The paper discusses three systems: (1). base system; (2). base system with record; (3). base systems with record and intersection/union inference. For brevity, we refer to them as system I, II, and III in the following (These systems are introduced in Sec 2.3 of the paper).
: source files of the proof and the implementation-
: The whole Coq proof project, which can be compiled with Coq 8.15.2;src/proof/uni/
Proofs of system I;src/proof/uni_rec/
Proofs of system II;src/proof/uni_monoiu/
Proofs of system III;
: A Haskell implementation of our type inference algorithm capable of running the examples provided in the paper. We implement system I, II, III in a single implementation, with a flag to enable extensions. The implementation will print the algorithmic derivation rules employed during the inference process;
docker images for the amd64 platform that pre-install all the dependencies to check the proof and test the implementation;
docker images for the arm64 platform that pre-install all the dependencies to check the proof and test the implementation;paper_extended.pdf
extended version of the paper with the appendix.
The _.v
file contains all the references to the important lemmas and theorems of each system, including :
- Bidirectional properties: subtyping transitivity (Theorem 3.2, System I, II & III), checking subsumption (Theorem 2.2, System I, II & III), and type safety (Theorem 5.4, System I);
- Bidirectional worklist properties: soundness and completeness (Theorem 5.5, System I, II & III);
- Algorithmic properties: soundness (Theorem 5.6, System I, II & III), completeness (Theorem 5.7, System I, II), and decidability (Theorem 4.2, System I).
The following table (also included in the appendix.pdf
) shows the mapping from all the theorems
in the paper to their corresponding theorem names in the Coq proof.
Symbol | Coq name |
Theorem 2.1 | d_sub_inst |
Theorem 2.2 | d_chk_subsumption |
Theorem 3.1 | d_sub_reflexivity |
Theorem 3.2 | d_sub_transitivity |
Lemma 3.3 | d_infabs_soundness , d_infabs_completeness |
Lemma 3.4 | d_inftapp_soundness1 , d_inftapp_completeness |
Theorem 4.1 | a_wl_red_chk_soundness , a_wl_red_inf_soundness , a_wl_red_chk_completeness , a_wl_red_inf_completeness |
Theorem 4.2 | a_wf_wl_red_decidable_thm |
Theorem 5.1 | d_sub_subst_stvar |
Theorem 5.2 | d_infabs_subsumption_same_env , d_inftapp_subsumption_same_env |
Theorem 5.3 | d_chk_inf_subsumption |
Theorem 5.4 | d_chk_inf_elab_sound_f |
Theorem 5.5 | d_wl_red_sound , d_wl_red_complete |
Theorem 5.6 | a_wl_red_soundness |
Theorem 5.7 | a_wl_red_completeness |
Lemma 5.8 | aworklist_subst_transfer_same_dworklist_rev , aworklist_subst_transfer_same_dworklist |
Lemma 5.9 | trans_typ_etvar_s_in_more_num_arrow , d_sub_more_num_arrow_in_mono_typ |
Check the proofs: navigate to the
directory and runmake coq-only
. In case you want to recheck the proof, runmake clean-coq-only
first to clean all the previously checked results. (NOTES: The proof may take a long time to check. For reference, it's about 1 hour on an M2 Max MacBook)Expected Output: Definition of each theorem and lemma and axioms used by it. The only axiom used is
. This is introduced by the Coq built-in tacticdependent destruction
and does not harm the consistency.d_sub_transitivity : forall (Ψ : denv) (A B C : typ), Ψ ⊢ A <: B -> Ψ ⊢ B <: C -> Ψ ⊢ A <: C Axioms: Eqdep.Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq : forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h d_chk_inf_subsumption : forall (n1 n2 n3 : nat) (Ψ Ψ' : denv) (e : exp) (A : typ) (mode : typing_mode), uni.decl.prop_typing.exp_size e < n1 -> dmode_size mode < n2 -> typ_size A < n3 -> d_chk_inf Ψ e mode A -> d_subtenv Ψ' Ψ -> match mode with | typingmode__inf => exists A' : typ, Ψ ⊢ A' <: A /\ Ψ' ⊢ e ⇒ A' | typingmode__chk => forall A' : typ, Ψ ⊢ A <: A' -> Ψ' ⊢ e ⇐ A' end Axioms: Eqdep.Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq : forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h d_chk_inf_elab_sound_f : forall (Ψ : denv) (e : exp) (A : typ) (eᶠ : def_ott.fexp) (mode : typing_mode), d_chk_inf_elab Ψ e mode A eᶠ -> ⟦ Ψ ⟧ ⊢ eᶠ : ᵗ⟦ A ⟧ Axioms: Eqdep.Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq : forall (U : Type) (p : U) (Q : U -> Type) (x : Q p) (h : p = p), x = eq_rect p Q x p h ...
Reproduce the generated code (optional):
are used to generate thedef_ott.v
files (i.e. locally-namess related definitions and lemmas)
. These files (def_ott.v
) are already generated and included in the artifact. You can check all the proofs without these tools installed. If you want to check if the Coq definitions (indef_ott.v
) are consistent with the ones provided
or tweak the definitions yourself, you need to additionally installott
. Once installed, usemake clean
to delete the previously generated files, and then usemake coq
to regenerate the files and check all the proof.
