This project provides bindings to ImGui (with docking) and ImPlot to Zig with a Mach backend. This packages also exposes a utility function to make ImGui use a Zig allocator.
- Dear Imgui, and the cimgui bindings used.
- ImPlot, and the cimplot bindings used.
- Mach, with the ImGui mach backend modified from foxnne/zig-imgui.
This project directly exposes the cimgui
and cimplot
C API to the user. By using these it is easier for the wrapper to keep up to date with the latest versions of both ImGui and ImPlot.
const imgui = @import("zig-imgui");
// ...
_ = imgui.igCreateContext(null);
_ = imgui.ImPlot_CreateContext();
// ...
See the project template as an example.
- Requires 0.12.0-dev.3180+83e578a18
Use the Zig package manager to fetch this dependency. Ideally use a specific commit hash, but for illustration we take the main branch:
zig fetch --save=zigimgui /~
Then, in your build.zig
// Get the mach core dependency
const mach_dep = b.dependency("mach", .{
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
// Since we're only using @import("mach").core, we can specify this to avoid
// pulling in unneccessary dependencies.
.core = true,
// Get this dependency
const zig_imgui_dep = b.dependency(
.{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize },
const imgui_module = zig_imgui_dep.module("zig-imgui");
// Need to give the same mach module to the bindings
imgui_module.addImport("mach", mach_dep.module("mach"));
// Add to your app
const app = try mach.CoreApp.init(b, mach_dep.builder, .{
.name = "zfv",
.src = "src/main.zig",
.target = target,
.optimize = optimize,
.mach_mod = mach_dep.module("mach"),
.deps = &.{
// Here is the important line
.{ .name = "zig-imgui", .module = imgui_module },
If you do not want to use the mach backend you can also access the static libraries for ImGui and ImPlot with
const imgui_lib = zig_imgui_dep.artifact("imgui");
const implot_lib = zig_imgui_dep.artifact("implot");
const include_path = zig_imgui_dep.path("src");