If you want documentation, check out the godocs for the project.
- prometheus functions as both the server, which hosts the web-based user interface as well as the hardware controlling mechanisms
- utils is the package that contains all the utility functions used by Prometheus
- gpio contains the specific functions used to execute GPIO.
- structs contains the structs used by Prometheus to store alarms and to unmarshal JSON files
- nixie contains the code used to interact with the Arduino nixie clock. Specifically, the code implemented in prometheus main package sends the current time (using the Go time library) to the Arduino via serial USB.
- public contains all the static assets such as index.html, css, and javascript. The front-end functionality heavily utilizes Vue.js and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in a front-end framework.
Please refer to the wiki.
Please refer to the wiki.
See general user interface page