Create an Internet-Draft/RFC from markdown with grunt-init, including a web server that does live refreshes of a web page as the source changes.
If you haven't already done so, install grunt-init.
Once grunt-init is installed, place this template in your ~/.grunt-init/
directory. It's recommended that you use git to clone this template into that
directory, as follows:
git clone /~ ~/.grunt-init/rfc
(Windows users, see the documentation for the correct destination directory path)
You'll also need:
xml2rfc v2.4.5 or higher, which I suggest installing with:
pip install xml2rfc
and also:
kramdown-rfc2629, which can be installed with:
gem install kramdown-rfc2629
At the command-line, cd into an empty directory, run this command and follow the prompts.
grunt-init rfc
Note that this template will generate files in the current directory, so be sure to change to a new directory first if you don't want to overwrite existing files.
Answer a couple of questions. Install the pre-requisite libraries:
npm install
Then start the server:
grunt server
Your default web browser will pop up with a skeleton RFC. Edit the draft-*.md file in your favorite text editor. When you save the file... look at your browser window.