Structure: Basic HTML setup with a linked CSS file and JavaScript file.
Game Elements:
- A message container to display the game result.
- A main section containing:
- The game title.
- A 3x3 grid of buttons representing the Tic-Tac-Toe cells.
- A reset game button.
- A turn indicator showing whose turn it is.
Global Styles: Basic reset for margins and padding, and overall styling for the body.
Game Board: Styles for the container and grid layout.
Cells: Styling for the cells, including different colors for players X and O.
Buttons: Styles for the reset and new game buttons.
Message and Turn Indicator: Styles for displaying the winner/tie message and indicating the current turn.
Variables: Selection of game elements, tracking the current turn, and move count.
resetGame: Resets the game state and UI.
showWinner and showTie: Display the winner or tie message.
ReturnWinner: Checks for a winner or tie and updates the UI.
disableAllGrids and enableAllGrids: Manage the enable/disable state of cells.
Event Listeners: Handle clicks on cells and buttons to manage game logic and UI updates.