 2016 18:50:29 |
816 | Dividing Kingdom II | D | 2500 | brute force, data structures, dsu, graphs, sortings | GNU C++11 | 29 June 2016 18:23:56 |
815 | The Values You Can Make | C | 1900 | dp | GNU C++11 | 29 June 2016 17:17:12 |
814 | Remainders Game | B | 1800 | chinese remainder theorem, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 29 June 2016 17:13:33 |
813 | NP-Hard Problem | A | 1500 | dfs and similar, graphs | GNU C++11 | 29 June 2016 17:09:22 |
812 | Bears and Juice | F | 2900 | dp, math, meet-in-the-middle | GNU C++11 | 07 May 2016 16:45:38 |
811 | Levels and Regions | C | 2400 | dp | GNU C++11 | 07 May 2016 16:28:22 |
810 | Bear and Destroying Subtrees | E | 2700 | dp, math, probabilities, trees | GNU C++11 | 07 May 2016 15:51:30 |
809 | Bear and Two Paths | B | 1600 | constructive algorithms, graphs | GNU C++11 | 07 May 2016 15:18:49 |
808 | Bear and Colors | A | 1500 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 07 May 2016 15:07:40 |
807 | Little Artem and 2-SAT | F | 3000 | GNU C++11 | 24 April 2016 18:24:43 | |
806 | Little Artem and Random Variable | D | 2400 | dp, implementation, math, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 24 April 2016 17:41:45 |
805 | Little Artem and Dance | C | 1800 | brute force, constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++11 | 24 April 2016 17:13:25 |
804 | Little Artem and Time Machine | E | 2000 | data structures | GNU C++11 | 24 April 2016 16:48:59 |
803 | Little Artem and Matrix | B | 1400 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 24 April 2016 16:39:47 |
802 | Little Artem and Grasshopper | A | 1000 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 24 April 2016 16:37:59 |
801 | International Olympiad | D | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 15 April 2016 16:00:52 |
800 | To Hack or not to Hack | E | 3100 | brute force, dp, greedy | GNU C++11 | 15 April 2016 15:39:21 |
799 | Graph Coloring | B | 2200 | dfs and similar, graphs | GNU C++11 | 15 April 2016 14:48:03 |
798 | Gambling Nim | A | 2400 | bitmasks, math, matrices, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 15 April 2016 14:33:09 |
797 | Bear and Paradox | E | 2800 | binary search, greedy, math, sortings | GNU C++11 | 28 March 2016 17:41:33 |
796 | Bear and Polynomials | C | 2200 | hashing, implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 28 March 2016 17:06:52 |
795 | Bear and Contribution | D | 2400 | data structures, greedy, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 28 March 2016 16:52:31 |
794 | Bear and Forgotten Tree 3 | B | 1600 | constructive algorithms, graphs, trees | GNU C++11 | 28 March 2016 16:51:59 |
793 | Bear and Displayed Friends | A | 1200 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 28 March 2016 16:39:04 |
792 | Cowslip Collections | F | 2500 | combinatorics, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 18 March 2016 17:15:24 |
791 | Intellectual Inquiry | E | 2200 | dp, greedy, strings | GNU C++11 | 18 March 2016 17:01:00 |
790 | Robot Rapping Results Report | D | 1800 | binary search, dp, graphs | GNU C++11 | 18 March 2016 16:47:19 |
789 | Enduring Exodus | C | 1600 | binary search, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 18 March 2016 16:43:25 |
788 | Amity Assessment | A | 1200 | brute force, constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++11 | 18 March 2016 16:40:33 |
787 | Mischievous Mess Makers | B | 1200 | greedy, math | GNU C++11 | 18 March 2016 16:38:16 |
786 | Hostname Aliases | C | 2100 | *special, binary search, data structures, implementation, sortings, strings | GNU C++11 | 16 March 2016 11:40:49 |
785 | Processing Queries | B | 1700 | *special, constructive algorithms, data structures, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 16 March 2016 11:24:43 |
784 | Parliament of Berland | A | 1000 | *special, constructive algorithms | GNU C++11 | 16 March 2016 11:11:28 |
783 | Running with Obstacles | D | 1600 | *special, data structures, dp, greedy | GNU C++11 | 13 March 2016 15:32:09 |
782 | Promocodes with Mistakes | C | 1400 | *special, brute force, constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++11 | 13 March 2016 13:55:28 |
781 | Chat Order | B | 1200 | *special, binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, sortings | GNU C++11 | 13 March 2016 13:54:48 |
780 | Voting for Photos | A | 1000 | *special, constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++11 | 13 March 2016 13:54:23 |
779 | Clockwork Bomb | E | 3200 | data structures, dfs and similar, dsu, greedy, trees | GNU C++11 | 07 March 2016 11:07:46 |
778 | Zip-line | D | 2600 | binary search, data structures, dp, hashing | GNU C++11 | 07 March 2016 10:05:46 |
777 | Image Preview | B | 1900 | binary search, brute force, dp, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 07 March 2016 09:46:50 |
776 | Table Compression | C | 2200 | dfs and similar, dp, dsu, graphs, greedy | GNU C++11 | 07 March 2016 09:37:16 |
775 | Watchmen | A | 1400 | data structures, geometry, math | GNU C++11 | 07 March 2016 09:26:49 |
774 | Preorder Test | D | 2600 | binary search, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, greedy, trees | GNU C++11 | 28 February 2016 19:27:20 |
773 | Package Delivery | C | 2200 | data structures, divide and conquer, greedy | GNU C++11 | 28 February 2016 19:09:52 |
772 | Orchestra | E | 3000 | two pointers | GNU C++11 | 28 February 2016 18:48:22 |
771 | Factory Repairs | B | 1700 | data structures | GNU C++11 | 28 February 2016 18:21:13 |
770 | XOR Equation | A | 1700 | dp, math | GNU C++11 | 28 February 2016 18:14:01 |
769 | Fibonacci-ish II | H | 3100 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 19:42:37 |
768 | Yash And Trees | G | 2800 | bitmasks, data structures, dfs and similar, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 18:57:42 |
767 | Startup Funding | E | 2400 | binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, probabilities, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 18:37:51 |
766 | The Chocolate Spree | F | 2600 | dfs and similar, dp, graphs, trees | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 18:14:13 |
765 | Fibonacci-ish | D | 2000 | brute force, dp, hashing, implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 18:04:04 |
764 | Spy Syndrome 2 | C | 1900 | data structures, dp, hashing, implementation, sortings, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 17:55:16 |
763 | A Trivial Problem | B | 1300 | brute force, constructive algorithms, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 17:18:56 |
762 | Ebony and Ivory | A | 1100 | brute force, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 26 February 2016 17:16:43 |
761 | Raffles | G | 3100 | data structures, dp, greedy, math | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 20:20:24 |
760 | Simple Skewness | E | 2400 | binary search, math, ternary search | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 18:40:56 |
759 | Group Projects | F | 2400 | dp | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 18:17:34 |
758 | Jerry's Protest | D | 1800 | brute force, combinatorics, dp, probabilities | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 17:58:18 |
757 | Block Towers | C | 1600 | brute force, greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 17:44:55 |
756 | Cards | B | 1300 | constructive algorithms, dp, math | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 17:42:23 |
755 | Robot Sequence | A | 1000 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++11 | 13 February 2016 17:37:08 |
754 | Xors on Segments | F | 2800 | data structures, strings, trees | GNU C++11 | 21 January 2016 15:44:55 |
753 | Professor GukiZ and Two Arrays | D | 2200 | binary search, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 21 January 2016 15:37:20 |
752 | New Year Tree | E | 2100 | bitmasks, data structures, trees | GNU C++11 | 21 January 2016 15:17:23 |
751 | Pearls in a Row | C | 1500 | greedy | GNU C++11 | 21 January 2016 15:04:35 |
750 | Grandfather Dovlet’s calculator | B | 1000 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 21 January 2016 15:01:52 |
749 | Professor GukiZ's Robot | A | 800 | implementation, math | GNU C++11 | 21 January 2016 15:00:43 |
748 | New Year and Cake | G | 2900 | geometry, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 19:48:39 |
747 | New Year and Forgotten Tree | H | 3200 | constructive algorithms, flows, graphs | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 17:47:47 |
746 | New Year and Three Musketeers | E | 2400 | data structures, greedy, sortings | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 16:29:18 |
745 | New Year and Cleaning | F | 2500 | binary search, implementation | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 15:59:37 |
744 | New Year and Ancient Prophecy | D | 2000 | dp, hashing, strings | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 15:23:44 |
743 | New Year and Domino | C | 1500 | dp, implementation | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 15:15:11 |
742 | New Year and Days | A | 900 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 15:09:43 |
741 | New Year and Old Property | B | 1300 | bitmasks, brute force, implementation | GNU C++11 | 30 December 2015 15:07:31 |
740 | Marbles | C | 2500 | hashing, strings | GNU C++11 | 23 December 2015 17:57:54 |
739 | Power Tree | D | 2600 | data structures, trees | GNU C++11 | 23 December 2015 17:43:23 |
738 | Zuma | B | 1900 | dp | GNU C++11 | 23 December 2015 16:48:46 |
737 | Chain Reaction | A | 1600 | binary search, dp | GNU C++11 | 23 December 2015 16:43:36 |
736 | Wilbur and Strings | E | 2500 | dfs and similar, dp, graphs, strings | GNU C++11 | 15 November 2015 17:14:55 |
735 | Wilbur and Trees | D | 2300 | dp, math, probabilities, sortings | GNU C++11 | 15 November 2015 16:58:19 |
734 | Wilbur and Points | C | 1700 | combinatorics, greedy, sortings | GNU C++11 | 15 November 2015 16:44:32 |
733 | Wilbur and Array | B | 1100 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++11 | 15 November 2015 16:38:03 |
