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This is a repository to keep track of my problem solving practice. For now, It contains all the problems I have solved at

User Details (tourist)

	"handle" : "tourist",
	"organization" : "ITMO University",
	"rank" : "legendary grandmaster",
	"rating" : 3778,
	"contribution" : 154,
	"maxRank" : "legendary grandmaster",
	"maxRating" : 3783,
	"joined" : "2010",


#ProbelmCatagoryRatingTagsSolutionSubmission Time
1501Strange PermutationE3200binary search, combinatorics, data structures, dp, graphs, implementation, two pointersGNU C++17 (64)05 January 2021 15:50:55
1500Strange ShuffleC2500binary search, brute force, constructive algorithms, interactiveGNU C++17 (64)05 January 2021 15:21:51
1499Strange HousingD2200constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graph matchings, graphs, greedyGNU C++17 (64)05 January 2021 15:08:04
1498Strange DefinitionB1900bitmasks, graphs, hashing, math, number theoryGNU C++17 (64)05 January 2021 14:54:50
1497Strange Birthday PartyA1300binary search, dp, greedy, sortings, two pointersGNU C++17 (64)05 January 2021 14:41:31
1496Finding satisfactory solutionsH3300combinatorics, dp, graphs, greedy, mathGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 16:22:39
1495Song of the SirensG2600combinatorics, divide and conquer, hashing, math, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 15:22:57
1494Euclid's nightmareF2100bitmasks, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, greedy, math, sortingsGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 14:54:48
1493Apollo versus PanE1800bitmasks, brute force, mathGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 14:49:34
149213th Labour of HeraclesD1500data structures, greedy, sortings, treesGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 14:44:23
1491Canine poetryC1300dp, greedy, stringsGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 14:41:23
1490Last minute enhancementsB800dp, greedyGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 14:38:02
1489Bovine DilemmaA800brute force, geometry, mathGNU C++17 (64)30 December 2020 14:36:16
1488BakeryB2900data structures, dsuGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 14:46:15
1487Similar SetsM2300data structures, graphs, implementationGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 14:14:28
1486HobbitsG2500binary search, geometryGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 13:41:27
1485Prime Divisors SelectionL2700binary search, greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 13:26:49
1484Plane TilingI2500geometry, implementation, mathGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 12:54:38
1483K and MediansH2200constructive algorithms, greedy, mathGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 12:41:16
1482Road ReformJ1800dsu, graphs, greedyGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 12:22:10
1481LaISA2200data structures, dp, greedyGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 12:18:55
1480The RobotK1600brute force, implementationGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 12:08:58
1479FirecrackersD1700binary search, sortingsGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 12:03:13
1478BerpizzaC1400data structures, implementationGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 11:53:21
1477Full TurnF1700geometry, hashing, number theoryGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 11:50:00
1476Waste SortingN900greedy, implementationGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 11:47:40
1475Four SegmentsE800greedyGNU C++17 (64)25 December 2020 11:45:17
1474No Game No LifeE2700bitmasks, dp, games, math, matrices, probabilitiesGNU C++17 (64)20 December 2020 15:50:44
1473Poman NumbersC2300bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, greedy, mathGNU C++17 (64)20 December 2020 15:32:09
1472Grime ZooB2100brute force, data structures, greedy, implementation, ternary searchGNU C++17 (64)20 December 2020 15:19:04
1471Peaceful RooksA1700constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++17 (64)20 December 2020 15:07:07
1470Latin SquareC2700math, matricesGNU C++17 (64)19 December 2020 10:47:12
1469Flip and ReverseD3100data structures, graphs, greedyGNU C++17 (64)19 December 2020 10:25:32
1468Nim ShortcutsE3100data structures, gamesGNU C++17 (64)19 December 2020 10:13:51
1467Glass Half SpilledB2000dpGNU C++17 (64)19 December 2020 09:52:59
1466Row GCDA1600math, number theoryGNU C++17 (64)19 December 2020 09:41:02
1465CommunismG3500bitmasks, dp, treesGNU C++17 (64)06 December 2020 16:59:29
1464Multithreading (Easy Version)H12900combinatorics, fft, mathGNU C++1706 December 2020 15:35:10
1463CapitalismE2700constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++1706 December 2020 15:21:28
1462The Struggling ContestantF2400constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++1706 December 2020 15:10:04
1461Errich-Tac-Toe (Hard Version)C22300constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1706 December 2020 14:57:47
1460Errich-Tac-Toe (Easy Version)C12100constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1706 December 2020 14:57:28
1459Rating CompressionD1800binary search, data structures, greedy, implementation, two pointersGNU C++1706 December 2020 14:47:21
1458Balls of SteelB1000brute force, geometry, greedyGNU C++1706 December 2020 14:39:04
1457Avoid TrygubA800constructive algorithms, sortingsGNU C++1706 December 2020 14:35:38
1456World CupB1300binary search, mathGNU C++1724 November 2020 17:58:16
1455Hit the LotteryA800dp, greedyGNU C++1724 November 2020 17:56:20
1454Cowmpany CowmpensationF2700combinatorics, dp, math, treesGNU C++1724 November 2020 17:53:17
1453Leaving the BarC2300brute force, data structures, geometry, greedy, math, sortingsGNU C++1724 November 2020 17:46:03
1452GameA1700dfs and similar, greedyDelphi30 July 2012 15:42:21
1451Number ClickerE2700divide and conquer, graphs, meet-in-the-middle, number theoryGNU C++1724 November 2020 17:22:47
1450Suit and TieB1400greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1724 November 2020 16:54:19
1449TeslaA2100constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1724 November 2020 16:50:59
1448Cyclic ShiftsI2900*special, stringsKotlin12 November 2020 16:27:01
1447Zero-XOR ArrayJ3400*special, dpKotlin12 November 2020 16:13:46
1446Rogue-like GameH2600*special, brute force, greedy, two pointersKotlin12 November 2020 15:17:30
1445Number Deletion GameG2100*special, dp, games, greedyKotlin12 November 2020 15:03:47
1444Neural Network ProblemF2100*special, binary search, greedyKotlin12 November 2020 14:57:01
1443Chess MatchE2000*specialKotlin12 November 2020 14:49:59
1442Used MarkersD1500*special, greedyKotlin12 November 2020 14:46:15
1441Black FridayC1600*special, implementationKotlin12 November 2020 14:40:24
1440Polycarp and the Language of GodsB1400*special, implementation, two pointersKotlin12 November 2020 14:38:20
1439Selling HamburgersA800*specialKotlin12 November 2020 14:36:08
1438Platforms JumpingFundefined*special, greedy, implementationKotlin12 November 2020 12:29:19
1437Binary String MinimizingEundefined*special, greedyKotlin12 November 2020 12:24:32
1436Construct the StringB900constructive algorithmsGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:36:47
1435Equalize Prices AgainCundefined*special, mathKotlin12 November 2020 12:18:21
1434Candies and Two SistersA800mathGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:37:14
1433A+B (Trial Problem)A800*specialKotlin29 May 2020 12:55:58
1432Differentiating GamesE3400games, interactiveGNU C++17 (64)01 November 2020 16:01:06
1431Identify the OperationsA1800combinatorics, greedyGNU C++17 (64)01 November 2020 14:57:02
1430Black, White and Grey TreeD3000GNU C++17 (64)01 November 2020 14:52:44
1429Graph TranspositionsB2400graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++17 (64)01 November 2020 14:34:01
1428SumC2800divide and conquer, greedyGNU C++17 (64)01 November 2020 14:18:23
1427A Convex GameE3500dsu, gamesGNU C++17 (64)25 October 2020 12:04:27
1426Solo mid OracleC2100binary search, greedy, math, ternary searchGNU C++17 (64)25 October 2020 11:26:04
1425ShurikensB1700data structures, greedy, implementationGNU C++17 (64)25 October 2020 11:15:04
1424Perform EasilyA1900binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, greedy, sortings, two pointersGNU C++17 (64)25 October 2020 11:08:49
1423Bubble Cup hypothesisJ2400bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, mathGNU C++1105 October 2020 14:27:22
1422Four MelodiesG2600flows, graphsGNU C++1713 October 2020 11:11:19
1421XumE2500bitmasks, constructive algorithms, math, matrices, number theoryGNU C++1710 October 2020 15:53:30
1420Unshuffling a DeckD2000constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1710 October 2020 15:32:19
1419The Hard Work of PaparazziC2000dpGNU C++1710 October 2020 15:07:51
1418Chess CheaterB1400greedy, implementation, sortingsGNU C++1710 October 2020 14:59:57
1417Avoiding ZeroA900math, sortingsGNU C++1710 October 2020 14:52:44
1416Dušan's RailwayC3500divide and conquer, graphs, treesGNU C++1705 October 2020 15:54:23
1415Lookup TablesI3000bitmasksGNU C++1705 October 2020 15:26:57
1414CoinsF2700mathGNU C++1705 October 2020 15:13:39
1413VirusH2500data structures, divide and conquer, dsu, graphsGNU C++1705 October 2020 14:49:43
1412Light switchesL2600meet-in-the-middleGNU C++1105 October 2020 14:34:39
1411Valuable PaperB1900binary search, flows, graph matchings, graphsGNU C++1105 October 2020 13:22:40
1410Lonely NumbersK1600binary search, math, number theory, two pointersGNU C++1105 October 2020 13:19:31
1409Rainbow TriplesH3300binary search, data structures, flows, greedyGNU C++1730 September 2020 16:46:48
1408Bitwise MagicI3200dp, mathGNU C++1730 September 2020 16:13:26
1407Clusterization CountingG2700combinatorics, dp, dsu, fft, graphs, treesGNU C++1730 September 2020 15:25:41
1406Avoid Rainbow CyclesE2400data structures, dsu, graphs, greedy, sortings, treesGNU C++1730 September 2020 15:11:40
1405Two DifferentF2300constructive algorithms, divide and conquerGNU C++1730 September 2020 15:06:46
1404Arrays SumB1400constructive algorithms, greedy, mathGNU C++1730 September 2020 14:55:57
1403SearchlightsD2000binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, implementation, sortings, two pointersGNU C++1730 September 2020 14:51:01
1402Discrete AccelerationC1500binary search, dp, implementation, math, two pointersGNU C++1730 September 2020 14:46:00
1401Circle ColoringA800constructive algorithmsGNU C++1730 September 2020 14:36:36
1400Showing OffF3300flows, graph matchings, greedy, implementationGNU C++1727 September 2020 16:25:34
1399Graph and QueriesD2600data structures, dsu, graphs, implementation, treesGNU C++1727 September 2020 15:56:55
1398SplitE3200binary search, data structures, dp, greedyGNU C++1727 September 2020 15:41:35
1397Make Them EqualB2000constructive algorithms, greedy, mathGNU C++1727 September 2020 15:19:09
1396XOR InverseC2000bitmasks, data structures, divide and conquer, dp, greedy, math, sortings, strings, treesGNU C++1727 September 2020 15:13:46
1395k-Amazing NumbersA1500binary search, data structures, implementation, two pointersGNU C++1727 September 2020 15:08:48
1394Battle LemmingsE2500dp, greedyGNU C++1724 September 2020 18:39:06
1393Pokémon Army (hard version)C22100data structures, divide and conquer, dp, greedy, implementationGNU C++1724 September 2020 18:07:57
1392Pokémon Army (easy version)C11300constructive algorithms, dp, greedyGNU C++1724 September 2020 18:07:38
1391Rock and LeverB1200bitmasks, mathGNU C++1724 September 2020 18:07:29
1390Cubes SortingA900math, sortingsGNU C++1724 September 2020 18:07:20
1389Rescue Nibel!D1800combinatorics, data structures, sortingsGNU C++1724 September 2020 18:07:03
1388Equal ProductF3000data structures, math, number theory, two pointersGNU C++1714 September 2020 19:11:31
1387Three OccurrencesG2500data structures, divide and conquer, hashing, two pointersGNU C++1714 September 2020 18:33:24
1386Expected DamageE2400binary search, combinatorics, probabilitiesGNU C++1714 September 2020 18:02:48
1385Trash ProblemD2100data structures, implementationGNU C++1714 September 2020 17:48:09
1384Mortal Kombat TowerC1500dp, graphs, greedy, shortest pathsGNU C++1714 September 2020 17:25:55
1383Negative PrefixesB1300greedy, sortingsGNU C++1714 September 2020 17:11:05
1382Buying TorchesA1000mathGNU C++1714 September 2020 17:00:32
1381Egor in the Republic of DagestanE2500constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, greedy, shortest pathsGNU C++1709 September 2020 19:19:37
1380Discrete Centrifugal JumpsD2200data structures, dp, graphsGNU C++1709 September 2020 19:03:27
1379Chocolate BunnyC1600constructive algorithms, interactive, math, two pointersGNU C++1709 September 2020 18:39:13
1378Big VovaB1300brute force, greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++1709 September 2020 18:30:05
1377AhahahahahahahahaA1100constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1709 September 2020 18:22:04
1376Game of PairsD2800constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, interactive, math, number theoryGNU C++1706 September 2020 15:26:23
1375Fixed Point RemovalC2300binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, two pointersGNU C++1706 September 2020 14:54:35
1374Tree TagB1900dfs and similar, dp, games, treesGNU C++1706 September 2020 14:45:28
1373Balanced BitstringA1500implementation, stringsGNU C++1706 September 2020 14:37:30
1372Distance MatchingE3200constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, treesGNU C++1730 August 2020 16:34:23
1371Rainbow RectanglesD3300data structures, sortings, two pointersGNU C++1730 August 2020 15:34:50
1370Monster InvadersC2300dp, greedy, implementationGNU C++1430 August 2020 15:07:20
1369Stoned GameB1800brute force, constructive algorithms, games, greedyGNU C++1430 August 2020 14:43:45
1368Multiples of LengthA1600constructive algorithms, greedy, number theoryGNU C++1730 August 2020 14:39:46
1367Omkar and LandslideF2400binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, mathGNU C++1716 August 2020 16:39:32
1366Omkar and PiesG2900bitmasks, dfs and similar, dp, math, shortest pathsGNU C++1716 August 2020 16:07:46
1365ZS Shuffles CardsH3000combinatorics, dp, math, probabilitiesGNU C++1716 August 2020 15:42:54
1364Omkar and DuckE2100bitmasks, constructive algorithms, interactive, mathGNU C++1716 August 2020 14:47:28
1363Omkar and Bed WarsD1700dp, greedyGNU C++1716 August 2020 14:42:40
1362Omkar and WaterslideC1200greedy, implementationGNU C++1716 August 2020 14:38:52
1361Omkar and Infinity ClockB800implementation, mathGNU C++1716 August 2020 14:37:22
1360Omkar and PasswordA800greedy, mathGNU C++1716 August 2020 14:35:59
1359Boboniu and JianghuD2800dp, greedy, sortings, treesGNU C++1712 August 2020 15:35:11
1358Boboniu Walks on GraphB2300brute force, dfs and similar, graphs, hashingGNU C++1712 August 2020 15:19:22
1357Boboniu Chats with DuA1800dp, greedy, sortings, two pointersGNU C++1712 August 2020 14:40:13
1356Special EdgesF3200flows, graphsGNU C++1724 July 2020 16:02:18
1355String Transformation 2C3100bitmasks, dp, graphs, treesGNU C++1724 July 2020 15:40:59
1354RearrangeD2800brute force, constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1724 July 2020 15:18:17
1353Strange OperationE2800combinatorics, data structures, dpGNU C++1724 July 2020 14:59:50
1352GameGameB1900bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, games, greedy, mathGNU C++1724 July 2020 14:43:55
1351String Transformation 1A1700dsu, graphs, greedy, sortings, strings, trees, two pointersGNU C++1724 July 2020 14:38:10
1350Set MergingH3300constructive algorithms, divide and conquerGNU C++1704 July 2020 16:59:56
1349Tree ModificationG2800brute force, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graph matchings, graphs, treesGNU C++1704 July 2020 15:58:41
1348Inversion SwapSortE2500constructive algorithms, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1704 July 2020 15:36:43
1347Integer GameF2600constructive algorithms, games, interactive, mathGNU C++1704 July 2020 15:31:16
