Verilog header for easier AXI interface declaration & connection
Include this header file to use AXI interface declaration & connection macros:
`include "axi.vh"
And make sure axi.vh is in the include directories of your project.
The following macros are used to declare AXI interfaces in module ports:
// AXI4-Lite ports
`AXI4LITE_SLAVE_IF (prefix, addr_width, data_width)
`AXI4LITE_MASTER_IF (prefix, addr_width, data_width)
// AXI4 ports
`AXI4_SLAVE_IF (prefix, addr_width, data_width, id_width)
`AXI4_MASTER_IF (prefix, addr_width, data_width, id_width)
// AXI4 ports without ID signals
`AXI4_SLAVE_IF_NO_ID (prefix, addr_width, data_width)
`AXI4_MASTER_IF_NO_ID (prefix, addr_width, data_width)
module example (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
`AXI4_MASTER_IF (m_axi, 32, 64, 4), // be careful with the comma in the end
/* The macro above expands to:
output wire m_axi_awvalid,
input wire m_axi_awready,
output wire [31:0] m_axi_awaddr,
output wire [2:0] m_axi_awprot,
output wire [3:0] m_axi_awid,
output wire [7:0] m_axi_awlen,
output wire [2:0] m_axi_awsize,
output wire [1:0] m_axi_awburst,
output wire m_axi_awlock,
output wire [3:0] m_axi_awcache,
output wire [3:0] m_axi_awqos,
output wire [3:0] m_axi_awregion,
... and AR, W, R, B channel signals
`AXI4LITE_SLAVE_IF (s_axilite, 12, 32) // no comma for the last declaration
// Similar expansion results ...
// ...
If you need to declare wires in module context for AXI connection, use the following macros:
// AXI4-Lite wires
`AXI4LITE_WIRE(prefix, addr_width, data_width)
// AXI4 wires
`AXI4_WIRE(prefix, addr_width, data_width, id_width)
// AXI4 wires without ID signals
`AXI4_WIRE_NO_ID(prefix, addr_width, data_width)
module example;
`AXI4_WIRE(axi_conn, 32, 64, 4); // semicolon is required
/* The macro above expands to:
wire axi_conn_awvalid;
wire axi_conn_awready;
wire [31:0] axi_conn_awaddr;
wire [2:0] axi_conn_awprot;
wire [3:0] axi_conn_awid;
wire [7:0] axi_conn_awlen;
wire [2:0] axi_conn_awsize;
wire [1:0] axi_conn_awburst;
wire axi_conn_awlock;
wire [3:0] axi_conn_awcache;
wire [3:0] axi_conn_awqos;
wire [3:0] axi_conn_awregion;
The following macros are used to connect AXI ports in the port list of a module instantiation:
// AXI4-Lite connection
`AXI4LITE_CONNECT(port_prefix, outer_prefix)
// AXI4 connection
`AXI4_CONNECT(port_prefix, outer_prefix)
// AXI4 connection without ID signals
`AXI4_CONNECT_NO_ID(port_prefix, outer_prefix)
These can be used to connect inner AXI interfaces to outer:
module submodule (
// ...
`AXI4_MASTER_IF(m_axi, 32, 32, 1)
// ...
module example (
// ...
`AXI4_MASTER_IF(m_axi_outer, 32, 32, 1)
submodule u_sub (
// ...
`AXI4_CONNECT(m_axi, m_axi_outer)
/* The macro above expands to:
.m_axi_awvalid (m_axi_outer_awvalid),
.m_axi_awready (m_axi_outer_awready),
Or connect two submodules:
module submodule1 (
// ...
`AXI4_SLAVE_IF(s_axi, 32, 32, 1)
// ...
module submodule2 (
// ...
`AXI4_MASTER_IF(m_axi, 32, 32, 1)
// ...
module example;
`AXI4_WIRE(axi_conn, 32, 32, 1);
submodule1 u_sub1 (
// ...
`AXI4_CONNECT(s_axi, axi_conn)
submodule2 u_sub2 (
// ...
`AXI4_CONNECT(m_axi, axi_conn)