732 | Wilbur and Swimming Pool | A | 1100 | geometry, implementation | GNU C++11 | 15 November 2015 16:36:46 |
731 | Spectator Riots | E | 2800 | geometry | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 11:31:52 |
730 | Robots protection | I | 2800 | data structures | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 12:17:21 |
729 | Fibonotci | A | 2700 | data structures, math, matrices | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 10:17:49 |
728 | Bribes | B | 2200 | dfs and similar, graphs, trees | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 08:57:37 |
727 | Run for beer | G | 2200 | dfs and similar, shortest paths | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 08:40:00 |
726 | Bulbo | F | 2100 | dp, greedy | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 08:23:42 |
725 | Bots | H | 1800 | combinatorics, number theory | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 08:11:57 |
724 | Tablecity | D | 1700 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++11 | 06 September 2015 08:03:32 |
723 | Bear and Blocks | B | 1600 | binary search, data structures, dp, math | GNU C++11 | 29 August 2015 16:39:11 |
722 | Bear and Poker | A | 1300 | implementation, math, number theory | GNU C++11 | 29 August 2015 16:31:35 |
721 | Matching Names | A | 2300 | dfs and similar, strings, trees | GNU C++11 | 31 July 2015 12:55:12 |
720 | Restoring Map | C | 3200 | GNU C++11 | 26 July 2015 11:13:51 | |
719 | Replicating Processes | G | 2600 | GNU C++11 | 26 July 2015 10:13:39 | |
718 | Max and Min | E | 2500 | Java 8 | 26 July 2015 09:32:29 | |
717 | Restructuring Company | D | 1900 | GNU C++11 | 26 July 2015 08:29:38 | |
716 | Clique in the Divisibility Graph | B | 1500 | GNU C++11 | 26 July 2015 08:17:46 | |
715 | Pudding Monsters | D | 2800 | dp | GNU C++ | 13 June 2014 16:49:45 |
714 | Yura and Developers | F | 2800 | data structures, divide and conquer | GNU C++11 | 06 June 2015 14:08:45 |
713 | Looksery Party | B | 2300 | constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, greedy | GNU C++11 | 06 June 2015 13:59:48 |
712 | Haar Features | D | 1900 | greedy, implementation | Java 7 | 06 June 2015 13:44:44 |
711 | The Game Of Parity | C | 2200 | games | GNU C++11 | 06 June 2015 13:37:38 |
710 | Happy Line | G | 2200 | constructive algorithms, greedy, sortings | GNU C++11 | 06 June 2015 13:17:33 |
709 | Degenerate Matrix | H | 2100 | binary search, math | GNU C++11 | 06 June 2015 13:06:17 |
708 | Face Detection | A | 900 | implementation, strings | GNU C++11 | 06 June 2015 13:01:28 |
707 | Idempotent functions | C | 2000 | Java 8 | 03 May 2015 17:17:48 | |
706 | Superhero's Job | D | 2600 | GNU C++11 | 03 May 2015 17:03:40 | |
705 | Place Your Ad Here | A | 2400 | GNU C++11 | 03 May 2015 16:50:48 | |
704 | Playing on Graph | E | 2600 | GNU C++11 | 03 May 2015 16:38:52 | |
703 | Quest | F | 2100 | GNU C++11 | 03 May 2015 16:26:02 | |
702 | Berland Miners | A | 3000 | GNU C++11 | 17 April 2015 18:29:27 | |
701 | Landmarks | D | 3000 | GNU C++11 | 17 April 2015 17:38:13 | |
700 | Encoding | F | 2400 | GNU C++11 | 17 April 2015 17:06:57 | |
699 | Board Game | C | 1700 | GNU C++11 | 17 April 2015 16:23:26 | |
698 | Work Group | B | 2000 | GNU C++11 | 17 April 2015 16:14:39 | |
697 | Correcting Mistakes | E | 1800 | Java 8 | 17 April 2015 16:13:40 | |
696 | Transmitting Levels | E | 2400 | dp, implementation | GNU C++11 | 04 April 2015 17:23:38 |
695 | Om Nom and Necklace | D | 2200 | hashing, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++11 | 04 April 2015 17:10:19 |
694 | Om Nom and Candies | C | 2000 | brute force, greedy, math | GNU C++11 | 04 April 2015 16:53:42 |
693 | Om Nom and Dark Park | B | 1400 | dfs and similar, greedy, implementation | GNU C++11 | 04 April 2015 16:41:15 |
692 | King of Thieves | A | 1300 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++11 | 04 April 2015 16:37:25 |
691 | And Yet Another Bracket Sequence | F | 2700 | data structures, greedy, hashing, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++11 | 21 March 2015 15:55:45 |
690 | Social Network | D | 2100 | greedy, two pointers | GNU C++11 | 21 March 2015 14:51:08 |
689 | Rooks and Rectangles | E | 2400 | data structures, sortings | GNU C++11 | 21 March 2015 14:31:34 |
688 | The Art of Dealing with ATM | C | 1900 | binary search, sortings | GNU C++11 | 21 March 2015 14:13:56 |
687 | Возможно, вы знаете этих людей? | A | 1600 | implementation | GNU C++11 | 21 March 2015 14:06:03 |
686 | Фото на память - 2 (round version) | B | 1700 | dp, greedy | Java 8 | 21 March 2015 14:04:30 |
685 | Closest Equals | D | 2000 | *special, data structures | Java 8 | 08 March 2015 10:48:59 |
684 | Reposts | A | 1200 | *special, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, trees | Java 8 | 08 March 2015 10:48:30 |
683 | Chicken or Fish? | C | 2100 | greedy | GNU C++0x | 08 March 2015 10:47:31 |
682 | Photo to Remember | B | 1100 | *special, data structures, dp, implementation | GNU C++0x | 08 March 2015 10:47:08 |
681 | Inversions problem | G1 | 1800 | brute force, dfs and similar, dp, meet-in-the-middle | GNU C++ | 07 February 2015 17:38:52 |
680 | Scaygerboss | F1 | 2700 | flows | GNU C++ | 07 February 2015 18:59:15 |
679 | Subarray Cuts | E1 | 2600 | dp | GNU C++ | 07 February 2015 18:33:45 |
678 | Constrained Tree | D1 | 2400 | dfs and similar | GNU C++0x | 07 February 2015 17:56:13 |
677 | Permutations | B1 | 1400 | brute force | GNU C++ | 07 February 2015 17:11:45 |
676 | Second price auction | C | 2000 | bitmasks, probabilities | GNU C++ | 07 February 2015 17:16:05 |
675 | Fox And Polygon | E | 2900 | constructive algorithms, divide and conquer | GNU C++ | 02 February 2015 18:27:38 |
674 | Fox And Dinner | C | 2300 | flows, graph matchings | GNU C++ | 02 February 2015 17:46:50 |
673 | Fox And Travelling | D | 2900 | dp, trees | GNU C++ | 02 February 2015 17:28:56 |
672 | Fox And Names | A | 1600 | dfs and similar, graphs, greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 02 February 2015 17:12:47 |
671 | Fox And Jumping | B | 1900 | data structures, dp, math, number theory, shortest paths | GNU C++ | 02 February 2015 17:05:39 |
670 | The Maths Lecture | D | 2200 | dp, implementation | GNU C++0x | 23 January 2015 16:33:49 |
669 | Breaking Good | E | 2100 | dfs and similar, dp, graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++0x | 23 January 2015 16:32:03 |
668 | Guess Your Way Out! | C | 1700 | implementation, math, trees | GNU C++0x | 23 January 2015 16:18:12 |
667 | Amr and Pins | B | 1400 | geometry, math | GNU C++0x | 23 January 2015 16:06:14 |
666 | Amr and Music | A | 1000 | greedy, implementation, sortings | GNU C++0x | 23 January 2015 16:03:06 |
665 | Kingdom Subdivision | K | undefined | GNU C++0x | 22 January 2015 13:43:25 | |
664 | Tree Query | F | undefined | GNU C++ | 07 January 2015 18:34:32 | |
663 | ShortestPath Query | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 07 January 2015 18:11:00 | |
662 | Palindrome Query | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 07 January 2015 17:59:09 | |
661 | Subrect Query | C | undefined | GNU C++ | 07 January 2015 17:42:12 | |
660 | LCM Query | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 07 January 2015 17:32:10 | |
659 | New Year Shopping | F | 2700 | divide and conquer, dp | GNU C++ | 30 December 2014 15:55:57 |
658 | New Year Domino | E | 2300 | data structures, dp, dsu | GNU C++ | 30 December 2014 15:39:59 |
657 | New Year Santa Network | D | 1900 | combinatorics, dfs and similar, graphs, trees | GNU C++ | 30 December 2014 15:15:24 |
656 | New Year Book Reading | C | 1600 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, math | GNU C++ | 30 December 2014 15:09:45 |
655 | New Year Transportation | A | 1000 | dfs and similar, graphs, implementation | GNU C++ | 30 December 2014 15:06:31 |
654 | New Year Permutation | B | 1600 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, greedy, math, sortings | GNU C++ | 30 December 2014 15:05:04 |
653 | Birthday | D | 2700 | data structures, dfs and similar, dp, trees | GNU C++ | 13 December 2014 19:21:22 |
652 | Helping People | C | 2600 | dp, probabilities | GNU C++ | 13 December 2014 18:07:01 |
651 | Sharti | E | 3200 | data structures, games | GNU C++ | 13 December 2014 17:32:52 |
650 | Obsessive String | B | 2000 | dp, strings | GNU C++ | 13 December 2014 16:41:49 |
649 | Treasure | A | 1500 | greedy | GNU C++ | 13 December 2014 16:33:35 |
648 | Gomoku | G | undefined | interactive | GNU C++ | 09 December 2014 14:17:03 |
647 | Vanya and Computer Game | D | 1800 | binary search, implementation, math, sortings | GNU C++ | 01 December 2014 17:01:25 |
646 | Vanya and Field | E | 2000 | math | GNU C++ | 01 December 2014 16:59:15 |
645 | Vanya and Exams | C | 1400 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 01 December 2014 16:48:37 |
644 | Vanya and Cubes | A | 800 | implementation | GNU C++ | 01 December 2014 16:45:56 |
643 | Vanya and Lanterns | B | 1200 | binary search, implementation, math, sortings | GNU C++ | 01 December 2014 16:44:34 |
642 | IBM Chill Zone | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 17:00:23 | |
641 | Swell Foop | G | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:59:20 | |
640 | Conference Room | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:44:06 | |
639 | Poetry Challenge | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:37:26 | |
638 | ICPC Giveaways | C | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:31:37 | |
637 | Hall of Fame | I | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:27:54 | |
636 | ICPC Quest | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:22:07 | |
635 | T-shirts | D | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:12:45 | |
634 | Door Lock | F | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:09:53 | |
633 | Bye Bye Russia | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 10 November 2014 16:05:51 | |
632 | Highway Hassle | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 18:19:26 | |
631 | Floating Formation | F | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 15:09:09 | |