1346Replace by MEXD1900brute force, constructive algorithms, sortingsGNU C++1704 July 2020 15:11:06
1345Element ExterminationC1400constructive algorithms, data structures, greedyGNU C++1704 July 2020 15:04:04
1344Neighbor GridB1200constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++1704 July 2020 14:48:27
1343Sign FlippingA1100constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1704 July 2020 14:46:17
1342Breadboard Capacity (easy version)H13300dp, flows, greedyGNU C++1718 June 2020 17:05:22
1341Lamps on a CircleF2600games, implementation, interactive, mathGNU C++1718 June 2020 16:33:39
1340Ski AccidentsE2500constructive algorithms, graphs, greedyGNU C++1718 June 2020 16:17:36
1339Shifting DominoesG3200data structures, geometry, graphs, treesGNU C++1718 June 2020 16:10:55
1338AND, OR and square sumD1700bitmasks, greedy, mathGNU C++1718 June 2020 14:52:29
1337Even PictureC1500constructive algorithmsGNU C++1718 June 2020 14:50:49
1336Codeforces SubsequencesB1500brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, math, stringsGNU C++1718 June 2020 14:47:48
1335C+=A800brute force, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1718 June 2020 14:46:00
1334Johnny and New ToyF3300data structures, implementation, mathGNU C++1704 June 2020 16:23:58
1333Johnny and JamesD2900greedy, implementation, math, treesGNU C++1704 June 2020 15:46:45
1332James and the ChaseE3000dfs and similar, graphs, probabilities, treesGNU C++1704 June 2020 15:23:59
1331Johnny and Megan's NecklaceC2500binary search, bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++1704 June 2020 14:56:30
1330Johnny and GrandmasterB1900greedy, implementation, math, sortingsGNU C++1704 June 2020 14:44:23
1329Johnny and ContributionA1700constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1704 June 2020 14:38:10
1328Game with SegmentsH2700*special, data structures, gamesKotlin29 May 2020 16:18:20
1327Pac-Man 2.0I2900*special, dpKotlin29 May 2020 16:04:12
1326Two IP CamerasG2300*special, math, number theoryKotlin29 May 2020 15:06:28
1325Dune II: Battle For ArrakisF2000*special, data structures, greedy, mathKotlin29 May 2020 14:56:05
1324Magic TricksE1700*special, dp, graphsKotlin29 May 2020 14:47:20
1323Constructing the DungeonD1600*special, graphs, greedyKotlin29 May 2020 14:44:27
1322Spring CleaningC1600*special, greedy, sortingsKotlin29 May 2020 14:41:30
1321Boot CampB1400*special, greedyKotlin29 May 2020 14:38:19
1320Color RevolutionA1000*special, mathKotlin29 May 2020 14:35:58
1319Special PermutationE1600*special, constructive algorithmsKotlin29 May 2020 13:14:30
1318Alice, Bob and CandiesD1300*special, implementationKotlin29 May 2020 13:07:33
1317Sum of Round NumbersC800*special, implementationKotlin29 May 2020 13:04:14
1316Square?B900*special, implementation, mathKotlin29 May 2020 13:00:48
1315Train TracksE3100data structures, treesGNU C++1706 May 2020 22:36:42
1314Orac and MediansB2000constructive algorithms, greedy, mathGNU C++1712 May 2020 12:54:57
1313Orac and Game of LifeC2000dfs and similar, graphs, implementation, shortest pathsGNU C++1712 May 2020 12:47:50
1312Orac and LCMA1600data structures, math, number theoryGNU C++1712 May 2020 12:38:52
1311Piet's PaletteF3200matricesGNU C++1706 May 2020 16:39:45
1310Résumé ReviewD2700binary search, greedy, mathGNU C++1706 May 2020 15:10:32
1309Quantifier QuestionC2600dfs and similar, dp, graphs, mathGNU C++1706 May 2020 14:55:51
1308Monopole MagnetsB2000constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++1706 May 2020 14:45:09
1307Hilbert's HotelA1600math, number theory, sortingsGNU C++1706 May 2020 14:37:14
1306Nastya and Unexpected GuestC2400dfs and similar, dp, graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++1723 April 2020 15:33:47
1305Nastya and Time MachineD2600constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, treesGNU C++1723 April 2020 15:26:18
1304Nastya and Strange GeneratorA1500brute force, data structures, greedy, implementationGNU C++1723 April 2020 14:54:02
1303Nastya and ScoreboardB1700bitmasks, dp, graphs, greedyGNU C++1723 April 2020 14:49:29
1302Yui and Mahjong SetD3200constructive algorithms, interactiveGNU C++1715 April 2020 16:55:11
1301Kaavi and Magic SpellC2200dp, stringsGNU C++1715 April 2020 15:11:05
1300Xenia and Colorful GemsB1700binary search, greedy, math, sortings, two pointersGNU C++1715 April 2020 14:42:40
1299Linova and KingdomA1600dfs and similar, dp, greedy, sortings, treesGNU C++1715 April 2020 14:38:24
1298Robots on a GridF2200data structures, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, greedy, matricesGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:57:33
1297Three Blocks Palindrome (hard version)E21800brute force, data structures, dp, two pointersGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:47:40
1296Three Blocks Palindrome (easy version)E11700binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, two pointersGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:46:46
1295Anti-SudokuD1300constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:41:48
1294Two Teams ComposingC1100binary search, greedy, implementation, sortingsGNU C++1713 April 2020 14:38:49
1293JYPnationE3500graphsGNU C++1712 April 2020 15:51:17
1292Nested Rubber BandsD2700constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, dp, math, treesGNU C++1712 April 2020 15:19:15
1291Perfect TriplesC2200bitmasks, brute force, constructive algorithms, divide and conquer, mathGNU C++1712 April 2020 14:32:32
1290Edge Weight AssignmentB1800bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, greedy, math, treesGNU C++1712 April 2020 14:21:50
1289Powered AdditionA1500greedy, mathGNU C++1712 April 2020 14:08:24
1288Dreamoon Likes StringsD3100constructive algorithms, data structuresGNU C++1703 April 2020 16:01:50
1287Drazil Likes HeapC2400constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, implementationGNU C++1703 April 2020 15:05:57
1286Dreamoon Likes ColoringA1800constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1703 April 2020 14:43:03
1285Dreamoon Likes SequencesB1700bitmasks, combinatorics, mathGNU C++1703 April 2020 14:38:45
1284LimericksBundefinedmath, number theoryGNU C++1701 April 2020 15:34:49
1283It's showtimeHundefinedUnknownX01 April 2020 15:30:53
1282Lingua RomanaGundefinedGNU C++1701 April 2020 15:11:46
1281Jordan SmileyEundefineddfs and similar, geometry, implementationGNU C++1701 April 2020 15:04:28
1280Again?DundefinedimplementationGNU C++1701 April 2020 14:56:16
1279...And after happily lived ever theyCundefinedbitmasksGNU C++1701 April 2020 14:55:15
1278Elementary!Fundefinedbrute force, dp, stringsGNU C++1701 April 2020 14:43:06
1277Is it rated?AundefinedGNU C++1701 April 2020 14:38:10
1276Wise Men (Hard Version)F23200bitmasks, dp, mathGNU C++1719 March 2020 15:51:52
1275BombsE2400data structures, two pointersGNU C++1719 March 2020 15:17:37
1274Wise Men (Easy Version)F12600bitmasks, brute force, dp, meet-in-the-middleGNU C++1719 March 2020 15:10:50
1273Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Easy version)D11500hashing, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1719 March 2020 14:51:50
1272Prefix-Suffix Palindrome (Hard version)D21800binary search, greedy, hashing, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1719 March 2020 14:51:44
1271Permutation PartitionsC1300combinatorics, greedy, mathGNU C++1719 March 2020 14:41:08
1270MaximumsB900implementation, mathGNU C++1719 March 2020 14:39:24
1269Bad Ugly NumbersA1000constructive algorithms, number theoryGNU C++1719 March 2020 14:37:32
1268Kuroni the Private TutorH3500binary search, greedyGNU C++1703 March 2020 16:16:03
1267Kuroni and the PunishmentF2500math, number theory, probabilitiesGNU C++1703 March 2020 15:20:36
1266Kuroni and the CelebrationD1900constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, interactive, treesGNU C++1703 March 2020 15:05:07
1265Kuroni and the Score DistributionE2200constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1703 March 2020 15:00:38
1264Kuroni and Simple StringsB1200constructive algorithms, greedy, strings, two pointersGNU C++1703 March 2020 14:42:23
1263Kuroni and Impossible CalculationC1600brute force, combinatorics, math, number theoryGNU C++1703 March 2020 14:40:03
1262Kuroni and the GiftsA800brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1703 March 2020 14:36:19
1261Falling BlocksIundefined*special, data structuresKotlin27 February 2020 15:50:45
1260M-numbersGundefined*special, dp, mathKotlin27 February 2020 14:48:43
1259Paint the StringHundefined*special, dp, stringsKotlin27 February 2020 14:34:10
1258Modernization of TreelandEundefined*special, dfs and similar, treesKotlin27 February 2020 14:18:33
1257Movie FanFundefined*special, data structures, greedy, implementation, sortingsKotlin27 February 2020 14:17:30
1256Bonus Distribution Dundefined*special, binary search, greedy, sortingsKotlin27 February 2020 13:59:38
1255Dream TeamCundefined*special, greedyKotlin27 February 2020 13:46:52
1254CartoonsBundefined*special, implementation, sortingsKotlin27 February 2020 13:43:03
1253Likes DisplayAundefined*special, implementationKotlin27 February 2020 13:40:10
1252Double EliminationB2500dp, implementationGNU C++1724 February 2020 13:26:04
1251TourismD2300dp, graphs, probabilitiesGNU C++1723 February 2020 16:35:56
1250Median on Segments (Permutations Edition)F1undefined*special, sortingsKotlin24 February 2020 11:42:41
1249Median on Segments (General Case Edition)F2undefined*special, sortingsKotlin24 February 2020 11:41:53
1248MentorsEundefined*special, data structures, implementationKotlin24 February 2020 11:11:16
1247Bus Video SystemDundefined*special, combinatorics, mathKotlin24 February 2020 11:01:36
1246File NameCundefined*special, stringsKotlin24 February 2020 10:54:57
1245Remove DuplicatesBundefined*special, implementationKotlin24 February 2020 10:47:23
1244Restoring Three NumbersAundefined*special, mathKotlin24 February 2020 10:43:17
1243Bad CryptographyF3400math, number theoryGNU C++1723 February 2020 18:33:38
1242Au Pont RougeC2800binary search, dp, stringsGNU C++1723 February 2020 17:28:54
1241Strange FunctionE2900dpGNU C++1723 February 2020 16:28:27
1240RecommendationsA1700data structures, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1723 February 2020 16:09:00
1239Cow and TreatsE2500binary search, combinatorics, dp, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1717 February 2020 16:10:56
1238Cow and FieldsD1900binary search, data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, greedy, shortest paths, sortingsGNU C++1717 February 2020 15:53:34
1237Cow and MessageC1500brute force, dp, math, stringsGNU C++1717 February 2020 15:40:57
1236Cow and FriendB1300geometry, greedy, mathGNU C++1717 February 2020 15:37:41
1235Cow and HaybalesA800greedy, implementationGNU C++1717 February 2020 15:35:54
1234Keep talking and nobody explodes -- hardJundefinedGNU C++1703 February 2020 19:02:08
1233Keep talking and nobody explodes -- easyFundefinedbitmasks, brute force, expression parsingGNU C++1703 February 2020 18:41:52
1232Who needs suffix structures?HundefinedGNU C++1703 February 2020 18:36:28
1231Amazing bitsetEundefinedGNU C++1703 February 2020 18:16:26
1230DijkstraDundefinedGNU C++1703 February 2020 18:10:04
1229DAGBundefinedconstructive algorithmsGNU C++1703 February 2020 17:39:15
1228Segment tree or Fenwick?Cundefineddata structuresGNU C++1703 February 2020 16:59:15
1227Nash equilibriumAundefinedGNU C++1703 February 2020 16:40:16
1226Prefix EnlightenmentC2400dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++1702 February 2020 15:17:41
1225Coffee Varieties (hard version)D3000constructive algorithms, graphs, interactiveGNU C++1702 February 2020 15:40:38
1224Making ShapesF3500dpGNU C++1702 February 2020 15:02:09
1223Mind ControlA1600brute force, data structures, implementationGNU C++1702 February 2020 14:20:30
1222Irreducible AnagramsB1800binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, strings, two pointersGNU C++1702 February 2020 14:15:40
1221Rin and The Unknown FlowerE3500constructive algorithms, greedy, interactive, mathGNU C++1719 January 2020 15:32:49
1220Xenon's Attack on the GangsC2300combinatorics, dfs and similar, dp, greedy, treesGNU C++1719 January 2020 14:10:14
1219Chaotic V.D2700dp, graphs, greedy, math, number theory, treesGNU C++1719 January 2020 14:04:03
1218Aroma's SearchB1700brute force, constructive algorithms, geometry, greedy, implementationGNU C++1719 January 2020 13:41:21
1217NEKO's Maze GameA1400data structures, dsu, implementationGNU C++1719 January 2020 13:37:19
1216New Year and Social NetworkF3200data structures, graph matchings, graphs, math, treesGNU C++1704 January 2020 13:15:51
1215New Year and Castle ConstructionE2500combinatorics, geometry, math, sortingsGNU C++1704 January 2020 12:43:21
1214New Year and ConferenceD2100binary search, data structures, hashing, sortingsGNU C++1704 January 2020 12:35:36
1213New Year and NamingA800implementation, stringsGNU C++1704 January 2020 12:12:33
1212New Year and PermutationC1600combinatorics, mathGNU C++1704 January 2020 12:11:09
1211New Year and Ascent SequenceB1400binary search, combinatorics, data structures, dp, implementation, sortingsGNU C++1704 January 2020 12:09:02
1210Strange DeviceD1900constructive algorithms, interactive, math, sortingsGNU C++1729 December 2019 15:13:00
1209Awesome SubstringsF2600math, stringsGNU C++1729 December 2019 14:35:37
1208Make GoodC1400bitmasks, constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1729 December 2019 14:17:59
1207Divide PointsE2300constructive algorithms, geometry, mathGNU C++1729 December 2019 14:12:55
1206Interesting SubarrayB1200constructive algorithms, greedy, mathGNU C++1729 December 2019 14:07:46
1205Card GameA1000implementationDelphi19 August 2011 15:30:39
1204Happy CactusE3400dpGNU C++1721 December 2019 12:39:54
1203Invertation in TournamentD3200brute force, divide and conquer, graphs, mathGNU C++1721 December 2019 11:54:23
1202K IntegersC2300binary search, data structuresGNU C++1721 December 2019 11:23:56
1201Domino for YoungB2000dp, greedy, mathGNU C++1721 December 2019 11:09:38
1200Long Beautiful IntegerA1700constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, stringsGNU C++1721 December 2019 11:06:50
1199Almost Same DistanceF2900dfs and similar, graphsGNU C++1717 December 2019 16:10:44
1198Spaceship SolitaireE2100data structures, greedy, implementationGNU C++1717 December 2019 15:32:58
1197Decreasing DebtsD2000constructive algorithms, data structures, graphs, greedy, implementation, math, two pointersGNU C++1717 December 2019 15:23:07
1196Diverse MatrixC1400constructive algorithms, greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++1717 December 2019 15:17:16
1195Dice TowerA1100constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++19 September 2012 16:02:23
1194Competitive ProgrammerA1000chinese remainder theorem, mathGNU C++1717 December 2019 15:06:59
1193Контрольная суммаE1undefined*specialGNU C++1711 December 2019 06:41:20
1192Storage2Dundefined*specialGNU C++1711 December 2019 05:59:44
1191Code ReviewBundefined*specialGNU C++1711 December 2019 05:45:20
1190Скрытый другAundefined*specialGNU C++1711 December 2019 05:41:49
1189#define Задача B ...Cundefined*specialGNU C++1711 December 2019 05:39:29
1188Шардирование постовFundefined*special, binary search, interactiveGNU C++1711 December 2019 05:36:10
1187Beautiful LeagueE2700constructive algorithms, flows, graph matchingsGNU C++1705 December 2019 15:21:38
1186Beautiful Bracket Sequence (hard version)D22900combinatorics, probabilitiesGNU C++1705 December 2019 15:13:29
1185Beautiful Bracket Sequence (easy version)D12600combinatorics, dp, probabilitiesGNU C++1705 December 2019 15:10:52
1184Beautiful Mirrors with queriesC2400data structures, probabilitiesGNU C++1705 December 2019 14:58:09
1183Beautiful Regional ContestA1500greedy, implementationGNU C++1705 December 2019 14:44:16
1182Beautiful SequenceB1900brute force, constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++1705 December 2019 14:41:02
1181Xor-SetF3100bitmasks, divide and conquer, mathGNU C++1724 November 2019 09:50:43
