Publisher Ads Audits for Lighthouse is a tool to improve ad speed and overall quality through a series of automated audits. At the moment, this is primarily targeted at sites using Google Ad Manager. This tool will aid in resolving discovered problems, providing a tool to be used to evaluate effectiveness of iterative changes while suggesting actionable feedback.
This tool is a plugin for Lighthouse, an open-sourced tool integrated into Chrome dev tools that is widely used by developers.
In order to help us improve please file an issue to let us know of any issues or suggestions you may have.
Publisher Ads Audits for Lighthouse audit results aren't an indication of compliance or non-compliance with any Google Publisher Policies. |
We currently have a web app version of Publisher Ads Audits for Lighthouse. It can be accessed at
Publisher Ads Audits is available as a node package which can be used with the Lighthouse CLI.
mkdir pub-ads-audits-wrapper && cd pub-ads-audits-wrapper && \
npm init -y && \
yarn add -D lighthouse && \
yarn add -D lighthouse-plugin-publisher-ads
From within
yarn lighthouse {url} --plugins=lighthouse-plugin-publisher-ads
See Lighthouse documentation for additional options.
git clone
cd publisher-ads-lighthouse-plugin
node index.js <url>
Available options:
: Open report in Chrome after execution.--full
: Run all Lighthouse categories.- Any other Lighthouse flags.
Some common options are:
to include general web performance audits.--emulated-form-factor=desktop
to run on the desktop version of the site.--extra-headers "{\"Cookie\":\"monster=blue\"}"
to include additional cookies on all requests.
This plugin can be integrated with your existing CI using Lighthouse CI to ensure that ad performance hasn't regressed. Learn More.
# Lint and test all files.
yarn test
- Lighthouse Docs: /~
- DevTools Protocol: