Zhen Li, Yukang Gan
This code is related to our paper "LSTM-CF: Unifying Context Modeling and Fusion with LSTMs for RGB-D Scene Labeling" accepted by ECCV2016.
Here, we add demos to illustrate scene labeling results at different indoor scenes, which are located in Demo folder.
For test example prototxt, please refer to the SUNRGBD/SUNRGBD_test.prototxt
For the pretrained model, please download through https://goo.gl/DrOSZv
If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us: lizhen36@hku.hk, ganyk@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
Please consult and consider citing the following papers if it is beneficial to your research:
title={LSTM-CF: Unifying Context Modeling and Fusion with LSTMs for RGB-D Scene Labeling},
author={Li, Zhen and Gan, Yukang and Liang, Xiaodan and Yu, Yizhou and Cheng, Hui and Lin, Liang},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},