We have been employed as an ML Engineer in a Hospital (P-Health), upon reaching there we noticed that our company spends a lot of money and resources running tests and examinations on patients to see if they have lung cancer or not.
We have proposed that we can build a ML model that can predict the patient that have higher chances of having cancer, of course we our model won't be 100% sure if someone has or not, but we would create one that predicts if someone that has lung cancer more
- Type of Machine Learning Method
- Supervised Learning
- Classification
- Random Forest
- Accuracy - 95.16 %
- F1 Score - 97.35%
- Recall - 100%
- Accuracy - 88.71 %
- F1 Score - 94.02%
- Accuracy - 91.16 %
- F1 Score - 95.35%
- Random Forest
- Classification
- Supervised Learning
- Import Dataset
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Feature Engineering
- Data Cleaning
- Missing Data Imputation
- Feature Encoding
- Model Build
- Train / Test Data split
- Model Initiation and Fitting
- Test predictions
- Model Perfromance
- R^2 score
- Case Prediction