630 | Dropping Directions | D | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 14:59:31 | |
629 | Avoiding the Apocalypse | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 14:25:05 | |
628 | Interesting Integers | I | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 14:09:27 | |
627 | Citadel Construction | C | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 14:00:40 | |
626 | Excellent Engineers | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 13:44:42 | |
625 | Button Bashing | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 13:41:17 | |
624 | Growling Gears | G | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 13:37:35 | |
623 | Jury Jeopardy | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 13:34:34 | |
622 | Key to Knowledge | K | undefined | GNU C++ | 06 November 2014 13:28:23 | |
621 | 0x | O | undefined | PHP | 01 November 2014 15:40:12 | |
620 | Peace of AmericaReunion | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:35:14 | |
619 | Peace of AmericanWedding | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:33:08 | |
618 | Crap | K | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:26:21 | |
617 | oPlus | M | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:23:09 | |
616 | Common | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:21:32 | |
615 | Peace of AmericanPie | I | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:17:28 | |
614 | 6227020800 | R | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:16:10 | |
613 | Peace of bzjd | Q | undefined | GNU C++ | 01 November 2014 15:14:49 | |
612 | Cave | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2014 14:09:37 | |
611 | Afternoon Tea | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2014 14:06:09 | |
610 | Arithmetic Rectangle | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2014 13:40:57 | |
609 | ELCA | E | 3200 | data structures, trees | GNU C++ | 24 October 2014 20:59:59 |
608 | Game with Strings | C | 2600 | bitmasks, dp, probabilities | GNU C++ | 24 October 2014 17:34:25 |
607 | Random Function and Tree | D | 2700 | combinatorics, dp, trees | GNU C++ | 24 October 2014 17:49:36 |
606 | Interesting Array | B | 1800 | constructive algorithms, data structures, trees | GNU C++ | 24 October 2014 17:19:19 |
605 | Diverse Permutation | A | 1200 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++ | 24 October 2014 17:06:26 |
604 | Pillars | E | 2000 | binary search, data structures, dp, sortings, trees | GNU C++ | 06 October 2014 16:01:03 |
603 | Ant colony | F | 2100 | data structures, math, number theory | GNU C++ | 06 October 2014 15:50:24 |
602 | Flowers | D | 1700 | dp | GNU C++ | 06 October 2014 15:44:17 |
601 | Captain Marmot | C | 2000 | brute force, geometry | GNU C++ | 06 October 2014 15:41:37 |
600 | Worms | B | 1200 | binary search, implementation | GNU C++ | 06 October 2014 15:33:19 |
599 | Keyboard | A | 900 | implementation | GNU C++ | 06 October 2014 15:31:48 |
598 | Design Tutorial: Learn from a Game | E | 2800 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++ | 28 September 2014 17:32:47 |
597 | Design Tutorial: Inverse the Problem | D | 1900 | dfs and similar, dsu, shortest paths, trees | GNU C++ | 28 September 2014 16:04:30 |
596 | Design Tutorial: Make It Nondeterministic | C | 1400 | greedy | GNU C++ | 28 September 2014 15:45:43 |
595 | Design Tutorial: Learn from Life | B | 1300 | GNU C++ | 28 September 2014 15:38:54 | |
594 | Design Tutorial: Learn from Math | A | 800 | math, number theory | GNU C++ | 28 September 2014 15:37:54 |
593 | Information Graph | E | 2100 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, trees | GNU C++ | 12 September 2014 15:52:53 |
592 | Increase Sequence | D | 2100 | combinatorics, dp | GNU C++ | 12 September 2014 15:42:53 |
591 | Number of Ways | C | 1700 | binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, two pointers | GNU C++ | 12 September 2014 15:37:15 |
590 | Wonder Room | B | 2000 | brute force, math | GNU C++ | 12 September 2014 15:35:09 |
589 | Cheap Travel | A | 1200 | implementation | GNU C++ | 12 September 2014 15:31:09 |
588 | Cow Acrobats | L | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 14:29:15 | |
587 | Completion | K | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 14:23:34 | |
586 | Hexagon Game | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 14:16:33 | |
585 | Random Route | I | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 13:49:08 | |
584 | Advertisement | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 13:38:44 | |
583 | Highways | G | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 13:31:19 | |
582 | Dictionary | F | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 13:26:32 | |
581 | Lock Manager | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 13:15:59 | |
580 | Computer Dialogue | D | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 13:08:42 | |
579 | Expression | B | 1500 | *special, expression parsing | Tcl | 21 February 2011 16:04:59 |
578 | Loan | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 12:44:32 | |
577 | Divisibility | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 11 September 2014 12:13:27 | |
576 | World of Darkraft - 2 | D | 2700 | dp, probabilities | GNU C++ | 07 September 2014 16:42:58 |
575 | Restore Cube | B | 2000 | brute force, geometry | GNU C++ | 07 September 2014 16:15:58 |
574 | Substitutes in Number | C | 2100 | dp | GNU C++ | 07 September 2014 15:49:52 |
573 | No to Palindromes! | A | 1700 | greedy, strings | GNU C++ | 07 September 2014 15:35:45 |
572 | Bingo! | D | 2700 | combinatorics, probabilities | GNU C++ | 10 August 2014 19:39:45 |
571 | Distributed Join | B | 1900 | greedy | GNU C++ | 10 August 2014 18:15:39 |
570 | Golden System | A | 1700 | math | GNU C++ | 10 August 2014 17:16:36 |
569 | Function | E | 2900 | data structures | GNU C++ | 08 August 2014 17:20:42 |
568 | Serega and Fun | D | 2700 | data structures | GNU C++ | 08 August 2014 16:50:55 |
567 | Civilization | C | 2100 | dfs and similar, dp, dsu, ternary search, trees | GNU C++ | 08 August 2014 16:03:03 |
566 | A Lot of Games | B | 1900 | dfs and similar, dp, games, implementation, strings, trees | GNU C++ | 08 August 2014 15:46:26 |
565 | Boredom | A | 1500 | dp | GNU C++ | 08 August 2014 15:33:42 |
564 | Three strings | E | 2400 | data structures, dsu, string suffix structures, strings | GNU C++ | 27 July 2014 18:04:56 |
563 | Washer, Dryer, Folder | D | 1900 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++ | 27 July 2014 17:44:46 |
562 | 4-point polyline | B | 1800 | brute force, constructive algorithms, geometry, trees | GNU C++ | 27 July 2014 17:40:24 |
561 | Magic Trick | C | 2100 | combinatorics, math, probabilities | GNU C++ | 27 July 2014 17:33:53 |
560 | Eevee | A | 1000 | brute force, implementation, strings | GNU C++ | 27 July 2014 17:02:47 |
559 | Gena and Second Distance | E | 3100 | geometry | GNU C++ | 19 June 2014 17:24:23 |
558 | Artem and Array | C | 2500 | data structures, greedy | GNU C++ | 19 June 2014 16:44:22 |
557 | Adam and Tree | D | 2600 | data structures, trees | GNU C++ | 19 June 2014 16:21:26 |
556 | Andrey and Problem | B | 1800 | greedy, math, probabilities | GNU C++ | 19 June 2014 16:10:27 |
555 | Borya and Hanabi | A | 1700 | bitmasks, brute force, implementation | GNU C++ | 19 June 2014 15:38:14 |
554 | Banners | F | 3000 | brute force, data structures, dp | GNU C++ | 13 June 2014 21:33:45 |
553 | Dungeons and Candies | C | 1800 | dsu, graphs, greedy, trees | GNU C++ | 13 June 2014 15:49:07 |
552 | Om Nom and Spiders | B | 1400 | implementation, math | GNU C++ | 13 June 2014 15:39:53 |
551 | Feed with Candy | A | 1500 | greedy | GNU C++ | 13 June 2014 15:35:47 |
550 | E-mail Addresses | E | 1900 | implementation | GNU C++ | 18 April 2014 16:33:53 |
549 | Giving Awards | D | 2000 | dfs and similar | GNU C++ | 18 April 2014 16:25:15 |
548 | Poster | A | 900 | greedy, implementation | GNU C++ | 18 April 2014 16:17:46 |
547 | Network Configuration | B | 900 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 18 April 2014 16:15:09 |
546 | Pattern | C | 1200 | implementation, strings | GNU C++ | 18 April 2014 16:13:19 |
545 | Big Problems for Organizers | D | 2800 | data structures, graphs, trees | GNU C++ | 17 April 2014 18:05:53 |
544 | Square Table | C | 2400 | constructive algorithms, dp, math | GNU C++ | 17 April 2014 15:58:54 |
543 | Cunning Gena | B | 1900 | bitmasks, dp, sortings | GNU C++ | 17 April 2014 15:49:48 |
542 | Football | A | 900 | implementation, strings | Delphi | 15 July 2011 11:29:46 |
541 | Dome | E | 1800 | *special | GNU C++ | 01 April 2014 17:03:07 |
540 | Big Data | D | 1700 | *special | GNU C++ | 01 April 2014 16:52:52 |
539 | A + B Strikes Back | H | 1500 | *special, brute force, constructive algorithms, dsu, implementation | GNU C++ | 01 April 2014 15:58:44 |
538 | Mysterious Language | B | 1700 | *special | Mysterious Language | 01 April 2014 15:55:46 |
537 | Magnum Opus | C | 1700 | *special | GNU C++ | 01 April 2014 15:47:21 |
536 | The Great Game | A | 1700 | *special | GNU C++ | 01 April 2014 15:44:46 |
535 | Largest Submatrix 3 | D | 2700 | dp, hashing | GNU C++ | 30 March 2014 08:46:29 |
534 | Curious Array | C | 2500 | brute force, combinatorics, implementation, math | GNU C++ | 30 March 2014 07:53:56 |
533 | Triangle | A | 1600 | brute force, geometry, implementation, math | GNU C++ | 30 March 2014 07:17:06 |
532 | Long Path | B | 1600 | dp, implementation | GNU C++ | 30 March 2014 07:09:34 |
531 | Fox and Perfect Sets | D | 2700 | math | GNU C++ | 03 February 2014 16:30:46 |
530 | Fox and Box Accumulation | A | 1400 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 03 February 2014 16:10:59 |
529 | Fox and Card Game | C | 2000 | games, greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 03 February 2014 16:04:31 |
528 | Fox and Minimal path | B | 1900 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, graphs, implementation, math | GNU C++ | 03 February 2014 15:59:40 |
527 | New Year Tree Decorations | E | 2500 | geometry, schedules, sortings | GNU C++ | 30 December 2013 16:29:34 |