1180Arson In Berland ForestC2200binary search, brute force, data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, greedy, shortest pathsGNU C++1724 November 2019 09:03:27
1179Not SameE2600constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++1724 November 2019 08:40:39
1178Wrong Answer on test 233 (Easy Version)D12200combinatorics, dpGNU C++1724 November 2019 08:29:07
1177Wrong Answer on test 233 (Hard Version)D22400combinatorics, fft, math, number theoryGNU C++1724 November 2019 08:28:52
1176Optimal Subsequences (Easy Version)B11600data structures, dp, greedyGNU C++1724 November 2019 08:12:19
1175Optimal Subsequences (Hard Version)B21800binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1724 November 2019 08:12:09
1174MessyA1700brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationGNU C++1724 November 2019 08:08:13
1173Cursor DistanceF3500GNU C++1726 October 2019 12:51:37
1172Tree FactoryD2500constructive algorithms, divide and conquer, greedy, treesGNU C++1726 October 2019 11:40:18
1171Rock Is PushC2200data structures, dpGNU C++1726 October 2019 11:28:01
1170p-binaryA1600bitmasks, brute force, mathGNU C++1726 October 2019 11:13:50
1169Power ProductsB1800hashing, implementation, mathGNU C++1726 October 2019 11:11:00
1168PartyB1600constructive algorithms, graphs, mathDelphi09 July 2010 15:05:50
1167Koala and NotebookF2600data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, shortest paths, strings, treesGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:53:25
1166Into Blocks (easy version)G12000data structures, dsu, greedy, implementation, two pointersGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:33:29
1165Rotate Columns (hard version)E22500bitmasks, dp, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:26:54
1164Rotate Columns (easy version)E12000bitmasks, brute force, dp, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:26:14
1163Cow and SnacksD1700dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:18:23
1162Paint the DigitsC1500constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:16:06
1161Koala and LightsB1300implementation, math, number theoryGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:08:39
1160Paint the NumbersA800greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1714 September 2019 13:06:24
1159Unusual GraphI3000*special, graphsKotlin07 September 2019 16:01:33
1158Road Repair in TreelandH3100*special, binary search, dp, treesKotlin07 September 2019 15:52:36
1157King's PathG2500*special, math, treesKotlin07 September 2019 15:23:56
1156kotlinkotlinkotlinkotlin...F2300*special, graphs, implementation, stringsKotlin07 September 2019 14:59:28
1155Double Permutation Inc.E2000*special, binary search, greedyKotlin07 September 2019 14:54:26
1154TeamsD2000*special, binary search, greedy, mathKotlin07 September 2019 14:47:03
1153Ice CreamC1700*special, greedy, sortingsKotlin07 September 2019 14:43:17
1152Traveling Around the Golden Ring of BerlandB1500*special, implementationKotlin07 September 2019 14:39:14
1151Three ProblemsA1000*special, implementationKotlin07 September 2019 14:37:01
1150Berland FederalizationH2200*special, dp, treesKotlin07 September 2019 12:38:24
1149One-Based ArithmeticF1800*special, brute forceKotlin07 September 2019 12:14:25
1148HikingHundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 12:13:35
1147Two-gramB900*special, implementationKotlin07 September 2019 03:26:10
1146Booking SystemE1600*special, greedyKotlin07 September 2019 11:45:50
1145Divide by three, multiply by twoD1400*special, mathKotlin07 September 2019 03:38:52
1144Less or EqualC1200*special, sortingsKotlin07 September 2019 03:30:06
1143Wrong SubtractionA800*special, implementationKotlin07 September 2019 03:17:41
1142Red Blue TreeH3500data structures, implementation, treesGNU C++1725 August 2019 16:38:36
1141PolygonsG2800greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++1725 August 2019 15:16:03
1140Bits And PiecesF2600bitmasks, dfs and similar, dp, greedyGNU C++1725 August 2019 15:10:49
1139Let Them SlideE2200data structures, implementationGNU C++1725 August 2019 14:55:49
1138Magic GridC1800constructive algorithmsGNU C++1725 August 2019 14:45:27
1137Restore PermutationD1900binary search, data structures, greedy, implementationGNU C++1725 August 2019 14:43:44
1136UniquenessB1500binary search, brute force, implementation, two pointersGNU C++1725 August 2019 14:40:04
1135XORinacciA900mathGNU C++1725 August 2019 14:35:52
1134Mysterious CrimeD1700brute force, combinatorics, math, meet-in-the-middle, two pointersGNU C++1428 October 2018 20:50:12
1133GCD Groups 2F2900greedy, number theory, probabilitiesGNU C++1730 July 2019 15:52:53
1132Rectangle Painting 1D2300dpGNU C++1730 July 2019 15:13:25
1131Rectangle Painting 2E2500flows, graph matchings, graphsGNU C++1730 July 2019 15:08:22
1130Welfare StateB1600binary search, brute force, data structures, sortingsGNU C++1730 July 2019 15:02:31
1129Matching vs Independent SetC2000constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1730 July 2019 14:46:49
1128MP3A1600sortings, two pointersGNU C++1730 July 2019 14:41:56
1127Gold ExperienceG3300constructive algorithms, graphs, math, number theory, probabilitiesGNU C++1701 June 2019 16:13:50
1126Earth Wind and FireE2300constructive algorithms, greedy, math, sortings, two pointersGNU C++1701 June 2019 15:30:39
1125Foo FightersF2700bitmasks, constructive algorithmsGNU C++1701 June 2019 15:17:51
1124Dirty Deeds Done Dirt CheapD1800greedy, sortingsGNU C++1701 June 2019 15:05:34
1123Born This WayB1600binary search, brute force, two pointersGNU C++1701 June 2019 14:53:44
1122Crazy DiamondC1700constructive algorithms, sortingsGNU C++1701 June 2019 14:45:18
1121Another One Bites The DustA800greedyGNU C++1701 June 2019 14:41:41
1120Good SubsetsIundefined*special, dpKotlin28 May 2019 16:59:50
1119Graph DecompositionGundefined*special, graphsKotlin28 May 2019 16:13:36
1118Longest SawHundefined*special, constructive algorithmsKotlin28 May 2019 15:40:57
1117Sliding DoorsEundefined*special, binary searchKotlin28 May 2019 15:23:50
1116WheelsFundefined*special, binary search, greedyKotlin28 May 2019 15:16:26
1115Decoding of Integer SequencesDundefined*special, data structures, implementationKotlin28 May 2019 15:09:12
1114Minus and Minus Give PlusCundefined*special, implementation, stringsKotlin28 May 2019 14:44:58
1113Bad DaysBundefined*special, implementationKotlin28 May 2019 14:41:47
1112Three Integers AgainAundefined*special, mathKotlin28 May 2019 14:40:21
1111The Greatest Possible Value (3 points)Uundefinedmath05 May 2019 10:03:50
1110Compute the Product (3 points)Tundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:47:23
1109Queens (2 points)Lundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:40:07
1108Maximum Value (2 points)Iundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:28:23
1107Regular Polygon (1 point)Fundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:22:40
1106Seven Digit Number (2 points)Mundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:12:57
1105Triangle Area (1 point)Bundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:10:23
1104Multiple of 29 (1 point)Dundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:07:27
11037-digit Number (1 point)Cundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:03:58
1102Find Distance (3 points)Sundefinedmath05 May 2019 09:01:51
1101Circle Radius (2 points)Hundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:50:57
1100Divisible by 83 (3 points)Rundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:46:14
1099Surjective Functions (3 points)Qundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:45:55
1098Equilateral Triangles (2 points)Pundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:45:44
1097Greatest Prime Divisor (2 points)Oundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:45:38
1096All Streets (2 points)Nundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:45:33
1095Eleven Segments (2 points)Jundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:44:19
1094Find Number (1 point)Gundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:43:42
1093Least Possible Difference (1 point)Eundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:43:36
1092Three Friends (1 point)Aundefinedmath05 May 2019 08:43:02
1091Satanic PanicH2900dp, geometryGNU C++1720 April 2019 19:09:55
1090Leaf PartitionF2500dp, treesGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:52:55
1089Zoning RestrictionsG2700dp, flows, graphsGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:45:33
1088Hot is ColdE2400bitmasks, data structures, divide and conquer, implementationGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:32:19
1087Frog JumpingD2100dfs and similar, math, number theoryGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:17:53
1086Tree DiameterC1700bitmasks, graphs, interactiveGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:10:09
1085Hate "A"B1100implementation, stringsGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:07:37
1084Love "A"A800implementation, stringsGNU C++1720 April 2019 18:05:50
1083Niyaz and Small DegreesF3400data structures, dp, treesGNU C++1706 April 2019 12:54:44
1082Pavel and TrianglesE1900brute force, dp, fft, greedy, ternary searchGNU C++1706 April 2019 11:48:00
1081Frets On FireD1800binary search, sortingsGNU C++1706 April 2019 11:44:30
1080Ramesses and Corner InversionC1500constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1706 April 2019 11:40:48
1079Alyona and a Narrow FridgeB1300binary search, flows, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1706 April 2019 11:38:14
1078Ilya and a Colorful WalkA1100greedy, implementationGNU C++1706 April 2019 11:36:35
1077CreeperD5undefinedQ#02 March 2019 00:44:00
1076TIE fighterD4undefinedQ#01 March 2019 22:43:29
1075Distinguish three-qubit statesB1undefinedQ#01 March 2019 23:33:45
1074Generate state |00⟩ + |01⟩ + |10⟩A1undefinedQ#01 March 2019 19:16:45
1073X-wing fighterD3undefinedQ#01 March 2019 22:27:51
1072Generate equal superposition of four basis statesA2undefinedQ#01 March 2019 21:48:39
1071Pattern of increasing blocksD2undefinedQ#01 March 2019 19:32:03
1070``Is the number of ones divisible by 3?'' oracleC3undefinedQ#01 March 2019 18:09:05
1069``Is the bit string periodic?'' oracleC2undefinedQ#01 March 2019 17:54:15
1068Alternating bits oracleC1undefinedQ#01 March 2019 17:33:53
1067Block diagonal matrixD1undefinedQ#01 March 2019 17:22:55
1066Nearest LeafF2600data structures, treesGNU C++1407 February 2019 14:56:46
1065Tree-Tac-Toe G3100constructive algorithms, games, treesGNU C++1407 February 2019 14:37:59
1064JongmahD2200dpGNU C++1407 February 2019 14:01:24
1063Magic StonesE2200constructive algorithms, math, sortingsGNU C++1407 February 2019 13:54:41
1062Meaningless OperationsC1500constructive algorithms, math, number theoryGNU C++1407 February 2019 13:42:22
1061TapeB1400greedy, sortingsGNU C++1407 February 2019 13:38:46
1060ParityA900mathGNU C++1407 February 2019 13:36:22
1059Epic ConvolutionH3500chinese remainder theorem, fft, math, number theoryGNU C++1407 January 2019 22:48:26
1058The Child and Binary TreeE3100combinatorics, divide and conquer, fft, number theoryGNU C++1406 January 2019 23:02:04
1057Flowers and ChocolateG3300mathGNU C++1406 January 2019 20:36:24
1056Mateusz and an Infinite SequenceH3400bitmasks, brute force, dp, stringsGNU C++1404 January 2019 23:31:13
1055Vladislav and a Great LegendG3000combinatorics, dp, treesGNU C++1404 January 2019 16:14:01
1054Egor and an RPG gameE3400constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++1404 January 2019 17:23:05
1053Alex and a TV ShowF2500bitmasks, combinatorics, number theoryGNU C++1404 January 2019 15:17:51
1052Makoto and a BlackboardD2200dp, math, number theory, probabilitiesGNU C++1404 January 2019 14:58:08
1051Yuhao and a ParenthesisC1400greedy, implementationGNU C++1404 January 2019 14:51:28
1050Petr and a Combination LockB1200bitmasks, brute force, dpGNU C++1404 January 2019 14:47:16
1049Gennady and a Card GameA800brute force, implementationGNU C++1404 January 2019 14:45:55
1048Long numberF3400expression parsing, math, number theoryGNU C++1422 January 2017 21:14:24
1047New Year and the Tricolore RecreationH3200gamesGNU C++1430 December 2018 16:29:18
1046New Year and the Factorisation CollaborationG3200interactive, math, number theoryJava 830 December 2018 15:55:39
1045New Year and the Mallard ExpeditionF2600constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++1430 December 2018 15:30:19
1044New Year and the Acquaintance EstimationE2400binary search, data structures, graphs, greedy, implementation, math, sortingsGNU C++1430 December 2018 14:59:34
1043New Year and the Permutation ConcatenationD1700combinatorics, dp, mathGNU C++1430 December 2018 14:46:48
1042New Year and the Sphere TransmissionC1400math, number theoryGNU C++1430 December 2018 14:40:02
1041New Year and the Treasure GeolocationB1200brute force, constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationGNU C++1430 December 2018 14:37:32
1040New Year and the Christmas OrnamentA800brute force, implementation, mathGNU C++1430 December 2018 14:35:48
1039Mergesort Strikes BackG3200math, probabilitiesGNU C++1416 December 2018 16:23:51
1038Tricky InteractorF2600constructive algorithms, implementation, interactiveGNU C++1416 December 2018 15:26:48
1037Missing NumbersE1900binary search, constructive algorithms, greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++1416 December 2018 14:58:41
1036Farewell PartyB1500constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1416 December 2018 14:47:31
1035Maximum DistanceD1800dsu, graphs, shortest paths, sortingsGNU C++1416 December 2018 14:44:03
1034Colorful BricksC1500combinatorics, dp, mathGNU C++1416 December 2018 14:39:34
1033Definite GameA800constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1416 December 2018 14:35:48
1032RefactoringD2400greedy, implementation, stringsGNU C++1410 November 2018 15:52:17
1031Tree and XORF2900strings, treesGNU C++1410 November 2018 15:34:28
1030Segments on the LineE2500binary search, dpGNU C++1410 November 2018 15:15:04
1029Lucky DaysC1900math, number theoryGNU C++1410 November 2018 14:54:20
1028Alice and HairdresserB1300dsu, implementationGNU C++1410 November 2018 14:47:05
1027MetroA900graphsGNU C++1410 November 2018 14:41:21
1026Grid SortE3100implementationGNU C++1404 November 2018 19:46:53
1025DFSF2700data structuresGNU C++1404 November 2018 19:05:07
1024Intersecting SubtreesB1900dfs and similar, interactive, treesGNU C++1404 November 2018 18:50:42
1023Deduction QueriesD2400data structures, dsuGNU C++1404 November 2018 18:42:41
1022Optimal Polygon PerimeterC2100dp, geometryGNU C++1404 November 2018 18:26:59
1021The Tower is Going HomeA1700binary search, two pointersGNU C++1404 November 2018 18:19:25
1020Speckled BandG3500data structures, divide and conquer, hashing, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1431 October 2018 18:54:00
1019Make It OneF2500bitmasks, combinatorics, dp, math, number theory, shortest pathsGNU C++1128 October 2018 16:12:37
1018Train Hard, Win EasyE1900constructive algorithms, greedy, math, sortingsGNU C++1428 October 2018 15:56:05
1017Smallest WordC1500constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationGNU C++1428 October 2018 15:46:24
1016Lost ArrayB1200implementationGNU C++1428 October 2018 15:38:58
1015ElectionsC2100data structures, ternary searchGNU C++10 August 2014 17:40:52
1014Letters RemovingF2100data structures, stringsGNU C++1117 October 2018 22:47:50
1013Dog ShowD2200data structures, greedyGNU C++1118 September 2017 14:44:15
1012Yet Another Array Queries ProblemD1800data structures, implementationGNU C++1417 October 2018 21:47:03
1011Radio stationsE2200binary search, data structuresGNU C++1417 October 2018 21:33:01
1010EnvyE2300graphsGNU C++1417 October 2018 14:18:09
1009Hidden Bipartite GraphE2800binary search, constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, interactiveGNU C++1407 October 2018 18:58:22
1008Chip GameG3500gamesGNU C++1407 October 2018 18:36:57
1007Boolean ComputerF2800bitmasks, brute force, fft, mathGNU C++1407 October 2018 18:09:15
1006DivisorsD2000interactive, math, number theoryGNU C++1407 October 2018 17:29:30
