简体中文 | English
- Raw Data from Ding Xiang Yuan.
- CSV format data from: /~https://github.com/BlankerL/DXY-2019-nCoV-Data CSV data file is updated frequently by 2019-nCoV Infection Data Realtime Crawler.
- CSV daily data from John Hopkins: /~https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19
- Real time JSON from /~https://github.com/ExpDev07/coronavirus-tracker-api , which also uses John Hopkins as underlying data.
- Pandas
- If you need interactive analysis, and you cannot access Google Colab, then you need to install Python Notebook first.
- coronavirus_demo_colab.ipynb: A demo on Google Colab, showing how to extract / aggregate / slice data, and basic time series / cross-sectional plotting
- demo.ipynb: Similar demo in a traditional Python Notebook, Chinese version
- demo.en.ipynb: Similar demo in a traditional Python Notebook, English version
- demo.html, demo.pdf: For those who doon't have Python Notebook, these two files serve as demo.ipynb for demonstration purpose (both are in Chinese)
- death_rate.ipynb: An example analysis of the heterogeneity of death rate across different regions
- utils.py: Utility functions
Some Examples:
data = utils.load_chinese_data() # obtain CSV real time data
daily_frm = utils.aggDaily(data) # aggregate to daily data
utils.tsplot_conf_dead_cured(daily_frm) # Time Series plot of the Confirmed, dead, cured count of the whole country