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A simple fortran module that generates figures using PGF/Tikz.


call tikz(z) call tikz(x, y)
call tikz(z, legend = "Example") call tikz(x, y, legend = "$+1$; $+2$; $+3$; $+4$ ")


Dependency: PGF/Tikz

I write this library to be zero installation library. Simply copy and paste the tikz_module.F90 into your project or library directory and it should be able to work by use tikz_module.


Only support 2D plot for now.

The full syntax is

call tikz(x, y, title, xlabel, ylabel, legend, name, options)
  • x: one dimensional array
  • y: one or two dimensional array
  • title: allocatable characters for figure title (optional)
  • xlabel: allocatable characters for label on x-axis (optional)
  • ylabel: allocatable characters for label on y-axis (optional)
  • legend: allocatable characters that denotes legend that use semicolon (;) as delimiter
  • name: file name for .tex, .dat, and .pdf file (optional)
  • options see options

The abbreviated syntax can be

call tikz(y)        !! x is generated by linear spaced grid between minimum and maximum of y
call tikz(x, y)


options are a character type that works to assign user-defined options to the generated tikz script.

Each category (legend, color, etc) are separated by semicolor ;, and each item under category is separated by comma ,.

The delimiter between category (e.g. legend) and items (e.g. box, north east) is colon :.

Now it supports:


!! example: plot 2D with predetermined color
call tikz(x, y, name = 'tikzplot_4_col.tex', &
    options = 'color: gray, blue, orange, yellow')

!! example: plot 2D with legend in the box and box at north east
call tikz(x, y, name = 'tikzplot_4_le_box.tex', &
    options = 'legend: box, north east')

!! example: plot 2D with predetermined color, legend in the box, and legend at north east
call tikz(x, y, name = 'tikzplot_4_col_box.tex', &
    options = 'color: gray, blue, orange, yellow; &
              legend: box, north east')

PGF/Tikz templated used

The Sloped section of template comes from stack overflow, which allows me to put legend along the slope at the function.

\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing, intersections, fillbetween}
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest, scale only axis, width = 13cm, height = 6cm}
\pgfplotsset{sciclean/.style={axis lines=left,
        axis x line shift=0.5em,
        axis y line shift=0.5em,
        axis line style={-,very thin},
        axis background/.style={draw,ultra thin,gray},
        tick align=outside,
        xtick distance=<assigned by tikz-fortran>,
        ytick distance=<assigned by tikz-fortran>,
        major tick length=2pt}}

% Create fake \onslide and other commands for standalone picture
\NewDocumentCommand{\onslide}{s t+ d<>}{}

Sloped/.code = {
\iftikz@fullytransformed% tikz.code.tex
    \tikzset{sloped, transform shape, rotate = {atan2(\myb,\mya)}}%

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Coordinate extraction
% #1: node name
% #2: output macro name: x coordinate
% #3: output macro name: y coordinate
        % using `\pgfplotspointgetcoordinates' stores the (axis)
        % coordinates in `data point' which then can be called by
        % `\pgfkeysvalueof' or `\pgfkeysgetvalue'
        % `\global' (a TeX macro and not a TikZ/PGFPlots one) allows to
        % store the values globally
         \global\pgfkeysgetvalue{/data point/x}{#2}%
         \global\pgfkeysgetvalue{/data point/y}{#3}%
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------



    xlabel = {<assigned by tikz-fortran>},
    ylabel = {<assigned by tikz-fortran>},
    xmin = <assigned by tikz-fortran>,
    xmax = <assigned by tikz-fortran>,
    ymin = <assigned by tikz-fortran>,
    ymax = <assigned by tikz-fortran>,
    legend cell align = left,
    legend pos = <assigned by tikz-fortran>,
    title = {<assigned by tikz-fortran>}]

<plotting assigned by tikz-fortran>





Run fpm run --example or gfortran -o run src/tikz_module.F90 example/example.f90 && ./run to see example


Generating figures from Fortran using tikz






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