Extend wordlist by appending digits and special characters to each word.
Check an already existing wordlist here and the extended wordlist here.
Please be careful not to crash your PC by using a too large wordlist or extending too far.
Feel free to tweak this tool to your liking.
Tested on Kali Linux v2023.1 (64-bit).
Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!
Open your preferred console from /src/ and run the commands shown below.
Run the script:
python3 wordlist_extender.py
If a strong password policy is enforced, passwords usually start with one capitalized word followed by a few digits and one special character at the end (e.g. Password123!).
What I use most of the time:
python3 wordlist_extender.py -w wordlist.txt -t capitalize -d 3 -c 1 -min 8
└─# python3 wordlist_extender.py -w wordlist.txt -t capitalize -d 3 -c 1 -min 8
# #
# Wordlist Extender v4.0 #
# by Ivan Sincek #
# #
# Extend wordlist by appending digits and special characters to each word. #
# GitHub repository at github.com/ivan-sincek/wordlist-extender. #
# #
[?] Reading 'wordlist.txt' and preparing words...
[+] Total start words: 1
[?] Transforming the words...
[?] Extending the words...
[?] Removing the short/long words...
[+] Total end words: 18000
[?] Writing the extended wordlist to a file...
[+] Extended wordlist has been saved to 'extended_wordlist_capitalize_d3_c1_min8.txt'
Wordlist Extender v4.0 ( github.com/ivan-sincek/wordlist-extender )
Usage: python3 wordlist_extender.py -w wordlist [-t transform ] [-d digits] [-c characters] [-min minimum]
Example: python3 wordlist_extender.py -w wordlist.txt [-t capitalize] [-d 3 ] [-c 1 ] [-min 8 ]
Extend wordlist by appending digits and special characters to each word
Special characters come after digits
Example: password -> Password123!
Wordlist to extend
Spacing will be stripped, empty lines ignored, and duplicates removed
-w <wordlist> - wordlist.txt | etc.
Transform words
-t <transform> - capitalize | lowercase | uppercase | all
Number of digits to append
-digits <digits> - 1 | 2 | 3 | etc.
Number of special characters to append
-c <characters> - 1 | 2 | 3 | etc.
Minimum length of extended words
-min <minimum> - 8 | etc.
Maximum length of extended words
-max <maximum> - 8 | etc.
Sort the extended wordlist by word length
-s <sort> - asc | desc