Academic Project undertaken as part of University Course
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Contact
- Java console version of classic Connect Four game
- Implemented using Model-View-Controller architecture
- MiniMax algorithm implementation for AI player
- Undertaken as part of university course, but enhanced with features such as the MiniMax algorithm
- Java - version 1.8.0_301
The Java Connect Four Console App has the following features...
- Working game logic, including diagonal win checks
- Custom game parameters, including resizable grid
- Option to play against another player or against the AI
Make sure JDK v11 is installed on your machine and then run the
Project is: complete
Room for improvement:
- Add a GUI for this project
- Improve the AI algorithm
To do:
- Add GUI for the project
Created by @josflesan - feel free to contact me!