526 | New Year Letter | D | 2000 | bitmasks, brute force, dp | GNU C++ | 30 December 2013 16:04:56 |
525 | New Year Present | B | 1200 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++ | 30 December 2013 15:36:42 |
524 | New Year Ratings Change | C | 1400 | greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 30 December 2013 15:34:01 |
523 | New Year Candles | A | 1000 | implementation | GNU C++ | 30 December 2013 15:31:32 |
522 | Cookie Clicker | E | 2800 | dp, geometry | GNU C++ | 29 December 2013 23:36:09 |
521 | Captains Mode | C | 2200 | bitmasks, dp, games | GNU C++ | 29 December 2013 16:24:02 |
520 | Preparing for the Contest | B | 1900 | binary search, data structures, greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 29 December 2013 16:08:39 |
519 | Developing Game | D | 2400 | data structures | GNU C++ | 29 December 2013 15:55:41 |
518 | Maze | E | 2500 | dfs and similar, dp, probabilities, trees | Delphi | 03 November 2011 16:30:36 |
517 | Choosing Subtree is Fun | D | 2600 | binary search, data structures, dfs and similar, trees, two pointers | GNU C++ | 13 December 2013 15:38:22 |
516 | Watching Fireworks is Fun | C | 2100 | data structures, dp, math | GNU C++ | 13 December 2013 14:27:41 |
515 | Counting Rectangles is Fun | B | 1900 | brute force, divide and conquer, dp | GNU C++ | 13 December 2013 14:09:48 |
514 | Counting Kangaroos is Fun | A | 1600 | binary search, greedy, sortings, two pointers | GNU C++ | 13 December 2013 14:03:27 |
513 | Sereja and Intervals | E | 2700 | combinatorics, dp | GNU C++ | 26 November 2013 16:46:39 |
512 | Sereja and Sets | D | 2400 | bitmasks, dfs and similar | GNU C++ | 26 November 2013 16:10:27 |
511 | Sereja and Algorithm | A | 1500 | data structures, implementation | GNU C++ | 26 November 2013 15:59:34 |
510 | Sereja and the Arrangement of Numbers | C | 2000 | graphs, greedy, sortings | GNU C++ | 26 November 2013 15:53:39 |
509 | Sereja ans Anagrams | B | 1900 | binary search, data structures | GNU C++ | 26 November 2013 15:38:57 |
508 | Wi-fi Towers | L | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 16:17:25 | |
507 | Doubly-sorted Grid | K | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 15:57:08 | |
506 | Seven Kingdoms | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 14:51:33 | |
505 | Fast Food Prizes | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 14:31:28 | |
504 | Chemicals Monitoring | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 14:15:08 | |
503 | IQ Test | F | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 13:42:26 | |
502 | Digital Content Protection | D | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 13:11:37 | |
501 | Institute of Advanced Category Manipulation | C | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 13:00:30 | |
500 | Flood-It | I | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 12:43:49 | |
499 | Credit Card Payment | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 12:36:23 | |
498 | Tables | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 12:29:39 | |
497 | Social Advertising | G | undefined | GNU C++ | 30 October 2013 12:20:01 | |
496 | Bags and Coins | D | 2700 | bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, greedy | GNU C++ | 15 October 2013 13:11:34 |
495 | Compartments | C | 2100 | combinatorics, constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | GNU C++ | 15 October 2013 12:33:25 |
494 | Knight Tournament | A | 1500 | data structures, dsu | GNU C++ | 15 October 2013 12:14:42 |
493 | Xenia and Hamming | B | 1900 | implementation, math | GNU C++ | 15 October 2013 12:09:23 |
492 | Square, Segments and Point | M | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 15:23:38 | |
491 | Young Diagrams | L | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 14:38:17 | |
490 | Chessboard in FEN | K | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 14:27:46 | |
489 | Common Permutation | J | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 14:17:05 | |
488 | Graph of Inversions | I | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 14:11:04 | |
487 | This Takes the Cake | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 14:06:39 | |
486 | Squadtrees | G | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 14:02:02 | |
485 | Pushing Boxes | F | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 13:44:28 | |
484 | Polly Nomials | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 13:33:49 | |
483 | Phone Home | D | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 13:27:44 | |
482 | EKG Sequence | C | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 13:22:26 | |
481 | Decorations | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 13:15:28 | |
480 | Crypto Columns | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 18 September 2013 12:46:08 | |
479 | Water Tree | D | 2100 | data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, trees | GNU C++ | 14 September 2013 16:18:23 |
478 | Read Time | C | 1900 | binary search, greedy, two pointers | GNU C++ | 14 September 2013 15:46:43 |
477 | Alternating Current | B | 1600 | data structures, greedy, implementation | GNU C++ | 14 September 2013 15:38:30 |
476 | Rational Resistance | A | 1600 | math, number theory | GNU C++ | 14 September 2013 15:34:45 |
475 | GCD Table | D | 2900 | chinese remainder theorem, math, number theory | GNU C++ | 16 August 2013 17:29:50 |
474 | Divisor Tree | C | 2200 | brute force, dp, number theory | GNU C++ | 16 August 2013 17:11:14 |
473 | Quiz | A | 1600 | greedy, math, number theory | GNU C++ | 16 August 2013 16:52:28 |
472 | Optimize! | E | 2600 | data structures | GNU C++ | 16 August 2013 16:42:46 |
471 | Book of Evil | B | 2000 | dfs and similar, dp, trees | GNU C++ | 16 August 2013 16:24:26 |
470 | Counting Skyscrapers | E | 2800 | dp, math, probabilities | GNU C++ | 03 August 2013 19:50:41 |
469 | Rectangles and Square | D | 2400 | brute force, dp | GNU C++ | 03 August 2013 19:09:15 |
468 | Palindrome | B | 1900 | constructive algorithms, dp | GNU C++ | 03 August 2013 17:49:55 |
467 | More Reclamation | C | 2100 | games | GNU C++ | 03 August 2013 17:35:26 |
466 | Banana | A | 1400 | binary search, constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++ | 03 August 2013 17:05:23 |
465 | Graph Reconstruction | C | 2400 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 20 July 2013 15:29:54 |
464 | The Evil Temple and the Moving Rocks | D | 2500 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 20 July 2013 14:39:23 |
463 | Biridian Forest | B | 1500 | dfs and similar, shortest paths | GNU C++ | 20 July 2013 13:50:44 |
462 | Purification | A | 1500 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++ | 20 July 2013 13:41:07 |
461 | Escaping on Beaveractor | D1 | 2400 | dfs and similar, implementation | GNU C++ | 17 July 2013 17:00:30 |
460 | Shave Beaver! | B1 | 1700 | implementation | GNU C++ | 17 July 2013 16:08:02 |
459 | Oh Sweet Beaverette | A1 | 1400 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++ | 17 July 2013 16:00:02 |
458 | The Great Julya Calendar | C1 | 1100 | dp | GNU C++ | 17 July 2013 15:51:57 |
457 | Game with Powers | D | 2300 | dp, games | GNU C++ | 14 June 2013 16:19:58 |
456 | Ants | B | 2000 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++ | 14 June 2013 16:12:42 |
455 | Perfect Pair | A | 1600 | brute force | GNU C++ | 14 June 2013 15:52:59 |
454 | Suns and Rays | F1 | 2200 | dfs and similar, implementation | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 16:09:16 |
453 | Summer Homework | E1 | 1500 | brute force, data structures | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 13:41:09 |
452 | Good Substrings | G1 | 1700 | hashing, strings | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 14:40:43 |
451 | Tidying Up | C1 | 2200 | flows | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 14:02:16 |
450 | PE Lesson | D1 | 2300 | brute force, dp | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 13:37:24 |
449 | EKG | B1 | 1500 | brute force, dfs and similar | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 13:11:21 |
448 | Special Task | A1 | 1100 | greedy | GNU C++ | 12 June 2013 13:06:20 |
447 | School of Magic | H | undefined | GNU C++ | 04 June 2013 13:30:00 | |
446 | Infinite Recursion | F | undefined | Java 7 | 04 June 2013 13:19:24 | |
445 | Shepherd's Problem | I | undefined | Java 7 | 04 June 2013 12:23:02 | |
444 | Minimal Cut Matrix | D | undefined | GNU C++ | 04 June 2013 11:51:16 | |
443 | Suffix Automaton | J | undefined | Java 7 | 04 June 2013 11:41:29 | |
442 | Shortest Path | E | undefined | GNU C++ | 04 June 2013 11:26:32 | |
441 | Discount | B | undefined | GNU C++ | 04 June 2013 11:05:38 | |
440 | War Academy | A | undefined | GNU C++ | 04 June 2013 10:58:35 | |
439 | Dowry | C | undefined | Java 7 | 04 June 2013 10:53:55 | |
438 | Yet Another Rooks Problem | G | undefined | GNU C++ | 04 June 2013 10:34:49 | |
437 | Tennis Rackets | D | 2700 | GNU C++ | 17 May 2013 11:10:50 | |
436 | Context Advertising | B | 2100 | GNU C++ | 17 May 2013 10:40:10 | |
435 | Memory for Arrays | C | 1900 | GNU C++ | 17 May 2013 10:29:09 | |
434 | Morning run | A | 2000 | GNU C++ | 17 May 2013 10:16:15 | |
433 | Random Ranking | E | 3000 | dp, math, probabilities | GNU C++ | 12 May 2013 17:55:12 |
432 | Close Vertices | E | 2700 | data structures, divide and conquer, trees | GNU C++ | 23 April 2013 07:35:55 |
431 | Distinct Paths | B | 2700 | brute force, combinatorics | GNU C++ | 22 April 2013 17:23:56 |
430 | Weird Game | A | 1500 | games, greedy | GNU C++ | 22 April 2013 16:42:26 |
429 | Cube Problem | C | 2400 | brute force, math, number theory | GNU C++ | 22 April 2013 16:32:37 |
428 | Ksusha and Square | D | 2700 | geometry, math, probabilities, two pointers | GNU C++ | 22 April 2013 16:04:47 |
427 | Mystic Carvings | E | 3000 | data structures | GNU C++ | 19 April 2013 17:02:21 |
426 | Splitting the Uniqueness | C | 2400 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 19 April 2013 16:44:00 |
425 | Color the Carpet | D | 2500 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 19 April 2013 16:32:52 |