1005Permutation GameC1600brute force, dp, gamesGNU C++1407 October 2018 17:12:44
1004Square DifferenceB1100math, number theoryGNU C++1407 October 2018 17:08:29
1003King EscapeA1000dfs and similar, graphs, implementationGNU C++1407 October 2018 17:06:59
1002A Game on StringsG3200gamesGNU C++1102 September 2018 16:32:48
1001SecurityH3200data structures, string suffix structuresGNU C++1102 September 2018 15:47:19
1000TripsE2200graphsGNU C++1102 September 2018 15:20:43
999Maximum ReductionF2500combinatorics, data structures, mathGNU C++1102 September 2018 15:14:05
998Valid BFS?D1700dfs and similar, graphs, shortest paths, treesGNU C++1102 September 2018 14:44:47
997EqualizeC1300dp, greedy, stringsGNU C++1102 September 2018 14:39:51
996Reach MedianB1300greedyGNU C++1102 September 2018 14:37:31
995PacketsA1300constructive algorithms, greedy, mathGNU C++1102 September 2018 14:36:25
994Perfect EncodingD3100fft, mathGNU C++1429 May 2018 16:08:39
993Distinguish zero state and plus state without errorsC21800Q#07 July 2018 00:46:01
992Generate W stateA41900Q#06 July 2018 23:07:06
991Oracle for majority functionD31600Q#06 July 2018 18:33:36
990Distinguish zero state and plus state with minimum errorC11700Q#06 July 2018 18:24:44
989Another array reconstruction algorithmE21900Q#06 July 2018 17:45:55
988Distinguish four 2-qubit states - 2B41700Q#06 July 2018 17:23:38
987Bernstein-Vazirani algorithmE11500Q#06 July 2018 16:27:07
986Distinguish four 2-qubit statesB31600Q#06 July 2018 16:22:07
985Oracle for f(x) = b * x + (1 - b) * (1 - x) mod 2D21300Q#06 July 2018 16:18:32
984Oracle for f(x) = b * x mod 2D11200Q#06 July 2018 16:15:26
983Distinguish GHZ state and W stateB21600Q#06 July 2018 16:13:32
982Distinguish zero state and W stateB11300Q#06 July 2018 16:12:51
981Generate superposition of two basis statesA31500Q#06 July 2018 16:10:27
980Generate superposition of zero state and a basis stateA21300Q#06 July 2018 16:06:19
979Generate superposition of all basis statesA1800Q#06 July 2018 16:01:53
978Deutsch-Jozsa algorithmI1700*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:58:44
977Oracle for f(x) = parity of the number of 1s in xH1200*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:48:26
976Oracle for f(x) = k-th element of xG1400*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:46:47
975Distinguish multi-qubit basis statesF1300*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:45:31
974Distinguish Bell statesE1600*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:40:53
973Distinguish plus state and minus stateD1400*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:36:29
972Generate GHZ stateC1400*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:34:49
971Generate Bell stateB1400*specialQ#02 July 2018 15:28:24
970Generate plus state or minus stateA1100*specialQ#02 July 2018 14:12:55
969Prince's ProblemE2800brute force, data structures, math, number theory, treesGNU C++1429 May 2018 17:12:00
968Oppa Funcan Style RemasteredF3300graphs, math, number theory, shortest pathsGNU C++1429 May 2018 16:53:52
967AND GraphC2500bitmasks, dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++1429 May 2018 16:19:22
966Petr and PermutationsB1800combinatorics, mathGNU C++1429 May 2018 15:49:24
965FairA1600graphs, greedy, number theory, shortest pathsGNU C++1429 May 2018 15:39:21
964K PathsH3100combinatorics, data structures, dp, fft, mathGNU C++1427 May 2018 16:53:47
963Magic multisetsG2500data structuresGNU C++1427 May 2018 15:52:54
962Round MarriageF2500binary search, graph matchings, greedyGNU C++1427 May 2018 15:34:53
961Addition on SegmentsE2200bitmasks, data structures, divide and conquer, dpGNU C++1427 May 2018 15:14:03
960BookshelvesD1900bitmasks, dp, greedyGNU C++1427 May 2018 15:02:45
959Useful DecompositionC1400implementation, treesGNU C++1427 May 2018 14:58:51
958Businessmen ProblemsB1000sortingsGNU C++1427 May 2018 14:54:15
957AntipalindromeA900brute force, implementation, stringsGNU C++1427 May 2018 14:51:29
956Big SecretC2200constructive algorithms, data structures, greedy, mathGNU C++1429 April 2018 15:04:31
955May HolidaysE2900data structures, treesGNU C++1429 April 2018 14:48:01
954Aztec CatacombsD2600constructive algorithms, graphsGNU C++1429 April 2018 14:41:49
953Stairs and ElevatorsA1600binary search, data structures, greedyGNU C++1429 April 2018 13:33:59
952Resource DistributionB1700binary search, data structures, greedy, two pointersGNU C++1429 April 2018 13:29:35
951Primal SportA1700brute force, math, number theoryGNU C++1410 March 2018 16:19:15
950Perfect SecurityC1800data structures, greedy, strings, treesGNU C++1410 March 2018 16:11:49
949Producing SnowB1600binary search, data structures, implementationGNU C++1410 March 2018 16:05:53
948Knightsbridge RisesKundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 12:36:27
947GentlebotsGundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 12:23:54
946Lizard LoungeLundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:56:58
945EducationEundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:52:18
944Breaking BiscuitsBundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:48:50
943I Work All DayIundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:40:28
942Flipping CoinsFundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:39:20
941Deranging HatDundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:36:06
940Cued InCundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:33:10
939Just A MinimJundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:28:04
938Alien SunsetAundefinedGNU C++1414 November 2017 11:26:25
937One-Way ReformE2200constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, flows, graphs, greedyGNU C++1411 November 2017 22:09:17
936Tanya and PasswordD2500dfs and similar, graphsGNU C++1411 November 2017 19:10:22
935Team Rocket Rises AgainF2800data structures, graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++1112 January 2017 17:34:49
934Arkady and a Nobody-menE2700data structures, dfs and similar, treesGNU C++1409 November 2017 10:45:38
933PalisectionE2900stringsGNU C++1418 October 2017 09:45:27
932Delivery ClubE2600binary search, data structures, dpGNU C++1417 October 2017 22:59:06
931Pumping StationsE2900brute force, dfs and similar, divide and conquer, flows, graphs, greedy, treesGNU C++14 September 2013 17:35:31
930Buy Low Sell HighD2400data structures, greedy, two pointersGNU C++1130 September 2017 17:53:26
929Egg RouletteF3300combinatorics, meet-in-the-middleGNU C++1130 September 2017 19:43:24
928Gotta Go FastC2400binary search, dp, probabilitiesGNU C++1130 September 2017 17:24:50
927Ordering PizzaB1900greedy, implementation, sortingsGNU C++1130 September 2017 17:13:51
926Save the problem!A1400combinatorics, constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1130 September 2017 17:06:51
925Desk DisorderE2100combinatorics, dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, treesGNU C++1416 September 2017 19:26:20
924Rowena Ravenclaw's DiademD2500treesGNU C++1124 September 2017 16:52:32
923NaginiF3100binary search, data structuresGNU C++1124 September 2017 16:36:56
922Helga Hufflepuff's CupC2000dp, treesGNU C++1124 September 2017 15:02:46
921Salazar Slytherin's LocketE2200bitmasks, dpGNU C++1424 September 2017 14:54:58
920Marvolo Gaunt's RingB1500brute force, data structures, dpGNU C++1124 September 2017 14:38:13
919Tom Riddle's DiaryA800brute force, implementation, stringsGNU C++1124 September 2017 14:35:52
918Students InitiationJ2400binary search, flows, graphsGNU C++1118 September 2017 14:32:49
917Travel CardsK1800greedy, implementation, sortingsGNU C++1118 September 2017 14:15:34
916Berland SU Computer NetworkL2400dfs and similar, hashing, treesGNU C++1118 September 2017 14:11:28
915Berland ElectionsF2100greedy, sortingsGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:56:27
914Noise LevelI1900dfs and similar, implementation, mathGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:40:46
913Sum of NestingsC1800constructive algorithmsGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:34:52
912Load TestingH1600greedyGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:26:45
911Preparing for Merge SortB1600binary search, data structuresGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:21:43
910Union of Doubly Linked ListsA1500implementationGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:16:01
909Weather TomorrowM1000implementation, mathGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:11:43
908University ClassesG900implementationGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:10:17
907PackmenE1800binary search, dpGNU C++1118 September 2017 13:09:05
906Ordering T-ShirtsF2800greedyGNU C++1416 September 2017 19:20:36
905Circle of NumbersG3000mathGNU C++1416 September 2017 19:11:40
904Third Month InsanityD2100dp, probabilities, treesGNU C++1416 September 2017 17:51:07
903Pie RulesC1500dp, gamesGNU C++1416 September 2017 17:42:27
902Declined FinalistsA800greedy, implementationGNU C++1416 September 2017 17:37:33
901Lazy Security GuardB1000brute force, geometry, mathGNU C++1416 September 2017 17:36:15
900Rusty StringE2700fft, math, stringsGNU C++1414 September 2017 12:01:55
899To Play or not to PlayF3000greedyGNU C++1411 September 2017 16:27:33
898Bob and stagesH3000dp, geometryJava 803 September 2017 12:10:16
897DigitsA2500brute force, implementation, mathGNU C++1403 September 2017 11:54:01
896DatingI2300brute force, dfs and similar, graphs, treesGNU C++1403 September 2017 11:02:44
895Exploration planD2100binary search, flows, graph matchings, shortest pathsGNU C++1403 September 2017 10:46:58
894PropertyC2100greedy, sortingsJava 803 September 2017 10:42:43
893Bathroom terminalG1700implementationGNU C++1403 September 2017 10:29:51
892Casinos and travelE2100dpGNU C++1403 September 2017 10:28:59
891Product transformationF2200combinatorics, math, number theoryJava 803 September 2017 10:26:02
890Neural Network countryB2000dp, matricesGNU C++1403 September 2017 10:10:29
889Maximum FlowE3000flows, graphsGNU C++1124 August 2017 21:56:46
888Upgrading TreeC2600constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, math, treesGNU C++1124 August 2017 17:32:35
887Interactive LowerBoundB2000brute force, interactive, probabilitiesGNU C++1124 August 2017 16:49:47
886Sorting by SubsequencesA1400dfs and similar, dsu, implementation, math, sortingsGNU C++1124 August 2017 16:38:37
885Aquarium decorationE2500data structures, greedy, two pointersGNU C++1112 May 2017 14:59:29
884Cut the pieG3500binary search, data structures, geometryGNU C++1111 May 2017 17:32:57
883Beautiful fountains rowsF3500data structuresGNU C++1111 May 2017 16:56:31
882Field expansionD2100brute force, dp, meet-in-the-middleGNU C++1111 May 2017 16:12:20
881T-shirt buyingB1400data structures, implementationGNU C++1111 May 2017 15:54:05
880FountainsC1800binary search, data structures, implementationGNU C++1111 May 2017 15:51:19
879Carrot CakesA1100brute force, implementationGNU C++1111 May 2017 15:48:54
878Sherlock's bet to MoriartyF2800constructive algorithms, data structures, divide and conquer, geometry, graphs, implementation, treesGNU C++1123 February 2017 16:48:09
877Sherlock and the Encrypted DataG2900bitmasks, combinatorics, dpGNU C++1123 February 2017 15:49:18
876The Door ProblemD20002-sat, dfs and similar, dsu, graphsGNU C++1123 February 2017 15:14:00
875Molly's ChemicalsC1800binary search, brute force, data structures, implementation, mathGNU C++1123 February 2017 15:06:45
874The Holmes ChildrenE2100math, number theoryGNU C++1123 February 2017 15:01:11
873Sherlock and his girlfriendB1200constructive algorithms, number theoryGNU C++1123 February 2017 14:52:26
872A Serial KillerA900brute force, implementation, stringsGNU C++1123 February 2017 14:51:02
871Bacterial MeleeD2400brute force, combinatorics, dp, string suffix structuresGNU C++1422 January 2017 18:34:47
870Nikita and stackC2200data structuresGNU C++1422 January 2017 18:47:01
869Pavel and barbecueA1700constructive algorithms, dfs and similarGNU C++1422 January 2017 18:24:57
868Travel CardB1600binary search, dpGNU C++1422 January 2017 18:19:44
867PolandBall and Many Other BallsG3200combinatorics, divide and conquer, dp, fft, math, number theoryGNU C++1415 January 2017 18:59:46
866PolandBall and White-Red graphE2400constructive algorithms, graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++1415 January 2017 17:45:29
865PolandBall and GiftsF2600bitmasks, dp, greedyGNU C++1415 January 2017 17:35:26
864PolandBall and ForestC1300dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, interactive, treesGNU C++1415 January 2017 17:27:09
863PolandBall and PolygonD2000data structuresGNU C++1415 January 2017 17:18:03
862PolandBall and GameB1100binary search, data structures, games, greedy, sortings, stringsGNU C++1415 January 2017 17:10:18
861PolandBall and HypothesisA800brute force, graphs, math, number theoryGNU C++1415 January 2017 17:07:52
860Can Bash Save the Day?G3400data structures, divide and conquer, graphs, treesGNU C++1413 January 2017 10:31:09
859Felicity's Big Secret RevealedD2200bitmasks, dpGNU C++1112 January 2017 16:09:46
858Felicity is Coming!C1900data structures, hashing, sortings, stringsGNU C++1112 January 2017 16:00:11
857Bash Plays with FunctionsE2500brute force, combinatorics, dp, number theoryGNU C++1112 January 2017 15:56:56
856Bash's Big DayB1400greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++1112 January 2017 15:40:35
855Gotta Catch Em' All!A1000implementationGNU C++1112 January 2017 15:39:56
854New Year and Finding RootsF2800constructive algorithms, implementation, interactive, treesGNU C++1130 December 2016 16:19:45
853New Year and Binary Tree PathsG3200bitmasks, brute force, combinatorics, dpGNU C++1130 December 2016 15:27:25
852New Year and FireworksD1900brute force, data structures, dfs and similar, dp, implementationGNU C++1130 December 2016 14:41:20
851New Year and North PoleB1300geometry, implementationGNU C++1130 December 2016 14:23:33
850New Year and RatingC1600binary search, greedy, mathGNU C++1130 December 2016 14:20:37
849New Year and HurryA800binary search, brute force, implementation, mathGNU C++1130 December 2016 14:16:27
848Hongcow Draws a CircleD3200geometryGNU C++1118 December 2016 12:42:24
847Hongcow's GameB1900bitmasks, divide and conquer, interactiveGNU C++1117 December 2016 16:49:10
846Hongcow Buys a Deck of CardsC2400bitmasks, brute force, dpGNU C++1117 December 2016 17:00:13
845Hongcow Masters the Cyclic ShiftE3200strings, two pointersGNU C++1117 December 2016 17:39:11
844Hongcow Builds A NationA1500dfs and similar, graphsGNU C++1117 December 2016 16:39:42
843Cowboy Beblop at his computerI2800geometryJava 811 September 2016 13:39:52
842Festival OrganizationA2900math, number theoryJava 811 September 2016 11:57:19
841UnderfailG2400flowsGNU C++1111 September 2016 11:24:38
840Pokermon League challengeH2400math, probabilitiesGNU C++1111 September 2016 10:52:51
839R3D3’s Summer AdventureB2700dp, greedyJava 811 September 2016 10:48:21
838Heroes of Making Magic IIIF2600data structuresGNU C++1111 September 2016 10:44:06
837Paint it really, really dark grayE1900dfs and similarGNU C++1111 September 2016 09:24:12
836Potions HomeworkC1200implementation, sortingsGNU C++1111 September 2016 09:15:57
835Dexterina’s LabD1900games, matrices, probabilitiesGNU C++1111 September 2016 09:15:42
834Two Arithmetic ProgressionsD2500math, number theoryGNU C++1124 August 2016 09:36:58
833String Set QueriesF2400brute force, data structures, hashing, interactive, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1122 August 2016 15:09:21
832Magic Odd SquareC1500constructive algorithms, mathGNU C++1122 August 2016 14:54:25
831Generate a StringE2000dfs and similar, dpGNU C++1122 August 2016 14:22:26
830Optimal Point on a LineB1400brute force, sortingsGNU C++1122 August 2016 14:12:57
829King MovesA800implementationGNU C++1122 August 2016 14:11:06
828Limak and Shooting PointsC2600geometry, mathGNU C++1103 July 2016 11:40:03
827Coprime PermutationF3000combinatorics, number theoryGNU C++1103 July 2016 11:25:39
826Huffman Coding on SegmentE3100data structuresGNU C++1103 July 2016 10:04:54
