UnityRefractionURP requires:
- Depth Texture and Opaque Texture enabled.
- Material Type set to Transparent.
- Material's Alpha Clipping enabled. (if enabling Dithered Transparent Shadow)
UnityRefractionURP uses Reflection Probe to approximate the scene shape.
In order to create more accurate refraction, it is suggested to:
Adjust the Reflection Probe Shape (Influence Volume) so that it better matches the scene.
Use Box Projected Reflection Probes.
Provide reasonable mesh thickness (diameter if Sphere Model) to material's Thickness parameter. (1 unit = 1 meter)
It's suggested to use transparent shadow on URP 14 (Unity 2022.2) or above. (with high PCF shadow sampling)
Enable Alpha Clipping is a must.
Enable Soft Shadow is important.
This effect can be better under higher Soft Shadow quality.
This effect can be better under higher Shadow Resolution.
The effect of Approximate Thickness is not ideal on Additional Lights.
For detailed explanation, please refer to HDRP's refraction documentation.