ESP8266 SPO2 and Pulse meter using MAX30102 sensor. The ESP8266 acts as a WiFi Access Point and web page server. SPO2 and heart rate measurements are displayed on a browser and updated every 4 seconds.
- ESP8266 Wemos D1 Mini board
- home-brew MAX30102 breakout board (MAX30102 modules are available on AliExpress)
- Arduino 1.8.12 on Ubuntu 20.04 amdx64
This is a mashup of code from the following projects :
MAX30102 sensor initialization and FIFO readout code from Sparkfun
SPO2 & pulse rate measurement code by Robert Fraczkiewicz from aromring's repository. I tweaked RF's implementation to use 50Hz sample rate.
ESP8266 WiFi Access Point & Webpage server code from Random Nerd tutorials
- Connect to the WiFi Access Point "SPO2-Pulse". There is no password, but you can define one if you like.
- Open the url in your web browser
- A new measurement is displayed every 4 seconds
- If the measurement fails (finger not present, disturbed while reading), the value will display as 0
- If unable to detect the MAX30102 sensor on power-up, the board built-in LED will blink rapidly. Try cycling power to the board.
- In normal operation, the board built-in LED will toggle every 4-second measurement cycle
- You can compile the code in debug mode to check the actual sample rate (required for the SPO2/Pulse algorithm). Or you can display real-time red and ir sensor data on the Arduino Serial Plotter window, to determine an optimal sensor led current setting.