A project in Statistical Image Processing. Extension of Deep unfolding network for image super-resolution for Blind Super Resolution via Kernel Estimation
In this project we aim to extend USRNet [1] for Blind Super Resolution. We added a step of blind kernel estimation [2] and noise STD estimation [3] algorithm. These additions show SOTA performance in Blind-SR
Written with Eyal Naor - /~https://github.com/eyalnaor
Clone the Repo:
git clone /~https://github.com/geopi1/Improved_USRNet.git
Download the Datasets (a bicubically downscaled version of DIV2K):
The following links will download the data folders:
- DIV2K_HR_ds2 - Ground truth high resolution images
- DIV2K_LR - the low resolution input
To reproduce the results place the DIV2K_LR images in ./input_images
Tested and ran on:
- UBUNTU 18.04
- RTX 2080
- Nvidia driver 440.95.10
- cuda 10.1.243
- cudnn 7.6.5
- pytorch 1.5
- TF 1.14
for additional package information please refer to requirements.txt or env.yml
- Setup conda
This will create a working environment named Blind_USRNet
conda env create -f env.yml
- Setup can also be performed with pip (virtual env) via the requirements.txt file
python -m venv Blind_USRNet pip install -r requirements.txt
- There are several examples provided with the code in ./input_images
- All other images to be tested should be placed in ./input_images
python main.py
This will output 4 types of images to ./results:
- Default USRNet settings
- Default USRNet settings + estimated Noise STD
- Kernel estimated USRNet
- Kernel estimated USRNet + estimated Noise STD
Additionally, for each estimated image a side-by-side image with the LR version is saved with the degredation kernel (default or estimated)
To calculate the numerical results on the whole dataset run:
python utils/get_results.py
This will calculate the mean PSNR and SSIM on the SR<->HR on all the results
Metric | Default | Default + Noise Est. | Kernel Est. | Kernel Est. + Noise Est. |
PSNR | 22.35 dB | 22.30 (-0.05) dB | 26.31 (+3.96) dB | 26.29 (+3.94) dB |
SSIM | 0.756 | 0.755 (-0.001) | 0.797 (+0.041) | 0.797 (+0.041) |
To download the results use the following links:
- USRGAN_results - USRGAN Results
- USRNet_results - USRNet Results
Each will download 800 folders where each folder has the following files:
<im_number>_kernel_x2.mat - the estimated kernel
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_defaultdefualt_noise.png - HR reconstruction with default kernel and default noise levels
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_defaultdefualt_noise_LE.png - side-by-side of (2) and NN interpolation LR image
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_defaultest_noise.png - HR reconstruction with default kernel and estimated noise levels
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_defaultdest_noise_LE.png - side-by-side of (4) and NN interpolation LR image
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_KernelGANdefault_noise.png - HR reconstruction with estimated kernel and default noise levels
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_KernelGANdefault_noise_LE.png - side-by-side of (6) and NN interpolation LR image
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_KernelGANest_noise.png - HR reconstruction with estimated kernel and estimated noise levels
<im_number>_x4_<net_type>_KernelGANest_noise_LE.png - side-by-side of (8) and NN interpolation LR image
psnr_log.txt - psnr & SSIM calculation for each image
On each image we see (top) the default USRNet estimation with the default kernel, (middle) Blind-USRNet with the estimated kernel and (bottom) Ground Truth.
The blur kernel of the LR image is at the top left corner.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
[1] Zhang, Kai, Luc Van Gool, and Radu Timofte. "Deep unfolding network for image super-resolution." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020.
[2] Bell-Kligler, Sefi, Assaf Shocher, and Michal Irani. "Blind super-resolution kernel estimation using an internal-gan." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2019.
[3] Chen G , Zhu F , Heng P A . "An Efficient Statistical Method for Image Noise Level Estimation" 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). IEEE Computer Society, 2015.