Install Docker
Based on your architecture, unzip
and load the docker imagedocker load < proof-*.tar.gz
Start the container
docker run -it proof bash
Run the command, e.g.,
make coq-only
Dependencies: Requires Coq 8.15.2, along with
for the locally nameless infrastructure. -
Installation guide: Install Coq 8.15.2 via
(Please refer to the official guide for detailed steps). After installation, please clone and installMetalib
using the following commands:git clone /~ cd metalib/Metalib make install
(Optional (only if you want to regenerate
)) Follow the installation guidelines for Ott (forked version) and LNgen to install them. -
Run the command, e.g.,
make coq-only
We implemented all the algorithmic rules in the paper. In addition, to make the examples more interesting we have also implemented a few more simple extensions:
- Polymorphic lists (
) and a case analysis expression for pattern matching on lists; - Recursion via a fixpoint operator;
- Recursive let expressions
All the examples provided in the paper run in this implementation (these examples do not involve aforementioned extensions).
- Types:
,forall a. Type
,Type -> Type
,Type /\ Type
,Type \/ Type
,Label l
- Int literals:
... - Bool literals:
- Lambda:
\x -> x
- Fixpoint:
fix \x -> x
- Application:
(\x -> x) 1
- Type annotation:
1 :: Int
- Type abstraction:
/\a. (\x -> x) :: a -> a
- Type application:
(/\a. (\x -> x) :: a -> a) @Int 3
- List:
/1 : 2 : 3 : []
/True : False : []
... - Case:
case lst of [] -> []; (x :: xs) -> ...
- Let:
let x = 1 in \y -> x
/let id :: forall (a <: Top). a -> a = /\(a <: Top). \x -> x in id @Int 3
/letrec map :: ... = ...
Test all the examples: To test all the examples presented in the paper (including cases expected to be rejected), please run
stack test
.Expected Output: The output will show the type-checking results of all the examples. Variant 1 refers to System I and variant 2 refers to System III (because it's less interesting to just have record without intersection/union inference, we do not output results of system II).
at the end of each line means the result is consistent with the result reported in the appendix of the paper (appendix.pdf
).Variant 1 examples ex1_1.e, should be accepted [✔] ex1_2.e, should be accepted [✔] h1.e, should be accepted [✔] f2.e, should be accepted [✔] f3_1.e, should be accepted [✔] f3_2.e, should be accepted [✔] ex4_1.e, should be accepted [✔] ex4_2.e, should be accepted [✔] ex5_1.e, should be rejected [✔] ex5_2.e, should be accepted [✔] ex5_3.e, should be rejected [✔] ex5_4.e, should be accepted [✔] ex6.e, should be accepted [✔] ex7_1.e, should be accepted [✔] ex7_2.e, should be accepted [✔] ex8_1.e, should be accepted [✔] ex8_2.e, should be rejected [✔] ex8_3.e, should be accepted [✔] ex8_4.e, should be rejected [✔] h9.e, should be accepted [✔] ex9_1.e, should be accepted [✔] ex9_2.e, should be accepted [✔] ex10.e, should be accepted [✔] ex11.e, should be accepted [✔] ex12_1.e, should be accepted [✔] ex12_2.e, should be accepted [✔] ex13.e, should be accepted [✔] h14_1.e, should be rejected [✔] h14_2.e, should be rejected [✔] ex15.e, should be rejected [✔] Variant 2 examples ex1_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex1_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] h1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] f2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] f3_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] f3_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex4_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex4_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex5_1.e, MonoIU on, should be rejected [✔] ex5_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex5_3.e, MonoIU on, should be rejected [✔] ex5_4.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex6.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex7_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex7_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex8_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex8_2.e, MonoIU on, should be rejected [✔] ex8_3.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex8_4.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] h9.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex9_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex9_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex10.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex11.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex12_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex12_2.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] ex13.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] h14_1.e, MonoIU on, should be accepted [✔] h14_2.e, MonoIU on, should be rejected [✔] ex15.e, MonoIU on, should be rejected [✔] Finished in 0.0247 seconds 60 examples, 0 failures
Run the examples:
contains all the examples presented in the paper.stack exec WorklistIntersectionUnion-exe -- <path> [-m]
: the path of the input file.[-m]
: whether regard intersection and union of monotypes as monotypes.- For example, run
stack exec WorklistIntersectionUnion-exe -- examples/ex12_2.e -m
to show the inference process of fileexamples/ex12_2.e
and enable the inference of intersection and union of monotypes.
Install Docker
Based on your architecture, unzip
and load the docker imagedocker load < implementation-*.tar.gz
Start the container
docker run -it implementation bash
Run the command, e.g.,
stack test
- Dependencies: GHC and Stack (Stack will automatically install other Haskell libraries that this implementation depend on).
- Build the project: navigate to
directory and runstack build
. - Run the command, e.g.,
stack test
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.