I'm sorry to say this, but core is fully deprecated and will no longer get updates. If you are interested in new version of it, please contact me via telegram https://t.me/foxodever
Better Version of Cvolton's GMDprivateServer
Supported version of Geometry Dash: 1.0 - 2.11 (so any version of Geometry Dash works, as of writing this [February 02, 2020])
Required version of PHP: 5.4+ (tested up to 7.3.11)
Soon this core gonna be deprecated. It will happen when i will create my own core See development: (Soon)
- SMTP server! (Email verifying)
- Password reseting if you forgot it
- Auto giving creator points
- Better timestamps
- Bot attack blocking
- Better cron
- Song uploading by file
- Common password filter
- Temp mail filter
- 3 types of captcha (Classic, hCaptcha, reCaptcha)
- Like bot fixed
- Upload the files on a webserver
- Import database.sql into a MySQL/MariaDB database
- Edit the links in GeometryDash.exe (some are base64 encoded since 2.1, remember that)
- Edit files
Original - /~https://github.com/Cvolton/GMDprivateServer
Base for account settings and the private messaging system by someguy28
Using this for XOR encryption - /~https://github.com/sathoro/php-xor-cipher - (incl/lib/XORCipher.php)
Using this for cloud save encryption - /~https://github.com/defuse/php-encryption - (incl/lib/defuse-crypto.phar)
Jscolor (color picker in packCreate.php) - http://jscolor.com/
Most of the stuff in generateHash.php has been figured out by pavlukivan and Italian APK Downloader, so credits to them