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is a sample project for Angular apps following the common patterns and best practices
in file and application organization, providing the following features:
- Ready-to-go build system using angular-cli.
- Managing the type definitions using @types.
- Production and development modes.
- AoT compilation for rapid page loads on production builds (using @ngtools/webpack).
- Lazy loading of modules.
- Uses ngx-config for configuration management.
- Uses ngx-auth for basic JWT-based authentication.
- Uses ngx-translate for i18n support.
- Uses ngx-meta for SEO (title, meta tags, and Open Graph tags for social sharing).
- Uses ngx-i18n-router for localized routes.
- Unit tests with Jasmine and Karma, including code coverage via Istanbul.
- End-to-end tests with Protractor.
- angular-tslint-rules as configuration preset for TSLint and codelyzer.
Built with angular-cli.
You can find the live app here.
# clone the repo
git clone /~
# change directory to repo
cd example-app
# Use npm or yarn to install the dependencies:
npm install
# run tslint
npm run lint
# start the server
ng serve
Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
in your browser.
NOTE: The above setup instructions assume you have added local npm bin folders to your path. If this is not the case you will need to install the angular-cli globally.
If you want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation, please read up on the following contribution guidelines:
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2018 Burak Tasci