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Getting Started

Dennis Gaebel edited this page Apr 25, 2014 · 5 revisions

Tech Pre-requisites


  • Fork this repo.
  • Clone your forked repo to your local machine.
  • cd into the Effeckt.css directory from your locally cloned copy.
  • run npm install -g grunt-cli. to install Grunt.
  • run npm install to install all Grunt dependencies.
  • run grunt to generate all the necessary files.
  • run grunt dev to start watching for file changes & run a local web server on port 9001 http://localhost:9001.
  • (Optional but recommended) Install LiveReload browser extension to Auto-Refresh the browser.

Grunt Tasks

  • grunt default or grunt for short creates the distribution files, demo HTML, CSS and JS.
  • grunt scss compiles Sass and generates CSS.
  • grunt js generates all JavaScript.
  • grunt html assemble all demo HTML.
  • grunt demo copy all CSS, JS and HTML to dist directory.
  • grunt dev runs a local server for Effeckt.css and watches your CSS, JS and HTML files for changes in real time.
  • grunt deploy deploys the dist directory to the gh-pages branch.


  • make sure to add the original repo as remote. git remote add upstream /~
  • make sure it's always up to date. git pull upstream <branch>
  • Creating a new branch. git checkout -b <branch>
  • Do your changes/contributions in that branch.
  • Push your commits to your GitHub Fork and make a Pull Request.

❗ A Note Regarding Pull Requests : Please keep your commits targeted and in a logical fashion in order to keep code review and merges as clean as possible. Generally commits shouldn't be a "save" for authors. Multiple commits sent via a PR can also create chaos when doing something like a git bisect later on. Rebasing commits from a repo where other contributors have acces can cause major conflicts for those tracking the project through a fork.

How to rebase your commits before submitting a PR:

Clone this wiki locally