Auto complete Mutt aliases according to the file ~/.mutt/aliases
This is especially useful for users who are editing Mutt mails via vim.
Put file mutt-aliases.vim
into some place you're most comfortable with.
Add the below line into your ~/.vimrc
source <the-path-to-your-stored-mutt-aliases-vim-file>
It should work out of box, though there's a simple assumption that your
Mutt configuration is located at ~/.muttrc
If you're editting file in Mutt:
From: Lu Guanqun <>
To: foo
Subject: about mutt aliases plugin
And your cursor is just after foo
, hit Ctrl+X Ctrl+U
to get the full
From: Lu Guanqun <>
To: My Foo <>
Subject: about mutt aliases plugin
Of course, I assume you have a record in your alias file:
alias foo My Foo <>
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