Instructions to install Linux codes for Liberty University School of Engineering course ENGR 851: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering. If host operating system is Windows, then use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to install Ubuntu 20.04.
This does not currently install the MATLAB tools MPCCalibration nor DMGfit.
The folders 1-ElectronicsToAtomistics
, 2-AtomisticsToDislocationMobility
, and 3-DislocationMobilityToCrystalPlasticity
each represent the first three bridges from lower length scales up to the continuum length scale and have similar, local file structures for homogeneous navigation at the Linux terminal.
script under each bridge has, at the top, user-defined variables to control the installation of codes and scripts and build the infrastructure to work at those length scales.
By default, the repository-level
(next to this README), executes the bridge
scripts with the user-defined variables at the top of those scripts.
To modify the installation of each bridge, then modify the appropriate user-defined variables and either execute the repository-level
or run the bridge-level
as desired.
See the