424 | Fish Weight | B | 1600 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++ | 19 April 2013 15:41:03 |
423 | Parity Game | A | 1700 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 19 April 2013 15:36:51 |
422 | Connected Components | D | 1900 | data structures, dfs and similar, dp, dsu | GNU C++ | 15 April 2013 15:56:53 |
421 | Beautiful IP Addresses | C | 2000 | brute force | GNU C++ | 15 April 2013 16:10:36 |
420 | Copying Data | E | 1900 | data structures | GNU C++ | 15 April 2013 15:50:32 |
419 | SMSC | A | 1100 | implementation | GNU C++ | 15 April 2013 15:42:55 |
418 | Network Topology | B | 1200 | graphs, implementation | GNU C++ | 15 April 2013 15:39:36 |
417 | Tree-String Problem | E | 2000 | *special, dfs and similar, hashing, strings | GNU C++ | 14 April 2013 12:55:10 |
416 | Parallel Programming | D | 1600 | *special, greedy | GNU C++ | 14 April 2013 12:48:18 |
415 | Network Mask | C | 1600 | *special, bitmasks, brute force, implementation | GNU C++ | 14 April 2013 12:35:53 |
414 | Command Line Arguments | B | 1300 | *special, implementation, strings | GNU C++ | 14 April 2013 12:28:24 |
413 | Spyke Talks | A | 800 | *special, implementation, sortings | GNU C++ | 14 April 2013 12:21:38 |
412 | Game on Tree | C | 2200 | implementation, math, probabilities, trees | GNU C++ | 10 March 2013 16:03:27 |
411 | Maximum Xor Secondary | B | 1800 | data structures, implementation, two pointers | GNU C++ | 10 March 2013 15:58:22 |
410 | Rectangle Puzzle | A | 2000 | geometry | GNU C++ | 10 March 2013 15:40:42 |
409 | Dima and Game | E | 2600 | dp, games | GNU C++ | 13 February 2013 16:55:40 |
408 | Dima and Figure | D | 2400 | dp | GNU C++ | 13 February 2013 16:19:17 |
407 | Dima and Two Sequences | B | 1600 | combinatorics | GNU C++ | 13 February 2013 15:46:30 |
406 | Dima and Staircase | A | 1500 | GNU C++ | 13 February 2013 15:36:12 | |
405 | Maximum Waterfall | D | 2600 | data structures, dp, graphs, sortings | GNU C++ | 01 February 2013 16:55:57 |
404 | Greenhouse Effect | B | 1700 | dp | GNU C++ | 01 February 2013 16:13:58 |
403 | Magical Boxes | A | 1600 | greedy, math | GNU C++ | 01 February 2013 16:06:56 |
402 | Flawed Flow | C | 2100 | constructive algorithms, flows, graphs, greedy | GNU C++ | 01 February 2013 15:53:48 |
401 | Black and White Tree | D | 2100 | constructive algorithms, dsu, graphs, greedy, trees | GNU C++ | 27 December 2012 17:51:45 |
400 | Dividing Kingdom | E | 2500 | binary search, brute force, data structures | GNU C++ | 27 December 2012 16:34:56 |
399 | Balls and Boxes | C | 1700 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | GNU C++ | 27 December 2012 15:52:05 |
398 | Ancient Prophesy | B | 1600 | brute force, implementation, strings | GNU C++ | 27 December 2012 15:44:19 |
397 | Adding Digits | A | 1400 | implementation, math | GNU C++ | 27 December 2012 15:39:57 |
396 | Number Transformation | C | 2000 | dp, greedy, number theory | GNU C++ | 06 December 2012 17:00:32 |
395 | Two Sets | D | 2700 | bitmasks, math | GNU C++ | 06 December 2012 16:37:33 |
394 | Playing with Permutations | B | 1800 | implementation, math | GNU C++ | 06 December 2012 15:52:36 |
393 | Points on Line | A | 1300 | binary search, combinatorics, two pointers | GNU C++ | 06 December 2012 15:32:16 |
392 | Hydra | B | 2000 | graphs, sortings | GNU C++ | 16 November 2012 18:33:39 |
391 | Colorado Potato Beetle | C | 2200 | dfs and similar, implementation | GNU C++ | 16 November 2012 16:04:11 |
390 | The Brand New Function | A | 1600 | bitmasks | GNU C++ | 16 November 2012 15:35:30 |
389 | Meeting Her | E | 2600 | dp, graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++ | 04 November 2012 17:49:56 |
388 | Boring Partition | B | 1800 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 04 November 2012 16:52:35 |
387 | World Eater Brothers | C | 2100 | dfs and similar, dp, greedy, trees | GNU C++ | 04 November 2012 16:29:43 |
386 | Not Wool Sequences | A | 1300 | constructive algorithms, math | Delphi | 04 November 2012 16:03:26 |
385 | Numbers | A | 1000 | implementation, math | Delphi | 06 May 2010 14:01:48 |
384 | Friends | B | 2700 | binary search, bitmasks, data structures, math | GNU C++ | 01 November 2012 17:55:07 |
383 | Race | F | 2300 | brute force, implementation | GNU C++ | 01 November 2012 17:13:14 |
382 | Flights | E | 2600 | graphs, shortest paths | GNU C++ | 01 November 2012 16:29:48 |
381 | Challenging Balloons | G | 1900 | constructive algorithms | GNU C++ | 01 November 2012 16:13:16 |
380 | Mirror Box | C | 2000 | geometry, implementation | GNU C++ | 01 November 2012 15:56:11 |
379 | Old Peykan | A | 1300 | greedy | GNU C++ | 01 November 2012 15:38:37 |
378 | Let's Play Osu! | B | 2000 | dp, math, probabilities | Delphi | 21 October 2012 07:22:34 |
377 | LCM Challenge | A | 1600 | number theory | GNU C++ | 21 October 2012 07:15:42 |
376 | Road Repairs | E | 2800 | dfs and similar, graphs, greedy | GNU C++ | 16 October 2012 10:32:39 |
375 | TorCoder | F | 2600 | data structures | GNU C++ | 16 October 2012 08:46:49 |
374 | Cinema | A | 1600 | implementation | GNU C++ | 16 October 2012 07:34:42 |
373 | Merging Two Decks | D | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy | GNU C++ | 16 October 2012 07:23:57 |
372 | Fence | D | 2900 | binary search, data structures, string suffix structures | GNU C++ | 11 October 2012 17:09:44 |
371 | Practice | C | 1600 | constructive algorithms, implementation | GNU C++ | 16 October 2012 07:03:37 |
370 | Cycles | A | 1600 | binary search, constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy | GNU C++ | 11 October 2012 16:13:08 |
369 | Table | C | 1600 | *special, greedy, implementation, math | Tcl | 21 February 2011 16:13:17 |
368 | Snake | D | 2200 | bitmasks, dfs and similar, graphs, implementation | GNU C++ | 19 September 2012 16:42:15 |
367 | Well-known Numbers | B | 1600 | binary search, greedy, number theory | GNU C++ | 19 September 2012 16:21:11 |
366 | Unsolvable | E | 2100 | math, number theory | GNU C++ | 19 September 2012 16:13:29 |
365 | Barcode | C | 1700 | dp, matrices | GNU C++ | 19 September 2012 15:51:00 |
364 | Bracket Sequence | A | 1700 | data structures, expression parsing, implementation | Delphi | 16 September 2012 15:58:48 |
363 | Two Strings | B | 1900 | data structures, dp, strings | Delphi | 16 September 2012 15:51:48 |
362 | Partial Sums | C | 1900 | combinatorics, math, number theory | FPC | 16 September 2012 15:41:19 |
361 | Formurosa | C | 2600 | divide and conquer, dp, expression parsing | Delphi | 18 August 2012 08:26:22 |
360 | Blackboard Fibonacci | B | 2100 | brute force, math | Delphi | 18 August 2012 07:25:17 |
359 | Ice Skating | A | 1200 | brute force, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | Delphi | 18 August 2012 07:07:37 |
358 | Tiling with Hexagons | A | 1200 | implementation, math | Delphi | 16 August 2012 15:21:03 |
357 | Stars | D | 2300 | constructive algorithms, geometry | Delphi | 30 July 2012 16:31:02 |
356 | Relay Race | C | 2000 | dp | Delphi | 30 July 2012 16:05:57 |
355 | Privatization | A | 3000 | flows, graphs | Delphi | 20 July 2012 10:46:23 |
354 | Cutting a Fence | D | 2500 | Delphi | 15 July 2012 08:56:02 | |
353 | Cowboys | C | 2100 | combinatorics | Delphi | 15 July 2012 08:10:05 |
352 | Polycarpus is Looking for Good Substrings | B | 2300 | Delphi | 15 July 2012 07:46:21 | |
351 | IT Restaurants | E | 1500 | Delphi | 15 July 2012 07:15:37 | |
350 | Pixels | B | 2100 | constructive algorithms, math | Delphi | 14 July 2012 08:52:45 |
349 | Trails and Glades | C | 2400 | constructive algorithms, dsu, graphs, greedy | Delphi | 14 July 2012 08:11:15 |
348 | Multicolored Marbles | A | 1600 | dp, math | Delphi | 14 July 2012 07:57:05 |
347 | Little Elephant and Strings | E | 2800 | data structures, implementation, string suffix structures, two pointers | Delphi | 11 July 2012 17:16:22 |
346 | Little Elephant and Retro Strings | D | 2400 | dp | Delphi | 11 July 2012 16:30:38 |
345 | Little Elephant and Furik and Rubik | C | 2000 | math, probabilities | Delphi | 11 July 2012 16:18:34 |
344 | Little Elephant and Cards | B | 1500 | binary search, data structures | Delphi | 11 July 2012 15:42:06 |
343 | Little Elephant and Interval | A | 1500 | binary search, combinatorics, dp | Delphi | 11 July 2012 15:34:09 |
342 | Delivering Carcinogen | C | 2400 | binary search, geometry | Delphi | 22 June 2012 17:23:31 |
341 | Gripping Story | E | 2400 | binary search, data structures, sortings | Delphi | 22 June 2012 16:50:33 |
340 | Jumping on Walls | B | 1400 | shortest paths | Delphi | 22 June 2012 15:46:39 |
339 | About Bacteria | A | 1700 | implementation, math | Delphi | 22 June 2012 15:37:51 |
338 | The Next Good String | D | 2800 | data structures, greedy, hashing, strings | Delphi | 12 June 2012 14:33:24 |
337 | Opening Portals | E | 2600 | dsu, graphs, shortest paths | Delphi | 12 June 2012 14:03:27 |
336 | Paint Tree | C | 2200 | constructive algorithms, divide and conquer, geometry, sortings, trees | Delphi | 12 June 2012 13:34:48 |
335 | Infinite Maze | B | 2000 | dfs and similar, graphs | Delphi | 12 June 2012 13:12:21 |
334 | Lexicographically Maximum Subsequence | A | 1100 | greedy, strings | Delphi | 12 June 2012 13:02:32 |
333 | Fibonacci Number | E | 2900 | brute force, math, matrices | GNU C++ | 03 June 2012 17:44:05 |
332 | Hamming Distance | C | 2400 | constructive algorithms, greedy, math, matrices | Delphi | 03 June 2012 17:11:09 |
331 | Xor | B | 2000 | brute force | Delphi | 03 June 2012 15:43:28 |
330 | Cutting Figure | A | 1700 | constructive algorithms, graphs, trees | Delphi | 03 June 2012 15:36:37 |
329 | Visit of the Great | D | 2600 | math, number theory | FPC | 04 May 2012 16:35:09 |
328 | Mushroom Scientists | B | 1800 | math, ternary search | Delphi | 04 May 2012 15:46:23 |
327 | Plant | A | 1300 | math | Delphi | 04 May 2012 15:33:36 |
326 | Defragmentation | A | 1800 | implementation | Delphi | 22 April 2012 07:42:52 |
325 | Name | D | 1900 | greedy, strings | Delphi | 22 April 2012 07:36:16 |
324 | Divisibility Rules | B | 2300 | math, number theory | Delphi | 22 April 2012 07:20:16 |
