Callbag operator that applies a transformation on data passing through it. Works on either pullable or listenable sources.
The transformation may be a string containing a dot-notated path to get
in a (nested) object. A default value may be passed to use if the full
path does not exist or the value is undefined. (see the dlv
Otherwise, the transformation is assumed to be a function. In this case it works exactly like callbag-map.
npm install callbag-map-delve
const { pipe, fromIter, forEach } = require('callbag-basics');
const map = require('callbag-map-delve');
fromIter([ {person:{name:"Jason"}},
{} ]),
map("", "Unknown"),
map(name => "Name: " + name),
forEach(x => console.log(x)) // Name: Jason
// Name: Monica
// Name: Unknown