--- title: "Open Government Data, provided by Landeshauptstadt München" date: "2024-01-30" output: html_document --- ## Dataset: Daten der Raddauerzählstellen München Juli 2017 [Direct data shop link for dataset](https://opendata.muenchen.de/dataset/daten-der-raddauerzaehlstellen-muenchen-juli-2017) Auto generated R starter code for data set 185@lhm. ## Metadata - **Issued** `2018-09-19T12:50:27` - **Modified** `2021-09-27T14:01:27` - **Startdate** `None` - **Enddate** `None` - **Theme** `['http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/TECH']` - **Keyword** `['Fahrrad', 'Raddauerzählstellen', 'Raddauerzählstellen 2017']` - **Publisher** `['mobilitaetsreferat']` - **Landingpage** `https://opendata.muenchen.de/dataset/daten-der-raddauerzaehlstellen-muenchen-juli-2017` # Load packages ```{r} library(tidyverse) library(skimr) ``` # Load data - The dataset has 2 distribution(s) in CSV format. - All available CSV distributions are listed below and can be read into a tibble. ```{r} # Distribution 0 # Ktzhdistid : 1851 # Title : 15 Minuten-Werte - Daten der Raddauerzählstellen München Juli 2017 # Issued : 2018-09-19T14:51:17 # Modified : 2018-09-19T12:51:17 # Rights : dl-by-de/2.0 df <- read_delim('https://opendata.muenchen.de/dataset/58d3ec0a-240a-4863-8b8a-0f7b6989a9cf/resource/19a4a6f0-946c-4cd4-a8ba-d5cf5f48ce49/download/rad20170715min.csv') # Distribution 1 # Ktzhdistid : 1852 # Title : Tageswerte und Wetter - Daten der Raddauerzählstellen München Juli 2017 # Issued : 2018-09-19T14:51:52 # Modified : 2018-09-19T12:51:52 # Rights : dl-by-de/2.0 df <- read_delim('https://opendata.muenchen.de/dataset/58d3ec0a-240a-4863-8b8a-0f7b6989a9cf/resource/44e7e8f6-b088-4a4c-9173-5b90240c0924/download/rad201707tage.csv') ``` # Analyze data ```{r} glimpse(df) str(df) skim(df) head(df) tail(df) ``` # Continue your code here... ```{r} ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Questions about the data? Mobilitätsreferat - Verkehrs- und Verhaltensdaten | Data Shop |