A collection of helpers for building games with Pyxel. A framework, if you will.
pipenv install -e git+/~https://github.com/gediminasz/pyxel-extensions.git@v0.0.2#egg=pyxel_extensions
- Redux inspired store for game state
- Scenes
- Hot module reloading
import pyxel
from pyxel_extensions import action
from pyxel_extensions.game import Game
from pyxel_extensions.scene import Scene
class Example(Game):
def get_scenes(self):
return (ExampleScene,)
class ExampleScene(Scene):
def update(self):
if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.KEY_SPACE):
def draw(self):
pyxel.text(10, 10, 'Press <space> to increment:', 7)
pyxel.text(10, 20, str(self.store.state['counter']), 7)
def increment_counter(state):
return {**state, 'counter': state['counter'] + 1}
if __name__ == '__main__':
initial_state={'counter': 0},