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Releases: hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk


19 Feb 14:52
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  • Write-only attribute support is in technical preview and offered without compatibility promises until Terraform 1.11 is generally available. (#1375)


  • helper/schema: Fixed bug that allowed write-only attributes within set nested blocks. Any attribute within a set nested block with WriteOnly set to true will now trigger an error message. (#1427)


04 Feb 16:40
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  • Write-only attribute support is in technical preview and offered without compatibility promises until Terraform 1.11 is generally available. (#1375)


  • helper/schema: Added WriteOnly schema behavior for managed resource schemas to indicate a write-only attribute. Write-only attribute values are not saved to the Terraform plan or state artifacts. (#1375)
  • helper/validation: Added PreferWriteOnlyAttribute() validator that warns practitioners when a write-only version of a configured attribute is available. (#1375)
  • schema/resource: Added ValidateRawResourceConfigFuncs field which allows resources to define validation logic during the ValidateResourceTypeConfig RPC. (#1375)


31 Oct 18:35
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  • all: This Go module has been updated to Go 1.22 per the Go support policy. It is recommended to review the Go 1.22 release notes before upgrading. Any consumers building on earlier Go versions may experience errors. (#1373)
  • helper/schema: While this Go module will not receive support for ephemeral resource types, the provider server is updated to handle the new operations, which will be required to prevent errors when updating terraform-plugin-framework or terraform-plugin-mux in the future. (#1390)


17 May 18:39
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  • all: The v2.33.0 release updated this Go module to Go 1.21 per the Go support policy. It is recommended to review the Go 1.21 release notes before upgrading. Any consumers building on earlier Go versions may experience errors (#1318)
  • This release contains support for deferred actions, which is an experimental feature only available in prerelease builds of Terraform 1.9 and later. This functionality is subject to change and is not protected by version compatibility guarantees. (#1335)


  • helper/schema: Added (Provider).ConfigureProvider function for configuring providers that support additional features, such as deferred actions. (#1335)
  • helper/schema: Added (Resource).ResourceBehavior to allow additional control over deferred action behavior during plan modification. (#1335)


23 Feb 15:12
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  • helper/schema: While this Go module will not receive support for provider defined functions, the provider server is updated to handle the new operation, which will be required to prevent errors when updating terraform-plugin-framework or terraform-plugin-mux in the future (#1316)


29 Jan 16:15
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  • helper/schema: While this Go module will not receive support for moving resource state across resource types, the provider server is updated to handle the new operation, which will be required to prevent errors when updating terraform-plugin-framework or terraform-plugin-mux in the future. (#1307)


14 Dec 17:17
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  • helper/schema: While this Go module will not receive support for provider-defined functions, the provider server is updated to handle the new operations, which will be required to prevent errors when updating terraform-plugin-framework or terraform-plugin-mux in the future. (#1288)


09 Nov 11:06
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  • meta: The SDKVersion variable, SDKPrerelease variable, and SDKVersionString() function have been deprecated. Use the Go standard library runtime/debug package build information instead. (#1257)


  • meta: Fixed version in SDKVersion variable and SDKVersionString() function (#1257)
  • helper/schema: Ensured (ResourceData).GetRawConfig() data is populated for Provider.ConfigureFunc and Provider.ConfigureContextFunc (#1270)
  • helper/schema: Ensured (ResourceData).GetOkExists() second result is true when configuration contains zero-value data in Provider.ConfigureFunc and Provider.ConfigureContextFunc (#1270)


06 Sep 16:48
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  • all: This Go module has been updated to Go 1.20 per the Go support policy. It is recommended to review the Go 1.20 release notes before upgrading. Any consumers building on earlier Go versions may experience errors. (#1245)


  • helper/schema: Upgrade to protocol version 5.4, which can significantly reduce memory usage with Terraform 1.6 and later when a configuration includes multiple instances of the same provider (#1234)


  • helper/validation: Added AllDiag and AnyDiag, which are SchemaValidateDiagFunc variants of All and Any (#1155)
  • helper/validation: Added quoting in StringInSlice error diagnostic output to prevent confusion with values that contain spaces (#464)


24 Aug 17:21
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  • helper/schema: The Resource type EnableApplyLegacyTypeSystemErrors and EnablePlanLegacyTypeSystemErrors fields can be enabled to more easily discover resource data consistency errors which Terraform would normally demote to warning logs. Before enabling the flag in a production release for a resource, the resource should be exhaustively acceptance tested as there may be unrecoverable error situations for practitioners. It is recommended to first enable and test in environments where it is easy to clean up resources, potentially outside of Terraform. (#1227)


  • helper/schema: Added Resource type EnableLegacyTypeSystemApplyErrors field, which will prevent Terraform from demoting data consistency errors to warning logs during ApplyResourceChange (Create, Update, and Delete) operations with the resource (#1227)
  • helper/schema: Added Resource type EnableLegacyTypeSystemPlanErrors field, which can be used to prevent Terraform from demoting data consistency errors to warning logs during PlanResourceChange operations with the resource (#1227)