825CronD2800GNU C++1103 July 2016 09:39:58
824Break UpB2600graphsGNU C++1103 July 2016 08:58:55
823LRUA2400bitmasks, dp, math, probabilitiesGNU C++1103 July 2016 08:54:14
822Travelling Through the Snow Queen's KingdomE2800bitmasks, brute force, divide and conquer, graphsGNU C++1101 July 2016 10:53:08
821Kay and EternityD2600brute force, implementation, sortingsGNU C++1101 July 2016 10:11:45
820Optimal PointC2900binary search, mathGNU C++1101 July 2016 10:00:09
819Kay and SnowflakeB1900data structures, dfs and similar, dp, treesGNU C++1101 July 2016 09:21:48
818Robbers' watchA1700brute force, combinatorics, dp, mathGNU C++1101 July 2016 09:11:58
817TOFE2900dfs and similar, graphsGNU C++1129 June 2016 18:50:29
816Dividing Kingdom IID2500brute force, data structures, dsu, graphs, sortingsGNU C++1129 June 2016 18:23:56
815The Values You Can MakeC1900dpGNU C++1129 June 2016 17:17:12
814Remainders GameB1800chinese remainder theorem, math, number theoryGNU C++1129 June 2016 17:13:33
813NP-Hard ProblemA1500dfs and similar, graphsGNU C++1129 June 2016 17:09:22
812Bears and JuiceF2900dp, math, meet-in-the-middleGNU C++1107 May 2016 16:45:38
811Levels and RegionsC2400dpGNU C++1107 May 2016 16:28:22
810Bear and Destroying SubtreesE2700dp, math, probabilities, treesGNU C++1107 May 2016 15:51:30
809Bear and Two PathsB1600constructive algorithms, graphsGNU C++1107 May 2016 15:18:49
808Bear and ColorsA1500implementationGNU C++1107 May 2016 15:07:40
807Little Artem and 2-SATF3000GNU C++1124 April 2016 18:24:43
806Little Artem and Random VariableD2400dp, implementation, math, probabilitiesGNU C++1124 April 2016 17:41:45
805Little Artem and DanceC1800brute force, constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1124 April 2016 17:13:25
804Little Artem and Time MachineE2000data structuresGNU C++1124 April 2016 16:48:59
803Little Artem and MatrixB1400implementationGNU C++1124 April 2016 16:39:47
802Little Artem and GrasshopperA1000implementationGNU C++1124 April 2016 16:37:59
801International OlympiadD2000constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++1115 April 2016 16:00:52
800To Hack or not to HackE3100brute force, dp, greedyGNU C++1115 April 2016 15:39:21
799Graph ColoringB2200dfs and similar, graphsGNU C++1115 April 2016 14:48:03
798Gambling NimA2400bitmasks, math, matrices, probabilitiesGNU C++1115 April 2016 14:33:09
797Bear and ParadoxE2800binary search, greedy, math, sortingsGNU C++1128 March 2016 17:41:33
796Bear and PolynomialsC2200hashing, implementation, mathGNU C++1128 March 2016 17:06:52
795Bear and ContributionD2400data structures, greedy, sortings, two pointersGNU C++1128 March 2016 16:52:31
794Bear and Forgotten Tree 3B1600constructive algorithms, graphs, treesGNU C++1128 March 2016 16:51:59
793Bear and Displayed FriendsA1200implementationGNU C++1128 March 2016 16:39:04
792Cowslip CollectionsF2500combinatorics, math, number theoryGNU C++1118 March 2016 17:15:24
791Intellectual InquiryE2200dp, greedy, stringsGNU C++1118 March 2016 17:01:00
790Robot Rapping Results ReportD1800binary search, dp, graphsGNU C++1118 March 2016 16:47:19
789Enduring ExodusC1600binary search, two pointersGNU C++1118 March 2016 16:43:25
788Amity AssessmentA1200brute force, constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1118 March 2016 16:40:33
787Mischievous Mess MakersB1200greedy, mathGNU C++1118 March 2016 16:38:16
786Hostname AliasesC2100*special, binary search, data structures, implementation, sortings, stringsGNU C++1116 March 2016 11:40:49
785Processing QueriesB1700*special, constructive algorithms, data structures, two pointersGNU C++1116 March 2016 11:24:43
784Parliament of BerlandA1000*special, constructive algorithmsGNU C++1116 March 2016 11:11:28
783Running with ObstaclesD1600*special, data structures, dp, greedyGNU C++1113 March 2016 15:32:09
782Promocodes with MistakesC1400*special, brute force, constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1113 March 2016 13:55:28
781Chat OrderB1200*special, binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, sortingsGNU C++1113 March 2016 13:54:48
780Voting for PhotosA1000*special, constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1113 March 2016 13:54:23
779Clockwork BombE3200data structures, dfs and similar, dsu, greedy, treesGNU C++1107 March 2016 11:07:46
778Zip-lineD2600binary search, data structures, dp, hashingGNU C++1107 March 2016 10:05:46
777Image PreviewB1900binary search, brute force, dp, two pointersGNU C++1107 March 2016 09:46:50
776Table CompressionC2200dfs and similar, dp, dsu, graphs, greedyGNU C++1107 March 2016 09:37:16
775WatchmenA1400data structures, geometry, mathGNU C++1107 March 2016 09:26:49
774Preorder TestD2600binary search, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, greedy, treesGNU C++1128 February 2016 19:27:20
773Package DeliveryC2200data structures, divide and conquer, greedyGNU C++1128 February 2016 19:09:52
772OrchestraE3000two pointersGNU C++1128 February 2016 18:48:22
771Factory RepairsB1700data structuresGNU C++1128 February 2016 18:21:13
770XOR EquationA1700dp, mathGNU C++1128 February 2016 18:14:01
769Fibonacci-ish IIH3100data structures, implementationGNU C++1126 February 2016 19:42:37
768Yash And TreesG2800bitmasks, data structures, dfs and similar, math, number theoryGNU C++1126 February 2016 18:57:42
767Startup FundingE2400binary search, constructive algorithms, data structures, probabilities, two pointersGNU C++1126 February 2016 18:37:51
766The Chocolate SpreeF2600dfs and similar, dp, graphs, treesGNU C++1126 February 2016 18:14:13
765Fibonacci-ishD2000brute force, dp, hashing, implementation, mathGNU C++1126 February 2016 18:04:04
764Spy Syndrome 2C1900data structures, dp, hashing, implementation, sortings, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1126 February 2016 17:55:16
763A Trivial ProblemB1300brute force, constructive algorithms, math, number theoryGNU C++1126 February 2016 17:18:56
762Ebony and IvoryA1100brute force, math, number theoryGNU C++1126 February 2016 17:16:43
761RafflesG3100data structures, dp, greedy, mathGNU C++1113 February 2016 20:20:24
760Simple SkewnessE2400binary search, math, ternary searchGNU C++1113 February 2016 18:40:56
759Group ProjectsF2400dpGNU C++1113 February 2016 18:17:34
758Jerry's ProtestD1800brute force, combinatorics, dp, probabilitiesGNU C++1113 February 2016 17:58:18
757Block TowersC1600brute force, greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++1113 February 2016 17:44:55
756CardsB1300constructive algorithms, dp, mathGNU C++1113 February 2016 17:42:23
755Robot SequenceA1000brute force, implementationGNU C++1113 February 2016 17:37:08
754Xors on SegmentsF2800data structures, strings, treesGNU C++1121 January 2016 15:44:55
753Professor GukiZ and Two ArraysD2200binary search, two pointersGNU C++1121 January 2016 15:37:20
752New Year TreeE2100bitmasks, data structures, treesGNU C++1121 January 2016 15:17:23
751Pearls in a RowC1500greedyGNU C++1121 January 2016 15:04:35
750Grandfather Dovlet’s calculatorB1000implementationGNU C++1121 January 2016 15:01:52
749Professor GukiZ's RobotA800implementation, mathGNU C++1121 January 2016 15:00:43
748New Year and CakeG2900geometry, two pointersGNU C++1130 December 2015 19:48:39
747New Year and Forgotten TreeH3200constructive algorithms, flows, graphsGNU C++1130 December 2015 17:47:47
746New Year and Three MusketeersE2400data structures, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1130 December 2015 16:29:18
745New Year and CleaningF2500binary search, implementationGNU C++1130 December 2015 15:59:37
744New Year and Ancient ProphecyD2000dp, hashing, stringsGNU C++1130 December 2015 15:23:44
743New Year and DominoC1500dp, implementationGNU C++1130 December 2015 15:15:11
742New Year and DaysA900implementationGNU C++1130 December 2015 15:09:43
741New Year and Old PropertyB1300bitmasks, brute force, implementationGNU C++1130 December 2015 15:07:31
740MarblesC2500hashing, stringsGNU C++1123 December 2015 17:57:54
739Power TreeD2600data structures, treesGNU C++1123 December 2015 17:43:23
738ZumaB1900dpGNU C++1123 December 2015 16:48:46
737Chain ReactionA1600binary search, dpGNU C++1123 December 2015 16:43:36
736Wilbur and StringsE2500dfs and similar, dp, graphs, stringsGNU C++1115 November 2015 17:14:55
735Wilbur and TreesD2300dp, math, probabilities, sortingsGNU C++1115 November 2015 16:58:19
734Wilbur and PointsC1700combinatorics, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1115 November 2015 16:44:32
733Wilbur and ArrayB1100greedy, implementationGNU C++1115 November 2015 16:38:03
732Wilbur and Swimming PoolA1100geometry, implementationGNU C++1115 November 2015 16:36:46
731Spectator RiotsE2800geometryGNU C++1106 September 2015 11:31:52
730Robots protectionI2800data structuresGNU C++1106 September 2015 12:17:21
729FibonotciA2700data structures, math, matricesGNU C++1106 September 2015 10:17:49
728BribesB2200dfs and similar, graphs, treesGNU C++1106 September 2015 08:57:37
727Run for beerG2200dfs and similar, shortest pathsGNU C++1106 September 2015 08:40:00
726BulboF2100dp, greedyGNU C++1106 September 2015 08:23:42
725BotsH1800combinatorics, number theoryGNU C++1106 September 2015 08:11:57
724TablecityD1700constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++1106 September 2015 08:03:32
723Bear and BlocksB1600binary search, data structures, dp, mathGNU C++1129 August 2015 16:39:11
722Bear and PokerA1300implementation, math, number theoryGNU C++1129 August 2015 16:31:35
721Matching NamesA2300dfs and similar, strings, treesGNU C++1131 July 2015 12:55:12
720Restoring MapC3200GNU C++1126 July 2015 11:13:51
719Replicating ProcessesG2600GNU C++1126 July 2015 10:13:39
718Max and MinE2500Java 826 July 2015 09:32:29
717Restructuring CompanyD1900GNU C++1126 July 2015 08:29:38
716Clique in the Divisibility GraphB1500GNU C++1126 July 2015 08:17:46
715Pudding MonstersD2800dpGNU C++13 June 2014 16:49:45
714Yura and DevelopersF2800data structures, divide and conquerGNU C++1106 June 2015 14:08:45
713Looksery PartyB2300constructive algorithms, dfs and similar, graphs, greedyGNU C++1106 June 2015 13:59:48
712Haar FeaturesD1900greedy, implementationJava 706 June 2015 13:44:44
711The Game Of ParityC2200gamesGNU C++1106 June 2015 13:37:38
710Happy LineG2200constructive algorithms, greedy, sortingsGNU C++1106 June 2015 13:17:33
709Degenerate MatrixH2100binary search, mathGNU C++1106 June 2015 13:06:17
708Face DetectionA900implementation, stringsGNU C++1106 June 2015 13:01:28
707Idempotent functionsC2000Java 803 May 2015 17:17:48
706Superhero's JobD2600GNU C++1103 May 2015 17:03:40
705Place Your Ad HereA2400GNU C++1103 May 2015 16:50:48
704Playing on GraphE2600GNU C++1103 May 2015 16:38:52
703QuestF2100GNU C++1103 May 2015 16:26:02
702Berland MinersA3000GNU C++1117 April 2015 18:29:27
701LandmarksD3000GNU C++1117 April 2015 17:38:13
700EncodingF2400GNU C++1117 April 2015 17:06:57
699Board GameC1700GNU C++1117 April 2015 16:23:26
698Work GroupB2000GNU C++1117 April 2015 16:14:39
697Correcting MistakesE1800Java 817 April 2015 16:13:40
696Transmitting LevelsE2400dp, implementationGNU C++1104 April 2015 17:23:38
695Om Nom and NecklaceD2200hashing, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1104 April 2015 17:10:19
694Om Nom and CandiesC2000brute force, greedy, mathGNU C++1104 April 2015 16:53:42
693Om Nom and Dark ParkB1400dfs and similar, greedy, implementationGNU C++1104 April 2015 16:41:15
692King of ThievesA1300brute force, implementationGNU C++1104 April 2015 16:37:25
691And Yet Another Bracket SequenceF2700data structures, greedy, hashing, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++1121 March 2015 15:55:45
690Social NetworkD2100greedy, two pointersGNU C++1121 March 2015 14:51:08
689Rooks and RectanglesE2400data structures, sortingsGNU C++1121 March 2015 14:31:34
688The Art of Dealing with ATMC1900binary search, sortingsGNU C++1121 March 2015 14:13:56
687Возможно, вы знаете этих людей?A1600implementationGNU C++1121 March 2015 14:06:03
686Фото на память - 2 (round version)B1700dp, greedyJava 821 March 2015 14:04:30
685Closest EqualsD2000*special, data structuresJava 808 March 2015 10:48:59
684RepostsA1200*special, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, treesJava 808 March 2015 10:48:30
683Chicken or Fish?C2100greedyGNU C++0x08 March 2015 10:47:31
682Photo to RememberB1100*special, data structures, dp, implementationGNU C++0x08 March 2015 10:47:08
681Inversions problemG11800brute force, dfs and similar, dp, meet-in-the-middleGNU C++07 February 2015 17:38:52
680ScaygerbossF12700flowsGNU C++07 February 2015 18:59:15
679Subarray CutsE12600dpGNU C++07 February 2015 18:33:45
678Constrained TreeD12400dfs and similarGNU C++0x07 February 2015 17:56:13
677PermutationsB11400brute forceGNU C++07 February 2015 17:11:45
676Second price auctionC2000bitmasks, probabilitiesGNU C++07 February 2015 17:16:05
675Fox And PolygonE2900constructive algorithms, divide and conquerGNU C++02 February 2015 18:27:38
674Fox And DinnerC2300flows, graph matchingsGNU C++02 February 2015 17:46:50
673Fox And TravellingD2900dp, treesGNU C++02 February 2015 17:28:56
672Fox And NamesA1600dfs and similar, graphs, greedy, sortingsGNU C++02 February 2015 17:12:47
671Fox And JumpingB1900data structures, dp, math, number theory, shortest pathsGNU C++02 February 2015 17:05:39
670The Maths LectureD2200dp, implementationGNU C++0x23 January 2015 16:33:49
669Breaking GoodE2100dfs and similar, dp, graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++0x23 January 2015 16:32:03
668Guess Your Way Out!C1700implementation, math, treesGNU C++0x23 January 2015 16:18:12
667Amr and PinsB1400geometry, mathGNU C++0x23 January 2015 16:06:14
666Amr and MusicA1000greedy, implementation, sortingsGNU C++0x23 January 2015 16:03:06
665Kingdom SubdivisionKundefinedGNU C++0x22 January 2015 13:43:25
664Tree QueryFundefinedGNU C++07 January 2015 18:34:32
663ShortestPath QueryBundefinedGNU C++07 January 2015 18:11:00
662Palindrome QueryEundefinedGNU C++07 January 2015 17:59:09
661Subrect QueryCundefinedGNU C++07 January 2015 17:42:12
660LCM QueryAundefinedGNU C++07 January 2015 17:32:10
659New Year ShoppingF2700divide and conquer, dpGNU C++30 December 2014 15:55:57
658New Year DominoE2300data structures, dp, dsuGNU C++30 December 2014 15:39:59
657New Year Santa NetworkD1900combinatorics, dfs and similar, graphs, treesGNU C++30 December 2014 15:15:24
656New Year Book ReadingC1600constructive algorithms, greedy, implementation, mathGNU C++30 December 2014 15:09:45
655New Year TransportationA1000dfs and similar, graphs, implementationGNU C++30 December 2014 15:06:31
654New Year PermutationB1600dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, greedy, math, sortingsGNU C++30 December 2014 15:05:04
653BirthdayD2700data structures, dfs and similar, dp, treesGNU C++13 December 2014 19:21:22
652Helping PeopleC2600dp, probabilitiesGNU C++13 December 2014 18:07:01
651ShartiE3200data structures, gamesGNU C++13 December 2014 17:32:52
650Obsessive StringB2000dp, stringsGNU C++13 December 2014 16:41:49
649TreasureA1500greedyGNU C++13 December 2014 16:33:35
648GomokuGundefinedinteractiveGNU C++09 December 2014 14:17:03
647Vanya and Computer GameD1800binary search, implementation, math, sortingsGNU C++01 December 2014 17:01:25
646Vanya and FieldE2000mathGNU C++01 December 2014 16:59:15
645Vanya and ExamsC1400greedy, sortingsGNU C++01 December 2014 16:48:37
644Vanya and CubesA800implementationGNU C++01 December 2014 16:45:56
643Vanya and LanternsB1200binary search, implementation, math, sortingsGNU C++01 December 2014 16:44:34
642IBM Chill ZoneEundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 17:00:23
641Swell FoopGundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:59:20
640Conference RoomBundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:44:06
639Poetry ChallengeAundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:37:26
638ICPC GiveawaysCundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:31:37
637Hall of FameIundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:27:54
636ICPC QuestHundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:22:07