323 | Mathematical Analysis Rocks! | F | 1200 | constructive algorithms, implementation, math | Delphi | 22 April 2012 07:10:00 |
322 | Cubes | E | 1800 | binary search, dp, two pointers | Delphi | 22 April 2012 07:08:03 |
321 | Letter | C | 1400 | dp | Delphi | 22 April 2012 07:03:43 |
320 | Power Defence | E | 2600 | brute force, dp, geometry, greedy | Delphi | 14 April 2012 10:06:42 |
319 | Plane of Tanks: Duel | D | 2400 | brute force, dp, math, probabilities | Delphi | 14 April 2012 09:23:58 |
318 | Geometry Horse | C | 1600 | greedy, implementation, sortings, two pointers | Delphi | 14 April 2012 08:21:45 |
317 | Plane of Tanks: Pro | B | 1400 | implementation | Delphi | 14 April 2012 08:13:42 |
316 | Robot Bicorn Attack | A | 1400 | brute force, implementation | Delphi | 14 April 2012 08:04:37 |
315 | Minimum Diameter | D | 3100 | binary search, brute force | Delphi | 08 April 2012 17:00:02 |
314 | Ancient Berland Hieroglyphs | B | 2000 | two pointers | Delphi | 08 April 2012 15:38:50 |
313 | Variable, or There and Back Again | A | 1700 | dfs and similar, graphs | Delphi | 08 April 2012 15:12:45 |
312 | Camping Groups | E | 2600 | data structures, sortings | Delphi | 06 April 2012 16:36:46 |
311 | Deputies | D | 2500 | constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, implementation | Delphi | 06 April 2012 16:03:29 |
310 | Chamber of Secrets | B | 1800 | dfs and similar, shortest paths | Delphi | 06 April 2012 15:32:31 |
309 | Spiral Maximum | C | 1900 | brute force, dp | Delphi | 06 April 2012 15:26:17 |
308 | Rock-Paper-Scissors | A | 1300 | implementation, math | Delphi | 06 April 2012 15:04:54 |
307 | Mysterious numbers - 2 | G | 1600 | *special | Delphi | 01 April 2012 20:38:42 |
306 | A Piece of Cake | C | 2000 | *special, implementation | Delphi | 01 April 2012 20:03:26 |
305 | ucyhf | F | 1600 | *special, brute force, implementation, number theory | Delphi | 01 April 2012 19:51:28 |
304 | Broken checker | D | 1300 | *special, brute force | Delphi | 01 April 2012 19:41:58 |
303 | Mysterious numbers - 1 | A | 1200 | *special, constructive algorithms | Delphi | 01 April 2012 19:34:16 |
302 | Star | B | 1300 | *special, combinatorics | Delphi | 01 April 2012 19:33:04 |
301 | MYSTERIOUS LANGUAGE | E | 2000 | *special | Secret_171 | 01 April 2012 19:31:49 |
300 | Wizards and Bets | E | 2900 | dfs and similar, graphs, math, matrices | GNU C++ | 27 March 2012 16:55:51 |
299 | Wizards and Trolleybuses | A | 1600 | implementation | Delphi | 27 March 2012 15:30:37 |
298 | Wizards and Huge Prize | B | 1800 | dp, math, probabilities | Delphi | 27 March 2012 15:23:48 |
297 | Wizards and Numbers | C | 2300 | games, math | Delphi | 27 March 2012 15:17:48 |
296 | e-Government | E | 2800 | data structures, dfs and similar, dp, strings, trees | Delphi | 25 March 2012 16:02:22 |
295 | Lemmings | B | 2000 | binary search | Delphi | 25 March 2012 15:35:52 |
294 | Conveyor | C | 2100 | sortings, two pointers | Delphi | 25 March 2012 15:25:29 |
293 | Substring and Subsequence | A | 1700 | dp | Delphi | 25 March 2012 15:12:30 |
292 | Beard Graph | D | 2100 | data structures, dsu, trees | Delphi | 16 March 2012 15:56:11 |
291 | Compatible Numbers | E | 2200 | bitmasks, brute force, dfs and similar, dp | Delphi | 16 March 2012 15:39:40 |
290 | Another Problem on Strings | C | 1600 | binary search, brute force, dp, math, strings, two pointers | Delphi | 16 March 2012 15:35:46 |
289 | Burning Midnight Oil | B | 1500 | binary search, implementation | Delphi | 16 March 2012 15:33:25 |
288 | Supercentral Point | A | 1000 | implementation | Delphi | 16 March 2012 15:31:43 |
287 | Abracadabra | C | 2400 | divide and conquer | Delphi | 11 March 2012 16:49:36 |
286 | Polycarpus the Safecracker | E | 2500 | brute force, dp | Delphi | 11 March 2012 16:11:14 |
285 | Discounts | B | 1700 | constructive algorithms, greedy, sortings | Delphi | 11 March 2012 15:49:39 |
284 | Distance in Tree | D | 1800 | dfs and similar, dp, trees | Delphi | 11 March 2012 15:35:26 |
283 | Dress'em in Vests! | A | 1300 | binary search, brute force, greedy, two pointers | Delphi | 11 March 2012 15:11:36 |
282 | Phone Talks | E | 1900 | *special, dp, sortings | Delphi | 04 March 2012 09:55:11 |
281 | Ice Sculptures | D | 1300 | *special, brute force, number theory | Delphi | 04 March 2012 09:26:18 |
280 | Cd and pwd commands | C | 1400 | *special, data structures, implementation | Delphi | 04 March 2012 09:25:49 |
279 | Taxi | B | 1100 | *special, greedy, implementation | Delphi | 04 March 2012 09:21:19 |
278 | Next Round | A | 800 | *special, implementation | Delphi | 04 March 2012 09:20:39 |
277 | Message | A | 1700 | brute force | Delphi | 29 February 2012 20:25:15 |
276 | Clues | D | 2500 | combinatorics, graphs | Delphi | 29 February 2012 19:29:08 |
275 | Mrs. Hudson's Pancakes | E | 3000 | brute force, dp | Delphi | 29 February 2012 19:11:15 |
274 | Cipher | C | 2000 | combinatorics, dp | Delphi | 29 February 2012 17:50:46 |
273 | Suspects | B | 1600 | constructive algorithms, data structures, implementation | Delphi | 29 February 2012 17:38:08 |
272 | Flatland Fencing | D | 2400 | games, math | Delphi | 24 February 2012 15:47:44 |
271 | Double Profiles | C | 2300 | graphs, hashing, sortings | Delphi | 24 February 2012 15:25:46 |
270 | Colliders | B | 1600 | math, number theory | Delphi | 24 February 2012 15:13:33 |
269 | Hometask | A | 1600 | greedy | Delphi | 24 February 2012 15:05:56 |
268 | Smart Cheater | C | 2200 | data structures, math, probabilities | Delphi | 17 February 2012 15:53:25 |
267 | Quantity of Strings | B | 1600 | combinatorics, dfs and similar, graphs, math | Delphi | 17 February 2012 15:11:25 |
266 | Win or Freeze | A | 1400 | games, math, number theory | FPC | 17 February 2012 15:06:40 |
265 | Lucky Subsequence | C | 2100 | combinatorics, dp, math | FPC | 22 January 2012 08:53:38 |
264 | Lucky Queries | E | 2400 | data structures | Delphi | 22 January 2012 08:22:19 |
263 | Lucky Pair | D | 2900 | combinatorics, data structures, implementation | Delphi | 22 January 2012 07:57:41 |
262 | Lucky Number 2 | B | 1800 | constructive algorithms | Delphi | 22 January 2012 07:43:53 |
261 | Lucky Conversion | A | 1200 | greedy, implementation | Delphi | 22 January 2012 07:05:38 |
260 | Help Shrek and Donkey 2 | D | 2600 | games | Delphi | 12 January 2012 16:31:41 |
259 | Help Caretaker | C | 2300 | brute force, dp | Delphi | 12 January 2012 16:09:48 |
258 | Help General | B | 1800 | constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation | Delphi | 12 January 2012 15:18:04 |
257 | Help Farmer | A | 1600 | brute force, math | Delphi | 12 January 2012 15:11:35 |
256 | New Year Snowflake | F | 2600 | geometry, sortings | Delphi | 04 January 2012 16:37:40 |
255 | New Year Garland | E | 2600 | combinatorics, dp | FPC | 04 January 2012 16:12:39 |
254 | New Year Contest | D | 1800 | greedy, sortings | Delphi | 04 January 2012 15:32:45 |
253 | New Year Table | A | 1700 | geometry, math | Delphi | 04 January 2012 15:28:38 |
252 | New Year Cards | B | 1800 | brute force, greedy, implementation | Delphi | 04 January 2012 15:22:48 |
251 | New Year Snowmen | C | 1800 | binary search, data structures, greedy | Delphi | 04 January 2012 15:14:59 |
250 | String | D | 2300 | string suffix structures | Delphi | 03 November 2011 16:02:24 |
249 | Games with Rectangle | C | 2000 | combinatorics, dp | Delphi | 15 November 2011 06:32:08 |
248 | Statues | A | 1500 | dfs and similar | Delphi | 15 November 2011 06:20:09 |
247 | Hot Bath | A | 1900 | binary search, brute force, math | Delphi | 09 November 2011 18:05:17 |
246 | Fibonacci Sums | D | 2300 | dp, math | Delphi | 09 November 2011 17:41:23 |
245 | E-reader Display | C | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy | Delphi | 09 November 2011 17:14:59 |
244 | Password | B | 1700 | binary search, dp, hashing, string suffix structures, strings | Delphi | 09 November 2011 17:08:39 |
243 | Squares | B | 1800 | math | Delphi | 03 November 2011 15:36:59 |
242 | Brackets | C | 2300 | combinatorics, dp, greedy | Delphi | 03 November 2011 16:16:24 |
241 | Prime Permutation | A | 1300 | implementation, number theory, strings | Delphi | 03 November 2011 15:21:03 |
240 | Lucky Array | E | 2400 | data structures | Delphi | 27 October 2011 16:11:46 |
239 | Lucky Segments | D | 2500 | binary search, implementation, two pointers | Delphi | 27 October 2011 15:40:39 |
238 | Lucky Transformation | B | 1500 | strings | Delphi | 27 October 2011 15:22:41 |
237 | Lucky Permutation | C | 1900 | brute force, combinatorics, number theory | Delphi | 27 October 2011 15:13:44 |
236 | Lucky Sum | A | 1100 | implementation | Delphi | 27 October 2011 15:03:49 |
235 | Luck is in Numbers | I | 2200 | greedy | Delphi | 18 October 2011 07:58:49 |
234 | Boom | G | 1800 | implementation | Delphi | 18 October 2011 07:43:37 |
233 | Minimum Sum | J | 1900 | divide and conquer, geometry, sortings | Delphi | 18 October 2011 07:41:12 |
232 | Put Knight! | E | 1400 | games, math | Delphi | 18 October 2011 07:10:55 |
231 | Brevity is Soul of Wit | H | 1800 | graph matchings | Delphi | 18 October 2011 07:04:47 |
230 | Spiders | F | 1400 | dp, greedy, trees | Delphi | 18 October 2011 06:45:55 |
229 | Three Sons | D | 1400 | brute force | Delphi | 18 October 2011 06:41:16 |
228 | Winnie-the-Pooh and honey | C | 1100 | implementation, math | Delphi | 18 October 2011 06:35:37 |
227 | Quiz League | B | 1100 | implementation | Delphi | 18 October 2011 06:33:49 |
226 | Elevator | A | 1300 | implementation, math | Delphi | 23 September 2011 15:05:33 |
225 | String Transformation | D | 2500 | hashing, strings | Delphi | 14 October 2011 15:47:31 |
224 | Education Reform | C | 2000 | dp | Delphi | 14 October 2011 15:30:52 |
223 | Epic Game | A | 800 | implementation | Delphi | 14 October 2011 15:01:47 |
222 | Tree or not Tree | E | 2900 | data structures, divide and conquer, implementation, trees | Delphi | 23 September 2011 20:00:26 |
221 | Not Quick Transformation | D | 2500 | divide and conquer, math | FPC | 23 September 2011 16:01:23 |
220 | Cycle | C | 2000 | dfs and similar, graphs | Delphi | 23 September 2011 15:21:55 |
