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See Also Considered Harmful Motivation # Comparison In the below tables the features of 4 frameworks are compared with each other. This is a by no means a fair comparison as it builds upon the opinions of the author of silk. Features are judged by their influence on application design and the development process. An influence considered good is indicated green, a fair one yellow and a bad one red. Neutral information is kept gray. This table highlighting is turned **off** by default.

Concepts or techniques that are considered harmful have dark red text as well. Missing or unsure information is indicated by a `'?'`.


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Version 3.x 3.x 2.14.x 0.7
Archive Size several MB > 650KB + plug-ins > 300KB + gems 189KB
Further dependencies good dozen few none none


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Methods in injector/context 20+ 20+ 14 1 (example)having 1 argument


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Container model flat instances flat instances hierarchical instances explicit modeled hierarchical instances "production rules"
Configuration style static XML, annotation static + programmatic annotation + fluent interface static + programmatic composition + fluent interface + annotation programmatic declarativefluent interface
Wiring style automatic "scan" by name or type explicit by name and type explicit by name and type explicit name + type + hierarchy
Wiring Transparency / Independence yes XML or config-classes no annotations required yes (except annotation feat.) yes pure fluent interface
"External" code handlinge.g. a external lib or JRE type limited (name/type wiring only) indirect requires Provider limited (to some features) as ownuniform
Coupling styleHow interface/impl. is brought together referenceable loose referenceable loose


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Generics support(Consider same type with different generic to be different) no yes each a literal class! case-related yes Type instance
Generic type safty - compile time - largely compile timefull at runtime
Wildcard generics - yesexplicit via literal - yes
Primitive types handling ? primitive == wrapper ? primitive == wrapper
Bind to all (generic) supertypes no no no yes
Type links no yes no yes


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Annotation guidance (considered harmful) Why? required XML alternative required less important alternative no need
Constructor injection yes annotations or XML yes requires annotations idiomatic most to few args idiomatic fluent interfacemany options
Field injection(considered harmful) Why? yes annotations idiomatic annotations yes named or annotations no
Setter injection (considered harmful) Why? idiomaticnamed, annotations or XML yes annotations yes name or type no
Factory methods yes named XML, annotations yes annotations yes convention, programmatic yes fluent interface
Static injection(considered harmful) Why? yes named XML + annotations yes annotations no? no
Method interceptiontechnique yes aspects yes aspects yes programmatic services programmatic
Providers (lazy indirection) yes idiomatic annotations no optional bridge via fluent interface
Reinection(considered harmful) Why? yes setters no use indirection explicit call-side programmatic no use indirection
Optional injection(considered harmful) no? yes annotations no? no
Mixed injection(assisted injection) no? yes annotations no? services
Post-construction hook yes annotations? yes annotations? yes(lifecycles) through custom Supplier only


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Arrays no no idiomaticimplicit available idiomaticimplicit available
Collections List/Sets/Maps java.utilexplicit in XML java.util (via plugin-in)fluent interface java.utilexplicit programmatic any(via bridge)fluent interface
Multibinds manual, explicit XML tags manual, explicit,
loose coupled fluent interface
manual, explicit programmatic autom., implicit,
loose coupled fluent interface
Sequence of declarations crucial crucial crucial irrelevant

Variants (Module Combinability)

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A _variant_ should be understand as a slightly different _form_ of the _module structure_, a permutation of the application configuration/composition. How can those be build, viewed, understand, and combined with other _variants_ ?
Creation techniqueUsage overridesXML filesannotated config classes overridesModule classes ? install/uninstallfluent interface
Perspective combined combined ? isolated
Composition not combinable not combinable ? combinable

Applicability Restrictiveness

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In what ways can _binds_ be limited, how exact or _narrow_ are they ?
Principle local per file local modules programmatic filtersper case type hierarchy
+ package-sets
+ injection hierarchy
Specific package (set)(with or without sub-packages) no no possiblenot build in yesfluent-interface
Specific classalso with wild-card types nearly yesexplicit via literal yesgems filter util yesfluent-interface
Specific interfaceincl. all implementations no no yesgems filter util yesfluent-interface
Specific parent instancealso specific grandparents no no no yesfluent-interface


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Default scope singleton injection singleton singleton
Custom scopesdifficulty advanced advanced medium(life-cycles) simple
Available scopes singleton, injection, request, session singleton, injection request, session via plug-in programmatic life-cycles singleton, injection, per dependency type, per receiver type, ...


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There seamed to be no actual numbers on performance. I had no time to do proper tests including all 4 frameworks yet but I would like to get these numbers if available somewhere or by myself if needed. Until than I can just give indications based on older measurements I found and personal experience gained in years of usage (not pico-container) or expectation (pico).
Bootstrapping slower than guice stated that it is fast about as guice? about as guice?
Object Creation stated that it is slower than guice stated that it is fast about as guice? about as guice?

Error Behaviour

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Dependency cycles viable setter only viable proxies viable for interface illegal
Detection of a cyclic dependencies error runtime(bootstrapping) - ? runtime(bootstrapping)
Scope faults(e.g. injecting request scoped into a singleton) ? not detected not possible(self managing objects) at injection
Ambiguous binding error eager lazy lazy eager


  • With Silk all binds are defined by just using the fluent Binder interface within Bundle and Module classes. There are no exceptions to this, no overrides or annonymous classes needed, no error prone visiblity exports or similar hard to maintain techniques.