635T-shirtsDundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:12:45
634Door LockFundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:09:53
633Bye Bye RussiaJundefinedGNU C++10 November 2014 16:05:51
632Highway HassleHundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 18:19:26
631Floating FormationFundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 15:09:09
630Dropping DirectionsDundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 14:59:31
629Avoiding the ApocalypseAundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 14:25:05
628Interesting IntegersIundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 14:09:27
627Citadel ConstructionCundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 14:00:40
626Excellent EngineersEundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 13:44:42
625Button BashingBundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 13:41:17
624Growling GearsGundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 13:37:35
623Jury JeopardyJundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 13:34:34
622Key to KnowledgeKundefinedGNU C++06 November 2014 13:28:23
6210xOundefinedPHP01 November 2014 15:40:12
620Peace of AmericaReunionHundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:35:14
619Peace of AmericanWeddingEundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:33:08
618CrapKundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:26:21
617oPlusMundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:23:09
616CommonJundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:21:32
615Peace of AmericanPieIundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:17:28
6146227020800RundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:16:10
613Peace of bzjdQundefinedGNU C++01 November 2014 15:14:49
612CaveJundefinedGNU C++30 October 2014 14:09:37
611Afternoon TeaHundefinedGNU C++30 October 2014 14:06:09
610Arithmetic RectangleAundefinedGNU C++30 October 2014 13:40:57
609ELCAE3200data structures, treesGNU C++24 October 2014 20:59:59
608Game with StringsC2600bitmasks, dp, probabilitiesGNU C++24 October 2014 17:34:25
607Random Function and TreeD2700combinatorics, dp, treesGNU C++24 October 2014 17:49:36
606Interesting ArrayB1800constructive algorithms, data structures, treesGNU C++24 October 2014 17:19:19
605Diverse PermutationA1200constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++24 October 2014 17:06:26
604PillarsE2000binary search, data structures, dp, sortings, treesGNU C++06 October 2014 16:01:03
603Ant colonyF2100data structures, math, number theoryGNU C++06 October 2014 15:50:24
602FlowersD1700dpGNU C++06 October 2014 15:44:17
601Captain MarmotC2000brute force, geometryGNU C++06 October 2014 15:41:37
600WormsB1200binary search, implementationGNU C++06 October 2014 15:33:19
599KeyboardA900implementationGNU C++06 October 2014 15:31:48
598Design Tutorial: Learn from a GameE2800constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++28 September 2014 17:32:47
597Design Tutorial: Inverse the ProblemD1900dfs and similar, dsu, shortest paths, treesGNU C++28 September 2014 16:04:30
596Design Tutorial: Make It NondeterministicC1400greedyGNU C++28 September 2014 15:45:43
595Design Tutorial: Learn from LifeB1300GNU C++28 September 2014 15:38:54
594Design Tutorial: Learn from MathA800math, number theoryGNU C++28 September 2014 15:37:54
593Information GraphE2100dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, treesGNU C++12 September 2014 15:52:53
592Increase SequenceD2100combinatorics, dpGNU C++12 September 2014 15:42:53
591Number of WaysC1700binary search, brute force, data structures, dp, two pointersGNU C++12 September 2014 15:37:15
590Wonder RoomB2000brute force, mathGNU C++12 September 2014 15:35:09
589Cheap TravelA1200implementationGNU C++12 September 2014 15:31:09
588Cow AcrobatsLundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 14:29:15
587CompletionKundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 14:23:34
586Hexagon GameJundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 14:16:33
585Random RouteIundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 13:49:08
584AdvertisementHundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 13:38:44
583HighwaysGundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 13:31:19
582DictionaryFundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 13:26:32
581Lock ManagerEundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 13:15:59
580Computer DialogueDundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 13:08:42
579ExpressionB1500*special, expression parsingTcl21 February 2011 16:04:59
578LoanBundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 12:44:32
577DivisibilityAundefinedGNU C++11 September 2014 12:13:27
576World of Darkraft - 2D2700dp, probabilitiesGNU C++07 September 2014 16:42:58
575Restore Cube B2000brute force, geometryGNU C++07 September 2014 16:15:58
574Substitutes in NumberC2100dpGNU C++07 September 2014 15:49:52
573No to Palindromes!A1700greedy, stringsGNU C++07 September 2014 15:35:45
572Bingo!D2700combinatorics, probabilitiesGNU C++10 August 2014 19:39:45
571Distributed JoinB1900greedyGNU C++10 August 2014 18:15:39
570Golden SystemA1700mathGNU C++10 August 2014 17:16:36
569FunctionE2900data structuresGNU C++08 August 2014 17:20:42
568Serega and FunD2700data structuresGNU C++08 August 2014 16:50:55
567CivilizationC2100dfs and similar, dp, dsu, ternary search, treesGNU C++08 August 2014 16:03:03
566A Lot of GamesB1900dfs and similar, dp, games, implementation, strings, treesGNU C++08 August 2014 15:46:26
565BoredomA1500dpGNU C++08 August 2014 15:33:42
564Three stringsE2400data structures, dsu, string suffix structures, stringsGNU C++27 July 2014 18:04:56
563Washer, Dryer, FolderD1900greedy, implementationGNU C++27 July 2014 17:44:46
5624-point polylineB1800brute force, constructive algorithms, geometry, treesGNU C++27 July 2014 17:40:24
561Magic TrickC2100combinatorics, math, probabilitiesGNU C++27 July 2014 17:33:53
560EeveeA1000brute force, implementation, stringsGNU C++27 July 2014 17:02:47
559Gena and Second DistanceE3100geometryGNU C++19 June 2014 17:24:23
558Artem and Array C2500data structures, greedyGNU C++19 June 2014 16:44:22
557Adam and TreeD2600data structures, treesGNU C++19 June 2014 16:21:26
556Andrey and ProblemB1800greedy, math, probabilitiesGNU C++19 June 2014 16:10:27
555Borya and HanabiA1700bitmasks, brute force, implementationGNU C++19 June 2014 15:38:14
554BannersF3000brute force, data structures, dpGNU C++13 June 2014 21:33:45
553Dungeons and CandiesC1800dsu, graphs, greedy, treesGNU C++13 June 2014 15:49:07
552Om Nom and SpidersB1400implementation, mathGNU C++13 June 2014 15:39:53
551Feed with CandyA1500greedyGNU C++13 June 2014 15:35:47
550E-mail AddressesE1900implementationGNU C++18 April 2014 16:33:53
549Giving AwardsD2000dfs and similarGNU C++18 April 2014 16:25:15
548PosterA900greedy, implementationGNU C++18 April 2014 16:17:46
547Network ConfigurationB900greedy, sortingsGNU C++18 April 2014 16:15:09
546PatternC1200implementation, stringsGNU C++18 April 2014 16:13:19
545Big Problems for OrganizersD2800data structures, graphs, treesGNU C++17 April 2014 18:05:53
544Square TableC2400constructive algorithms, dp, mathGNU C++17 April 2014 15:58:54
543Cunning GenaB1900bitmasks, dp, sortingsGNU C++17 April 2014 15:49:48
542FootballA900implementation, stringsDelphi15 July 2011 11:29:46
541DomeE1800*specialGNU C++01 April 2014 17:03:07
540Big DataD1700*specialGNU C++01 April 2014 16:52:52
539A + B Strikes BackH1500*special, brute force, constructive algorithms, dsu, implementationGNU C++01 April 2014 15:58:44
538Mysterious LanguageB1700*specialMysterious Language01 April 2014 15:55:46
537Magnum OpusC1700*specialGNU C++01 April 2014 15:47:21
536The Great GameA1700*specialGNU C++01 April 2014 15:44:46
535Largest Submatrix 3D2700dp, hashingGNU C++30 March 2014 08:46:29
534Curious ArrayC2500brute force, combinatorics, implementation, mathGNU C++30 March 2014 07:53:56
533TriangleA1600brute force, geometry, implementation, mathGNU C++30 March 2014 07:17:06
532Long PathB1600dp, implementationGNU C++30 March 2014 07:09:34
531Fox and Perfect SetsD2700mathGNU C++03 February 2014 16:30:46
530Fox and Box AccumulationA1400greedy, sortingsGNU C++03 February 2014 16:10:59
529Fox and Card GameC2000games, greedy, sortingsGNU C++03 February 2014 16:04:31
528Fox and Minimal pathB1900bitmasks, constructive algorithms, graphs, implementation, mathGNU C++03 February 2014 15:59:40
527New Year Tree DecorationsE2500geometry, schedules, sortingsGNU C++30 December 2013 16:29:34
526New Year LetterD2000bitmasks, brute force, dpGNU C++30 December 2013 16:04:56
525New Year PresentB1200constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++30 December 2013 15:36:42
524New Year Ratings ChangeC1400greedy, sortingsGNU C++30 December 2013 15:34:01
523New Year CandlesA1000implementationGNU C++30 December 2013 15:31:32
522Cookie ClickerE2800dp, geometryGNU C++29 December 2013 23:36:09
521Captains ModeC2200bitmasks, dp, gamesGNU C++29 December 2013 16:24:02
520Preparing for the ContestB1900binary search, data structures, greedy, sortingsGNU C++29 December 2013 16:08:39
519Developing GameD2400data structuresGNU C++29 December 2013 15:55:41
518MazeE2500dfs and similar, dp, probabilities, treesDelphi03 November 2011 16:30:36
517Choosing Subtree is FunD2600binary search, data structures, dfs and similar, trees, two pointersGNU C++13 December 2013 15:38:22
516Watching Fireworks is FunC2100data structures, dp, mathGNU C++13 December 2013 14:27:41
515Counting Rectangles is FunB1900brute force, divide and conquer, dpGNU C++13 December 2013 14:09:48
514Counting Kangaroos is FunA1600binary search, greedy, sortings, two pointersGNU C++13 December 2013 14:03:27
513Sereja and IntervalsE2700combinatorics, dpGNU C++26 November 2013 16:46:39
512Sereja and SetsD2400bitmasks, dfs and similarGNU C++26 November 2013 16:10:27
511Sereja and Algorithm A1500data structures, implementationGNU C++26 November 2013 15:59:34
510Sereja and the Arrangement of NumbersC2000graphs, greedy, sortingsGNU C++26 November 2013 15:53:39
509Sereja ans AnagramsB1900binary search, data structuresGNU C++26 November 2013 15:38:57
508Wi-fi TowersLundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 16:17:25
507Doubly-sorted GridKundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 15:57:08
506Seven KingdomsBundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 14:51:33
505Fast Food PrizesAundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 14:31:28
504Chemicals MonitoringJundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 14:15:08
503IQ TestFundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 13:42:26
502Digital Content ProtectionDundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 13:11:37
501Institute of Advanced Category ManipulationCundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 13:00:30
500Flood-ItIundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 12:43:49
499Credit Card PaymentEundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 12:36:23
498TablesHundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 12:29:39
497Social AdvertisingGundefinedGNU C++30 October 2013 12:20:01
496Bags and CoinsD2700bitmasks, constructive algorithms, dp, greedyGNU C++15 October 2013 13:11:34
495CompartmentsC2100combinatorics, constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationGNU C++15 October 2013 12:33:25
494Knight TournamentA1500data structures, dsuGNU C++15 October 2013 12:14:42
493Xenia and HammingB1900implementation, mathGNU C++15 October 2013 12:09:23
492Square, Segments and PointMundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 15:23:38
491Young DiagramsLundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 14:38:17
490Chessboard in FENKundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 14:27:46
489Common PermutationJundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 14:17:05
488Graph of InversionsIundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 14:11:04
487This Takes the CakeHundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 14:06:39
486SquadtreesGundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 14:02:02
485Pushing BoxesFundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 13:44:28
484Polly NomialsEundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 13:33:49
483Phone HomeDundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 13:27:44
482EKG SequenceCundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 13:22:26
481DecorationsBundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 13:15:28
480Crypto ColumnsAundefinedGNU C++18 September 2013 12:46:08
479Water TreeD2100data structures, dfs and similar, graphs, treesGNU C++14 September 2013 16:18:23
478Read TimeC1900binary search, greedy, two pointersGNU C++14 September 2013 15:46:43
477Alternating CurrentB1600data structures, greedy, implementationGNU C++14 September 2013 15:38:30
476Rational ResistanceA1600math, number theoryGNU C++14 September 2013 15:34:45
475GCD TableD2900chinese remainder theorem, math, number theoryGNU C++16 August 2013 17:29:50
474Divisor TreeC2200brute force, dp, number theoryGNU C++16 August 2013 17:11:14
473QuizA1600greedy, math, number theoryGNU C++16 August 2013 16:52:28
472Optimize!E2600data structuresGNU C++16 August 2013 16:42:46
471Book of EvilB2000dfs and similar, dp, treesGNU C++16 August 2013 16:24:26
470Counting SkyscrapersE2800dp, math, probabilitiesGNU C++03 August 2013 19:50:41
469Rectangles and SquareD2400brute force, dpGNU C++03 August 2013 19:09:15
468PalindromeB1900constructive algorithms, dpGNU C++03 August 2013 17:49:55
467More ReclamationC2100gamesGNU C++03 August 2013 17:35:26
466BananaA1400binary search, constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++03 August 2013 17:05:23
465Graph ReconstructionC2400constructive algorithmsGNU C++20 July 2013 15:29:54
464The Evil Temple and the Moving RocksD2500constructive algorithmsGNU C++20 July 2013 14:39:23
463Biridian ForestB1500dfs and similar, shortest pathsGNU C++20 July 2013 13:50:44
462PurificationA1500constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++20 July 2013 13:41:07
461Escaping on BeaveractorD12400dfs and similar, implementationGNU C++17 July 2013 17:00:30
460Shave Beaver!B11700implementationGNU C++17 July 2013 16:08:02
459Oh Sweet BeaveretteA11400brute force, implementationGNU C++17 July 2013 16:00:02
458The Great Julya CalendarC11100dpGNU C++17 July 2013 15:51:57
457Game with PowersD2300dp, gamesGNU C++14 June 2013 16:19:58
456AntsB2000brute force, implementationGNU C++14 June 2013 16:12:42
455Perfect PairA1600brute forceGNU C++14 June 2013 15:52:59
454Suns and RaysF12200dfs and similar, implementationGNU C++12 June 2013 16:09:16
453Summer HomeworkE11500brute force, data structuresGNU C++12 June 2013 13:41:09
452Good SubstringsG11700hashing, stringsGNU C++12 June 2013 14:40:43
451Tidying UpC12200flowsGNU C++12 June 2013 14:02:16
450PE LessonD12300brute force, dpGNU C++12 June 2013 13:37:24
449EKGB11500brute force, dfs and similarGNU C++12 June 2013 13:11:21
448Special TaskA11100greedyGNU C++12 June 2013 13:06:20
447School of MagicHundefinedGNU C++04 June 2013 13:30:00
446Infinite RecursionFundefinedJava 704 June 2013 13:19:24
445Shepherd's ProblemIundefinedJava 704 June 2013 12:23:02
444Minimal Cut MatrixDundefinedGNU C++04 June 2013 11:51:16
443Suffix AutomatonJundefinedJava 704 June 2013 11:41:29
442Shortest PathEundefinedGNU C++04 June 2013 11:26:32
441DiscountBundefinedGNU C++04 June 2013 11:05:38
440War AcademyAundefinedGNU C++04 June 2013 10:58:35
439DowryCundefinedJava 704 June 2013 10:53:55
438Yet Another Rooks ProblemGundefinedGNU C++04 June 2013 10:34:49
437Tennis RacketsD2700GNU C++17 May 2013 11:10:50
436Context AdvertisingB2100GNU C++17 May 2013 10:40:10
435Memory for ArraysC1900GNU C++17 May 2013 10:29:09
434Morning runA2000GNU C++17 May 2013 10:16:15
433Random RankingE3000dp, math, probabilitiesGNU C++12 May 2013 17:55:12
432Close VerticesE2700data structures, divide and conquer, treesGNU C++23 April 2013 07:35:55
431Distinct PathsB2700brute force, combinatoricsGNU C++22 April 2013 17:23:56
