Laravel wrapper for the Dutch open mobility data. Basic Vehicle Registration All non-sensitive data of the Dutch vehicle fleet.
Laravel application to get vehicle information from or \
This wrapper can be extended to be used in Filament:
Github: rdw-api-filament
Packagist: rdw-api-filament
Requires PHP 8.1 and Laravel 10 or higher
Install the package via composer:
composer require jdkweb/rdw-api
If needed you can publish the config
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Jdkweb\RdwApi\RdwServiceProvider" --tag="config"
For changing options see: change API and Demo
If changes are needed you can publish the translation files
# published in: trans/vendor/jdkweb/rdw-api
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Jdkweb\RdwApi\RdwServiceProvider" --tag="lang"
Translations available:
use Jdkweb\RdwApi\Controllers\RdwApiRequest;
$result = (object) RdwApiRequest::make()
- Request to the active API (default:
- All RDW endpoints are selected
- RdwApiResponse object is returned
use Jdkweb\RdwApi\Controllers\RdwApiRequest;
use Jdkweb\RdwApi\Enums\OutputFormat;
use Jdkweb\RdwApi\Enums\Endpoints;
$result = RdwApiRequest::make()
->setApi(int|string) // 0 | opendata | 1 | overheid
Overwrite the config settings
- 0 or 'opendata' for using the RDW API [default]
- 1 or 'overheidio' for using the API
With or without hyphen-minus
use \Jdkweb\RdwApi\Enums\Endpoints;
# examples:
// Call to all endpoints
// Specific selection
// Use enum names, case insensitive
Available endpoints (not case sensitive):
- Endpoints::VEHICLE | vehicle
- Endpoints::VEHICLE_CLASS |vehicle_class
- Endpoints::FUEL | fuel
- Endpoints::BODYWORK | bodywork
- Endpoints::BODYWORK_SPECIFIC | bodywork_specific
- Endpoints::AXLES | axles
- Endpoints::cases() [default]
use \Jdkweb\RdwApi\Enums\OutputFormat;
# examples
// Enum
// name, case insensitive
- OutputFormat::ARRAY | array [default]
- OutputFormat::JSON | json
- OutputFormat::XML | xml
by using this method the response contains a formated output. see RdwApiResponse
Force output language, so form can be English and RDW response in Dutch.
- nl
- en
->fetch(?bool $return = null)
RdwApiResponse object will be returned
When boolean isset and true RdwApiRequest object will be returned
Response data form the RDW API request in $result:
Jdkweb\RdwApi\Controllers\RdwApiResponse {#2800 ▼
+response: array:2 [▶] // API response
+request: {#3036 ▶} // Request vars
+output: array:2 [▶] // Formated output when setOutputFormat is used
+status: true
$result->toXml(bool $pretty)
Boolean to make xml readable
Get specific values form response data, always use Dutch key for the value.
$result->quickSearch(string $keyname) // Keynames are Dutch
# examples:
// Brand: TOYOTA
// Vehicle type: Personenauto
// Track width firste axle: 147
// First fuel description, hybrid have two
$set('brandstof_omschrijving', $result->quickSearch('1.brandstof_omschrijving'));
// Second axle legally permitted maximum axle load
$set('aslast', $result->quickSearch('2.wettelijk_toegestane_maximum_aslast'));
- Use dutch key for the value
- When more results:
Axles: axle_location_code for first and second:- 1.plaatscode_as
- 2.plaatscode_as
$result = RdwApiRequest::make()
the method setOutputformat creates a prepared output else output is empty
# OR
$result is an RdwApiResponse object
Json output:
Vehicle: {
registration_number: "52BVL9",
vehicle_type: "Bus",
brand: "VDL",
trade_name: "CITEA LF-122/ ELECTRIC",
expiry_date_mot: "20250921",
date_of_registration: "20230721",
configuration: "bus",
number_of_seats: "37",
Fuel: {
registration_number: "52BVL9",
fuel_sequence_number: "1",
fuel_description: "Elektriciteit",
There is a demo available to test this wrapper
Two options to use the demo:
Add this value to .env
Import the rwd-api config en set the value to 1 (Installation)
Demo: 0 = Off | 1 = On
rdw_api_demo => 1,
Changing Default API\
- 0:
- 1:
Use setApi method in request
->setApi(int $apiKey)
Or import the rwd-api config (Installation)
And set 'rdw_api_use' to the correct value
To use a token is needed \
Place the token in the config: 'rdw_api_key'.
To use this wrapper in Filament install the filament extension
composer require jdkweb/rdw-api-filament
Github: jdkweb/rdw-api-filament
packagist: jdkweb/rdw-api-filament