The RDatasets package provides an easy way for Julia users to experiment with most of the standard data sets that are available in the core of R as well as datasets included with many of R's most popular packages. This package is essentially a simplistic port of the Rdatasets repo created by Vincent Arelbundock, who conveniently gathered data sets from many of the standard R packages in one convenient location on GitHub at /~
In order to load one of the data sets included in the RDatasets package, you will need to have the DataFrames
package installed. This package is automatically installed as a dependency of the RDatasets
package if you install RDatasets
as follows:
After installing the RDatasets package, you can then load data sets using the dataset()
function, which takes the name of a package and a data set as arguments:
using RDatasets
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
neuro = dataset("boot", "neuro")
The RDatasets.packages()
function returns a table of represented R packages:
Package | Title |
COUNT | Functions, data and code for count data. |
Ecdat | Data sets for econometrics |
HSAUR | A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (1st Edition) |
HistData | Data sets from the history of statistics and data visualization |
ISLR | Data for An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R |
KMsurv | Data sets from Klein and Moeschberger (1997), Survival Analysis |
MASS | Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS |
SASmixed | Data sets from "SAS System for Mixed Models" |
Zelig | Everyone's Statistical Software |
adehabitatLT | Analysis of Animal Movements |
boot | Bootstrap Functions (Originally by Angelo Canty for S) |
car | Companion to Applied Regression |
cluster | Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al. |
datasets | The R Datasets Package |
gamair | Datasets used in the book Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R |
gap | Genetic analysis package |
ggplot2 | An Implementation of the Grammar of Graphics |
lattice | Lattice Graphics |
lme4 | Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4 |
mgcv | Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with GCV/AIC/REML smoothness estimation |
mlmRev | Examples from Multilevel Modelling Software Review |
nlreg | Higher Order Inference for Nonlinear Heteroscedastic Models |
plm | Linear Models for Panel Data |
plyr | Tools for splitting, applying and combining data |
pscl | Political Science Computational Laboratory, Stanford University |
psych | Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research |
quantreg | Quantile Regression |
reshape2 | Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package. |
robustbase | Basic Robust Statistics |
rpart | Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees |
sandwich | Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators |
sem | Structural Equation Models |
survival | Survival Analysis |
vcd | Visualizing Categorical Data |
The RDatasets.datasets()
function returns a table describing the 700+ included datasets. Or pass in a package name (e.g. RDatasets.datasets("mlmRev")
) for a targeted table:
Package | Dataset | Title | Rows | Columns |
mlmRev | Chem97 | Scores on A-level Chemistry in 1997 | 31022 | 8 |
mlmRev | Contraception | Contraceptive use in Bangladesh | 1934 | 6 |
mlmRev | Early | Early childhood intervention study | 309 | 4 |
mlmRev | Exam | Exam scores from inner London | 4059 | 10 |
mlmRev | Gcsemv | GCSE exam score | 1905 | 5 |
mlmRev | Hsb82 | High School and Beyond - 1982 | 7185 | 8 |
mlmRev | Mmmec | Malignant melanoma deaths in Europe | 354 | 6 |
mlmRev | Oxboys | Heights of Boys in Oxford | 234 | 4 |
mlmRev | ScotsSec | Scottish secondary school scores | 3435 | 6 |
mlmRev | bdf | Language Scores of 8-Graders in The Netherlands | 2287 | 28 |
mlmRev | egsingle | US Sustaining Effects study | 7230 | 12 |
mlmRev | guImmun | Immunization in Guatemala | 2159 | 13 |
mlmRev | guPrenat | Prenatal care in Guatemala | 2449 | 15 |
mlmRev | star | Student Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project data | 26796 | 18 |
Following Vincent's lead, we have assumed that all of the data sets in this repository can be made available under the GPL-3 license. If you know that one of the datasets released here should not be released publicly or if you know that a data set can only be released under a different license, please contact me so that I can remove the data set from this repository.