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hermanthegerman2 edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the HomeConnectSymcon wiki!

  1. Load HomeConnectSymcon with Module Control.


  2. Provide a new App with menu "Register Application" (Application ID for example: symcon) at

    Fill out the formular:

  3. Register a new I/O Instanz called "HomeConnect" in symcon and fill out the formular:

    • Client ID -> You find it under Details on your registered Application for
    • Client Secret -> see below
    • Redirect URIs -> see below

    click LOGIN

    You will now redirect to the api.home-connect site called Please provide your E-Mail Address you choose in the page and the password. Press Login and you will redirect to your webhook on your symcon server (Redirect URIs).

    That´s all.

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