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Dan edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 9 revisions

Lepton is configured by the .leptonrc file in your home directory. For Lepton after v1.9.0, the path of the .leptonrc can be found at the About page(Command/Ctrl + ,).

Template .leptonrc file

    "theme": "light",
    "autoUpdate": false,
    "snippet": {
        "expanded": true,
        "newSnippetPrivate": false,
        "sorting": "updated_at", 
        "sortingReverse": true
    "editor" : {
        "tabSize": 4,
        "validateFilename": true
    "userPanel": {
        "hideProfilePhoto": false
    "logger": {
        "level": "debug"
    "proxy": {
        "enable": false,
        "address": "socks://localhost:1080"
    "notifications": {
        "success": true,
        "failure": true
    "shortcuts": {
        "keyShortcutForSearch": "CMD+F",
        "keyNewGist": "CommandOrControl+N",
        "keyEditGist": "CommandOrControl+E",
        "keySubmitGist": "CommandOrControl+S",
        "keyImmersiveMode": "CommandOrControl+I",
        "keyAboutPage": "CommandOrControl+,",
        "keyDashboard": "CommandOrControl+D",
        "keyEditorExit": "CommandOrControl+Escape",
        "keySyncGists": "CommandOrControl+R"
    "enterprise": {
        "enable": false,
        "host": "github_enterprise_host",
        "token": "token_with_gist_enabled",
        "avatarUrl": "optional_avatar_url"


theme light | dark select light or dark theme
autoUpdate false | true auto-download updates (excludes macOS)
snippet expanded true | false expansion for snippets
newSnippetPrivate false | true privacy for new snippets
sorting updated_at | created_at | description snippets order
sortingReverse true | false reverse the order above
editor tabSize number the tab size in number of spaces
validateFilename true | false validate whether gist filename is safe
userPanel hideProfilePhoto false | true hide the profile photo
logger level info | debug logging level
proxy enable false | true enable proxy
address proxy address your proxy address
notifications success true | false show notifications for successful actions
failure true | false show notifications for failed actions
shortcuts keyShortcutForSearch Shift+Space | other shortcuts shortcut for search
keyNewGist Command/Control+N | other shortcuts shortcut for new gists
keyEditGist Command/Control+E | other shortcuts shortcut for editting gists
keySubmitGist Command/Control+S | other shortcuts shortcut for submitting gists
keyEditorExit Command/Control+Escape | other shortcuts shortcut for existing editor
keyImmersiveMode Command/Control+I | other shortcuts shortcut for immersive mode
keyAboutPage Command/Control+, | other shortcuts shortcut for about page
keyDashboard Command/Control+D | other shortcuts shortcut for dashboard
keySyncGists Command/Control+R | other shortcuts shortcut for syncing
enterprise enable false | true enable GitHub Enterprise
host host address GitHub Enterprise host address
token token token with "gist" scope enabled
avatarUrl URL to an avatar image (optional) URL for an avatar

Questions or issues

Please head to /~ for any issues or feature requests.

Home directory on Windows

The home directory varies on different Windows distributions, but most of the time you can begin with the following path. Find the exact path by Command/Ctrl + ,.


Home directory for Linux snap package

Lepton uses app.getPath('home') to find .leptonrc, but it may point to ~/snap/lepton/current instead of ~. Find the exact path by Command/Ctrl + ,.