219 | Very Interesting Game | B | 1800 | brute force, number theory | Delphi | 23 September 2011 15:11:30 |
218 | Lawnmower | B | 1500 | greedy, sortings | Delphi | 15 September 2011 16:47:38 |
217 | Unambiguous Arithmetic Expression | D | 2600 | dp, expression parsing | GNU C++ | 15 September 2011 16:17:00 |
216 | Linear Kingdom Races | E | 2400 | data structures, dp | Delphi | 15 September 2011 15:39:32 |
215 | Plumber | C | 2200 | math | Delphi | 15 September 2011 15:12:22 |
214 | Museum | D | 2700 | math, matrices, probabilities | GNU C++ | 08 September 2011 19:22:14 |
213 | Double Happiness | C | 2200 | brute force, math, number theory | Delphi | 08 September 2011 19:16:17 |
212 | Sleeping | E | 2700 | combinatorics, implementation, math | Delphi | 08 September 2011 16:41:35 |
211 | Grammar Lessons | A | 1600 | implementation, strings | Delphi | 08 September 2011 15:31:14 |
210 | Petr# | B | 2000 | brute force, data structures, hashing, strings | Delphi | 08 September 2011 15:22:34 |
209 | Petya and Coloring | D | 2300 | combinatorics, dp | Delphi | 03 September 2011 19:42:51 |
208 | Petya and Spiders | C | 2100 | bitmasks, dp, dsu | Delphi | 03 September 2011 12:21:51 |
207 | Petya and Divisors | B | 1900 | binary search, data structures, number theory | Delphi | 03 September 2011 12:09:48 |
206 | Petya and Inequiations | A | 1400 | greedy | Delphi | 03 September 2011 12:02:29 |
205 | Lucky Probability | B | 1900 | brute force, probabilities | Delphi | 29 August 2011 16:42:04 |
204 | Lucky Tree | C | 1900 | dp, dsu, trees | Delphi | 29 August 2011 16:32:44 |
203 | Lucky Sorting | D | 2000 | constructive algorithms, sortings | Delphi | 29 August 2011 16:22:58 |
202 | Lucky Sum of Digits | A | 1000 | brute force, implementation | Delphi | 29 August 2011 16:02:17 |
201 | Arrangement | C | 2400 | bitmasks, dp | Delphi | 23 August 2011 16:37:14 |
200 | Crime Management | D | 2400 | dp, graphs, matrices | Delphi | 23 August 2011 16:15:54 |
199 | Dorm Water Supply | A | 1400 | dfs and similar, graphs | Delphi | 23 August 2011 15:15:40 |
198 | Basketball Team | B | 1600 | combinatorics, dp, math, probabilities | Delphi | 23 August 2011 15:08:06 |
197 | Treasure Island | D | 1700 | brute force, implementation | Delphi | 19 August 2011 15:26:49 |
196 | Choosing Laptop | B | 1000 | brute force, implementation | Delphi | 19 August 2011 15:08:30 |
195 | Buns | C | 1700 | dp | Delphi | 19 August 2011 15:05:46 |
194 | Item World | C | 2200 | brute force, implementation, sortings | Delphi | 13 August 2011 15:50:57 |
193 | Dark Assembly | B | 1800 | brute force, probabilities | Delphi | 13 August 2011 15:14:29 |
192 | Transmigration | A | 1700 | implementation | Delphi | 13 August 2011 15:08:19 |
191 | Vectors | C | 2000 | implementation, math | Delphi | 03 August 2011 19:34:20 |
190 | Castle | D | 2300 | dp, greedy, probabilities, sortings, trees | Delphi | 03 August 2011 18:06:13 |
189 | Candies and Stones | E | 2500 | divide and conquer, dp | Delphi | 03 August 2011 17:45:08 |
188 | Buses | B | 1700 | binary search, data structures, dp | Delphi | 03 August 2011 17:19:32 |
187 | Homework | A | 1200 | greedy | Delphi | 03 August 2011 17:04:57 |
186 | Robot in Basement | D | 2700 | bitmasks, brute force, implementation | Delphi | 15 July 2011 17:51:09 |
185 | Domino | A | 1300 | constructive algorithms, implementation | Delphi | 20 May 2011 15:07:28 |
184 | Winning Strategy | C | 2400 | binary search, graphs, math, shortest paths | Delphi | 15 July 2011 13:12:39 |
183 | Superset | B | 2300 | constructive algorithms, divide and conquer | Delphi | 15 July 2011 12:47:13 |
182 | Theatre Square | A | 1000 | math | Delphi | 14 July 2011 11:28:55 |
181 | Widget Library | B | 2300 | dp, expression parsing, graphs, implementation | Delphi | 16 June 2011 16:23:25 |
180 | Space mines | D | 2500 | geometry | Delphi | 16 June 2011 15:49:02 |
179 | Chip Play | C | 2300 | brute force, data structures, implementation | Delphi | 16 June 2011 15:25:17 |
178 | Robbery | A | 1800 | greedy | Delphi | 16 June 2011 15:10:40 |
177 | Mogohu-Rea Idol | E | 2600 | geometry | Delphi | 07 June 2011 16:56:27 |
176 | Beautiful Road | D | 2300 | dfs and similar, dp, dsu, graphs, implementation, sortings, trees | Delphi | 07 June 2011 15:59:50 |
175 | Vasya and Types | B | 1800 | implementation, strings | Delphi | 07 June 2011 15:33:38 |
174 | Interesting Game | C | 2000 | dp, games, math | Delphi | 07 June 2011 15:11:30 |
173 | Trains | A | 1500 | implementation, math | Delphi | 07 June 2011 15:04:55 |
172 | Tetris revisited | B | 2200 | constructive algorithms, graph matchings, greedy, math | Delphi | 22 May 2011 17:46:21 |
171 | Genetic engineering | C | 2500 | dp, string suffix structures, trees | Delphi | 22 May 2011 17:43:11 |
170 | Long sequence | E | 2700 | brute force, math, matrices | Delphi | 22 May 2011 16:15:20 |
169 | Powerful array | D | 2200 | data structures, implementation, math, two pointers | Delphi | 22 May 2011 15:38:24 |
168 | Reflection | A | 1600 | math | Delphi | 22 May 2011 15:17:57 |
167 | Petya and Tree | C | 2200 | binary search, dfs and similar, probabilities, sortings, trees | Delphi | 20 May 2011 16:40:20 |
166 | Sum of Medians | D | 2300 | binary search, brute force, data structures, implementation | Delphi | 20 May 2011 16:15:24 |
165 | Guard Towers | E | 2600 | binary search, dsu, geometry, graphs, sortings | Delphi | 20 May 2011 15:50:33 |
164 | Embassy Queue | B | 1800 | data structures, greedy | Delphi | 20 May 2011 15:15:58 |
163 | Two Subsequences | E | 2800 | bitmasks, dp | Delphi | 13 May 2011 16:28:04 |
162 | Track | C | 2400 | graphs, greedy, shortest paths | Delphi | 13 May 2011 15:53:59 |
161 | Doctor | B | 1800 | binary search, math, sortings | Delphi | 13 May 2011 15:19:57 |
160 | Magical Array | A | 1300 | math | Delphi | 13 May 2011 15:11:57 |
159 | Corridor | E | 2600 | geometry | Delphi | 06 May 2011 16:47:38 |
158 | General Mobilization | C | 2000 | data structures, dfs and similar, sortings | Delphi | 06 May 2011 15:43:31 |
157 | Sets | B | 1700 | constructive algorithms, hashing, implementation | Delphi | 06 May 2011 15:33:31 |
156 | Two out of Three | D | 2000 | dp | Delphi | 06 May 2011 15:24:47 |
155 | Double Cola | A | 1100 | implementation, math | Delphi | 06 May 2011 15:03:42 |
154 | Beavermuncher-0xFF | C | 2100 | dfs and similar, dp, dsu, greedy, trees | Delphi | 19 April 2011 17:12:56 |
153 | Domino Carpet | D | 2300 | dp, implementation | Delphi | 19 April 2011 16:03:22 |
152 | Heroes | A | 1400 | brute force, implementation | Delphi | 19 April 2011 15:23:37 |
151 | Hanger | D | 2400 | data structures | GNU C++ | 15 April 2011 16:50:19 |
150 | Chessboard Billiard | C | 2100 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, number theory | Delphi | 15 April 2011 16:03:44 |
149 | Shift It! | E | 2800 | constructive algorithms | Delphi | 15 April 2011 15:58:12 |
148 | Train | B | 1500 | dp, games, greedy | Delphi | 15 April 2011 15:18:56 |
147 | Room Leader | A | 1000 | implementation | Delphi | 15 April 2011 15:02:55 |
146 | Tourist | F | 2300 | binary search, data structures, dp | Delphi | 12 April 2011 14:20:41 |
145 | Points | E | 1700 | implementation, math | Delphi | 12 April 2011 14:09:06 |
144 | Plus and xor | D | 1700 | dp, greedy, math | FPC | 12 April 2011 14:00:55 |
143 | Mutation | C | 2700 | bitmasks, dp, math | Delphi | 12 April 2011 13:54:42 |
142 | Mice | B | 2100 | greedy, two pointers | Delphi | 12 April 2011 13:17:06 |
141 | Gift | A | 2200 | dsu, graphs, sortings, trees | Delphi | 12 April 2011 13:03:57 |
140 | Need For Brake | B | 2000 | binary search, greedy, sortings | Delphi | 10 April 2011 09:37:56 |
139 | FreeDiv | D | 2200 | dfs and similar, graphs, greedy | Delphi | 10 April 2011 09:19:16 |
138 | Morrowindows | E | 2400 | math, number theory | Delphi | 10 April 2011 08:37:12 |
137 | LionAge II | C | 1800 | dp | Delphi | 10 April 2011 08:15:27 |
136 | The Elder Trolls IV: Oblivon | A | 1600 | greedy, math | Delphi | 10 April 2011 08:03:48 |
135 | Sequence of Balls | C | 2600 | dp | Delphi | 13 March 2011 17:54:55 |
134 | Save the City! | E | 2500 | geometry | Delphi | 13 March 2011 17:30:23 |
133 | Restoration of the Permutation | B | 1800 | greedy | Delphi | 13 March 2011 17:06:32 |
132 | Optical Experiment | D | 1900 | binary search, data structures, dp | Delphi | 13 March 2011 16:48:39 |
131 | Partial Teacher | A | 1800 | dp, graphs, greedy, implementation | Delphi | 13 March 2011 16:37:56 |
130 | Inquisition | C | 2300 | geometry, implementation, sortings | Delphi | 25 February 2011 17:24:35 |
129 | Wormhouse | D | 2300 | dfs and similar, graphs | Delphi | 25 February 2011 16:55:09 |
128 | Tyndex.Brome | B | 1800 | binary search, implementation | Delphi | 25 February 2011 16:14:53 |
127 | A Student's Dream | A | 1300 | greedy, math | Delphi | 25 February 2011 16:02:54 |
126 | Prime Segment | E | 1800 | *special, brute force | Tcl | 21 February 2011 16:28:42 |
125 | Presents | D | 1800 | *special, greedy | Tcl | 21 February 2011 16:21:04 |
124 | Factorial | A | 1300 | *special, implementation | Tcl | 21 February 2011 16:03:33 |
123 | Mushroom Strife | C | 2100 | brute force, dfs and similar | Delphi | 19 February 2011 18:57:48 |
122 | Mushroom Gnomes | E | 2600 | math, matrices | Delphi | 19 February 2011 17:00:45 |
121 | Savior | D | 2500 | brute force, dsu, math | Delphi | 19 February 2011 16:37:34 |
120 | Serial Time! | B | 1400 | dfs and similar, dsu | Delphi | 19 February 2011 16:16:21 |
119 | Where Are My Flakes? | A | 1300 | implementation, two pointers | Delphi | 19 February 2011 16:02:28 |
118 | Journey | D | 2500 | dp, math | Delphi | 25 January 2011 16:36:16 |
117 | Array | C | 1900 | combinatorics, math | Delphi | 25 January 2011 16:11:32 |
116 | Martian Architecture | B | 1600 | implementation | Delphi | 25 January 2011 16:07:48 |
115 | Square Earth? | A | 1300 | dfs and similar, greedy, implementation | Delphi | 25 January 2011 16:03:12 |
114 | Caterpillar | F | 2800 | dfs and similar, dp, graphs, trees | Delphi | 28 December 2010 19:04:11 |
113 | Pentagon | E | 2400 | combinatorics, graphs, matrices | Delphi | 28 December 2010 16:53:20 |
