# Follow these steps to convert HTML to PDF - Step 1 - install the pdf creator package using the following command `$ npm i pdf-creator-node --save` > --save flag adds package name to package.json file. - Step 2 - Add required packages and read HTML template ```javascript //Required package var pdf = require("pdf-creator-node"); var fs = require("fs"); // Read HTML Template var html = fs.readFileSync("template.html", "utf8"); ``` - Step 3 - Create your HTML Template ```html Hello world!

User List

``` - Step 4 - Provide format and orientation as per your need > "height": "10.5in", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px > "width": "8in", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px - or - > "format": "Letter", // allowed units: A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid > "orientation": "portrait", // portrait or landscape ```javascript var options = { format: "A3", orientation: "portrait", border: "10mm", header: { height: "45mm", contents: '
Author: Shyam Hajare
' }, footer: { height: "28mm", contents: { first: 'Cover page', 2: 'Second page', // Any page number is working. 1-based index default: '{{page}}/{{pages}}', // fallback value last: 'Last Page' } } }; ``` - Step 5 - Provide HTML, user data and PDF path for output ```javascript var users = [ { name: "Shyam", age: "26", }, { name: "Navjot", age: "26", }, { name: "Vitthal", age: "26", }, ]; var document = { html: html, data: { users: users, }, path: "./output.pdf", type: "", }; // By default a file is created but you could switch between Buffer and Streams by using "buffer" or "stream" respectively. ``` - Step 6 - After setting all parameters, just pass document and options to `pdf.create` method. ```javascript pdf .create(document, options) .then((res) => { console.log(res); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); }); ``` ### If Conditional Checks You can do conditional checks by calling helper block _ifCond_ example ```js {{#ifCond inputData "===" toCheckValue}} ``` ```html Hello world!

User List

``` Can check variables with different type ie _string_, _integer_, _boolean_, _double_ Other logical operators are-: - == ```js {{#ifCond inputData "==" toCheckValue}} ``` - === ```js {{#ifCond inputData "===" toCheckValue}} ``` - != ```js {{#ifCond inputData "!=" toCheckValue}} ``` - !== ```js {{#ifCond inputData "!==" toCheckValue}} ``` - < ```js {{#ifCond inputData "<" toCheckValue}} ``` - <= ```js {{#ifCond inputData "<=" toCheckValue}} ``` - '> ```js {{#ifCond inputData ">" toCheckValue}} ``` - '>= ```js {{#ifCond inputData ">=" toCheckValue}} ``` - && ```js {{#ifCond inputData "&&" toCheckValue}} ``` - || ```js {{#ifCond inputData "||" toCheckValue}} ``` ##NOTE!! You can only match 2 variables ### End ### License pdf-creator-node is [MIT licensed](./LICENSE).