Gab is a beautiful Android client for Mastodon. Mastodon is an ActivityPub federated social network. That means no single entity controls the whole network, rather, like e-mail, volunteers and organisations operate their own independent servers, users from which can all interact with each other seamlessly.
Gab is a fork of Tusky (/~ that does not censor free-speech nodes.
- Material Design
- Most Mastodon APIs implemented
- Multi-Account support
- Dark, light and black themes with the possibility to auto-switch based on the time of day
- Drafts - compose toots and save them for later
- Choose between different emoji styles
- Optimized for all screen sizes
- Completely open-source - no non-free dependencies like Google services
If you have any bug reports, feature requests or questions please open an issue.
For translating Gab-changed strings into your language, please open an issue.
This port was done by johanw666.