112 | Geometrical problem | D | 2200 | implementation | Delphi | 28 December 2010 16:35:24 |
111 | Three Base Stations | C | 1800 | binary search, greedy | Delphi | 28 December 2010 16:16:54 |
110 | bHTML Tables Analisys | B | 1700 | expression parsing | Delphi | 28 December 2010 16:07:56 |
109 | Cheaterius's Problem | A | 1300 | implementation | Delphi | 28 December 2010 16:03:38 |
108 | Happy Farm 5 | C | 2000 | geometry | Delphi | 20 December 2010 17:03:56 |
107 | Bombing | D | 2100 | binary search, dp, probabilities | Delphi | 20 December 2010 16:57:52 |
106 | Square Equation Roots | E | 2300 | math | Delphi | 20 December 2010 16:39:16 |
105 | Choosing Symbol Pairs | B | 1500 | strings | Delphi | 20 December 2010 16:24:14 |
104 | Domino piling | A | 800 | greedy, math | Delphi | 20 December 2010 16:21:58 |
103 | Hercule Poirot Problem | F | 2300 | dsu, graphs | Delphi | 05 December 2010 09:22:30 |
102 | Emperor's Problem | G | 2500 | geometry | Delphi | 05 December 2010 09:06:43 |
101 | Parking Lot | D | 1800 | data structures, implementation | Delphi | 05 December 2010 08:20:41 |
100 | Comb | E | 1900 | data structures, dp | Delphi | 05 December 2010 08:13:18 |
99 | Ball Game | A | 800 | brute force, implementation | Delphi | 05 December 2010 08:09:09 |
98 | T-shirts from Sponsor | B | 1100 | implementation | Delphi | 05 December 2010 08:08:06 |
97 | Hamsters and Tigers | C | 1600 | two pointers | Delphi | 05 December 2010 08:04:43 |
96 | Game of chess unfinished | B | 1700 | implementation | Delphi | 18 November 2010 17:35:29 |
95 | Baldman and the military | E | 2700 | dfs and similar, graphs, trees | Delphi | 18 November 2010 17:16:26 |
94 | Safe cracking | C | 2200 | brute force, constructive algorithms | Delphi | 18 November 2010 17:10:38 |
93 | Strange town | D | 2300 | constructive algorithms, math | Delphi | 18 November 2010 16:39:46 |
92 | Guilty --- to the kitchen! | A | 1400 | greedy, implementation | Delphi | 18 November 2010 16:07:12 |
91 | Goats and Wolves | F | 2500 | greedy | Delphi | 13 November 2010 13:42:26 |
90 | School | B | 2200 | dp, dsu | Delphi | 13 November 2010 15:07:13 |
89 | Road Problem | H | 2100 | graphs | Delphi | 13 November 2010 14:25:18 |
88 | Director | E | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy | Delphi | 13 November 2010 13:17:23 |
87 | Dancing Lessons | C | 1900 | data structures | Delphi | 13 November 2010 13:11:54 |
86 | Prime Problem | G | 2200 | number theory | Delphi | 13 November 2010 12:37:01 |
85 | Planting Trees | J | 1800 | constructive algorithms | Delphi | 13 November 2010 12:25:57 |
84 | TCMCF+++ | I | 1400 | greedy | Delphi | 13 November 2010 12:16:01 |
83 | Event Dates | D | 1900 | greedy, meet-in-the-middle, sortings | Delphi | 13 November 2010 12:11:31 |
82 | Codecraft III | A | 900 | implementation | Delphi | 13 November 2010 12:08:16 |
81 | Shooting Gallery | G | 2500 | data structures, implementation | Delphi | 06 November 2010 13:52:27 |
80 | Toys | I | 2300 | brute force, combinatorics | Delphi | 06 November 2010 12:15:46 |
79 | Triminoes | J | 2000 | constructive algorithms, greedy | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:53:53 |
78 | Hyperdrive | D | 1800 | math | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:22:07 |
77 | Phone Number | H | 1700 | dp | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:13:46 |
76 | Anfisa the Monkey | E | 1400 | dp | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:09:34 |
75 | Holidays | C | 1300 | implementation | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:05:15 |
74 | Cola | B | 1500 | implementation | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:03:34 |
73 | Indian Summer | A | 900 | implementation | Delphi | 06 November 2010 11:01:46 |
72 | Number Table | E | 2500 | combinatorics | Delphi | 05 November 2010 16:44:02 |
71 | Berland Square | C | 2300 | implementation, math | Delphi | 05 November 2010 17:19:37 |
70 | Interesting Sequence | D | 2600 | math | Delphi | 05 November 2010 17:09:57 |
69 | Repaintings | B | 1600 | math | Delphi | 05 November 2010 16:08:40 |
68 | Find Color | A | 1300 | constructive algorithms, geometry, implementation, math | Delphi | 05 November 2010 16:03:59 |
67 | The Great Marathon | H | 2400 | dp | Delphi | 30 October 2010 13:51:00 |
66 | Queue | G | 2300 | data structures | Delphi | 30 October 2010 13:27:17 |
65 | Smart Boy | F | 2100 | dp, games, strings | Delphi | 30 October 2010 12:48:33 |
64 | Let's Go Rolling! | E | 1800 | dp, sortings | Delphi | 30 October 2010 12:16:59 |
63 | Vasya the Architect | D | 1900 | implementation | Delphi | 30 October 2010 12:12:29 |
62 | Blinds | C | 1400 | brute force | Delphi | 30 October 2010 12:06:35 |
61 | Chess | B | 1200 | brute force, implementation, math | Delphi | 30 October 2010 12:03:58 |
60 | Army | A | 800 | implementation | Delphi | 30 October 2010 12:01:41 |
59 | Lesson Timetable | D | 2300 | combinatorics, dp, math | Delphi | 25 October 2010 16:03:02 |
58 | Old Berland Language | C | 1900 | data structures, greedy, trees | Delphi | 25 October 2010 15:46:38 |
57 | Computer Game | B | 1800 | greedy, implementation | Delphi | 25 October 2010 15:13:12 |
56 | Towers | A | 1000 | sortings | Delphi | 25 October 2010 15:02:39 |
55 | Testing | K | 2600 | Delphi | 24 October 2010 10:38:22 | |
54 | Tram | I | 2500 | Delphi | 24 October 2010 09:47:57 | |
53 | Inverse Function | G | 2400 | implementation | Delphi | 24 October 2010 09:23:26 |
52 | C*++ Calculations | A | 2000 | expression parsing, greedy | Delphi | 24 October 2010 08:17:51 |
51 | What Has Dirichlet Got to Do with That? | E | 2000 | dp, games | Delphi | 24 October 2010 08:02:50 |
50 | Moon Craters | C | 2100 | dp, sortings | Delphi | 24 October 2010 07:41:34 |
49 | Pacifist frogs | F | 1300 | implementation | Delphi | 24 October 2010 07:29:38 |
48 | Spelling Check | J | 1500 | hashing, implementation, strings | Delphi | 24 October 2010 07:20:38 |
47 | Multiplication Table | H | 1300 | implementation | Delphi | 24 October 2010 07:16:58 |
46 | Cubical Planet | D | 1100 | math | Delphi | 24 October 2010 07:14:57 |
45 | Company Income Growth | B | 1300 | greedy | Delphi | 24 October 2010 07:12:17 |
44 | Helper | E | 2600 | Delphi | 07 October 2010 15:55:36 | |
43 | Knights | D | 2000 | geometry, graphs, shortest paths, sortings | Delphi | 07 October 2010 15:23:29 |
42 | Wonderful Randomized Sum | C | 1800 | greedy | Delphi | 07 October 2010 15:14:13 |
41 | What is for dinner? | A | 1200 | greedy, implementation | Delphi | 07 October 2010 15:08:59 |
40 | String Problem | B | 1800 | shortest paths | Delphi | 07 October 2010 15:06:02 |
39 | Bender Problem | A | 1600 | implementation | Delphi | 17 September 2010 15:26:37 |
38 | Bath Queue | C | 2200 | combinatorics, dp, probabilities | Delphi | 17 September 2010 15:20:00 |
37 | pSort | B | 1600 | dfs and similar, dsu, graphs | Delphi | 17 September 2010 15:08:02 |
36 | Berland collider | E | 2300 | binary search | Delphi | 26 July 2010 14:29:06 |
35 | Sequence of points | C | 1800 | geometry, implementation, math | Delphi | 26 July 2010 13:18:59 |
34 | Ring road | A | 1400 | graphs | Delphi | 26 July 2010 13:10:37 |
33 | F1 Champions | B | 1500 | implementation | Delphi | 26 July 2010 13:07:26 |
32 | Tree | E | 2500 | dp | Delphi | 09 July 2010 16:08:12 |
31 | You're Given a String... | A | 1200 | brute force, greedy | Delphi | 09 July 2010 15:01:28 |
30 | Traveling Graph | D | 2400 | bitmasks, graph matchings, graphs | Delphi | 28 June 2010 15:51:32 |
29 | Intersection | B | 2000 | implementation, math | Delphi | 28 June 2010 15:31:08 |
28 | Stripe 2 | C | 2000 | binary search, dp, sortings | Delphi | 28 June 2010 13:20:02 |
27 | Jabber ID | A | 1900 | implementation, strings | Delphi | 28 June 2010 13:12:14 |
26 | Fairy | E | 2900 | dfs and similar, divide and conquer, dsu | Delphi | 24 June 2010 16:34:46 |
25 | Deletion of Repeats | C | 2200 | greedy, hashing, string suffix structures | Delphi | 24 June 2010 15:37:29 |
24 | World Football Cup | A | 1400 | implementation | Delphi | 24 June 2010 15:14:54 |
23 | Checkout Assistant | B | 1900 | dp | Delphi | 24 June 2010 15:06:34 |
22 | Logging | D | 1900 | implementation, strings | Delphi | 03 June 2010 13:16:27 |
21 | Fish | E | 1900 | bitmasks, dp, probabilities | Delphi | 03 June 2010 13:11:35 |
20 | Monitor | C | 1800 | binary search, number theory | Delphi | 03 June 2010 13:06:59 |
19 | Burglar and Matches | B | 900 | greedy, implementation, sortings | Delphi | 03 June 2010 13:03:51 |
18 | Flag | A | 800 | implementation | Delphi | 03 June 2010 13:01:37 |
17 | Laser | B | 1800 | math | Delphi | 29 May 2010 15:21:35 |
16 | Industrial Nim | C | 2000 | games | Delphi | 29 May 2010 15:21:41 |
15 | Triangles | E | 2600 | combinatorics, dp | Delphi | 29 May 2010 15:39:03 |
14 | Map | D | 2500 | data structures, implementation, sortings | Delphi | 29 May 2010 15:57:32 |
13 | Cottage Village | A | 1200 | implementation, sortings | Delphi | 29 May 2010 15:21:23 |
12 | Sequence | C | 2200 | dp, sortings | Delphi | 06 May 2010 14:29:42 |
11 | Letter A | B | 2000 | geometry, implementation | Delphi | 06 May 2010 14:13:19 |
10 | Digital Root | C | 2000 | number theory | Delphi | 15 April 2010 16:00:12 |
9 | Cinema Cashier | B | 1500 | dp, implementation | Delphi | 15 April 2010 15:55:11 |
8 | Power Consumption Calculation | A | 900 | implementation | Delphi | 15 April 2010 15:47:49 |
7 | Beads | E | 2600 | dp, graphs | Delphi | 08 April 2010 17:33:43 |
6 | Looking for Order | C | 2000 | bitmasks, dp | Delphi | 08 April 2010 16:17:42 |
5 | Obsession with Robots | B | 1400 | constructive algorithms, graphs, implementation | Delphi | 08 April 2010 15:56:37 |
4 | Train and Peter | A | 1200 | strings | Delphi | 08 April 2010 15:52:31 |
3 | Longest Regular Bracket Sequence | C | 1900 | constructive algorithms, data structures, dp, greedy, sortings, strings | Delphi | 26 March 2010 13:22:01 |
2 | The least round way | B | 2000 | dp, math | Delphi | 25 February 2010 17:36:08 |
1 | Winner | A | 1500 | hashing, implementation | Delphi | 25 February 2010 17:13:34 |