This implements a driver for the USB-Ethernet adapter based on Davicom DM9601 on MacOS X, such as JP1081B/No:9700
The official driver of JP1081B/No:9700 doesn't have a permanent MAC address. The MAC address is randomly defined. Also, it's impossible to define an IP address from MAC address.
- Download the source here from Github and compile it with XCode
- Determine the path of the built kext and copy it to the
sudo cp -rf /Users/jay/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/USBCDCEthernet-ffdtszgghxiysdbvyujrkwghdzwd/Build/Products/Debug/USBCDCEthernet.kext /Library/Extensions/
- Change the user permissions on the extension.
sudo chown -R root:wheel /Library/Extensions/USBCDCEthernet.kext
sudo chmod -R 755 /Library/Extensions/USBCDCEthernet.kext
- Load the extension
sudo kextload /Library/Extensions/USBCDCEthernet.kext
- Driver Davicom from Haiku project.
- Based on USBCDCEthernet example from IOUSBFamily-560.4.2.
- samuelv0304 /~
This code is licensed under Apple Public Source License. See LICENSE for more details.