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MSP Standardizations

Sadjad F Baygi edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 8 revisions

Standardizing various MSP Terminologies

Libraries usually use various terminologies for the same properties. IDSL.FSA is able to merge the alternative names of meta-variables from different libraries into a meta-variable described below. Please let us know if you have more suggestions for library standardization.

Metavariable alternative name 1 alternative name 2 alternative name 3
retention_time retentiontime precursorrt precursor_rt
precursor_intensity precursorintensity precursorint precursor_int
precursor_type precursortype
ms_level mslevel spectrumtype spectrum_type
accession db#
collision_energy collisionenergy ce energy
instrument_type instrumenttype
ion_mode ionmode
exact_mass exactmass

Standardizing Precursor Types

IDSL.FSA has an option to match library fragmentation patterns based on precursor types. In many cases, precursor types from NIST, GNPS, and MoNA libraries are similar in the nature but different in the presentation terms; therefore, to minimize automation errors, IDSL.FSA deconvolutes the entire precursor types and then regenerate them according to the Standard Adduct Type suggested by the IDSL.UFA pipeline. However, a number of precursor type terms can not be corrected unless a brute-force character replacement method is implemented. Hence, IDSL.FSA replaces the the following terms with standard IUPAC formulas in the precursor types from Fiehn's lab adduct list.

Online Libraries Standard format
space blank
period(.) blank
asterik(*) blank
Cat M + H
formate CHO2
Hac C2H3O
IsoProp C3H8O
[M]-- [M]2-
[M]++ [M]2+
[M]1- [M]-
[M]1+ [M]+
+9i blank
+8i blank
+7i blank
+6i blank
+5i blank
+4i blank
+3i blank
+2i blank
+i blank
-9i blank
-8i blank
-7i blank
-6i blank
-5i blank
-4i blank
-3i blank
-2i blank
-i blank

IDSL.FSA also attempts to adjust the formal charge of ions for less complex adduct types similar to the IDSL.UFA Standard Adduct Type. When the formal charge is not adjustable, the original formal charge is still used to match precursor types.