Callbag higher-order operator that rescues a failed source. Works on either pullable or listenable sources.
npm install callbag-rescue
After a failed promise, rescue with a new Callbag source:
const forEach = require('callbag-for-each');
const fromPromise = require('callbag-from-promise');
const of = require('callbag-of');
const map = require('callbag-map');
const pipe = require('callbag-pipe');
const rescue = require('callbag-rescue');
fromPromise(Promise.reject({ status: 404 })),
map(res => res.body),
rescue(err => of({ type: 'ERROR', payload: err })),
forEach(n => {
console.log(n); // { type: 'ERROR', payload: { status: 404 } }
After a source Callbag throws an error, rescue it:
const forEach = require('callbag-for-each');
const fromIter = require('callbag-from-iter');
const map = require('callbag-map');
const of = require('callbag-of');
const pipe = require('callbag-pipe');
fromIter([1, 2]),
map(num =>,
rescue(err => of({ type: 'ERROR', payload: err.message })),
forEach(n => {
console.log(n); // { type: 'ERROR', payload: 'Cannot read property "name" of undefined' }