430Weird GameA1500games, greedyGNU C++22 April 2013 16:42:26
429Cube ProblemC2400brute force, math, number theoryGNU C++22 April 2013 16:32:37
428Ksusha and SquareD2700geometry, math, probabilities, two pointersGNU C++22 April 2013 16:04:47
427Mystic CarvingsE3000data structuresGNU C++19 April 2013 17:02:21
426Splitting the UniquenessC2400constructive algorithmsGNU C++19 April 2013 16:44:00
425Color the CarpetD2500constructive algorithmsGNU C++19 April 2013 16:32:52
424Fish WeightB1600constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++19 April 2013 15:41:03
423Parity GameA1700constructive algorithmsGNU C++19 April 2013 15:36:51
422Connected ComponentsD1900data structures, dfs and similar, dp, dsuGNU C++15 April 2013 15:56:53
421Beautiful IP AddressesC2000brute forceGNU C++15 April 2013 16:10:36
420Copying DataE1900data structuresGNU C++15 April 2013 15:50:32
419SMSCA1100implementationGNU C++15 April 2013 15:42:55
418Network TopologyB1200graphs, implementationGNU C++15 April 2013 15:39:36
417Tree-String ProblemE2000*special, dfs and similar, hashing, stringsGNU C++14 April 2013 12:55:10
416Parallel ProgrammingD1600*special, greedyGNU C++14 April 2013 12:48:18
415Network MaskC1600*special, bitmasks, brute force, implementationGNU C++14 April 2013 12:35:53
414Command Line ArgumentsB1300*special, implementation, stringsGNU C++14 April 2013 12:28:24
413Spyke TalksA800*special, implementation, sortingsGNU C++14 April 2013 12:21:38
412Game on TreeC2200implementation, math, probabilities, treesGNU C++10 March 2013 16:03:27
411Maximum Xor SecondaryB1800data structures, implementation, two pointersGNU C++10 March 2013 15:58:22
410Rectangle PuzzleA2000geometryGNU C++10 March 2013 15:40:42
409Dima and GameE2600dp, gamesGNU C++13 February 2013 16:55:40
408Dima and FigureD2400dpGNU C++13 February 2013 16:19:17
407Dima and Two SequencesB1600combinatoricsGNU C++13 February 2013 15:46:30
406Dima and StaircaseA1500GNU C++13 February 2013 15:36:12
405Maximum WaterfallD2600data structures, dp, graphs, sortingsGNU C++01 February 2013 16:55:57
404Greenhouse EffectB1700dpGNU C++01 February 2013 16:13:58
403Magical BoxesA1600greedy, mathGNU C++01 February 2013 16:06:56
402Flawed FlowC2100constructive algorithms, flows, graphs, greedyGNU C++01 February 2013 15:53:48
401Black and White TreeD2100constructive algorithms, dsu, graphs, greedy, treesGNU C++27 December 2012 17:51:45
400Dividing KingdomE2500binary search, brute force, data structuresGNU C++27 December 2012 16:34:56
399Balls and BoxesC1700constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationGNU C++27 December 2012 15:52:05
398Ancient ProphesyB1600brute force, implementation, stringsGNU C++27 December 2012 15:44:19
397Adding DigitsA1400implementation, mathGNU C++27 December 2012 15:39:57
396Number TransformationC2000dp, greedy, number theoryGNU C++06 December 2012 17:00:32
395Two SetsD2700bitmasks, mathGNU C++06 December 2012 16:37:33
394Playing with PermutationsB1800implementation, mathGNU C++06 December 2012 15:52:36
393Points on LineA1300binary search, combinatorics, two pointersGNU C++06 December 2012 15:32:16
392HydraB2000graphs, sortingsGNU C++16 November 2012 18:33:39
391Colorado Potato BeetleC2200dfs and similar, implementationGNU C++16 November 2012 16:04:11
390The Brand New FunctionA1600bitmasksGNU C++16 November 2012 15:35:30
389Meeting HerE2600dp, graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++04 November 2012 17:49:56
388Boring PartitionB1800constructive algorithmsGNU C++04 November 2012 16:52:35
387World Eater BrothersC2100dfs and similar, dp, greedy, treesGNU C++04 November 2012 16:29:43
386Not Wool SequencesA1300constructive algorithms, mathDelphi04 November 2012 16:03:26
385NumbersA1000implementation, mathDelphi06 May 2010 14:01:48
384FriendsB2700binary search, bitmasks, data structures, mathGNU C++01 November 2012 17:55:07
383RaceF2300brute force, implementationGNU C++01 November 2012 17:13:14
382FlightsE2600graphs, shortest pathsGNU C++01 November 2012 16:29:48
381Challenging BalloonsG1900constructive algorithmsGNU C++01 November 2012 16:13:16
380Mirror BoxC2000geometry, implementationGNU C++01 November 2012 15:56:11
379Old PeykanA1300greedyGNU C++01 November 2012 15:38:37
378Let's Play Osu!B2000dp, math, probabilitiesDelphi21 October 2012 07:22:34
377LCM ChallengeA1600number theoryGNU C++21 October 2012 07:15:42
376Road RepairsE2800dfs and similar, graphs, greedyGNU C++16 October 2012 10:32:39
375TorCoderF2600data structuresGNU C++16 October 2012 08:46:49
374CinemaA1600implementationGNU C++16 October 2012 07:34:42
373Merging Two DecksD2000constructive algorithms, greedyGNU C++16 October 2012 07:23:57
372FenceD2900binary search, data structures, string suffix structuresGNU C++11 October 2012 17:09:44
371PracticeC1600constructive algorithms, implementationGNU C++16 October 2012 07:03:37
370CyclesA1600binary search, constructive algorithms, graphs, greedyGNU C++11 October 2012 16:13:08
369TableC1600*special, greedy, implementation, mathTcl21 February 2011 16:13:17
368SnakeD2200bitmasks, dfs and similar, graphs, implementationGNU C++19 September 2012 16:42:15
367Well-known NumbersB1600binary search, greedy, number theoryGNU C++19 September 2012 16:21:11
366UnsolvableE2100math, number theoryGNU C++19 September 2012 16:13:29
365BarcodeC1700dp, matricesGNU C++19 September 2012 15:51:00
364Bracket SequenceA1700data structures, expression parsing, implementationDelphi16 September 2012 15:58:48
363Two StringsB1900data structures, dp, stringsDelphi16 September 2012 15:51:48
362Partial SumsC1900combinatorics, math, number theoryFPC16 September 2012 15:41:19
361FormurosaC2600divide and conquer, dp, expression parsingDelphi18 August 2012 08:26:22
360Blackboard FibonacciB2100brute force, mathDelphi18 August 2012 07:25:17
359Ice SkatingA1200brute force, dfs and similar, dsu, graphsDelphi18 August 2012 07:07:37
358Tiling with HexagonsA1200implementation, mathDelphi16 August 2012 15:21:03
357StarsD2300constructive algorithms, geometryDelphi30 July 2012 16:31:02
356Relay RaceC2000dpDelphi30 July 2012 16:05:57
355PrivatizationA3000flows, graphsDelphi20 July 2012 10:46:23
354Cutting a FenceD2500Delphi15 July 2012 08:56:02
353CowboysC2100combinatoricsDelphi15 July 2012 08:10:05
352Polycarpus is Looking for Good SubstringsB2300Delphi15 July 2012 07:46:21
351IT RestaurantsE1500Delphi15 July 2012 07:15:37
350PixelsB2100constructive algorithms, mathDelphi14 July 2012 08:52:45
349Trails and GladesC2400constructive algorithms, dsu, graphs, greedyDelphi14 July 2012 08:11:15
348Multicolored MarblesA1600dp, mathDelphi14 July 2012 07:57:05
347Little Elephant and StringsE2800data structures, implementation, string suffix structures, two pointersDelphi11 July 2012 17:16:22
346Little Elephant and Retro StringsD2400dpDelphi11 July 2012 16:30:38
345Little Elephant and Furik and RubikC2000math, probabilitiesDelphi11 July 2012 16:18:34
344Little Elephant and CardsB1500binary search, data structuresDelphi11 July 2012 15:42:06
343Little Elephant and IntervalA1500binary search, combinatorics, dpDelphi11 July 2012 15:34:09
342Delivering CarcinogenC2400binary search, geometryDelphi22 June 2012 17:23:31
341Gripping StoryE2400binary search, data structures, sortingsDelphi22 June 2012 16:50:33
340Jumping on WallsB1400shortest pathsDelphi22 June 2012 15:46:39
339About BacteriaA1700implementation, mathDelphi22 June 2012 15:37:51
338The Next Good StringD2800data structures, greedy, hashing, stringsDelphi12 June 2012 14:33:24
337Opening PortalsE2600dsu, graphs, shortest pathsDelphi12 June 2012 14:03:27
336Paint TreeC2200constructive algorithms, divide and conquer, geometry, sortings, treesDelphi12 June 2012 13:34:48
335Infinite MazeB2000dfs and similar, graphsDelphi12 June 2012 13:12:21
334Lexicographically Maximum SubsequenceA1100greedy, stringsDelphi12 June 2012 13:02:32
333Fibonacci NumberE2900brute force, math, matricesGNU C++03 June 2012 17:44:05
332Hamming DistanceC2400constructive algorithms, greedy, math, matricesDelphi03 June 2012 17:11:09
331XorB2000brute forceDelphi03 June 2012 15:43:28
330Cutting FigureA1700constructive algorithms, graphs, treesDelphi03 June 2012 15:36:37
329Visit of the GreatD2600math, number theoryFPC04 May 2012 16:35:09
328Mushroom ScientistsB1800math, ternary searchDelphi04 May 2012 15:46:23
327PlantA1300mathDelphi04 May 2012 15:33:36
326DefragmentationA1800implementationDelphi22 April 2012 07:42:52
325NameD1900greedy, stringsDelphi22 April 2012 07:36:16
324Divisibility RulesB2300math, number theoryDelphi22 April 2012 07:20:16
323Mathematical Analysis Rocks!F1200constructive algorithms, implementation, mathDelphi22 April 2012 07:10:00
322CubesE1800binary search, dp, two pointersDelphi22 April 2012 07:08:03
321LetterC1400dpDelphi22 April 2012 07:03:43
320Power DefenceE2600brute force, dp, geometry, greedyDelphi14 April 2012 10:06:42
319Plane of Tanks: DuelD2400brute force, dp, math, probabilitiesDelphi14 April 2012 09:23:58
318Geometry HorseC1600greedy, implementation, sortings, two pointersDelphi14 April 2012 08:21:45
317Plane of Tanks: ProB1400implementationDelphi14 April 2012 08:13:42
316Robot Bicorn AttackA1400brute force, implementationDelphi14 April 2012 08:04:37
315Minimum DiameterD3100binary search, brute forceDelphi08 April 2012 17:00:02
314Ancient Berland HieroglyphsB2000two pointersDelphi08 April 2012 15:38:50
313Variable, or There and Back AgainA1700dfs and similar, graphsDelphi08 April 2012 15:12:45
312Camping GroupsE2600data structures, sortingsDelphi06 April 2012 16:36:46
311DeputiesD2500constructive algorithms, graphs, greedy, implementationDelphi06 April 2012 16:03:29
310Chamber of SecretsB1800dfs and similar, shortest pathsDelphi06 April 2012 15:32:31
309Spiral MaximumC1900brute force, dpDelphi06 April 2012 15:26:17
308Rock-Paper-ScissorsA1300implementation, mathDelphi06 April 2012 15:04:54
307Mysterious numbers - 2G1600*specialDelphi01 April 2012 20:38:42
306A Piece of CakeC2000*special, implementationDelphi01 April 2012 20:03:26
305ucyhfF1600*special, brute force, implementation, number theoryDelphi01 April 2012 19:51:28
304Broken checkerD1300*special, brute forceDelphi01 April 2012 19:41:58
303Mysterious numbers - 1A1200*special, constructive algorithmsDelphi01 April 2012 19:34:16
302StarB1300*special, combinatoricsDelphi01 April 2012 19:33:04
301MYSTERIOUS LANGUAGEE2000*specialSecret_17101 April 2012 19:31:49
300Wizards and BetsE2900dfs and similar, graphs, math, matricesGNU C++27 March 2012 16:55:51
299Wizards and TrolleybusesA1600implementationDelphi27 March 2012 15:30:37
298Wizards and Huge PrizeB1800dp, math, probabilitiesDelphi27 March 2012 15:23:48
297Wizards and NumbersC2300games, mathDelphi27 March 2012 15:17:48
296e-GovernmentE2800data structures, dfs and similar, dp, strings, treesDelphi25 March 2012 16:02:22
295LemmingsB2000binary searchDelphi25 March 2012 15:35:52
294ConveyorC2100sortings, two pointersDelphi25 March 2012 15:25:29
293Substring and SubsequenceA1700dpDelphi25 March 2012 15:12:30
292Beard GraphD2100data structures, dsu, treesDelphi16 March 2012 15:56:11
291Compatible NumbersE2200bitmasks, brute force, dfs and similar, dpDelphi16 March 2012 15:39:40
290Another Problem on StringsC1600binary search, brute force, dp, math, strings, two pointersDelphi16 March 2012 15:35:46
289Burning Midnight OilB1500binary search, implementationDelphi16 March 2012 15:33:25
288Supercentral PointA1000implementationDelphi16 March 2012 15:31:43
287AbracadabraC2400divide and conquerDelphi11 March 2012 16:49:36
286Polycarpus the SafecrackerE2500brute force, dpDelphi11 March 2012 16:11:14
285DiscountsB1700constructive algorithms, greedy, sortingsDelphi11 March 2012 15:49:39
284Distance in TreeD1800dfs and similar, dp, treesDelphi11 March 2012 15:35:26
283Dress'em in Vests!A1300binary search, brute force, greedy, two pointersDelphi11 March 2012 15:11:36
282Phone TalksE1900*special, dp, sortingsDelphi04 March 2012 09:55:11
281Ice SculpturesD1300*special, brute force, number theoryDelphi04 March 2012 09:26:18
280Cd and pwd commandsC1400*special, data structures, implementationDelphi04 March 2012 09:25:49
279TaxiB1100*special, greedy, implementationDelphi04 March 2012 09:21:19
278Next RoundA800*special, implementationDelphi04 March 2012 09:20:39
277MessageA1700brute forceDelphi29 February 2012 20:25:15
276CluesD2500combinatorics, graphsDelphi29 February 2012 19:29:08
275Mrs. Hudson's PancakesE3000brute force, dpDelphi29 February 2012 19:11:15
274CipherC2000combinatorics, dpDelphi29 February 2012 17:50:46
273SuspectsB1600constructive algorithms, data structures, implementationDelphi29 February 2012 17:38:08
272Flatland FencingD2400games, mathDelphi24 February 2012 15:47:44
271Double ProfilesC2300graphs, hashing, sortingsDelphi24 February 2012 15:25:46
270CollidersB1600math, number theoryDelphi24 February 2012 15:13:33
269HometaskA1600greedyDelphi24 February 2012 15:05:56
268Smart CheaterC2200data structures, math, probabilitiesDelphi17 February 2012 15:53:25
267Quantity of StringsB1600combinatorics, dfs and similar, graphs, mathDelphi17 February 2012 15:11:25
266Win or FreezeA1400games, math, number theoryFPC17 February 2012 15:06:40
265Lucky SubsequenceC2100combinatorics, dp, mathFPC22 January 2012 08:53:38
264Lucky QueriesE2400data structuresDelphi22 January 2012 08:22:19
263Lucky PairD2900combinatorics, data structures, implementationDelphi22 January 2012 07:57:41
262Lucky Number 2B1800constructive algorithmsDelphi22 January 2012 07:43:53
261Lucky ConversionA1200greedy, implementationDelphi22 January 2012 07:05:38
260Help Shrek and Donkey 2D2600gamesDelphi12 January 2012 16:31:41
259Help CaretakerC2300brute force, dpDelphi12 January 2012 16:09:48
258Help GeneralB1800constructive algorithms, greedy, implementationDelphi12 January 2012 15:18:04
257Help FarmerA1600brute force, mathDelphi12 January 2012 15:11:35
256New Year SnowflakeF2600geometry, sortingsDelphi04 January 2012 16:37:40
255New Year GarlandE2600combinatorics, dpFPC04 January 2012 16:12:39
254New Year ContestD1800greedy, sortingsDelphi04 January 2012 15:32:45
253New Year TableA1700geometry, mathDelphi04 January 2012 15:28:38
252New Year CardsB1800brute force, greedy, implementationDelphi04 January 2012 15:22:48
251New Year SnowmenC1800binary search, data structures, greedyDelphi04 January 2012 15:14:59
250StringD2300string suffix structuresDelphi03 November 2011 16:02:24
249Games with RectangleC2000combinatorics, dpDelphi15 November 2011 06:32:08
248StatuesA1500dfs and similarDelphi15 November 2011 06:20:09
247Hot BathA1900binary search, brute force, mathDelphi09 November 2011 18:05:17
246Fibonacci SumsD2300dp, mathDelphi09 November 2011 17:41:23
245E-reader DisplayC2000constructive algorithms, greedyDelphi09 November 2011 17:14:59
244PasswordB1700binary search, dp, hashing, string suffix structures, stringsDelphi09 November 2011 17:08:39
243SquaresB1800mathDelphi03 November 2011 15:36:59
242BracketsC2300combinatorics, dp, greedyDelphi03 November 2011 16:16:24
241Prime PermutationA1300implementation, number theory, stringsDelphi03 November 2011 15:21:03
240Lucky ArrayE2400data structuresDelphi27 October 2011 16:11:46
239Lucky SegmentsD2500binary search, implementation, two pointersDelphi27 October 2011 15:40:39
238Lucky TransformationB1500stringsDelphi27 October 2011 15:22:41
237Lucky PermutationC1900brute force, combinatorics, number theoryDelphi27 October 2011 15:13:44
236Lucky SumA1100implementationDelphi27 October 2011 15:03:49
235Luck is in NumbersI2200greedyDelphi18 October 2011 07:58:49
234BoomG1800implementationDelphi18 October 2011 07:43:37
233Minimum SumJ1900divide and conquer, geometry, sortingsDelphi18 October 2011 07:41:12
232Put Knight!E1400games, mathDelphi18 October 2011 07:10:55
231Brevity is Soul of WitH1800graph matchingsDelphi18 October 2011 07:04:47
230SpidersF1400dp, greedy, treesDelphi18 October 2011 06:45:55
229Three SonsD1400brute forceDelphi18 October 2011 06:41:16
228Winnie-the-Pooh and honeyC1100implementation, mathDelphi18 October 2011 06:35:37
227Quiz LeagueB1100implementationDelphi18 October 2011 06:33:49
226ElevatorA1300implementation, mathDelphi23 September 2011 15:05:33
225String TransformationD2500hashing, stringsDelphi14 October 2011 15:47:31
