This Fortran project implements 1 and 2-dimensional Lagrange interpolation.
- The GNU Make tool
- The GNU gfortran compiler
Type the following command line arguments
git clone /~
cd lagrange_interpolator; make all
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: &
wp => REAL64, &
ip => INT32
use lagrange_interpolator_library, only: &
! Explicit typing only
implicit none
type (LagrangeInterpolator) :: interp
real (wp) :: estimate
real (wp) :: desired_point, desired_point_2d(2)
real (wp), allocatable :: x(:), y(:), fx(:), fxy(:,:)
integer (ip), parameter :: TYPE = 0 ! 0 = None, 1 = Constant, 2 = Linear
!... generate some data
call interp%perform_1d_interpolation( TYPE, x, fx, desired_point, estimate )
call interp%perform_2d_interpolation( TYPE, x, y, fxy, desired_point_2d, estimate )