One of the key goals for TensorFlow Federated is to serve as a platform for collaborations and joint development in the open between Google and the OSS community and industry partners.
To follow conversations among developers contributing to the TFF ecosystem, please join our Discord server. All content on the Discord server is open to access by all interested parties.
By default, you can only view, but not post. Posting is restricted to committed contributors. In order to actively participate as a contributor, please email tff-hello at google dot com to introduce yourself and tell us a few words about how you would like to contribute to the TFF ecosystem. The expectation of all contributors is to make regular engineering contributions.
Information about workstreams and participants, as well as any artifacts that emerge during the course of conversations, including notes from meetings, project plans, design proposals, product and development roadmaps jointly developed with partners, and pointers to components maintained by community contributors, will be hosted on or linked from the Discord server. Some of the documents may be shareable by request.
We hope that you will join us and help us develop the TFF platform together.
Looking forward to hearing from you!