224Education ReformC2000dpDelphi14 October 2011 15:30:52
223Epic GameA800implementationDelphi14 October 2011 15:01:47
222Tree or not TreeE2900data structures, divide and conquer, implementation, treesDelphi23 September 2011 20:00:26
221Not Quick TransformationD2500divide and conquer, mathFPC23 September 2011 16:01:23
220CycleC2000dfs and similar, graphsDelphi23 September 2011 15:21:55
219Very Interesting GameB1800brute force, number theoryDelphi23 September 2011 15:11:30
218LawnmowerB1500greedy, sortingsDelphi15 September 2011 16:47:38
217Unambiguous Arithmetic ExpressionD2600dp, expression parsingGNU C++15 September 2011 16:17:00
216Linear Kingdom RacesE2400data structures, dpDelphi15 September 2011 15:39:32
215PlumberC2200mathDelphi15 September 2011 15:12:22
214MuseumD2700math, matrices, probabilitiesGNU C++08 September 2011 19:22:14
213Double HappinessC2200brute force, math, number theoryDelphi08 September 2011 19:16:17
212SleepingE2700combinatorics, implementation, mathDelphi08 September 2011 16:41:35
211Grammar LessonsA1600implementation, stringsDelphi08 September 2011 15:31:14
210Petr#B2000brute force, data structures, hashing, stringsDelphi08 September 2011 15:22:34
209Petya and ColoringD2300combinatorics, dpDelphi03 September 2011 19:42:51
208Petya and SpidersC2100bitmasks, dp, dsuDelphi03 September 2011 12:21:51
207Petya and DivisorsB1900binary search, data structures, number theoryDelphi03 September 2011 12:09:48
206Petya and InequiationsA1400greedyDelphi03 September 2011 12:02:29
205Lucky ProbabilityB1900brute force, probabilitiesDelphi29 August 2011 16:42:04
204Lucky TreeC1900dp, dsu, treesDelphi29 August 2011 16:32:44
203Lucky SortingD2000constructive algorithms, sortingsDelphi29 August 2011 16:22:58
202Lucky Sum of DigitsA1000brute force, implementationDelphi29 August 2011 16:02:17
201ArrangementC2400bitmasks, dpDelphi23 August 2011 16:37:14
200Crime ManagementD2400dp, graphs, matricesDelphi23 August 2011 16:15:54
199Dorm Water SupplyA1400dfs and similar, graphsDelphi23 August 2011 15:15:40
198Basketball TeamB1600combinatorics, dp, math, probabilitiesDelphi23 August 2011 15:08:06
197Treasure IslandD1700brute force, implementationDelphi19 August 2011 15:26:49
196Choosing LaptopB1000brute force, implementationDelphi19 August 2011 15:08:30
195BunsC1700dpDelphi19 August 2011 15:05:46
194Item WorldC2200brute force, implementation, sortingsDelphi13 August 2011 15:50:57
193Dark AssemblyB1800brute force, probabilitiesDelphi13 August 2011 15:14:29
192TransmigrationA1700implementationDelphi13 August 2011 15:08:19
191VectorsC2000implementation, mathDelphi03 August 2011 19:34:20
190CastleD2300dp, greedy, probabilities, sortings, treesDelphi03 August 2011 18:06:13
189Candies and StonesE2500divide and conquer, dpDelphi03 August 2011 17:45:08
188BusesB1700binary search, data structures, dpDelphi03 August 2011 17:19:32
187HomeworkA1200greedyDelphi03 August 2011 17:04:57
186Robot in BasementD2700bitmasks, brute force, implementationDelphi15 July 2011 17:51:09
185DominoA1300constructive algorithms, implementationDelphi20 May 2011 15:07:28
184Winning StrategyC2400binary search, graphs, math, shortest pathsDelphi15 July 2011 13:12:39
183SupersetB2300constructive algorithms, divide and conquerDelphi15 July 2011 12:47:13
182Theatre SquareA1000mathDelphi14 July 2011 11:28:55
181Widget LibraryB2300dp, expression parsing, graphs, implementationDelphi16 June 2011 16:23:25
180Space minesD2500geometryDelphi16 June 2011 15:49:02
179Chip PlayC2300brute force, data structures, implementationDelphi16 June 2011 15:25:17
178RobberyA1800greedyDelphi16 June 2011 15:10:40
177Mogohu-Rea IdolE2600geometryDelphi07 June 2011 16:56:27
176Beautiful RoadD2300dfs and similar, dp, dsu, graphs, implementation, sortings, treesDelphi07 June 2011 15:59:50
175Vasya and TypesB1800implementation, stringsDelphi07 June 2011 15:33:38
174Interesting GameC2000dp, games, mathDelphi07 June 2011 15:11:30
173TrainsA1500implementation, mathDelphi07 June 2011 15:04:55
172Tetris revisitedB2200constructive algorithms, graph matchings, greedy, mathDelphi22 May 2011 17:46:21
171Genetic engineeringC2500dp, string suffix structures, treesDelphi22 May 2011 17:43:11
170Long sequenceE2700brute force, math, matricesDelphi22 May 2011 16:15:20
169Powerful arrayD2200data structures, implementation, math, two pointersDelphi22 May 2011 15:38:24
168ReflectionA1600mathDelphi22 May 2011 15:17:57
167Petya and TreeC2200binary search, dfs and similar, probabilities, sortings, treesDelphi20 May 2011 16:40:20
166Sum of MediansD2300binary search, brute force, data structures, implementationDelphi20 May 2011 16:15:24
165Guard TowersE2600binary search, dsu, geometry, graphs, sortingsDelphi20 May 2011 15:50:33
164Embassy QueueB1800data structures, greedyDelphi20 May 2011 15:15:58
163Two SubsequencesE2800bitmasks, dpDelphi13 May 2011 16:28:04
162TrackC2400graphs, greedy, shortest pathsDelphi13 May 2011 15:53:59
161DoctorB1800binary search, math, sortingsDelphi13 May 2011 15:19:57
160Magical ArrayA1300mathDelphi13 May 2011 15:11:57
159CorridorE2600geometryDelphi06 May 2011 16:47:38
158General MobilizationC2000data structures, dfs and similar, sortingsDelphi06 May 2011 15:43:31
157SetsB1700constructive algorithms, hashing, implementationDelphi06 May 2011 15:33:31
156Two out of ThreeD2000dpDelphi06 May 2011 15:24:47
155Double ColaA1100implementation, mathDelphi06 May 2011 15:03:42
154Beavermuncher-0xFFC2100dfs and similar, dp, dsu, greedy, treesDelphi19 April 2011 17:12:56
153Domino CarpetD2300dp, implementationDelphi19 April 2011 16:03:22
152HeroesA1400brute force, implementationDelphi19 April 2011 15:23:37
151HangerD2400data structuresGNU C++15 April 2011 16:50:19
150Chessboard BilliardC2100dfs and similar, dsu, graphs, number theoryDelphi15 April 2011 16:03:44
149Shift It!E2800constructive algorithmsDelphi15 April 2011 15:58:12
148TrainB1500dp, games, greedyDelphi15 April 2011 15:18:56
147Room LeaderA1000implementationDelphi15 April 2011 15:02:55
146TouristF2300binary search, data structures, dpDelphi12 April 2011 14:20:41
145PointsE1700implementation, mathDelphi12 April 2011 14:09:06
144Plus and xorD1700dp, greedy, mathFPC12 April 2011 14:00:55
143MutationC2700bitmasks, dp, mathDelphi12 April 2011 13:54:42
142MiceB2100greedy, two pointersDelphi12 April 2011 13:17:06
141GiftA2200dsu, graphs, sortings, treesDelphi12 April 2011 13:03:57
140Need For BrakeB2000binary search, greedy, sortingsDelphi10 April 2011 09:37:56
139FreeDivD2200dfs and similar, graphs, greedyDelphi10 April 2011 09:19:16
138MorrowindowsE2400math, number theoryDelphi10 April 2011 08:37:12
137LionAge IIC1800dpDelphi10 April 2011 08:15:27
136The Elder Trolls IV: OblivonA1600greedy, mathDelphi10 April 2011 08:03:48
135Sequence of BallsC2600dpDelphi13 March 2011 17:54:55
134Save the City!E2500geometryDelphi13 March 2011 17:30:23
133Restoration of the PermutationB1800greedyDelphi13 March 2011 17:06:32
132Optical ExperimentD1900binary search, data structures, dpDelphi13 March 2011 16:48:39
131Partial TeacherA1800dp, graphs, greedy, implementationDelphi13 March 2011 16:37:56
130InquisitionC2300geometry, implementation, sortingsDelphi25 February 2011 17:24:35
129WormhouseD2300dfs and similar, graphsDelphi25 February 2011 16:55:09
128Tyndex.BromeB1800binary search, implementationDelphi25 February 2011 16:14:53
127A Student's DreamA1300greedy, mathDelphi25 February 2011 16:02:54
126Prime SegmentE1800*special, brute forceTcl21 February 2011 16:28:42
125PresentsD1800*special, greedyTcl21 February 2011 16:21:04
124FactorialA1300*special, implementationTcl21 February 2011 16:03:33
123Mushroom StrifeC2100brute force, dfs and similarDelphi19 February 2011 18:57:48
122Mushroom GnomesE2600math, matricesDelphi19 February 2011 17:00:45
121SaviorD2500brute force, dsu, mathDelphi19 February 2011 16:37:34
120Serial Time!B1400dfs and similar, dsuDelphi19 February 2011 16:16:21
119Where Are My Flakes?A1300implementation, two pointersDelphi19 February 2011 16:02:28
118JourneyD2500dp, mathDelphi25 January 2011 16:36:16
117ArrayC1900combinatorics, mathDelphi25 January 2011 16:11:32
116Martian ArchitectureB1600implementationDelphi25 January 2011 16:07:48
115Square Earth?A1300dfs and similar, greedy, implementationDelphi25 January 2011 16:03:12
114CaterpillarF2800dfs and similar, dp, graphs, treesDelphi28 December 2010 19:04:11
113PentagonE2400combinatorics, graphs, matricesDelphi28 December 2010 16:53:20
112Geometrical problemD2200implementationDelphi28 December 2010 16:35:24
111Three Base StationsC1800binary search, greedyDelphi28 December 2010 16:16:54
110bHTML Tables AnalisysB1700expression parsingDelphi28 December 2010 16:07:56
109Cheaterius's ProblemA1300implementationDelphi28 December 2010 16:03:38
108Happy Farm 5C2000geometryDelphi20 December 2010 17:03:56
107BombingD2100binary search, dp, probabilitiesDelphi20 December 2010 16:57:52
106Square Equation RootsE2300mathDelphi20 December 2010 16:39:16
105Choosing Symbol PairsB1500stringsDelphi20 December 2010 16:24:14
104Domino pilingA800greedy, mathDelphi20 December 2010 16:21:58
103Hercule Poirot ProblemF2300dsu, graphsDelphi05 December 2010 09:22:30
102Emperor's ProblemG2500geometryDelphi05 December 2010 09:06:43
101Parking LotD1800data structures, implementationDelphi05 December 2010 08:20:41
100CombE1900data structures, dpDelphi05 December 2010 08:13:18
99Ball GameA800brute force, implementationDelphi05 December 2010 08:09:09
98T-shirts from SponsorB1100implementationDelphi05 December 2010 08:08:06
97Hamsters and TigersC1600two pointersDelphi05 December 2010 08:04:43
96Game of chess unfinishedB1700implementationDelphi18 November 2010 17:35:29
95Baldman and the militaryE2700dfs and similar, graphs, treesDelphi18 November 2010 17:16:26
94Safe crackingC2200brute force, constructive algorithmsDelphi18 November 2010 17:10:38
93Strange townD2300constructive algorithms, mathDelphi18 November 2010 16:39:46
92Guilty --- to the kitchen!A1400greedy, implementationDelphi18 November 2010 16:07:12
91Goats and WolvesF2500greedyDelphi13 November 2010 13:42:26
90SchoolB2200dp, dsuDelphi13 November 2010 15:07:13
89Road ProblemH2100graphsDelphi13 November 2010 14:25:18
88DirectorE2000constructive algorithms, greedyDelphi13 November 2010 13:17:23
87Dancing LessonsC1900data structuresDelphi13 November 2010 13:11:54
86Prime ProblemG2200number theoryDelphi13 November 2010 12:37:01
85Planting TreesJ1800constructive algorithmsDelphi13 November 2010 12:25:57
84TCMCF+++I1400greedyDelphi13 November 2010 12:16:01
83Event DatesD1900greedy, meet-in-the-middle, sortingsDelphi13 November 2010 12:11:31
82Codecraft IIIA900implementationDelphi13 November 2010 12:08:16
81Shooting GalleryG2500data structures, implementationDelphi06 November 2010 13:52:27
80ToysI2300brute force, combinatoricsDelphi06 November 2010 12:15:46
79TriminoesJ2000constructive algorithms, greedyDelphi06 November 2010 11:53:53
78HyperdriveD1800mathDelphi06 November 2010 11:22:07
77Phone NumberH1700dpDelphi06 November 2010 11:13:46
76Anfisa the MonkeyE1400dpDelphi06 November 2010 11:09:34
75HolidaysC1300implementationDelphi06 November 2010 11:05:15
74ColaB1500implementationDelphi06 November 2010 11:03:34
73Indian SummerA900implementationDelphi06 November 2010 11:01:46
72Number TableE2500combinatoricsDelphi05 November 2010 16:44:02
71Berland SquareC2300implementation, mathDelphi05 November 2010 17:19:37
70Interesting SequenceD2600mathDelphi05 November 2010 17:09:57
69RepaintingsB1600mathDelphi05 November 2010 16:08:40
68Find ColorA1300constructive algorithms, geometry, implementation, mathDelphi05 November 2010 16:03:59
67The Great MarathonH2400dpDelphi30 October 2010 13:51:00
66QueueG2300data structuresDelphi30 October 2010 13:27:17
65Smart BoyF2100dp, games, stringsDelphi30 October 2010 12:48:33
64Let's Go Rolling!E1800dp, sortingsDelphi30 October 2010 12:16:59
63Vasya the ArchitectD1900implementationDelphi30 October 2010 12:12:29
62BlindsC1400brute forceDelphi30 October 2010 12:06:35
61ChessB1200brute force, implementation, mathDelphi30 October 2010 12:03:58
60ArmyA800implementationDelphi30 October 2010 12:01:41
59Lesson TimetableD2300combinatorics, dp, mathDelphi25 October 2010 16:03:02
58Old Berland LanguageC1900data structures, greedy, treesDelphi25 October 2010 15:46:38
57Computer GameB1800greedy, implementationDelphi25 October 2010 15:13:12
56TowersA1000sortingsDelphi25 October 2010 15:02:39
55TestingK2600Delphi24 October 2010 10:38:22
54TramI2500Delphi24 October 2010 09:47:57
53Inverse FunctionG2400implementationDelphi24 October 2010 09:23:26
52C*++ CalculationsA2000expression parsing, greedyDelphi24 October 2010 08:17:51
51What Has Dirichlet Got to Do with That?E2000dp, gamesDelphi24 October 2010 08:02:50
50Moon CratersC2100dp, sortingsDelphi24 October 2010 07:41:34
49Pacifist frogsF1300implementationDelphi24 October 2010 07:29:38
48Spelling CheckJ1500hashing, implementation, stringsDelphi24 October 2010 07:20:38
47Multiplication TableH1300implementationDelphi24 October 2010 07:16:58
46Cubical PlanetD1100mathDelphi24 October 2010 07:14:57
45Company Income GrowthB1300greedyDelphi24 October 2010 07:12:17
44HelperE2600Delphi07 October 2010 15:55:36
43KnightsD2000geometry, graphs, shortest paths, sortingsDelphi07 October 2010 15:23:29
42Wonderful Randomized SumC1800greedyDelphi07 October 2010 15:14:13
41What is for dinner?A1200greedy, implementationDelphi07 October 2010 15:08:59
40String ProblemB1800shortest pathsDelphi07 October 2010 15:06:02
39Bender ProblemA1600implementationDelphi17 September 2010 15:26:37
38Bath QueueC2200combinatorics, dp, probabilitiesDelphi17 September 2010 15:20:00
37pSortB1600dfs and similar, dsu, graphsDelphi17 September 2010 15:08:02
36Berland colliderE2300binary searchDelphi26 July 2010 14:29:06
35Sequence of pointsC1800geometry, implementation, mathDelphi26 July 2010 13:18:59
34Ring roadA1400graphsDelphi26 July 2010 13:10:37
33F1 ChampionsB1500implementationDelphi26 July 2010 13:07:26
32TreeE2500dpDelphi09 July 2010 16:08:12
31You're Given a String...A1200brute force, greedyDelphi09 July 2010 15:01:28
30Traveling GraphD2400bitmasks, graph matchings, graphsDelphi28 June 2010 15:51:32
29IntersectionB2000implementation, mathDelphi28 June 2010 15:31:08
28Stripe 2C2000binary search, dp, sortingsDelphi28 June 2010 13:20:02
27Jabber IDA1900implementation, stringsDelphi28 June 2010 13:12:14
26FairyE2900dfs and similar, divide and conquer, dsuDelphi24 June 2010 16:34:46
25Deletion of RepeatsC2200greedy, hashing, string suffix structuresDelphi24 June 2010 15:37:29
24World Football CupA1400implementationDelphi24 June 2010 15:14:54
23Checkout AssistantB1900dpDelphi24 June 2010 15:06:34
22LoggingD1900implementation, stringsDelphi03 June 2010 13:16:27
21FishE1900bitmasks, dp, probabilitiesDelphi03 June 2010 13:11:35
20MonitorC1800binary search, number theoryDelphi03 June 2010 13:06:59
19Burglar and MatchesB900greedy, implementation, sortingsDelphi03 June 2010 13:03:51
18FlagA800implementationDelphi03 June 2010 13:01:37
17LaserB1800mathDelphi29 May 2010 15:21:35
16Industrial NimC2000gamesDelphi29 May 2010 15:21:41
15TrianglesE2600combinatorics, dpDelphi29 May 2010 15:39:03
14MapD2500data structures, implementation, sortingsDelphi29 May 2010 15:57:32
13Cottage VillageA1200implementation, sortingsDelphi29 May 2010 15:21:23
12SequenceC2200dp, sortingsDelphi06 May 2010 14:29:42
11Letter AB2000geometry, implementationDelphi06 May 2010 14:13:19
10Digital RootC2000number theoryDelphi15 April 2010 16:00:12
9Cinema CashierB1500dp, implementationDelphi15 April 2010 15:55:11
8Power Consumption CalculationA900implementationDelphi15 April 2010 15:47:49
7BeadsE2600dp, graphsDelphi08 April 2010 17:33:43
6Looking for OrderC2000bitmasks, dpDelphi08 April 2010 16:17:42
5Obsession with RobotsB1400constructive algorithms, graphs, implementationDelphi08 April 2010 15:56:37
4Train and PeterA1200stringsDelphi08 April 2010 15:52:31
3Longest Regular Bracket SequenceC1900constructive algorithms, data structures, dp, greedy, sortings, stringsDelphi26 March 2010 13:22:01
2The least round wayB2000dp, mathDelphi25 February 2010 17:36:08
1WinnerA1500hashing, implementationDelphi25 February 2010 17:13:34


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